Lux's Farewell

Chapter 100 [0097] Gather in one hall

Chapter 100 [0097] Gathering together

Van der arrived at just the right time.

The law enforcement officer and the lunatic alchemist got into a mess, but to him, it was dog-eat-dog.

The law enforcement officer and himself are obviously not in the same way, and those beast-like guys, although they seem to be Zaun people, but not all Zaun people are their own people.

More importantly, Wei and the others are still in the mine at this time!
Although he didn't see Silko, nor did he see that Sevica made Vander somewhat nervous, but he still mustered up his strength, roared, and rushed into the mine with the team.

And the brothers behind him also chose to follow without hesitation, just like when Van der led them towards the Sun Gate Dam before.

The result was somewhat beyond Vander's expectations. Neither the law enforcement officer nor the beast-like twilight lunatic had any intention of stopping them. This allowed Vander and his team to easily rush into the mine, even None were injured.

Well, it can't be said that there is no one at all. One unlucky guy was scratched by a stray bullet on his arm, but that was obviously nothing.

After all...they weren't anyone's target.

Although Marcos and the law enforcement officers behind him also wanted to clean up Fandre at first, but at the moment they are more concerned about those beast-like guys.

The low light at this stage is not stable, but these gangsters who used the low light still easily tore apart the team of law enforcement officers. If Marcos hadn't brought enough people and equipped with weapons, I'm afraid it would have been over by now. It's all over.

Naturally, the overwhelmed law enforcement officer will not go back to take care of Van der and his party.

And when the red smoke appeared, these shimmering lunatics simply poured all their killing desires on the law enforcement officer, and they would not talk to Fandre.

In this way, Fandre and his group easily rushed into the mine, together with Benso, Ino and others who came out from the depths of the mine, and Lacus who had fought here, gathered in this At the corner of the mine.

"Wei, Bobo, Mellow and Craig, are you okay!" Fandre finally let out a long breath after seeing the children, "Quick, let's get out of here immediately!"

"That's right, get out of here quickly." Silko also urged, "The late-stage experiment of Shimmer is not over yet, I can't guarantee whether they will be able to maintain their sanity in the future, and leave now while they are here."

Hearing Silko's voice, Fandre was surprised to find that besides Lacus, Ino, the four children and the miners, there were actually a few uninvited guests here!
"Shirko, is this all your fault?" Fandre exhaled through his nostrils, "What kind of tricks are you playing?"

"Let's talk about everything later." Shirko shook his head, ignored Fandre, and got up to leave. "It's a bit unexpected, but it can be made up for—"

"No." Lux took her saber from Ino's hand, stood up and stopped in front of him, "I can't go."

"I've shown my sincerity!" Seeing Lacus come out to stop him, Shirko finally got a little anxious, "Miss Lacus, we can't waste any more time!"

"The tomb robbers from Piltover have arrived." Lux shook her head. "Our only choice now is to enter the depths of the mine, and take advantage of this opportunity to dig to the end!"

"Then we will all be blocked here!" Shirko finally couldn't control his emotions, "After the fighting outside subsides, the Picheng guys will definitely not let it go, and continue to dig them as long as they block the opening. We would have no chance - nothing is more important than the lives of all!"

"Is there no future for Zaun?" Lux narrowed his eyes slightly, "It is preserved here, which is the last bequest left by the Shurima Empire to Oshra Vazun, and it also allows this city to be The only possibility to rise from the ruins, you want us to get out of here and leave it to the explorers of Piltover, is that right?"

At this moment, Xierke was dumbfounded.

Not only Shirko, except for Ino who remained expressionless, everyone else had shock written on their faces.


"Don't you hold the power of magic in your heart?" Lacus looked straight into Hilko's eyes, "You just said that you wanted to kill me, and then tricked Ino into hating the people of Piltover and using the power of magic against Pierre Twolf - now I can tell you, inside is an opportunity for all Zaunites to use magic."


"Now, tell me, Silko." Lux's voice was not loud, and her tone was not high, but every word seemed to be hammered into Silko's heart, "The adventurer of Piltover It's just outside, do you want to leave?"

After saying this, without waiting for Shirko's answer, Lux lightly dropped the red signal stick.

The signal stick fell to the ground and rolled to Shirko's feet.

Silko avoided Lux's gaze, lowered his head, and looked at the signal stick that was no longer emitting red smoke.

The next moment, he gritted his teeth, without saying a word, directly picked up the miner's lamp at the side, turned around, and went straight to the depths of the mine.

Van der let out a foul breath, and simply picked up Sevica who was still unconscious in the corner, and strode behind Silko.

Then Wei and Baobao holding hands.

Merrow and Craig packed up the empty barrels on the ground, and walked deeper together with the miners.

Benso also clamped Mr. Shadow, who was unable to move, under his ribs. After Lacus handed the saber to Ino again, her eyes fixed on the Ionian who seemed to be merging with the darkness.

As for Yinuo, after taking over the saber, she walked in the back of everyone.

Under Karya's guidance, she created ice barriers in many key places, and activated some false forks and traps that were simply prepared before.

A blue bird flew in from outside and landed on Yinuo's shoulder.

As it flapped its wings, a gust of wind blew past, wiping away the last traces of everyone.

The fighting outside stopped shortly after.

Painful groans replaced angry roars, and the gunshots like popping beans finally calmed down, and the adventurers from Piltover arrived here.

The blood on the ground deterred those who made up the numbers, and instead chose to help the injured law enforcement officers, and arrest those weak shimmering lunatics by the way.

And the guy who was full of confidence in himself got into the mine while shouting for fun.

The prologue has just ended, and another group of actors can't wait to get on the stage.

 The initial version of Kalya's Little Classroom Shimmer Potion:
  It is difficult to determine where this thing was born, but what is certain is that its initial application was to boost the spirits of Noxus soldiers in the Ionian War.

(End of this chapter)

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