Lux's Farewell

Chapter 99 [0096] Failed Plan

Chapter 99 [0096] Failed Plan
As Sevica was completely knocked out and lost consciousness, Shirko lost the last card.

Then, facing Wei who was gearing up, and Lux ​​who was already quietly staring at him, he decisively raised his hands,

"You won, Miss Lacus." Silko has always been very good at knowing the times, "I won beautifully and completely, and I lost in a mess-but, compared to using my rotten bones as a sandbag and letting go Wei beat me up, but I think I have a bigger role for you."

"Why, do you want to pray for forgiveness in this way?" Lux narrowed her eyes, "I don't think a guy like you would be afraid of suffering."

"The law enforcement officer is coming soon." Silko spread his hands, "They are not a group of talkative guys, and I have sent someone to tell Vander before, counting the time, he is coming soon... I think, You don't want them to fight outside, do you?"

"So, what exactly are you planning?" Lux frowned, "Attack on me, attract Fandre, and bring a large group of law enforcement officers..."

"I'm just longing for the power of Miss Ino." Silko was very frank at this time, "If Zaun wants to stop Piltover from being so unscrupulous, he must have enough power to make them afraid. As smart as you, you must understand what I mean, right?"

Blinking her eyes, Lacus quickly understood Shirko's plan. Then, she suddenly stepped forward, grabbed his arm, and twisted his neck.

"Be honest." Lux whispered, "Now, tell me, what else do you have prepared?"

"I've been quite honest—"

"Go to hell then!" Lak created a light dagger without hesitation, and slashed at Silko's neck neatly, "Goodbye."

"I prepared Shimmer..."

"Shimmer?" Lux put down the light dagger in her hand, "What is that?"

"A kind of alchemy potion that can greatly improve the various abilities of the human body..."

"Where did you get it? You never told me!" Before Lux could speak, Mr. Shadow, who was thrown in the corner, asked impatiently, "Also, did you supply it to Noxian?"

"I didn't invent Shimmer." Silko shook his head, "But, I know whose product it is—"

"So, do you have any relationship with the Noxus?" Lacus interrupted Shirko's attempt to plead for mercy, "What role did you play in this? Distributor, or broker?"

"You misunderstood me." Silko smacked his lips, showing a misunderstood and very sad look, "I just helped with some experiments, not the kind of high-end products used by the Noxus army, but It is a special improved type."

"So, Shimmer is your reliance on clearing the field?"

"It is a necessary insurance against accidents, although it is not very insurance."

While they were talking, there was a commotion outside the mine, and there were sporadic gunshots—apparently, the people Shirko mentioned who used the shimmer potion had already argued with the law enforcement officer. up.

"Now is the best time to leave." Silko is still fighting hard, "Miss Lacus, if you let me go now, I will take everything-whether it is attacking the law enforcement officer, or any other mess I promise that not even a small stain will be splashed on your body."


"Now I can show my sincerity." Silko took out two signal sticks from his waist, "Light the red one and throw it out, my men will target the law enforcement officer; light the blue one and throw it out , they will go to find trouble with Van der."

"Who knows if you've lied?" Wei stared at the two signal sticks when she heard about Vander, "What if you lied to me?"

"I'm here, so why make yourself unhappy?" Shirko shrugged and handed the signal baton to Lacus, "I hope you can accept my kindness..."

"What if I don't make a choice?"

"When the time comes, Van der will also be unlucky."

After getting this answer, Lux shook her head lightly, and then lit the red one without hesitation.

"Go out and light it." Silko subconsciously reminded, "The smoke will flow backward—"

Lux didn't speak, just smiled.

In her hand, the thick red smoke spread, and was blown out of the mine by a gust of wind.

And as the red smoke came out, there was a howling and roaring sound, and then there were loud gunshots outside the mine.

After a while, Ben Suo and others in the depths of the mine finally realized something was wrong, and rushed out with tools—at the same time, a familiar roar appeared in the direction of the mine entrance.

"You bastards, get out of here!"

And hearing this voice, Wei's eyes lit up: "It's Van der!"


outside the mine.

Seeing the red smoke, several experimenters got their share of twilight, and drank it without hesitation one by one - the person in charge of distributing the medicine quickly retreated, watching these sane people from a safe distance Howling and drooling, the guy who started to collapse rushed into the ranks of law enforcement officials with a beast-like posture.

In Silko's plan, these people are the reserve team responsible for cleaning everything and tidying up the floor.

However, unlike what he told Lux, they wouldn't move without lighting any of the signal rods.

According to Silko's original plan, if everything goes well, and Lacus dies in the mine, and Van der and the law enforcement officer are both injured, then there is no need for the signal baton, and he can push all the problems to Van der afterwards, and then win over Ino , against Piltover.

If Lux is killed, but Vandel doesn't show up, just light the red signal baton, clear out the law enforcement team, and then claim that Lux died at their hands, and the shimmer lunatics avenged Lux.

If Fandre comes, but the law enforcement officer can't stop him; or there is an accident in the mine that fails to kill Lux, then light the blue signal baton, use violence to solve the problem, kill and replace Fendre, and become Collaborator of Lux.

As a result, accidents did occur in the mine, but they were not the ones Silko was prepared to face before, but Mr. Shadow and Sevica, which Lacus easily solved.

In this case, Shirko resolutely confessed.

It was also at this time that Van der brought his old brothers outside the mine.

 Carya's Small Classroom: The Three Caves of the Rabbit:

  It is the right choice to prepare multiple plans and deal with multiple possible situations, but all plans need to be based on the premise of objective facts-Hirko's failure is because the basics of his plan have taken it for granted.

(End of this chapter)

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