Crown of Evil

Chapter 34

Chapter 34

Rocky could clearly feel some wonderful changes in his body.

The birds of the sea, the rolling waves, and the angry Baan.

Every action they make affects the surrounding ether, and all small fluctuations can be felt by themselves.

More importantly, his hearing and vision have been qualitatively improved.

The tentacles came whistling, and Rocky turned his head slightly to avoid it.

"Wait a minute, it's a little messy."

He swung the scythe, and the tentacles were cut off directly.

Now Rocky receives too mixed and varied information all the time, and he is still a little unaccustomed to it.

The giant scythe whirled around, dispelling Baan's attacks one by one, or shredding them into pieces.

Now it needs both hands to dance, so Rocky handed the gun to the broken bone.

"Now the three hands hit you, how many tentacles do you have?"

Barn parried Rocky's attack awkwardly, but he could only slow down the opponent's footsteps, and at the same time he had to listen to the opponent's trash talk.

"Please, you are weak."

"Come on! You're about to hit me!"

Although very angry, Bane really had nothing to do.

When he opened those eyeballs that could create illusions again, Rocky just waved his scythe to tear them apart as easily as paper.

The thick skin that was originally hard for the tentacles is now even more useless.

The lightning overload and the broken bones turned Rocky into a swift blade, which mercilessly tore through Bahn's defense.

Black light flickered, and another arm flew into the sky.

So far, all the tentacles and arms on Bahn's body have been cut off!
"Are you teasing me!"

Bahn bit the dagger on his leg with his mouth, and launched a final attack on Rocky.

"of course not."

The scythe in Rocky's hand began to spin: "Torturing you is just to make me feel better."

For that train attendant named Pasha.

The blade intersected with the flesh, and Bane's body was severed from it.

He fell to the ground, eyes full of resentment.

"Where are the diplomats from the World Congress?" Rocky bent down and asked.

"I love their screams."

The light of the knife crossed Bahn's neck in an instant, ending his life.

Rocky turned away and went back below deck to help Eugene.

He didn't need to ask Bahn any more now.

All that's left to do now is go dry crush Duke.

Gunpowder smoke fills the interior of Feile District, with collapsed buildings and burning flames everywhere.

There are also dust demons that appear from nowhere.

There was wailing and death everywhere, and a girl was running with her crying sister.

Her parents were crushed into the ground by a huge piece of rubble just in front of him.

Countless dust demons are rushing towards them.

Why did such a good city suddenly become like this?
The younger sister's crying gradually became hoarse, and the girl's hand tightened again, hoping to give the younger sister a sense of security.

But that was just consolation.

The two were forced to a corner by the dust demon, and they had no way to retreat.

The girl hugged her sister tightly and kept murmuring 'Don't be afraid'.

Don't be afraid, we're going to see Mom and Dad soon.

Suddenly there was a burst of gunfire.

Groups of dust demons were instantly torn apart under the baptism of bullets, leaving only a field of dust.

A quick response team emerges from the dust.

The head captain came to the girl.

"Do not be afraid."

Tears burst out suddenly, and she hugged the captain in front of her and cried loudly.

"Please help us."

The captain nodded, and a group of quick response teams surrounded the two sisters and moved towards a safe place.

"Go to the front with two people to investigate, and come back immediately if you encounter danger, and make sure you are alive!"

They are the only combat force left in the entire Feile area.

The squad is ad hoc, made up of ex-soldiers traumatized in combat.

So did the captain himself.

He still couldn't forget how powerless he was in front of the unnatural awakener who controlled the fire snake.

I can only watch all my teammates die one by one, and finally vent my grievances against myself on the only remaining companions.

The captain raised his gun to guard the surroundings.

He wants to save the civilians in this disaster, and he also wants to save himself.

More importantly, he wants to survive.

Because he still owes that young player named Eugene an apology.

"Is there any manpower that can be mobilized?"

Elvis continued to issue combat orders in the headquarters, and took time to ask his adjutant.

All the combat troops sent to the East Sam area are rushing back, and during this period, it is necessary to ensure that the situation here does not get out of control.

He had to admit that he was set by the enemy.

Use the whole of East Sam as bait to leave Feller defenseless.

Equivalent to this price and situation, he can only think of the Son of Calamity who is sleeping in the Federation.

"Send a team to guard against natural disasters!"

Considering the worst situation, he must ensure that the Federation's big killer is safe.

Even if he is unwilling to use it in the Federation, because the power of the weapon is no less than the damage caused by the Scourge.

Moreover, there are still a large number of civilians in Feile District!


Just as Elvis was thinking, the adjutant beside him pointed at the observation map, his tone trembling.

"Look quickly"

The entire Fele district can be seen on the map.

And at the center of the entire region, a burst of dirty orange light that does not belong to this world is gradually lighting up.

The ground began to tremble violently, and huge cracks appeared one after another.

Immediately afterwards, countless viscous black silt spewed out of it, continuously gathering toward the center.

In the center, there is a pure white ring that is incompatible with the mud

——Unripe Crown!
Elvis' premonition came true!

Not far from where the silt gathered, Duke stood on the street, passing by the fleeing civilians.

He awakened thousands of unnatural awakeners at the same time, and the ether storm created in an instant caused a great stimulus to the unripe crown hidden in the Federation, and then awakened.

There are no people from the World Council and no federal army, which can ensure that Filth can smoothly pass through the fragile period after awakening.

