Lux's Farewell

Chapter 1 [0000] Prologue The Magic Awakening of the Forbidden Kingdom

Chapter 1 [0000] Prologue The Magic Awakening of the Forbidden Kingdom

In July in Xiongdu of Demacia, the hot and humid weather arrived as promised.

Even though this magnificent city that lives up to the name of the "Xiong Capital" is on the verge of the Sea of ​​​​Conqueror - the Gulf of Conqueror is to the west, and the high uplifted Dragon's Back Mountains are to the north, warm in winter and cool in summer, but in July, it is still unavoidable It was unbearably hot.

The humid sea breeze greatly increased the air humidity in the capital city of Demacia, and the entire city was shrouded in a hot and humid air, so that everyone was sticky and wet.

Unlike Demacia's political system, the humidity and heat of the sea breeze in July is equal to everyone, regardless of nobles and commoners.

Although nobles can use their own cellars to store ice, civilians can also choose to sleep in the open air "regardless of the weather". In terms of humidity and moisture, everyone's suffering can only be regarded as half a catty.

What's more, in the Xiongdu of Demacia, even poor people with little savings can buy some cold drinks from the ice sellers walking around the streets.

Although most of the ice cubes in these cheap cold drinks come from ponds or rivers that are naturally frozen in winter, eating them is likely to cause diarrhea, but who cares?

What can relieve heat and cool down is good ice-clean and hygienic!

Every morning is the rarest refreshing time in this hot day. When the first ray of sunshine climbed over the majestic city of Demacian Xiongdu, the hardworking Demacians have already got up and started today's work. labor.

Most of the early risers are civilians. They need to seize this rare cool time and set a simple tone for the hard work of the next day.

However, not all nobles will continue to sleep at this time.

For example, in the aristocratic area in the west of the city, in the manor of the Guanwei family, the owner of the bedroom on the top floor with the best location has already woken up.

A small white arm stuck out of the bed, and then grabbed a wind-up mechanical alarm clock by the bed with incomparable precision.

"Jingle bell, jingle bell—click."

The knob was turned, and the bell of the wind-up alarm clock stopped.

The next moment, the energetic little girl opened her eyes. Her azure blue eyes stared at the ceiling with the family crest of the Crown Guard family painted on it, and then yawned long.

Her name is Laxana Crownguard, and she is nine years old. People who know her generally call her Lacus. She is the little princess of the Demacian noble [Crownguard Family]—her father, Peter Crownguard, belongs to this generation. The patriarch of the Crownguard family.

This gorgeously decorated room belongs to Lux's bedroom.

And the gold-plated copper alarm clock that she just turned off was a gift from Pete to Lacus on her birthday last year, and it is said to have come from a place called [Pilterover].

This magical gadget can indicate the time as long as you remember to tighten the clockwork on time every day, and it is extremely accurate. You don’t need to compare the time with the sundial and calendar every day. As an alarm clock, it will sound at a fixed time by tightening the mainspring.

In Demacia, this is an out-and-out novelty!
For this alarm clock, Lacus' elder brother Galen has been coveting it for a long time, and wanted to borrow it several times, and then "take it apart to see the structure inside".

But Lux sternly refused every time, and once Galen insisted, she was not afraid to use the dimensionality reduction blow of "sue parents".

It's not because their sibling relationship is stiff and Lux ​​doesn't want to share it, but because Lux's last birthday present was a wind-up music box, that beautiful, delicate box that can play the first movement of "The Hymn of Valor in G Major" After being borrowed by Galen to "take it apart and have a look", it can no longer be put back.

That time, after realizing that Lux was crying with anger, Galen called his good friend, Demacia's prince Jarvan IV, and the two sat together, scratching their heads and scratching their heads for a long time, exhausting their whole body With all the strength, he barely fought back as it was.

It's a pity that the music box was indeed put back together, but in addition to the music box, the two of them also got three extra gears, two gear shafts, a spring and some small things that they didn't know what they were. stuff.

