Crown of Evil

Chapter 30 Cheers!

Chapter 30 Cheers!

Eugene rubbed his temples in front of a huge map.

This is a map of Legrand Prison. In recent days, he has been participating in the preparations for the security work on the day of the trial, as one of the two fellow guards appointed by MP Andrew.

But that was supposed to be Rocky's job, as the squad leader.

However, Rocky disappeared just a few days ago. Investigators searched the bunker along his trajectory that day, but apart from his mobile phone and a headless corpse, there was only a puddle of green unknown liquid on the ground. .

The result is that Eugene has to complete the early defense instead of Rocky.

The case that is about to be held in prison is a vicious incident that has never been seen in the Federation since its establishment. It also involves the personal feelings of Andrew, and the nature of the whole incident is extremely complicated.

This also means that the trial cannot be carried out according to the normal process.

At least no opening speeches.

The way to Legrand Prison is also quite special, and you must take a special train to get there.

Especially during the ride, Andrew has nowhere to escape no matter what happens, so try to eliminate all dangers as much as possible before entering the train.

Eugene hasn't been home for several days, these days his girlfriend Helen will come to see him almost every day after get off work.

He could sense that Helen was anxious.

Ever since he was almost buried alive in the hospital ruins last time, Helen had great opinions about his work safety, and her emotions were not normal.

Helen fears for his safety and even fears that he will die in the course of his mission.

Eugene knew what the other person was thinking, but there was nothing he could do about it. This was his job, he could only promise and comfort him as much as possible.

The sun outside the window has almost disappeared, and now only a halo can be seen.

Eugene went to the window to get some air, he still had to worry about Rocky now, after all, being missing was no small matter.

Then he saw Rocky sitting on the doorstep drinking heavily.

Eugene wiped his eyes, thinking that he had hallucinations due to several days of high-intensity work.

But the figure didn't disappear, it was the real thing, and the sitting posture became more and more arrogant.

He rushed out in a hurry, almost smashing the button when he pressed the elevator.

When Eugene reached the gate, Lodge opened another can of drink.

Freshly squeezed coconut juice, yes, real people.

Eugene grabbed Rocky's shoulders, but when he turned his face away, Eugene only saw two words - tired.

"Scared me, I thought the enemy was coming." Rocky's voice was also lackluster.

"You you you you, where have you been these few days?" Eugene stammered anxiously.

Rocky patted him on the shoulder in relief. It had been a long time since anyone cared about him like this.

"There is a... well, a demolition project, a big project, I went to the site."

An untenable 'big project' is impossible to dismiss Eugene, he scratched his head frantically: "Do you know what I have been doing these days?"

"Shh." Rocky stretched out his finger to his mouth: "Feel the tranquility."

For the first time in days, Rocky rested, not thinking about what to do next or how to get out of danger.

Seeing this, Eugene also sat down beside him, and snatched the coconut juice from his hand.

"Go in later and look at the defense map."


Rocky's current state is very strange. If he was told that a natural disaster is coming, he might just shout "destroy it" and lie down directly.

An important reason for this state is that Apocalypse and Cicada explained to him what the 'golden apple' is.

Back then, the natural disasters personally went deep into the human world for the purpose of golden apples.

In terms of time, the time of the war to snatch the golden apple and the time when Rocky's parents went to perform the mission are very close, but they are still staggered.

Cicada and Apocalypse tell Lodge that the golden apple is no less important than Apocalypse itself.

All worlds are attached to a concept called 'world tree', and the world tree itself represents the rules and existence of all worlds.

But since it is a tree, it will bear fruit.

The golden apple is the fruit of the world tree and a nascent world.

"As a kid you probably heard stories about burying money in the ground and a money tree will grow in the coming year."

"That's a story, but burying a golden apple in the ground really makes a new world grow."

The tone of Revelation is very light, as if it is talking about an insignificant matter.

"Now it is taken away by natural disasters, which means that the boundary may collapse at any time, and we have to face a new world."

"What's worse, that new world is likely to be on the side of the world."

In the end, the task that Cicada assigned to Rocky was also very straightforward - grab it back.

She gave Rocky a detailed description of the harm that the golden apple might bring, and then talked about the past on her own.

"How could a natural disaster in my era dare to be so arrogant and come to the world? Just break its leg!"

But Rocky doesn't care whether the cicada can break the natural disaster's legs, let alone why the natural disaster must grow legs. He only cares about the mission that the cicada entrusts to him.

"You let me, a theorem with no structural depth at all, go grab what is in the hands of the natural disaster?" Rocky sneered.

"Who do you think highly of?"

Under Rocky's protest, the task of single-handedly fighting against natural disasters was put on hold without limit, because the sky fell and there was a tall supporter, and it was not his turn to worry about the safety of the world.