"It's so beautiful."

Looking at the silt gradually forming in front of his eyes, the words in Duke's mouth were like murmurs in his sleep.

And with the radiation of the last natural disaster, the barrier between the Federation and the world has become extremely fragile, and now he is going to carry out the next step of his plan.

Just then a man wailed and grabbed Duke's trousers.

The man's body has been polluted by silt, and his entire body is constantly melting.

"help me"

Duke showed that fake smile again.

"This is redemption."

He turned and walked away, leaving the man consumed by filth.

"Become the nourishment of the Son of Calamity."

Such a picture was staged in various places in the Feile area at the same time.

Tall buildings, cars, people, animals, everything that comes into contact with the silt will be assimilated by it in a very short time.

The young Carmen who delivered the letter to Rocky was standing on the roof of a building at this moment, witnessing this purgatory-like scene.

"When will our people arrive, teacher."

The tone of the young man on the phone was a little helpless.

"Don't say you're on the way, no matter who comes, it's just a jump, so it doesn't take so long."

The voice on the other end of the phone suddenly became irritable, and the boy was so frightened that he almost threw the phone out.

Then he grabbed the phone in his hand and didn't hang up.

How can I say a few words and you are still in a hurry?

At this time, a ray of sunlight suddenly appeared in the sky.

A meteor that came from the sky tore a hole in the dark cloud-covered sky, and directly hit the newly formed Son of Scourge.

The light faded, and the filth let out a horrible hiss. A tall and fat man was stepping on it and pulling out the spear.

"Look at it! Look at it! The support from the high table of the people's parliament has arrived!"

"Just procrastinate! Our people are still on their way after we finish fighting here!"

The boy recognized the tall and fat man who fell from the sky.

That is one of the strongest members of the High Table of the World Parliament.

Framework depth five - Xia Shiyu!

The filth dissipated and deformed in an instant, huge black waves came from all directions, and Xia Shiyu's spear slammed into the ground.

The water below breaks through the ground, the dripping tears fly away, and the surrounding rivers are invited.

Rootless water · thousands of miles of mountains and rivers!

The majestic water flows together, wrapping the filth in an instant!
But soon, wisps of black began to spread from the inside out.

"Tuigui, why is it so troublesome?"

Xia Shiyu was amazed, and quickly retreated with the current.

With a wave of his hand, the water polo burst suddenly, turning into countless water spears in the air and piercing the dirt.

But soon those water spears became part of the filth too.

"What can we do, don't take hard and soft."

He gathered the surrounding water again, condensed into a giant, and retreated quickly after each attack, so as to reduce damage.

But this is just delaying time.

Just as he was having a headache, the hum of an engine quickly approached.

The off-road vehicle stopped behind him, and Elvis got out of the vehicle wearing a capable combat uniform.

"Parliament high table?"

Xia Shiyu nodded, but couldn't speak for a long time.

He is afraid of strangers.

Elvis then asked, "Where's Ethan?"

"Uncle Ethan is sitting in the office now."

Xia Shiyu spoke so fast that Elvis almost didn't hear clearly.

Why does this child's mouth look like a borrowed one?
After the slander, Elvis still felt a little pity.

He thought that this time he could fight side by side with Ethan for a long time.

The two used to be brothers who talked about everything, and comrades who fought side by side, even the structure was exactly the same.

It's just that the two chose different affiliations because of their respective ideals.

"The crown must be smashed to defeat the ghost."

Elvis watched as the huge filth began to warm up.

"Where is the crown?"

Xia Shiyu's words almost choked Elvis to death.

The silly boy, his crown must be in his own body.

The method is simple to say, but very troublesome to implement.

The crown will be constantly circulating in the filthy body, and there is no fixed position at all.

"If you want to find it, blow it up and find it."

The rough tactics once again aroused Xia Shiyu's doubts.

"We don't have anything to explode?"

He looked back at the car when Elvis came, the hardest thing inside was a thermos.

Moreover, ordinary weapons can't do effective damage to the filth at all, and the shells will be assimilated by the silt before they explode.

"Just take advantage of the opportunity and knock off the crown. I'll do the rest."

Elvis stepped forward and snapped his fingers, and the off-road vehicle behind him started running towards him.

The moment it hit him, the off-road vehicle deformed rapidly, and the sound of metal crashing was mixed with the buzzing of ether.

Xia Shiyu saw that countless machines were becoming more and more numerous, and Elvis' figure was also wrapped in them.

A huge steel giant took shape quickly, and there were many stickers of different styles on the shiny dark green armor.

Four thick gun barrels formed under the shoulders and arms, and the sharp mechanical pupils exuded a scarlet light.

Free driving · mech mode!

Elvis is the most powerful artillery here!
The boy in the distance also saw this scene, and he jumped excitedly on the roof.

What boy can say no to mechs?

In the many battles that have occurred with the world, the theorem of the forged gold frame can always play a huge role on the battlefield.

Whether it is firepower, mobility, or transportation capabilities, they are all things that are most needed on the frontal battlefield.

And once this structure reaches depth five, it will usher in a real qualitative change.

Some freely piloted will become battleships, some will become fortresses, and some will choose to evolve into mechs.

The one in front of me is one of the mechas that have made countless achievements on the battlefield.

The young man waved his fist excitedly and shouted in his mouth.

"Fever Titan! Strike!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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