Lux's Farewell

Chapter 101 [0098] The choice of the little yellow hair

Chapter 101 [0098] The choice of the little yellow hair
Ezreal was among the remaining explorers.

In fact, he wanted to leave - the blood on the ground after the big fight between the Shimmer Madman and the Law Enforcement Officer was too exciting for him, and now the little yellow hair is only 15 years old, and he is still a student.

Even if you have just experienced a trip to Kumanggra and found a magical necklace from a ruin, that expedition is actually more like a puzzle game.

But the situation he is facing now is completely different from the previous ones.

blood and death...

It's a bit too heavy for the current Ezreal.

Reason told him that he should turn around and leave now, and go back to Piltover with the rest of the law enforcement officers, and go back to a safe place.

It wasn't the kind of adventure the academy taught.

But there's a good chance it's the kind of adventure his parents went on.

Ezreal hasn't seen his parents for five years. Although his uncle said that they may have encountered misfortune, and the college held a memorial service for them, Ezreal didn't think so.

He prefers to believe that they are all right, but they got stuck for some reason and couldn't come back.

For Ezreal, exploring started out as a hobby, and now it's a way to find his parents.

When solving the puzzle in Kumanggra, Ezreal once wondered, if the expedition is like this, why the parents will be delayed, and they will not be able to return to Perwater - what a difficult puzzle to stop Two people who live in this world are tied for the second smartest.

But now, Ezreal seems to see another side of the adventure.

A more real and cruel side.

Ezreal didn't like this aspect, nor was he used to it.

But he wanted to be close to this side, to know this side.

Even though reason reminded him that he should go back to Piltover at this time, Ezreal still quickly replaced his filter with a filter element, and then walked firmly to the dark mine. Hole.

"I hope this isn't a milkstone mine." A nervous Ezreal whispered in a voice that only he could hear, "It's already below sea level. Considering that there is a dark river underground in Zaun, if it's milkstone The mine, I'm afraid it will be full of slugs..."

Stepping into the mine, Ezreal turned on the exploration light above his head.

"I hope Zari's advertising words are true, and this lamp can last for a week." Little Huangmao continued to talk to himself, "Otherwise, I will sue him for false advertising, and in that case he will pay me fourteen gold seas, or thirteen and a half? I should have left the receipt."

This is the first time Ezreal has entered the mine, and with the help of the light of the adventure light, he looks around the situation.

"It's pitch black, but it's a pity you can't see anything at all... There are a lot of footprints, but it's a mess." Ezreal complained mercilessly to his colleagues, "How did these guys graduate? I don't know how to enter Does the ruins need to pay attention to what's under your feet-oh, wait, this seems to be a mine, not a ruin? That's okay."

Compared with those hurried colleagues, Ezreal, who was looking around, was obviously much slower - a few people who arrived later than him passed by his side, and some of them were a bit fat The guy, with a few followers, lined up in a herringbone in the narrow mine, and when they passed by Ezreal, they directly squeezed him against the wall.

"Exploration still has this kind of ostentation?" Ezreal wanted to say this, but in the end he just sniffed, and then spat on the wall of the mine, "I hope this road will always be wide enough , won’t stick you to the wall!”


After turning two turns, Ezreal suddenly found out in astonishment that the passage in front was actually crowded with people.

Everyone stopped, what's going on?
Curiously, Ezreal turned up the power of the adventure lights, and then looked towards the end of the crowd - there, he saw a crystal clear ice wall.

Ezreal's eyes widened in disbelief.

"Why is there an ice wall here?"

"It's probably some bastard who wants to eat alone." Beside Ezreal, a person whose face could not be seen clearly muttered, "But how was this ice wall made? Magic? Or the legendary True Ice?"

"This is not Zhenbing." Ezreal retorted subconsciously, "Zhenbing is magic ice that will never melt from ancient times, it will frostbite people - it's okay for someone to smash the ice there, but the ice splashes everywhere, that's definitely not the case. Zhenbing."

"You don't need to remind me, kid." It's a pity that the other party didn't show appreciation at all, but showed his fist threateningly, "Are you itchy?"

Ezreal saw that the situation was not good, so he slipped decisively. He squeezed through the crowd, and soon came to the front of the ice wall.

The little yellow hair is lucky.

When he squeezed to the front, the ice wall had already been cut open.

However, no one wants to enter it.

And listening to the comments of the people around, it seems that this is not the first ice wall encountered by the explorers - there are several before, and after almost every side, there are one or two traps.

Although those traps are not so dangerous, no one is willing to be the first bird.

"What are you accommodating?" Ezreal was quite puzzled by the responses of these explorers, "Exploration rules, first come, first served, if no one wants to go, give me the seat!"

Hearing what Ezreal said, a group of explorers squeezed away tacitly, making way for him abruptly. Some even lowered their heads and made a "please" gesture to him.

Ezreal was also not polite, and simply and neatly drilled through the ice wall first.

Seeing that Ezreal really rushed over immediately, the explorers behind couldn't help but look at each other.

They exchanged glances with each other, as if they were asking, "Where did this rookie come from, and he still believes in first-come, first-served?"

In the eyes of these experienced explorers, the biggest problem of this joint action will definitely not be the mine or the ruins themselves, and the Zaun people who stole the excavations are not a problem either-in the eyes of these veterans, The biggest threat is the peers around you.

Miss Opia was not around, so all forms of competition were possible. Most of the people who entered the mine had already prepared for more blood inside the cave than outside the cave.

But in this case, Ezreal was as stupid as a fool, plunged into the depths of the mine, and walked in front of everyone.

Ezreal thought there would be reverent gazes behind him.

But in fact, everyone looked at him as if they were looking at a fool—since he likes to be a demining engineer so much, then work hard, I don’t know where he came from.

 Karya's small classroom, the so-called first-come-first-served:
  There should be half a sentence after this sentence: The winner is the one who laughs last.

(End of this chapter)

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