Lux's Farewell

Chapter 2 [0001] I am the system

Chapter 2 [0001] I am the system

Someone dared to talk about evil magic at the farewell ceremony of his uncle's body, which made Du Lux frowned in grief. The usually gentle and kind princess defending the princess wiped away her tears, then raised her head Head: "Who's there?"

All those who participated in the farewell ceremony were startled by Lacus's sudden voice, and they all turned their eyes to the little girl with tears on her face.

There is no doubt that Lux's rash behavior is completely rude, and making loud noises at her uncle's funeral is not something a noble lady should do-but no one will blame the little girl for it.

Demacia has been at constant friction with Noxus recently. Even though the two sides did not go to war directly as they did many years ago, many people still died in small-scale conflicts and assassinations in the confrontation between you and me. It's normal for a loved one's child to be a little nervous, and we all know that.

Therefore, seeing Lux like this, most of the guests would only feel pity instead of disgust.

Lux, who couldn't help shouting, immediately realized that although the voice sounded to be next to her, there was no one beside her at this moment!

What exactly is going on?

Lux thought of magic.

But my mother said that as long as I hold this short stick, I will not be disturbed by magic anymore...

Lowering her head slightly, Lax reached out to touch the saber hanging around her waist, and then, the voice became clearer.

"It seems that I really came at the wrong time, little girl, you guessed right, it's me."

Hearing this voice again, Lacus almost threw her saber straight away—however, just when she had this thought, an invisible force seemed to completely control her body, making her whole Everyone froze in place, motionless.

"Demacia's forbidden magic is really troublesome, and the reputation is disgusting as soon as it comes up... Sorry, little girl, I need to temporarily restrain you from moving around so that I can chat with you smoothly-let me introduce myself first, my name is Kara, how about you?"


Lux didn't respond because she couldn't make a sound at all.

"Oh, your name is Lux, uh, Lux of the Crownguard family?"


"It's really a little girl from the Crown Guard family—ah? You ask me how I know what you're thinking? It's very simple, your weak mind has almost no defenses, since you are willing to touch me, I can naturally read your Thoughts, I know it's rude, but unfortunately, this is a necessary communication link."


"How to avoid this situation? As long as you are willing to take the initiative to communicate with me, I am willing to stop this kind of mind reading. After all, I am not good at thinking stealing, and you are not comfortable. The way to actively communicate with me is very simple. As long as you attach a small amount of magic power to me, we can talk!"


"You still don't know how to use magic power? It seems that you have just awakened your spellcasting talent. This is also very simple. I will control you to do it once. Remember this feeling. You will soon. Magic should be rooted in Instinctively, it’s the same as eating and drinking—come, follow my control, feel the magic power flowing in your body, yes, that’s it, do you feel it?”

"I feel...I got it!" Lux experienced this subtle feeling, "Is that so?"

"Very well, quite right, it seems that our Miss Lacus is a real genius."

"I don't want to be a genius in your mouth, now, let me go, you evil stick!"

"Once again, I am not some evil stick. I am Kalya. If I have to say it, it should be the staff of the void, eight inches, twisted flesh material, and the core of the staff of the power of the void. To put it bluntly, if I appear in the Noxus, countless warlords and nobles will spend a lot of money to win my favor, little girl, it is your luck to hold me in your hand!"

"It's no luck! You wicked stick! You're only liked by equally wicked Noxians, scoundrels to the core—"

"Stop, stop, Miss Lacus, if you continue to use these impolite words to describe me, I'm afraid I will give you equal revenge. I think you don't want to sing and dance at a funeral, right? , after all, for a noble lady, that is really too bad..."

The villain's threat was quite effective. Feeling the stiffness of her body, Lacus didn't dare to bet on whether the other party had the ability to control her body and dance at the farewell ceremony of her uncle's body, so she could only snort coldly: "Then you How can you let me go?"

"Why do you hate me so much, Miss Lacus?" Carya asked back in an innocent tone, "I didn't do anything wrong, and even let you cover up your own magic when you couldn't control your magic power. You have become a demon-infested person, but you are swearing at me, I think this kind of revenge should not be in line with the noble virtues of Demacia?"

