Lux's Farewell

Chapter 3 [0002] 3 years to cast, 5 years to simulate

Chapter 3 [0002] Three years of casting, five years of simulation

Lacus was carrying out the ceremony at the funeral rigorously, although she was somewhat absent-minded, but those who saw this scene would only think it was a heartache and distraction.

In order to bind this rechargeable battery, Karya is working hard to formulate a teaching plan-while recalling the content of basic magic education, he silently planned a whole set of teaching syllabus for Lacus.

Really, it is said that the time traveler has a system... Why does it mean that "the time traveler has become a system" when you come to me?
Although there is no direct magic power injection, Karya in the standby state has no five senses, but this does not prevent him from thinking.

The first step for Kalya is to lay a solid foundation for Lacus.

At this point, Kalya, who was once the principal of the Royal University of Shurima, has no pressure—light magic talent is indeed rare, but as the first generation of Ascendants, what has Kalya not seen?

Have you heard of Nezuk?
He is the Great Elementalist of Ixtar, the maker of the Monolith, and the ancestor of the current Ixtar Kingdom!

Didn't he also graduate from Carya's command?
Back then, Nezuk's outstanding graduate medal was promulgated by Kalya himself!
Although Kalya himself has almost no talent for casting spells, and everything depends on the accumulation of resources, he can be called the number one resource bar in Shurima, but so what?

With Kalya's abilities, teaching Lacus...isn't it just a pinch?

In just one funeral, Kalya thought of more than twenty books that Lux must read—unfortunately, Lacus couldn't find any of these books.

In Runeterra now, perhaps only Nasus, who is still wandering in the Shurima desert, knows where these books are.

But it doesn't matter if you don't have a book, Kalya can memorize it!

It's hard for ordinary people to imagine how boring an old guy with mediocre talent (or no talent at all) who has lived for thousands of years with meritorious deeds and accumulated resources——Sitaka does not allow ascended people to flirt, Shurima Ascendants are also prohibited from participating in political struggles, so most of the Ascendants' daily life is office work and exercise, and they are rolled into the sky one by one.

But the problem is, Karya can't exercise!
At the beginning, Kalya was the deity who traveled through time. You can't expect Blue Star's ordinary people's physical fitness and combat talent to compare with those of Runeterra!

Can you imagine that after Aatrox became an ascender, he was much stronger than Karya who had ascended for more than 500 years!

In this case, in order to maintain the dignity of his predecessors, and also to enhance Shurima's national power, Kalya chose to develop in the direction of profound knowledge—in layman's terms, it is to become a powerful mouth king with rich theoretical postures.

Anyway, Karya's memory is particularly good after ascension.

Most of the time, Karya just liked to read.

Then read it and memorize it.

Then I found out that the endorsement is not interesting, it is better to record other people's interesting.

In this way, Karya memorized the dark history of each Ascended in detail, such as when they wetted the bed when they were young, when they were weaned, first love and broken love...

Ordinary people don't have the guts to inquire about these messy gossips, but Kalya knows everything about it—and he is in charge of Shurima University.

Setaka is respected.

And Karya can be scary.

If Karya's consciousness was not infected by the void later, and gradually lost his mind, the Darkborn War would not be able to be fought at all-this group of little bastards dared to make troubles, and Karya would dare to spread their black history to everyone.

What, you said, what if there is a dark man who can't think about it and wants to attack Karya?
Ha ha.

Although Kalya is not strong, he is definitely good enough, because Kalya's ascendant posture is like a vulture.

That's right, Kalya can fly, and even if he becomes a Darkborn, he can still fly high and high. Although his fighting power is scumbag, it is impossible for other Darkborn to attack him.

(The eagle living in the desert... is naturally called Sai Peng, after all, the desert is called "Sai" in Shurima - the last Ascendant who said after drinking that the form of the Kalya Ascendant should be called the Sand Sculpture was named Kali Kan, on the second day after this reception, the entire city of Shurima knew that Karikan had a crush on his busty tutor when he was ten years old, and then poor Karikan took the initiative to apply to be stationed in Vazuan In 100 years, all those who knew the news were forced to death before returning to Shurima City.)
(By the way, the informant traitor was named Rhaast, and during those 100 years he took over Kalikan's lucrative job in Shurima, and the official parlance for this is "the meritocracy It has nothing to do with other factors.” Anyway, after that, Sand Sculpture became a forbidden word inside the Ascended, even Aatrox, who had the worst mouth and the hottest temper, dared not say this word.)
All in all, Karya is not a talented player, but he has taught many talented players, and he is full of confidence in teaching Lacus.

