Lux's Farewell

Chapter 98 [0095] The situation seems a little wrong

Chapter 98 [0095] The situation seems a little wrong
Looking at the sudden appearance of Lacus and Mr. Shadow in her hand, and thinking of the sudden bright light just now, Silko could no longer remain calm.

"Are you a mage too?!"

"Correct answer." Lux nodded, and threw Mr. Shadow to Vi and Craig's side, "Unfortunately, there is no reward."

"This... this is a misunderstanding." Silko turned around and retreated without hesitation, "Miss Lacus, I don't mean to offend—"

"You just want my life, right?" Lak interrupted Silko without the slightest hesitation, and with a wipe of both hands, she held a bright long sword of light in her hand again, "Now, you may Ten seconds to confess."

Seeing this scene, Sevica bit the bullet and stepped forward.

Although Lux was about the same age as Wei, this time Sevica didn't push her any further. She pulled out her dagger immediately, and took the initiative to put on a defense and cover posture.

Sevika doesn't like Mr. Shadow, who is usually either silent or vigorously speaking, but she must admit that he is a very powerful guy, especially his weird shadow tricks. In this dark mine, It's like a fish in water.

However, just now, Mr. Shadow was easily subdued by Lacus.

Even if she didn't see the battle process, Sevica would not foolishly think that Lacus is not worth mentioning.

What's more, she has to cover Shirko.

Seeing that Sevica was waiting in full force, Lux didn't hesitate at all, and stepped forward directly, slashing out with a sword.

Sevica dodged sideways, and at the same time tried to parry with her dagger—then, as a string of sparks flashed, the sharp end of her dagger became tattered as if it had been bitten by a dog .

However, without the saber in hand, the lightsaber in Lux's hand vibrated as if it was stuck, but fortunately, Lux's control over magic was stable enough, and the lightsaber only twisted a bit, and then As soon as Lux leaned against the wall of the mine, it stabbed Sevica again.

Sevica tried to dodge again.

But the lightsaber, which was originally only three feet long, suddenly became five feet long without any warning.

Sevica had just made an evasive movement when she was hit in the ribs by the lightsaber.

However, unlike Mr. Shadow's one-shot crash, after being hit by the lightsaber, Sevica just let out a muffled grunt. The lightsaber, which can easily damage a short knife, pierced the armor plate under her coat, No penetration was formed.

Although Sevica felt as if she had been punched in the ribs, for such an experienced thug, such a blow had no effect on the combat effectiveness at all!
"Rune steel?" Lux withdrew the lightsaber immediately, and looked at Sevica with surprise on her face, "Why do you have such a thing?"

"Thank you Finn." Silko breathed a sigh of relief, "After meeting you last time, he was frightened by that Miss Ino—even took out the coffin book and bought a few copies from the black market armor."

"And then it fell into your hands?"

"Borrow it and use it, after all, the matter is of great importance." The rune steel armor gave Silko a lot of confidence, "Now, dear Miss Lacus, can we talk again-I am willing to apologize for my recklessness and Stupidity pays its due price, and now you can see that Sevica has rune steel armor, which is the treasure of the Demacians..."

Obviously, the effectiveness of the rune steel armor made Silko a lot easier. Although he still didn't have the confidence to win over Lacus, he believed that with the rune steel armor as a reliance, he could at least talk to Lacus.

After all... two powerful mages are enough to make Mrs. Piltover afraid.

"Miss Lacus, I admit that my choice is indeed somewhat offensive, but it is based on a wrong perception." Silko quickly dismissed his inner panic, "Now, cooperation should be better for us After all, I believe that you must also not like those Picheng people with eyes on the top of their heads."


"I apologize again for my wrong choice, if I can, I am willing to pay any price." Silko took a deep breath, "I foolishly thought that Van der was a wolf who had worn out his minions, but I don’t know that he has already ushered in a new master—for the sake of these rune steel armors, I hope to join your command..."

Silko's unhesitating expression made Lacus blink her eyes. However, Silko's words that regarded the rune steel armor as a reliance made her feel very surprised while being shocked. funny.

Runesteel armor, huh?
Do you really think this will have any effect on yourself?

Ignoring the nagging Sirko, Lacus raised her sword again and stepped forward.

After testing the defensive power of the rune steel armor, Sevica's fighting style instantly became unrestrained. She even gave up part of her defense and chose to use the armor to meet Lux's slashing and slashing. main rhythm.

Lux's offensives failed again and again, all of which were clearly seen by Wei.

"Despicable!" Vi pushed the tightly bound Mister Shadow to Clegg, "Sevica, do you only hide in your turtle shell?"

"Armor is the best defense, and Fandel really didn't teach you that." Sevica was indifferent to Wei's aggressive method, "Look carefully, I will help you make up this lesson today—"

It's a pity that before she could finish her words, a sudden change occurred.

Lux's lightsaber hit Sevica's shoulder again.

Because Lux's attack hadn't broken through the defense of the rune steel armor before, Sevica didn't dodge with all her strength, but just ensured that she wouldn't be cut to the neck, so she resisted the sword with her shoulder.

However, unlike the previous times, this time, when Lux's lightsaber slashed at her shoulder, the magic did not disappear as before, but turned into real energy, directly lighting up Sevica. !
The bright light flowed on Sevica's armor, making her whole body light up—no, it wasn't Sevica that lit up, but the rune steel armor on her body!
The armor that originally protected Sevica has now become a cage that bound her. Under everyone's astonished eyes, Lux swung Sevica's entire body with the lightsaber in her hand like a hammer. up.


After swinging in a big circle, Sevica was slammed against the wall of the mine pit.

With this violent impact, a human-shaped groove appeared on the wall of the mine, and Sevica herself rolled her eyes neatly and passed out on the spot.

 Karya's Little Classroom · Different models of rune steel armor:

  Even the Demacians, who are not very good at trade, cleverly divided the rune steel armor into three, six, and nine grades, and the most basic style was used for foreign trade—because it lacked the blessings of professional craftsmen, which came from the light. Knowing the secret text, so it is easy to be "exploded" by magic.

(End of this chapter)

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