A music box that lacks these parts will naturally not be able to play wonderful music.

Since then, Lux has refused to give all the delicate things to Galen, and understands why every time Galen celebrates his birthday, the gifts his father gives him are either shields or great swords...

This was the first time Lux had used the alarm clock to wake herself up.

The Crownguard family is the best among the nobles of Demacia. Although they are not known for luxury and extravagance, they still have the necessary housekeepers and servants. Under normal circumstances, there will be servants knocking on the door every morning to remind Lacus to get up Come.

Today was no exception - and the main reason for Lacus to set the alarm clock was that she hoped that she could wake up earlier than her brother.

After all, father and uncle are coming back from the battlefield in the east today, Lax must get up one step earlier than her brother to meet father and uncle!
Lux is the most obedient child, so Lux will first hear the story of the heroic warrior defeating the evil mage, lest Galen spoil herself every time she hears half of the story!
This time, I, Lux, will give Galen a spoiler!
"Get up, get up." Lux muttered unconsciously, and couldn't help rubbing her eyes after letting go of the alarm clock, "Well, it's so bright, why did it dawn so early today..."

"Ah ↑ ah ah——"

The next moment, Lux's screams woke up almost the entire silent Crown Guard Manor.


Hearing Lux's scream, the first to come was Lux's mother, Ms. Augtha Crownguard, who was sleeping next door.

Anxiously kicking the door open, Mrs. Crown Guard, who was holding a candlestick by the hilt of her sword, looked around the room, and then breathed a sigh of relief.

She saw Lacus lying on the bed safe and sound, but buried most of her body in the quilt, and looked under the quilt in a little horror, as if she had seen something extraordinary.

Then, after a moment of astonishment, Augatha had a subtle misunderstanding.

"Take it easy, Lux."

Augesa put down the candlestick in her hand, waved her hand away from the servants and guards who heard the sound, closed the door with her backhand after entering the room, sat on the edge of the bed with a smile, and said in a gentle tone, as if she had seen through everything: "Baby, you have passed your ninth birthday, and it is normal for this to happen."

"Is it really normal?" Lux blinked her eyes in horror, the slightly dilated blue pupils showed the little girl's uneasiness, "You mean, this happened to you when you were nine years old ?”

"Of course I did, but it's not nine years old—it should be a little over ten years old?" Augesa thought for a while, and then smiled and answered, "However, it doesn't matter if the difference is a year or two. , this is a sign of maturity, representing that our Ms. Laxana is already a big girl!"

It's a pity that Augusta's teasing didn't make Lux relax.

"Then when did you end?" Lux still looked very nervous, "It won't be like this all the time, right?"

"Of course it won't always be like this." Augatha began to tell Lux about physical hygiene knowledge, "This kind of thing usually happens once a month, but it may not be very regular at the beginning, so we need to be careful a little……"

"How long will it take?" I heard that once a month, Lux nervously wrapped herself in the quilt, shivering, "I can't see anyone in this state! And today——Dad and Uncle is coming back!"

"Just a little bit of treatment will be fine." Augatha leaned closer to Lacus, reaching out to brush her golden and lustrous long hair, "Don't be nervous, silly boy, as I said, this is a very normal physiological phenomenon. "

"But that's not what the story says!" Lux's voice was already crying, "The story says it's evil, I'm not going to die, am I?"

"Ladies shouldn't use such rude words as 'it's over. It's completely irrelevant... Come, let me see, wrapping it in a quilt won't solve the problem."


The mother's touch and comfort finally made Lux stop trembling, and with Orisa's encouraging smile, she finally lifted the quilt carefully.

However, there was no blood on the bed that Orisa thought there would be.

Then, just when Orisa was wondering, Lux finally had the courage to stretch out her hands forward.

In Lacus Baishengsheng's small hands, a ball of light danced like an elf.

There is no doubt that this is magic.

And this also means that in Demacia, the forbidden demon vanguard of the crown guard family, the only woman in the direct line of the new generation, the little princess of the crown guard family, Laxana, awakened an irresistible desire at the age of nine. magical talent.

