Crown of Evil

Chapter 33 face to face

Chapter 33 face to face

"The clothes are a bit small."

Rocky tugged at the collar of his shirt.

He and Eugene had already changed out of their combat uniforms and found two sets of civilian clothes nearby.

The headquarters of the combat base had already informed them of the situation, and now the two of them had to hide their identities as much as possible.

The fall of the whole of East Sam and the raising of the wartime wall speaks for one thing.

From now on, the two of them are alone and helpless.

And Bane hadn't forgotten about the two of them.

A large number of fans began to search around the wreckage of the train, especially Rocky, who was called by Duke.

Bahn led the crowd to a cemetery where every tombstone was spotless and obviously cleaned regularly.

He got down on one knee and put his hand on his chest, as did the crowd behind him.

"The trial is about to begin." Bain stared at the tombstone in front of him: "Please bless me and the doctor."

All the team members killed by the runaway theorem were buried in the cemetery.

It's Bahne's revenge, it's Duke's revenge.

Now that a large number of federal main forces have arrived in the East Sam District, the interior of Feller District is empty. As long as Bahn goes there with a group of followers, he will definitely be able to help Duke win it in one fell swoop.

The next step is to arm the personnel, and then directly attack the West Sam District, which is the political center of the Federation.

Bahn led his people aboard an old warship, and planned to go directly to the Feile area by water.

The warship gradually left the port, and Barn stood on the bow and looked into the distance.

Suddenly he noticed a faint voice behind him.

"You really linger."

Rocky ignored him, and stood on a high place looking at the situation in Feller District.

The tentacles struck suddenly, and Rocky turned over to avoid landing on the deck, and looked at Bahn calmly.

"Where did you get those diplomats from the World Parliament?"

This is a probing question, and Rocky didn't expect to get an answer from Barn.

Sure enough, Bahn was taken aback by the question, and then sneered, "Aren't you from the Federation?"

Regardless of whether he really didn't know or pretended not to know, Rocky can be sure that the issue of missing persons is absolutely inseparable from Bahne and Duke.

So Rocky ignored his rhetorical question, but continued to ask questions to see his reaction.

"Are you afraid of the Executive of the World Council?"

This question is somewhat provocative.

Bahn stopped talking, and the tentacles behind him attacked Rocky together.

This reaction basically confirmed Rocky's conjecture.

Duke’s transformation of non-theorists was likely noticed by some diplomats of the World Congress at the time, and based on the keynote that the Federation was preparing to enter the Parliament, it was a general trend to send executive officers to the Federation to assist in the investigation.

Executive officers are all theorists, and their business capabilities and combat effectiveness are much higher than those of the Federation, which will increase the risk of exposure to their plans.

Therefore, Duke killed two birds with one stone and solved the problem of local diplomats. Firstly, it can divert the primary target of the investigation by the Federation and the World Congress, and secondly, it can delay the time to settle in.

As long as it can prevent the executives from coming to the Federation before their plan is implemented, it will be considered a success.

But Duke ignored the attitude of the World Congress itself.

Rocky swung his sickle to cut off the attacking tentacles, and at the same time kept shooting at Bahn.

The battle between the two began again, but this time Baan was without the support of his followers.

All Eugene needed was a man, a gun, and a load of bullets to hold the entrance to the deck.

Sparks flew between the two on deck, and Lodge's once-all-powerful scythe couldn't do much damage to the gigantic tentacles.

So he let the ether of lightning circulate freely in his body.

Overload mode!

Rocky's speed has increased explosively, but the price paid is multiplied fatigue.

Every time he stepped on the ground, there would be a fleeting flash of lightning, and the halo that was left behind continued to confuse Bahn's sight.

Compared with train carriages, the deck is much more spacious.

This also makes Rocky's fighting methods more diverse.

Seeing that the thunder light was about to come in front of him, Bain opened his tentacles again, and that weird eyeball reappeared.

But this time it wasn't Rocky that was staring at it, but the black muzzle of the gun.

The free driving that has also entered the overload mode is already ready to go!
After the roar, the juice splashed everywhere.

Bahn knelt down and howled, the severe pain even made the other tentacles twist and curl up.

Rocky seized the opportunity to directly attack Bahn's body with the sickle, and under the blessing of the bones of the broken law, he directly cut into the opponent's neck, but just as he was about to behead him, Baan grabbed his arm and threw him away. open.

And the germination of the pilgrimage tree quickly took root in Baan's body, and the green vines began to gradually break out of his body.

Bane began to vomit blood from his mouth, and at the same time let out a strange roar.

Blood splashed from his mouth, and all the tentacles began to swell crazily, directly propping up his body high.

Cracks began to appear in the tentacles, and countless pupils emerged from them.

The severe dizziness rushed into Rocky's mind, pulling him into the illusion again.

The anger of being played by Bahn in the environment reappeared, and Rocky began to take a deep breath to adjust his emotions.

He had never faced such an attack before.

There is no sense of reality, no damage to one's own body, and no ether fluctuations, but one will suffer unilateral persecution from the caster.

It's not a passion he's pursuing, and it's not a battle he's willing to accept.

Since you want to fight, then face to face with me honestly!
Nothing is more contemptible than the means by which false, empty fantasies are used to try to defeat the enemy.

In Rocky's soul world, the door of truth that reaches the sky begins to shine, and a flame begins to burn on a stone platform above it.

The sickle began to condense in his hand, a phenomenon that surprised Bahn.

He didn't understand why this phenomenon appeared in his illusion.

The sickle in Rocky's hand is constantly elongated and extended, and it is no longer what it used to be with one hand.

The black light ether continued to extend around the handle, and finally turned into a palm and grabbed the blade of the sickle in the void.

The illusory, black fog-shrouded blade emerges here!
The young man swung the sickle, and everything the blade passed was shattered!
"Forcing the enemy to abide by the rules of your own battle?"

"That's outrageous, my dear brother."

Cicada and Apocalypse watched what happened to Rocky together, and the lights on the door illuminated the dark soul world a bit.

She once told Rocky that when he can integrate the ideas into the scythe, then he will truly take the first step in the world of theorems.

The sickle is Apocalypse's response to Lodge, and a derivative of Apocalypse.

Only by combining his own concept with it can it truly become Rocky's own.

And the lights on the door indicate that his ideas have been approved.

That recognition came from a crowned sage long gone.

Void King - Occam William!

The fantasy dissipated, and Rocky brandished his scythe to attack Bahn.

Get rid of all the redundancy and tediousness, and use the simplest way to open up the road to victory.

Next, Bahn will have to face not only Rocky, who has successfully advanced to the first depth of structure, Proverbs.

He also has to face the scythe that inherited the truth of the Void King
-Occam's razor.

 If you have researched and have opinions on Occam's razor, please do not substitute the content in the book.

(End of this chapter)

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