But now he still knows that the world may be destroyed at any time.

Thinking of this, Rocky took out another bottle of coconut juice from his arms, opened the cap and drank it.

He decided to do the work at hand first.

"I just gave up the whole world and chose to share weal and woe with you. Are you moved?" Rocky looked at Eugene with a very serious tone.

Eugene was taken aback by what he said and didn't know what to say, so he just bumped into him.

Rocky was not polite when he saw this, he raised his head and took a sip.

"Dry up this can of freshly squeezed coconut milk!"

As one of the few people in the Trian Federation who had a good relationship with Rocky, Eugene was the last to know the news of his return.

Because Rocky ran into Andrew who was being discharged from the hospital on the way to the hospital to scold Luo Jun, and learned that his good brother was working day and night instead of him.

How can this be bothered?

So Rocky went home, took a shower, changed his clothes, and went to the club to shoot targets for a while before coming to Eugene.

In addition, on the way, Rocky also received news of the border.

Betty was picked up by the people from the Tower of Babel, but the commander was very angry because the people who came were not easy to get along with.

Before parting, Betty also asked the commander to tell Rocky that he had time to go to the Tower of Babel to watch his game.

Hearing these words, Rocky was at a loss, how could he know what the game was.

All he wanted now was Duke's death.

Because Eugene mentioned in his complaint that Helen often went to the counseling room.

Rocky drank the coconut juice in one go, and Luo Jun told him some investigations about Duke before coming here again.

Duke graduated from a well-known federal university and entered the combat base with excellent interview results.

But the strange thing is that Duke's position at this time is not a psychological counselor, but a combatant.

His squad was badly damaged during a mission, and only two survived, while Duke regained consciousness after being in a coma for nearly two months from his severe injuries.

And the reason for the team's annihilation that time was not because of the mission objective. At that time, there was not even the concept of 'unnaturally awakened'.

The one who kills all members of their squad is the Theorem in the squad.

The team was sent to look at a rift that had appeared in the Commonwealth, but the Theorem didn't know what he saw, resulting in a nervous breakdown and aether out of control.

Since then, Duke was temporarily transferred out of the combat unit, and then served as a psychological counselor because of his good post-war recovery and the post-war psychological rehabilitation knowledge he learned during his recovery.

And the name of another surviving member of that team, Rocky also saw it on Andrew's itinerary plan.

But not the entourage, but the prisoner who is about to be tried - Bahn.

In addition, Rocky also knew a key piece of information: Andrew was at the core of promoting the "theorem joins the combat force" at that time, or he promoted this establishment by himself.

At the same time, Duke is a staunch 'anti-World Parliamentary League'.

All the threads in the smog were pulled out by Luo Jun's investigation, and they were reconnected in Rocky's mind.

'So is this a revenge against Andrew, and the entire Federation? '

Rocky didn't know if this was Duke's real idea, but he could guess that Andrew's trial trip this time might not be easy.

Before parting, Luo Qi specifically told Luo Jun that after Andrew went to Legrand District, all the executive officers who could be mobilized must be transferred to monitor Duke.

And compared to Andrew, Rocky is more worried about Eugene now.

So he also asked Luo Jun to organize Helen to meet Duke as much as possible within his ability, because he had already imagined the worst scenario.

For example, Duke turned Helen into an unnatural awakener.

In the dead of night, Rocky was still standing in front of the defense map and meditating, while Eugene had already been driven home by him to rest and accompany his girlfriend.

"Are you in a daze?"

The sudden sound beside him startled Rocky, he quickly retreated to distance himself from the man, and at the same time the gun in his hand was ready to fire.

The man squatted on the table, looking younger than Rocky.

Seeing the black muzzle of the gun, the boy raised his hands above his head like lightning.

"Forgive me! I'm just a messenger!"

Rocky was dubious about his words, but Cicada came out in time to explain.

"Let it go, he didn't lie to you."

When the danger of life disappeared, the teenager was visibly relieved.

"Your name appeared under the Unnamed Throne, so as a member of the Unnamed King, you will be protected by Carmen."

The international lingua franca spoken by the young man was very standard, but Rocky couldn't understand it.

"At the same time, you also bear the debt of the Unknown King, so you have to pay off the debt after you finish what you are doing now."

After speaking, the boy handed out a thin invitation letter, on which only Rocky's name and a line of words were written.

'Come be the champion! '

When Rocky looked up again, the boy had disappeared, leaving only ripples in the surrounding ether.

"Do you know what this is? Cicada? What about thrones, debts, dependents, and what about Carmen?"

Cicada was silent for a long time, so long that Rocky almost thought she was gone again.

"This is a long story."

 Chapter 2, by the way, ask for some recommendation tickets, Xie Xie ヾ(°°)

(End of this chapter)

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