Crown of Evil

Chapter 35

Chapter 35

The cannon barrels on the fanatical titan continued to light up, and the surrounding ether was almost drained in a short period of time.

The four cannons fired at once, the light beams converged in mid-air and then exploded into countless missiles, hitting the enemy like raindrops.

The Son of Calamity was instantly engulfed by the light.

Xia Shiyu was on the sidelines ready to go, and the water flow gathered and rotated at the tip of his spear, waiting for the fatal blow to the unripe crown.

Suddenly a black shadow tore through the dust, striking like a flying arrow.

The Fanatical Titan raised his right arm, and waves of ether appeared, blocking all the attacks.

The dust in the distance rolled again, and a figure walked out of its body.

It's dark and dirty, it's not a person, it's just a doppelgänger made by filthy imitation of human appearance.

Then a spear appeared from the clone's hand.

It swung its long spear, and the black mud began to flow on the tip of the spear, exactly the same as Xia Shiyu in the distance.


Elvis recharged the cannon again, ready to deal with the clone directly.

The Frenzy Titan raised the cannon on his arm, and at the same time as the roar sounded, a ray of light went straight to the clone.

The expected explosion did not happen.

The avatar turned the spear rapidly, and the mud formed an etheric vortex to swallow the shell.

"This thing is mimicking my framing abilities."

Xia Shiyu couldn't be more familiar with this trick.

At the same time, Filth let out a deafening roar, and its huge body began to deform.

The pitch-black mud began to expand continuously, and the originally disordered body gradually became angular.

Then, there was another growl.

But this time is different, the roaring symphony of machinery and legendary creatures combined.

The wings exuding steel luster cover the sky and the sun, and the dark armor scales are connected with sharp claws that easily cut into the ground.

A huge sharp horn stands above a huge mouth full of sharp teeth.

A giant steel dragon constantly spewing hot air stands on the land of the Federation!
Flapping its wings, the powerful hurricane seemed to blow the Federation apart.

Looking at the giant dragon soaring in the air with flames in its mouth, Elvis couldn't help sighing.

"It's a big trouble."

At the same time, a member of a quick response team also saw this scene, but he quickly regained his composure.

There are more important things ahead.

"Put things down and hands up."

The muzzle of the team members was pointing at a slender boy in casual clothes.

He saw the boy among the ruins of a collapsed building.

The opponent's body is too clean.

No wounds, no dust, no fear on his face.

And holding a weird thing in his hand.

It was a withered human hand, the palm clenched into a fist and entwined with strange silver threads.

At gunpoint, the boy didn't show any fear, he threw his withered hands on the ground, and did as the team members asked.

But then, the human hand began to take root and sprout on the ground.

The silver threads grew crazily, turning into silver snakes that burrowed into the ground without hindrance.

The ground under their feet began to wither and crack.

The nutrients belonging to this land are constantly being absorbed by human hands.

The quick response team immediately aimed to knock out the man, but then he couldn't see his gun or his hand.

A sharp black blade protruded from the boy's palm, extending and growing at an extremely fast speed, cutting off the hand of the quick response team member holding the gun in an instant.

"Didn't I do what you said? Why do you still want to shoot?"

He suddenly appeared next to the team members who fell to the ground and wailed, broke down and smiled.

But that smile looked extremely fake, like wearing a mask.

At this time, the human hands rooted on the ground gradually began to glow, and the silver threads wrapped around the fists began to break one by one.

Opening the palm with difficulty, a silver flower bloomed in the palm.

The light at the stamen flickered frequently, and a ray of light shot up into the sky and violently shot into the clouds.

One after another ether ripples scattered in the sky, completely disrupting the dark clouds.

Suddenly, a finger stretched out in the sky.

The huge fingers pushed apart forcefully to the sides, and a huge space crack appeared in the sky.

"Get ready to call the fleet, Ymir, I'm going to do other things."

The boy looked up at the sky, and said calmly into the earphone.

There was a loud noise from the other side of the headset.


Ymir's voice was more tired than before.

The boy hung up the phone, but he didn't do anything. He noticed the unkind eyes from afar.

Looking up, the figure on the tall building in the distance disappeared instantly.

In the next second, he appeared next to the boy again.

Carmen's messenger boy.

The phone in his pocket has not been hung up, and he can even hear the scolding on the other end of the phone.

"Hull! Why don't you speak!"

Hull reached into his trouser pocket awkwardly and pressed the phone.

He looked at the boy who was as old as himself in front of him, with an unprecedented serious attitude.

The excitement when he saw the Zealot Titan appeared before disappeared in an instant after the person in front of him appeared.

The cold feeling like falling into the abyss can be felt even if it is far away.

Hull pointed to the sky: "Did you do it?"

The boy nodded, and then he saw Hull appear not far away in an instant, and kicked the man's hand out of sight.

The crack in the sky gradually narrowed, squeezing the huge palm back.

Hull's feet were wrapped in golden light, and there were cracks on the ground that he trampled on.

What disappeared was not only the human hands, but also the silver threads intertwined underground.

The human hand was directly kicked out of this space together with the silk thread.

The boy frowned helplessly and sighed, the black sharp blade in his palm shot out again, but only hit the afterimage of Hell.

The golden light appeared again, this time beside the boy.

Accompanied by a sudden flash of thunder.

After a loud noise, he flew directly into the ruins beside him, and his powerful kick was no less powerful than a cannonball.

Hull can kick things to other spaces, and naturally he can kick them back.

This is how Lei Guang came.

"What the hell is that hand for?" Hale yelled into the dust.

Although he instinctively felt that it was not a good thing, he was still very curious.

What answered him was a sharp blade that suddenly appeared on the ground.

With a sudden strike that went straight through the sole of his foot, Hull quickly kicked the blade with the other foot, sending it straight to other worlds.

The boy emerged from the smoke, his left arm had been kicked off.

There was another lightning kick in the blink of an eye, but this time Hull missed.

At the moment when the attack was about to hit, a blade stretched out from the young man's body, directly piercing Hel's leg.

Hull quickly distanced himself from the opponent. The opponent's combat experience far exceeded his imagination.

Whether it's restricting one's own feet or restricting one's attacks through the blade.

Just when Hull was thinking about countermeasures, a sudden change occurred.

The boy's broken left arm suddenly began to tear and reorganize, turning into dozens of ferocious poisonous snakes drooping and swaying.

"You can't see me without kicking me, which means you can't do it?"

The other party's tone was extremely calm, but the cold feeling like falling into an abyss was even stronger than before.

Dozens of venomous snakes stretched out instantly, entangled Hull in the blink of an eye.

The fangs with a cold light are exposed!
The other party was right, Hull has many things that cannot be transferred, and living things are one of them.

The dense snake teeth struck, and the crisis of death instantly enveloped the whole body.

At this moment, there was a sound of breaking through the air.

The huge scythe split all the vipers in two, and then cut directly into the ground.

The chain at the tail of the sickle moved, accompanied by an extremely fast approaching figure and several flames.

The grenade directly smashed the boy into the dust again, and the flames of the explosion set off waves of heat.

And the hem of that figure's clothes.

Rocky turned his head, his face full of teasing.

"Yo yo, isn't this a little carrier pigeon?"

(End of this chapter)

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