The material for laying a solid foundation can be taught by force. While I am speaking, Lux will write it down. After the lecture is over, the notes are also taken. It will not be long before Lux will have an extremely sufficient theoretical foundation.

After laying a solid foundation, the second step should be to exercise.

That's right, not to start casting spells, but to exercise.

Kalya knew very well that at least before Transcendence, the magic power of a spellcaster was almost completely proportional to his physical fitness. A strong physical fitness could increase the upper limit of magic power, and it also allowed the caster to let go of his hands and feet when practicing, so that he would not be able to practice casually. hurt yourself.

Moreover, spells can be regarded as a part of the body for the caster, and those who can control their bodies have unique advantages when casting spells, especially in the adolescent stage.

Therefore, before Lux reaches adulthood, she must keep exercising. She does not need to become a master of swordsmanship, but at least she must have a healthy body.

Although Kalya's martial arts skills are not as good as that of a weapon master, but the king with a strong mouth...

Kalya is familiar with all schools of swordsmanship in Shurima. Teaching Lux swordsmanship can not only reduce her rejection of herself, but also allow her to gain a higher status and more freedom of action in Demacia. It can be said to kill two birds with one stone. .

At the third step, Lux can start using spells. At this stage, the theoretical knowledge memorized by rote and full of magic power will be combined to allow her to quickly cross the threshold of extraordinary. At this stage, placed in the ancient Shurima already has the qualifications to become an Ascended.

Runeterra has not had a clear level division since ancient times. Summoner’s Canyon can be upgraded, but Runeterra cannot—however, generally speaking, the vague levels of mortal, hero, extraordinary, demigod, and god can still be distinguished.

Ordinary people are ordinary people who have not undergone special training and have average talents, and people with average talents and normal training often cannot go beyond this range.

Heroes are exceptionally gifted and transcend ordinary people. They are either gifted or practice makes perfect, but they are still in the stage of understanding and applying skills.

Extraordinary means to get rid of the shackles of the mundane, and to glimpse the truth of the laws of Runeterra, but it is only a glimpse.

As for demigods and gods, that is even more mixed with the factor of belief, so it is not easy to discuss it here.

And Lux's talent and Kalya's teachings allowed her to cross the threshold of transcendence within ten years, which is undoubtedly an astonishing speed.

As for the fourth step...

Kalya intends to use Lacus as the starting point to make arrangements in this era. He will also pass on his thoughts to Lacus so that she can become his agent. Whether it is to clean up those annoying protoss or fight against The void that is about to move needs more and more united strength.

Of course, that will be a long, long time in the future.

For now, what Kalya has to do is to lay the foundation for Lacus—and for a child, the best way to lay the foundation is to carry out a cramming education.

It is good to know why and why, but it is a pity that there are many whys that children cannot understand. In order to give Lacus a solid foundation for casting spells, Kalya decided to start a battle called [Three-year spellcasting, five-year spellcasting] for her. Year simulation] special training!

Hope Miss Lacus learns something!
Just as Kalya initially completed her syllabus planning, the funeral of Uncle Lacus on the other side finally came to an end.

As the guests left, Lux finally grabbed the hilt of her sword again.

"Mr. Karya." Seeing that the coffin was closed, Lacus suddenly realized a serious problem, and said urgently, "You said that uncle's soul was dragged into the Shadow Realm, but what about his body? I His soul has been recovered, but if his body decays, isn’t it also saved?”

"Very well, little girl, you are not completely overwhelmed by grief." Kalya responded with satisfaction, "His body is not injured, but the body will decay quickly after losing the soul. I want to avoid this. One point, you need to prepare an embalming magic circle for him."

"I don't know how?" Lux was a little dazed, she could barely understand what embalming was, but she didn't know what magic circle was. "How should I do it?"

"Do you have the custom of giving some precious things to the owner to be buried with your family?" Kalya had already prepared a plan, "We can prepare a doll or something, as long as it is placed in his arms, at least ten years later His body will never decay."

"It should be possible..." Lacus thought for a while, and gave an affirmative answer, "Uncle is not married yet, and I don't have an aunt, so my brother and I should be able to leave commemorative things in his coffin."

"That's it." Carya's tone was firm, "Prepare overnight tonight, and you can prepare a doll according to my method."

"A doll?" Lux blinked, "I have one in my bedroom, it was given to me by my uncle..."

"Just a little makeover and you're good to go!"


The burial ceremony will be the next day, and Lacus needs to work harder tonight.

For ordinary people, keeping a corpse immortal is not an easy task, but for Kalya, this can be said to be accomplished with ease.

All it takes is a little darkin flesh and blood to keep Lux's uncle alive for ten years.

As for ten years later...

