Lux's Farewell

Chapter 97 [0094] Interlaced Light and Shadow

Chapter 97 [0094] Interlaced Light and Shadow

Mr. Shadow was a little uneasy.

In other words, Mr. Shadow has been in a bad mood since Silko insisted on giving up the pursuit of alchemy technology and started planning to master magic.

However, at that time, he was more depressed, depressed that his mission could not be completed smoothly.

But as Silko launched his plan with confidence, Mr. Shadow's depression gradually turned into unfounded worry.

Last night, for the first time, Mr. