Crown of Evil

Chapter 36 The Two Ends of the Battlefield

Chapter 36 The Two Ends of the Battlefield

The speed of returning by water was beyond Rocky's imagination, and he could already see the Fele area after the battle.

Even what happened can be vaguely seen
Especially the black flying dragon and the huge mecha that was fighting it.

"What is that! Is it our secret weapon?!"

Rocky pointed one hand at the robot, shaking Eugene excitedly.

I said earlier that there is such a thing!
Can't you think of a way to be a driver?
Eugene struggled out of Rocky's claws, and stared at the Fel area where the gunfire was raging.

"That's the Commander-in-Chief."

"His reputation was pretty big a long time ago."

Eugene is very anxious now, he doesn't know if Helen is safe, he made several phone calls to the other party just after he finished taking care of Bahn's followers, but they didn't answer.

This is also the first time that Rocky has seen Eugene so anxious.

"As soon as you touch the shore, you will go find Helen."

Rocky held him down and let him take a deep breath to calm down.

"Leave the rest to me, but remember, run as soon as you see Duke."

Then Rocky told him the results of the previous investigation.

"The doctor Bahn mentioned earlier refers to Duke."

Seeing that Eugene was still in disbelief, Rocky didn't say anything more, he understood Eugene's reaction, after all, he was a colleague who had worked with him for a long time.

But now that the opponent has been hit in the face, and the two sides are going to slash each other with knives, he must be told about this.

It has to be said that Duke hid his identity very well. If it wasn't for the special ability brought by Cicada, Rocky wouldn't know what he was doing, which directly caused Rocky to have no way to tell others about it casually. .

After Eugene was arranged, Rocky himself began to have a headache. Looking at the chaos in front of him, he didn't know where to start.

Luo Jun suddenly couldn't get in touch, and the communication of the combat headquarters was also disconnected.

Now Rocky's eyes are dark.

After the boat docked, Eugene found a car and went straight to Helen's company.

Rocky felt a headache looking at the two behemoths who were still fighting.

I may have to give it for nothing in the past.

At this moment, a beam of light soared into the sky, tearing a crack in the sky, and a huge palm also appeared.

Rocky made a decisive decision and decided to go to the beam first.

He knew he still had it.

When he came under the light beam, he saw the boy who sent him the letter, and the poisonous snake that bound the boy.

Then there is the superhero debut with the scythe flying in.

"Yo yo, isn't this a little carrier pigeon?"

Hull fell to the ground and tore off the remnant of the poisonous snake.

"Don't call me a senior."

While talking, Hull really counted on his fingers.

"I am a member of the sixth throne, and you are No. 11. You have to call me big brother!"

When Hull looked up, he found that Rocky was staring at him expressionlessly with wide-eyed eyes.

It's more than a head taller.

"It doesn't matter if you don't call."

While the two were talking, the boy had already walked out of the dust, and his broken arm had recovered.

He waved his hand, and a halberd suddenly appeared in his hand.

The air explosion sounded, and the war halberd went straight to Rocky's neck and chopped it off.

Rocky quickly leaned over and swept the scythe sideways.

The teenager's legs were neatly severed from the knees, but they recovered in the next second.

What's weird?
He heard Cicada mention that some structures can speed up recovery, but he has never heard of such an outrageous one.

Next, the sickle and the grenade flew together, but every time a wound was left on the boy's body, the effort of blinking disappeared.

And the weapons in the boy's hands are constantly changing, and the complicated attack methods make Rocky very annoyed.

Hull also seized the gap in the boy's attack every time to attack, but the result was the same.

During the fight, Rocky always felt that the opponent looked at him strangely.

Suddenly, ripples began to ripple in the sky, like tulle blown by the wind.

Huge steel ships poked their heads out of the tulle.

Hull shouted excitedly: "It's Carmen's fleet!"

At this moment, Rocky felt a gaze cast from the ship from a long distance away.

The boy seemed to feel it too.

He smiled and waved to the ship, then looked at Rocky.

"I will find a space where I can be alone next time to meet you."

What are you looking for? !

Before Rocky could ask a question, the boy fell straight to the ground.

Hull walked over cautiously and poked the boy on the head.

no response.

Just when the two were wondering, the ship in the sky had already fought against the flying dragon.

There is also the huge mecha that provides artillery support on the ground.

'I really want to open it too. '

Rocky kept thinking about it in his heart, and the desire in his heart became stronger when he got closer.

The minted gold is one of the oldest Old Testament structures.

After ascending to depth five, the entire structure will separate from the owner and continue to exist in the form of external objects.

Free driving is also named after this.

It can be backward compatible after the complete body is determined, which is why it will become various forms of weapons in Rocky's hands.

There is also a wonderful cooperation between the free driving, and there will be a wonderful resonance between the two if they get along for a long time.

For example, the gun that is constantly flashing in Rocky's hand now.

Just as the idea of ​​"thinking about mecha" became more and more intense, the free pilot that belonged to Ethan in Rocky's hand suddenly began to deform.

The sounds of extension and deformation continued to sound, and Rocky sat on his seat in a daze and looked around.

The dazzling array of consoles, the flashing cursors and crosshairs on the hemispherical screen, and the bursts of humming made him feel like he was in a dream.

"The Lost Angel is in combat mode, please log in as the pilot."

A female voice suddenly sounded, Rocky was a little at a loss, he said tentatively: "Rocky?"

Then he got a response.

"Operation permission has been confirmed."

"Armed modules deployed."

"The driver's ether has been connected."

"Reflective armor is on."

"The wings of light spread."

The silver-white metal cabin floated high into the sky, and the huge metal wings stretched wildly.

Even if there is no sunlight now, Hull on the ground feels that the things in front of him are very dazzling.

The propeller spewed out blue flames, and the strong push back made Rocky couldn't help laughing.

Not a mech, but a fighter is not bad either.

"Lost Angel, attack!"

The cyan tail flames streaked across the sky, heading straight for the main battlefield in the distance.

Eugene on the ground also saw this scene, but he didn't know that it was Rocky sitting there.

Eugene came to the place where Helen worked, which had become a half-collapsed ruin.

He grabbed every survivor and kept questioning him until he found one of Helen's colleagues.

"Helen hasn't come to work for several days because of severe anxiety, don't you know?"

These words made Eugene feel extremely guilty in his heart.

He hadn't taken the initiative to care about Helen for a long time, and he didn't even know that she had a mental illness.

Ever since joining the mechanical bird team, the missions followed one another, making him ignore Helen's feelings.

Eugene rushed back home but still found nothing. According to the members of the quick response team passing by, the residents here have been evacuated to a safe area.

At the same time, the other side also told Eugene a piece of good news: all the family members of the fighters were taken to the air-raid shelter at the combat base.

Eugene rushed to the base non-stop, and it was the first time he felt that the road he had traveled so many times was so long.

But when he arrived at the base, the sight in front of him made his heart sink.

The base was in a mess, with dozens of combatants lying on the ground, dead or alive, and an underground entrance not far from them was covered with bomb craters.

Eugene wanted to step forward to check the situation, but a colleague who fell on the ground grabbed his trousers.

The other party's internal organs were injured, and his speech was broken, but Eugene still understood what he meant.

Someone kidnapped all the family members of the team members and entered the underground setting of the base.

After hearing these words, Eugene no longer hesitated, and walked decisively into the underground entrance.

There was still a smell of gunpowder smoke in the spiraling downward passage, and the lights on both sides of the load were turned off for some reason, so he could only move forward in the dark.

Then Eugene came to the metal gate on the bottom floor.

The door was open, and he leaned against the wall carefully observing the situation inside.

The stench suddenly came from behind, and Eugene immediately turned and shot.

The bullet pierced a strange-looking creature, and the corpse fell to the ground and turned into wisps of dust.

Dust devil.

"Why don't you come in, Team Eugene?"

A familiar voice came from inside the door. Duke stood in the center of the hall, surrounded by family members with terrified expressions.

The sight in front of him made Eugene have to believe what Rocky said before leaving, and now he wanted to turn around and leave.

But he saw Helen in the crowd.

The moment Eugene entered, the door slammed shut.

"what are you doing?"

Eugene's voice trembled slightly.

A spherical machine behind Duke kept flashing light, and arcs of electricity kept hitting it.

"What are you doing? Of course you are doing something bad."

Then he waved his hand, and groups of dust demons appeared in the darkness, approaching Eugene continuously.

"But it will take a while, so I can only ask you to kill some time for me."

The dust demon rushed forward, and Eugene quickly raised his gun to fight back.

But in front of the crowd of silence, Eugene, who was alone, soon fell into a disadvantage.

The gun in his hand was knocked out, and wounds began to appear on his body.

The sharp fangs pierced deeply into Eugene's arm, and a crowd of dust demons surrounded him and began to bite.

"Do you want to save him?"

Duke suddenly looked at Helen.

"As long as you have the power of the Theorem, his danger will be solved."

"You don't have to worry about him being born and dying anymore."

"You will become his most solid support."

"Tell me your answer, Helen."

In Helen's ears, Duke's voice gradually became unreal, with faint echoes.

"Do you want to save him?"

The team was wiped out, shot in the body, and buried under the rubble.

All kinds of dangers that happened to Eugene flashed through Helen's mind, and then she nodded involuntarily.

Suddenly an ancient door appeared before Helen's eyes.

She stepped forward and pushed the door open forcefully.

Inside the door is her and Eugene's home.

Lovers emerge from the kitchen.

Instead of bandages, the apron is wrapped around the body; the spatula is not the weapon in the hand; the oil stains are not blood on the face.

"Why did you come back?"

'Eugene' walked up to Helen, who grabbed her hand when she tried to respond.

The hand was cold, dry, lifeless.

She looked at her lover's face, only to see a bloody face.

"Why did you come back!!"

Helen let out a scream, and the tyrannical and icy etheric fluctuations scattered in an instant.

The cold wind blows away the people around, and also blows away the dust demon on Eugene's body.

He immediately got up and rushed towards Helen, ignoring the biting cold to embrace her in his arms.

"Don't be afraid, I'm fine. I'm fine."

Under Eugene's constant comfort, the etheric fluctuations on Helen's body gradually calmed down, but they didn't disappear.

He knew what it was, it was a danger he had faced many times before.

Unnatural awakener!
And once it becomes like this, the ending is already doomed.

The long-lost anger began to burn in Eugene's mind.

Why hurt her?
Why hurt so many innocent people?
Eugene's eyes were about to split open, blood was oozing from his clenched teeth.

He looked at Duke angrily, but he was gone.

Instead, there is a door to the sky.

Everything in the world is carved into it, and one extends to the boundless darkness high above.

Eugene put his hands against the door, but no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't move.

Is the door rejecting?
Just when he was disheartened, an illusory hand overlapped his palm.

Eugene couldn't be more familiar, this is Helen's hand.

Every time he was frustrated before, Helen would hold his hand and comfort him gently.

'Try again, Eugene, don't lose heart. '

"Then try again!"

A roar came from Eugene's mouth, and he put all his strength against the door.

There was a low grinding sound, and a beam of light came from behind the door.

Eugene stepped into the door and looked at the scene in front of him.

In a sea of ​​golden flowers, stands a strangely shaped shield.

A shield full of mechanical sense is assembled with a big gun that can be put on the arm, and a few petals fall on it and refuse to leave for a long time.

Eugene stepped forward to pick up the shield, and the name born in the sea of ​​flowers also appeared in his mind.

Numerology - through the rainbow iron wall!
The shield emerged in reality, and the rising ether gently suppressed the coldness on Helen's body.

Duke didn't want to believe what was happening in front of him.

The young man in front of him grasped his own numerology when he opened the door.

An indescribable feeling rose in his heart.

That's jealousy.

"I am going to kill you."

The aura on Eugene's body was unprecedentedly violent.

"In the cruelest way!"

The meek youth will guard what is most dear to them by killing.

(End of this chapter)

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