"...This is different." Kalya shifted the key point of the contradiction without a trace, and it was obviously impossible for a nine-year-old girl like Lax to discern the key point easily. Lax even felt subtle shame for a moment, After all, repaying kindness with revenge is indeed a mistake, but soon, she realized that the other party was confusing right and wrong, "For a Demacian nobleman, it is natural to draw a clear line when facing evil magic tools."

"Ha, it seems that you are sure that I am evil? You obviously don't understand magic, why do you put on such a convincing appearance?" Kalya seemed to be asking back, but in fact it contained obvious formulas Intent, "Why, did magic bring you any painful disaster?"

"My uncle died because of you despicable mages!" Speaking of this question, Lux finally couldn't control her emotions, "Vicious curse... woo woo woo..."

Although her body was stiff and motionless, Lux's tears still wet her golden eyelashes again, and slowly flowed down her face.

In the eyes of other guests, this scene was "Miss Laxana crying like a walking dead". They all subconsciously moved away from Lax, and tacitly gave the little girl who had lost her relatives a little space of her own.

"Is the 'uncle' you're talking about lying in the coffin in front of you?" Carya's tone was a bit puzzled, "To be precise, he's not dead yet."

"Not dead yet?" Lux was stunned, "My uncle is not dead yet?!"

"It is true that he is not dead." Kalya confirmed again, "This curse is a bit level, his soul is being swallowed by the Shadow Realm, although it looks like he is dead, but as long as he goes to the Shadow Realm to retrieve his soul, then He might not be able to survive."

"Then how can we get back Uncle's soul?" Lux responded nervously and expectantly, "Sorry, I've never heard of the Shadow Realm, Karya... Sir, do you know?"

"No longer a villain, but Mr. Karya?"

"……Feel sorry."

"Haha, the magnanimous Karya won't care about your little offense, after all, Demacia's customs are like this-but it is not an easy matter to get back his soul in the Shadow Realm." Karya His tone finally gradually became cheerful, "Of course, this is not a big problem for the omnipotent Karya."

"Mr. Karya, please help me!"

"What's the reason?" Kalya asked back with a slightly puzzled tone, "Tell me, Ms. Lacus of the Crown Guard family, why do I have to help you?"


At this moment, Lux was tongue-tied.

Although she is the little princess of the Crownguard family, Lux does not suffer from princess disease.

Therefore, even if she was facing an "evil magic weapon", she still couldn't say "you should help me".

Kalya clearly felt this.

"It seems that you are also aware of the problem. Our previous relationship should be that you ask for me, not I ask for you, right?"

"Yes." Lacus finally admitted, "Mr. Kalya, I want to know, how can I get you to help me enter the shadow world and get back my uncle's soul—as long as it is not evil, and does not violate the law and morals, I will accept it." I can promise!"

"It's very simple." Carya's tone became cheerful, "Learn magic from me and accept my trials. You will soon be able to enter the Shadow Realm yourself and retrieve your uncle's soul."

Learning magic?

Hearing this unexpected answer, Lux hesitated.

In the education she has received all along, magic represents evil—in the forbidden Demacia, the awakened magic talent is called demonic, and demonic people are exiled outside Demacia according to the law .

Lux can accept using a sword to suppress her magical talent, because this is a kind of "purification", which is to correct evil; but at least for now, she can't accept taking the initiative to learn magic. In her concept, it is degenerate .

"It seems that Miss Lacus is very hesitant and thinks that I have evil intentions." When Lacus was thinking, Kalya's voice rang in her ears again, "But it doesn't matter, as an amiable mentor, I always respect myself Students' opinions, you can think about it slowly..."

However, it was beyond Kalya's expectations, and before he could say the next half sentence, "Unfortunately, your uncle can't last long", Lux already had the answer.

"I agree." The little girl clenched her teeth, her tone extremely firm, "If one day I really fall into darkness, then I will exile myself and leave Demacia forever!"

"Very good, little girl." Kalya seemed very happy, "You see, I am full of trust in you, even if you simply agree with my opinion, I am willing to help - now, continue to participate in this not-dead Let's talk about the funeral of the loved one, and we will talk about it in the evening."