If with Lux's talent, ten years are not enough to grow up to the point where she can enter and leave the Shadow Realm at will, then Karya, as a mentor and system, might as well kill herself!

Back in the bedroom, Lacus immediately found her doll—it was a lifelike Poro, with a tender pink heart on its belly, the doll was made of soft flannel, and filled with dragon and bird feathers, touching it It's soft and warm when you get up, and it's full of elasticity when you hold it in your arms.

It was a gift from her uncle on Lux's fifth birthday. At that time, he promised Lux ​​that when she was 15, he would take her to hug a real dragon and bird.

"If you can master the crown guard's sword skills by then, I will give you a dragon egg."

Looking at the poro doll with its tongue sticking out on the bedside, Lux's eyes turned red again.

Although Karya said that her uncle was not dead, Lux was still very sad. For a nine-year-old girl, ten years is too long.

Pursing her lips, the little girl picked up the doll, and then held her own sword hilt again.

"Is this the doll? Very good, the right size - now, just find a knife or scissors, and scrape some void chitin off the void stick."

"You mean, on your body?" Lux was stunned, "With your body?"

"...Otherwise, is there any material in Demacia that can support the anti-corrosion circle?" Kalya asked calmly, "Hurry up, you'd better finish all this before someone urges you to go to bed."

"But, Mr. Carya, won't it hurt you?" Lacus asked timidly, "It must be very painful if your body is scratched?"

"Your focus is a bit strange, little girl." Carya seemed to be reprimanding, but her tone was a little cheerful, "But don't worry, I won't hurt——If I have to use a metaphor, the void chitin is right To me it's like your hair is to you, a little shaving won't hurt."


Since Kalya seemed unwilling to speak, Lacus politely did not continue to pester her. She quickly jumped out of bed, put on her little slippers, ran away, and soon found a pair of scissors.

Then, following Kalya's guidance, she easily cut off a bit of void chitin.

"Mr. Carya, are you so soft?" Lux looked at the void chitin in her palm, very puzzled, "But I don't feel like this..."

"I can control myself." Kalya was not impatient with Lacus' question, but quickly answered, "Okay, now follow my instructions and sew the void chitin into the doll... "

Naturally, the nine-year-old girl's craftsmanship can't be too demanding. Fortunately, the anti-corrosion magic circle made in this way only needs to play the function of the void chitin itself--before the bedtime came, Lux successfully completed this item of work.

Then, just as she was about to turn off the lights, her mother, Augsa, knocked on the door.

"Lax, are you asleep?"

"Not yet!" Lux subconsciously grabbed the doll she had just sewed, suddenly a little nervous, "What's the matter?"

"Of course I came to see my little princess." Augatha responded with a tired but still gentle voice, "Today... baby has worked hard."

Under Karya's reassurance, Lacus relaxed a little. She let go of the Poro doll, put on her little slippers again, and opened the door of her room.

"Mom." Lux threw herself into her mother's arms, "Mom has worked hard too!"


Feeling the care of her little padded jacket, Augatha's exhaustion seemed to have eased a lot—even for the Crown Mistress who was used to the storm, everything she experienced today was too ups and downs.

First, the youngest daughter was infected with a demon in the morning, and then the bad news came that the family lost an important pillar. After hearing the news, that little bastard Galen clamored to join the army, and even tried to run away from home...

The successive troubles made Augusta exhausted physically and mentally, but even so, she still took time to pay attention to her little daughter and wanted to see how she was doing.

I thought it would take a lot of time to comfort him, but in the end, I was healed by Lux.

"It seems that Tiana's method is really effective." After confirming that Lux's hands were no longer shining, and stroking the soft long golden hair of the caring little padded jacket in her arms, the tired Augatha finally found some comfort. "It's better to be a daughter. It's not like that little bastard Galen who wants to leave without saying goodbye—that is, it's late today, and he's still arguing about joining the army tomorrow. He must be beaten up. Is it time to join the army now!"

Lux obviously didn't know, the smiling mother was already thinking about what to use to beat up her brother tomorrow.

The little girl has also experienced a series of ups and downs today, and she has her own little secret, so she feels a little uneasy.

The mother and daughter hugged each other silently, enjoying this rare peace.

After a while, Lux pulled her little head out of her mother's arms, and then pointed to the Poro doll on the bedside.

"Mom, can I take it to accompany uncle tomorrow?"

Augesa glanced at the doll, then nodded: "Yeah!"

 Ask for collection, ask for recommendation, ask for follow-up reading!

  Because Kalya traveled too early, so the Runeterra where he is located can be regarded as a parallel world - if there is any difference, it is because of the butterfly effect he brought, the designer will make me laugh Don't be afraid!


(End of this chapter)

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