Crown of Evil

Chapter 32 Butcher Knife

Chapter 32 Butcher Knife
In all the sources I have checked beforehand, there is no mention of Barn as a theoremist.

Tentacles came from all directions, and Rocky threw out his scythe to hook the ground under Bahn's feet, and pulled it hard.

The remains of the broken law sparked on the ground, and the barrel of the gun in his hand was aimed at Bahn's chin in the next second.

Bahn's mouth continued to chatter, saying some incomprehensible syllables.

The bullet roared out, but hit the tentacles that came in time.

The flesh and blood of the tentacles spread out, and the bullet made a blood hole in it, but failed to penetrate.

Immediately afterwards the tentacles began to heal rapidly.

Rocky took the opportunity to slide behind Barn, but followed by gunfire from a group of attackers.

Despite the broken bones, Rocky, who was submerged in bullets, was beaten back again and again.

Then came the blow, hard on his back.

Bahn's arm transformed into a thick tentacle at some point, with densely packed fine teeth inside.

The huge impact injured Rocky's internal organs, he coughed up a mouthful of blood and quickly turned around to attack Bahn's lower limbs.

"Ah, are you trying to cut off my legs?" Bunn's joking voice came again: "Then which one do you want to cut off?"

The etheric fluctuations came, and Bahn's lower body swelled rapidly, smashing his pants and shoes to pieces.

Several thick tentacles replaced his lower body, Bane threw out the tentacles and directly knocked Rocky into the air.

Rocky hit the crowd behind him like a cannonball, and didn't stop until he passed through two carriages.

His eyes darkened for a while.

"Get behind your seat!"

In a blur, Lodge heard Eugene's shouts and the continuous sound of firing.

Rocky shook his head, and the surrounding pictures and sounds became clearer.

"Can the train stop?"

Eugene nodded upon hearing this.

But considering Bahn's combat effectiveness and the firepower of the attackers, even if the train stopped, the two of them would not be able to capture or kill Bahn.

"Go and push the speed of the train to the maximum." Rocky's eyes were full of anger: "I'm going to kill this dog!"

Eugene was stunned by Rocky's 'tactics', but he reacted immediately.

"The end of the train is in the East Sam area. I can let the local combat troops deploy defenses around the stop and evacuate the crowd in advance!"

Rocky nodded, and Eugene immediately rolled into the cab when he saw this.

"Help me." Rocky said to the comfortable driving in his hand.

The sound of mechanical collision sounded, and a drum grenade gun took shape in his hands.

Rocky raised his gun and opened fire without hesitation, and the violent ether explosion directly sent all the attackers flying.

Bahn's huge body tried to pass through the carriage several times, but was pushed back by the explosion.

After several attempts to no avail, the end of Barn's tentacles suddenly bloomed, and a strangely colored eyeball suddenly looked at Rocky.

Immediately afterwards, Rocky stood up from his chair abruptly.

The sickle and grenade gun in his hand turned into knives and forks, and the combat uniform on his body became a dinner suit.

“This used to be my favorite restaurant.”

Bahn sat opposite him, cutting the steak on the plate with a knife and fork casually.

This is certainly not reality, and the battle on the train is not over yet.

Rocky flew directly onto the table and stabbed Bahn in the eye with a knife.

"Tsk tsk, that's not how a table knife is used."

A feeling of falling came, and Rocky fell on the white ground, and a huge blade came oncoming.

He became food on the dinner plate!
Rocky immediately turned over to escape, and the dinner plate was instantly torn apart.

Bahn kept chasing and attacking Rocky on the dining table with a knife and fork, and the originally elegant and delicate table was completely destroyed.

"You don't seem very satisfied with dinner?"

The scene in front of him changed again, and Rocky suddenly appeared in a small team, with the weapon in his hand already loaded.

"Run!" someone yelled.

A gust of hurricane became a life-threatening blade, ruthlessly tearing apart the surrounding team members.

After Rocky rolled over to the bunker, he stepped on a space crack that appeared out of thin air.

Then there is the endless fall.

With a roar, he fell into a room, and the surrounding ruins were still burning with fire.

Bahn stood in front of a corpse, holding a familiar little girl in his arms.

That is Andrew's daughter.

"Do you think you can save everyone?"

"Ask that train attendant to slow down the train? Hahahaha, aren't you letting her die?"

"As long as you put others in danger for your own purposes once, there will be a second time!"

"Who will be next time? The team member who got on the bus with you?"