Carya, who got the promise, didn't continue to entangle, but let go of Lacus and let her continue to attend the entire funeral.

And Lux ​​did not choose to yell or simply throw away her saber.

After regaining control of her body, the little princess of the Crown Guard family let out a long breath—the feeling of not being able to control her body just now was too uncomfortable, and she didn't want to have it again.

At this moment, she could only hope that Karya kept her word and did not lie to herself.

If the other party lied, then Lux would rather expose the identity of the demon-infested person and be exiled outside Demacia than destroy this Void Rod!

However, on the other side, Karya also let out a sigh of relief.

Although he seems to be very domineering, seems to have everything under control, and takes over the control of Lux's body at the slightest disagreement, but in fact, his toughness is also pretended.

As a Darkborn who has been sleeping for a long time, Kalya's current state is also very bad.

After a long slumber, he is now extremely weak. If it wasn't for Lux's amazing magical talent and the huge amount of magic power unconsciously provided to him after holding the Void Rod, Kalya might not be able to wake up now.

Moreover, forcibly controlling Lax's body has no meaning other than letting her stay still. He can only control the body and cannot accept sensory signals. Shared senses to "see" what Lux sees and "hear" what Lux hears.

From this point of view, Karya at this time is more like a system that needs Lacus as a host - for Karya, Lacus is a battery with unlimited potential, a vehicle that can move, and a tenacious vitality. Small leeks.

It's miserable to say that other traversers have systems, but poor Carya not only doesn't have one, but has become someone else's system.

That's right, Kalya is a time traveler. He came from a beautiful azure blue planet, but ended up traveling to Runeterra—and it was still Runeterra in ancient times.

How old is it?
Let's put it this way, when Carya crossed, human civilization in Runeterra was still tribal, and the slavery regime was quite advanced. Most people could only hunt and gather during the day, and gather around the fire at night, watching the darkness The beast bared its teeth.

Carya, whose eyes were smeared, suddenly came to this world with extraordinary power and real gods. It can be said that it was quite miserable at first.

The only thing that can be called lucky is that he knows a big sister named Setaka, and this Lady Setaka will build a great empire in the future: Shurima.

Although Kalya was not very good at fighting, he still became an honorable Ascendant by virtue of his great contributions in the establishment of Shurima—the qualification second only to the Ascension Queen.

Well, out-and-out relationship households, civilian ascenders.

Unfortunately, with the outbreak of the Battle of Icacia, the Void came to Runeterra, and after ascending to the military, he died on the battlefield. In the Battle of Monolith, Carya, who was originally only a logistics staff, also participated in the battle at the Monolith Fortress. Although the gap in the void was healed, he was eventually infected by the power of the void and became a darkborn.

At the very beginning, Kalya was able to use his qualifications to suppress other Darkin, barely maintaining the situation in Shurima.

But with the intensification of the void infection and the gradual loss of sanity, Kalya finally chose to seal herself and became a magic wand.

This seal is thousands of years old.

During this period, Kalya woke up intermittently several times, but it is a pity that the few people holding the staff of the void are too weak to support the consumption of a darkborn; and once Kalya chooses to seize the staff holder This body will soon become the body of the Darkin, and then Karya's will will be eroded by the void, and she will lose her mind at the speed of light.

In order to avoid becoming a paranoid lunatic like Aatrox, Kalya, caught in an endless loop, can only be forced to hibernate, waiting for a host who can provide him with magic power.

Now Kalya meets Lux.

Although the little girl is only nine years old, her magic power is enough to support Kalya's basic sobriety. As long as Kalya doesn't make any big moves, the daily maintenance of consciousness will not be too stressful.

And if the butterfly effect is not too outrageous, Demacia should be full of magic stones. As long as Lux learns to use the magic power in the magic stone, Kalya can restart the machine!

Now that he is finally awake in a relatively familiar era, Karya needs to tightly bind Lux, a large-capacity rechargeable battery, an all-terrain adaptable vehicle, and a super-vigorous leek!
Be sure to train her well!
 The new book is on the road, looking for collection, recommendation, and follow-up reading!

(End of this chapter)

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