Lux's Farewell

Chapter 102 [0099] Exploded Hex Crystal

Chapter 102 [0099] Exploded Hex Crystal
What keeps Ezreal going is the expedition itself.

What made the explorers stop was Miss Opea's favor.

However, they didn't know that Miss Opia, whom they had in mind, did not "hurry back to Noxus because of family affairs" as rumored - they never imagined that their expedition Rose, wearing a filter, was holding a crystal telescope on a hill not far away, watching the situation of the mine.

She didn't wear the loose clothes that were suitable for expedition work when she was working in the Explorers' Association, but changed into an outfit that was closer to a military uniform.

The loose black coat was draped over her shoulders, and inside was a tailored and slim service officer's uniform—the dark military uniform made her lose her usual lively and innocence, and her whole person was full of serious and ascetic temperament.

Well, in fact, she is not abstinent. This outfit, combined with her charming eyebrows and eyes, can make countless people crazy for her even if she wears a filter and cannot see her face clearly.

"Tamara." After watching for a while, the explorer rose finally put down the binoculars and twisted her slightly stiff neck, "Is everything in the mine ready?"

"It's ready, Miss Kekao." Behind her, a person dressed as a Piltover apprentice replied in a low voice, "Just now, everything is ready."

"War masons are efficient." Miss Kekao put away the binoculars, "But, Tamara, can you please stop calling me by the stupid [Miss Kekao] title, it always reminds me of my That stupid sister..."

Saying this, she winked at Tamara—even though Tamara was also a woman, her heart beat a beat faster after being hit by this wink.

"Okay, Miss Cassiopeia." Tamara wisely changed her words immediately, "I will pay attention."

"Just call me Opia." Cassiopeia nodded with satisfaction, then stood up, stretched her waist long, and stretched her perfect curve to her heart's content, "That trash from the Dulun family , went in too?"

"I went in right away." Tamara's mouth twitched slightly, "Miss Opia, should we wait for them to come out?"

"Wait for them to come out?" Cassiopeia raised her tone slightly, and frowned slightly, as if a little disappointed, "Dear Tamara, you asked this question... It's really not up to par."

Tamara didn't show any expression on the surface, but she felt a chill in her heart—although she didn't look down on the pig from the Durham family, she dared to say that the pig at least really liked this Cassiopeia Miss.

To be able to give up the opportunity to be gilded in the war, to travel thousands of miles to Piltover, to pay a lot of money to join the Explorers' Association, and to hide his identity obediently...

The one from the Du Lun family can be said to have done the best for the one in front of him.

But it is a pity that the true feelings are purely fed to the dog.

The person in front of him used everything so exquisitely that he was unwilling to spare the life of the Du Lun family in the end.

"After all, the Dulun family has only one heir." After hesitating for a moment, Tamara still gave a reminder, "They still have some weight in Besilico..."

"Why, our Miss Tamara, are you worried about your hometown?" Cassiopeia still had a friendly and perfect smile on her face, "Or do you think that without Duron, Besilico would be Not Becilico?"

"I didn't mean that." Tamara lowered her head. "It's just that the war in the east of the empire is still advancing, and the port of Besilico is very important. It's best not to have twists and turns at this time."

"There will be no twists and turns." Cassiopeia waved her hand nonchalantly, "Our General Darius was also from Besilico, and I believe that such a loyal and brave general can be born in a city like the Duren family. , can't cause any storms...Okay, the time for chatting is over, let's light the fire."

Having received the order, Tamara nodded and hurried down the hill—after giving the order to fire to the war mason team under her command, and watching them ignite the powder kegs that had just been arranged in batches, Tamara finally Can't help frowning.

It's not that there is something wrong with the work under her command, but that Cassiopeia's words and attitude just now made her feel uncomfortable.

Tamara is a war mason—according to the laws of Noxus, a war mason is a special intelligence agency, and his confidence will only be disclosed to the intelligence agency directly under the Grand Commander.

And Cassiopeia is not one of them.

However, the youngest daughter of the Du Cockao family can reveal Tamara's hometown with just one mouth...

This is obviously not in line with the rules.

Also very abnormal.

Tamara didn't understand at all why the superior would suddenly activate herself after she finally obtained a reliable identity and lurked in Piltover, and then asked herself to assist Miss Cassiopeia in an explosion in Zaun .

And this explosion actually had to bury the sole heir of the Durham family, the real power in Besilico!

If it wasn't for the superior to personally issue the order...Tamara even felt that this was simply false information!
But all of this happened to be true, and the war stonemason did ask himself to accompany this Miss Kekao to make an explosion in Zaun!
Shaking her head, Tamara stopped thinking about Cassiopeia's problem. After seeing the fuze being ignited with her own eyes, she gave up speculation about the high-level struggle.

There is only one problem before her now - the latent mission is still going on, how can she wash herself out of this matter.

Thinking of this, Tamara shook her head helplessly.

It's really nerve-racking.


With a loud bang, this mine, which had been bustling for a while, finally ushered in the busiest bustle of the day.

The black powder was ignited and detonated, and the violent explosion detonated the Hex crystal placed on the side.

The abandoned mines were completely blown up, and the collapsed mines even changed the terrain, causing the ground to sink for a certain distance.

And shortly after the explosion, the Noxus ambassador came forward and lodged a serious protest to Piltover, protesting that Piltover could not protect the normal safety of Noxus citizens, causing its During the expedition in Zaun, an accident occurred.

Just when the Piltover Council was in a daze, at the meeting that evening, the ambassador threw out a circular letter on the spot.

[A few days ago, it was reported by the ambassador that there was an explosion in the college area of ​​Guicheng. The empire expressed concern about this and offered to provide assistance within its capacity, which was rejected by the parliament. 】

【However, the law enforcement officials in Guicheng acted slack and failed to recover the stolen explosives, so that Mr. Duran, an innocent nobleman in the empire, was deeply trapped in the mine, and his life and death are still unknown. 】

[Considering the poor performance of your council on this matter, and considering the safety of the citizens of the empire trapped in the mine, the empire will take over the rescue site and be responsible for all rescue work. 】

[I would like to inform all the members of the Piltover Council with this letter, and hope that they will be informed, and the handover work will be handled quickly to avoid delaying the timing of rescue. 】

[Noxus Empire Grand Commander Brown Darkwill (signature)]

 Carya's Little Classroom Cassiopeia:
  The youngest daughter of General Du Cocao's family, a typical Noxian nobleman, although she has an appearance that countless men covet, but in fact, her wrists are flexible and cruel.

(End of this chapter)

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