This extremely shocking scene made Augsa couldn't help but widen her eyes. Mrs. Crown Guard looked at the light elf in her daughter's hand in astonishment, and her mouth grew uncontrollably.

"Ah ↑ ah ah——"

It can only be said that like a mother, like a daughter—listen, these two even scream at the same rhythm.


The matter of Lux's awakening of magic talent was concealed by Augusta. She told Lux ​​to stay in the quilt and not move, then quickly got up and found her sister-in-law—that is, the sister of Lax's father. Tiana Crownguard.

Professional things should be handed over to professional people.

Tiana's husband was working in the Demon Seeker Legion in Demacia. Among the people Augsa could contact, Tiana was probably the most able to solve this problem.

Compared to the flustered Augsa, Tiana didn't show too much surprise after getting the news. She narrowed her eyes and thought for a moment, then left a sentence of "wait a moment" and hurriedly got up.

Then, when she returned, a short eight-inch staff was handed into Augatha's hands.

"Take it and give it to Lux." Tiana said with relief, "It can absorb Lux's magic, allowing her to live like a normal person without fear—we can use it later as a Hilt, make a sword for Lux so no one will know she's infected."

"what is this?"

Augesa looked at the short stick in her hand in some surprise. She didn't see any difference from this unremarkable short stick. .

"The Illuminati's collection can curb magic, but it won't exhaust the enchanted like the enchanted stone." Tiana rubbed her brows, "Fortunately, its previous owner has passed away. With the qualifications of the Crown Guard family, we can borrow it temporarily. Don't worry, its function has been verified for thousands of years. It is said that when Demacia was established, it was already a "magic weapon of the penitent". With it, Lux can live like a normal person."

"That's really great, thank God!" Augatha rejoiced and got up quickly, "I have to give it to Lacus quickly--Pete will be back soon, I don't know if there is any willingness from the noble meeting this time." Willing to step up efforts against Noxus..."

"Hurry up." Tiana finally showed a smile on her face, "When my brother returns to Xiongdu, what I hope to see the most is Lacus' carefree smile."

Augesa nodded, got up and left in a hurry. In order to deceive others, she also specially brought some women's items.

However, today's defending family is not destined to be peaceful.

When the restless Lacus saw her mother again, she got good news and bad news.

The good news is that being infected with demons is not terrible, as long as you carry this short stick, you will be fine. The short stick has been made into a sword handle, and Lacus only needs to wear this long sword.

The bad news is that his uncle, the ranger general who would tell himself stories about the outside world, always show a mouthful of neat white teeth when he smiles, and was deeply loved by soldiers, was assassinated shamefully on his way home and died of serious injuries.

It is said that Noxian assassins disguised themselves as farmers and cast extremely vicious curses.

Lacus, who got up early, didn't hear the story of justice defeating evil first, but in a panic, she came into contact with death for the first time, and saw evil overpowering justice with her own eyes.

Seeing her uncle lying quietly in the marble coffin, Lacus suddenly felt an indescribable heart-piercing pain for some reason.

Galen, who came after hearing the news, brought his own sword and shouted loudly that he wanted to join the army.

"I want to join the Fearless Pioneer - Demon Seeker is also fine. If you don't agree, I'll go find Uncle Jiawen!"


The news of the Ranger General's assassination quickly spread like a storm in the capital city of Demacia.

There was an endless stream of nobles who came to express their condolences, and the first words that everyone spoke were condolences.

Lux blinked her eyes and pursed her mouth, trying not to look like she would lose face to the Crownguard family—but no matter how hard she tried, crystal tears still rolled down on her little face. A line was formed silently on the Internet.

Then, just as she was crying bitterly, a deep and magnetic voice appeared beside her ears.

"Mage cultivation system is ready, you will become the strongest spellcaster in Runeterra under my guidance—hey, did I come at the wrong time?"

(End of this chapter)

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