Bahn's words were extremely harsh, constantly teasing Rocky's nerves.

The surrounding buildings were still collapsing, and Rocky took advantage of the puff of smoke and rushed directly to Bahne.

But Barn disappeared in the blink of an eye, leaving only the little girl in Rocky's arms.

Suddenly a sharp pain came from his chest.

The little girl's hands were covered with blood, and a silver table knife had sunk into Rocky's chest.

"Why don't you protect Dad?"

A violent shock came, pulling Rocky back to reality.

Eugene grabbed his arm, and the two of them were spinning and spinning in the air.

Rocky looked out the window sharply, only seeing the sky.

The train flies.

He immediately hugged Eugene in his arms, and the broken bones quickly unfolded to wrap the two of them.

The train rushed out of the station and rolled continuously on the ground. The huge impact directly broke the train, and the two people who were not fixed were thrown out of the carriage and crashed into a residential house.

Rocky struggled to get up from the gravel, and was about to flip out to check the situation but was held back by Eugene.

"The situation is not right."

Eugene rolled over on the ground, breathing heavily.

"The troops here are not responding to me, and you look outside."

Upon hearing this, Rocky poked his head out cautiously, and looked out from the damaged gap.

People in East Sam flocked to the train from all directions, crowding around Barn who emerged from the wreckage of the train.

The crowd held him high, roaring in triumph.

The sound waves came, and Rocky also saw members of the combat troops mixed in the crowd.

They are welcoming a felon.

At the same time, Elvis, the commander-in-chief far away in the Feile area, is also constantly receiving bad news.

The felon Barn escaped to East Sam.

East Sam fell completely and was occupied by Barn's loyalists.

The walls of the region were raised during the war, and outside troops could not enter.

"Anyone of us in East Sam?"

Elvis looked serious, Bane's influence far exceeded his imagination.

Many in East Sam see Bane as a hero fighting for 'victims of the unnatural awakened' and the victims of the ordained, which, combined with the underground propaganda of his followers during his incarceration, has led to the present situation.

It is undoubtedly worse for the East Sam District, which is already difficult to govern.

Elvis immediately summoned the commanders of all combat units and asked them to lead the team to East Sam, trying to nip the riot in the bud.

An hour later, all combat troops were dispatched to quickly suppress the East Sam area.

And in a large venue in Feller District, Duke was standing on the podium and eloquent.

This is a lecture about everyday mental health.

The venue, which can accommodate thousands of people, was packed to the brim, and many people even stood in the aisle and listened intently.

Duke was pacing back and forth on the podium with a microphone in hand, when he suddenly saw his phone light up on his desk.

is a message.

'Please open the door'

Duke smiled when he saw it, then walked to the front of the podium and looked at everyone.

"Do you know what is the most important thing for a person?"

Everyone in the audience shook their heads, waiting for Duke to reveal the answer.

"It's the soul."

Duke stretched out his hand and pointed at the crowd.

"Only a person who can truly recognize his own soul can become a real 'person'."

His eyes glowed with light, and the pale yellow ether condensed into a gauze, slowly covering everyone.

"Now, let's take a look at your souls."

The false soul essence emerged in the eyes of thousands of people, and the ether in the venue let out bursts of wailing because of the unbearable tearing.

At the same time, the entire Fel region began to shake.

Countless pipes and the ground cracked, and violent etheric turbulence circulated in the air.

Black light seeped out from the crack and shot straight into the sky.

Elvis also saw all this, and an ominous premonition welled up in his heart.

Because on federal land, bad things are sealed up.

That was a long time ago when the boundaries shifted and earthly 'disasters' poured into the world.

This land has also been poisoned, but in the end the disaster was defeated by a group of high-level theoremists.

It's just that the disaster left something on this land when it collapsed, and it has not been found so far.

The plague that pours into the world is called 'filth'.

The sixth natural disaster - the victim of the plague, everything it passes through will be polluted and lifeless.

And the thing left by the filth was what Elvis was most worried about.

That is the common thing between the flesh and the natural disaster.

The source of life that resides in the soul of the victim and contains the power of the world - the immature crown.

This is also the basis for the subject to reach the level of natural disasters. Once mature, it will condense into a 'crown of evil' that spreads endless malice.

The Unripe Crown, like the Crown of Evil, is fundamental to its existence, which means that once the Crown is awakened, the filth will reappear.

Please open the door.

Please open the gates to hell.

 I want to speed up slightly!

(End of this chapter)

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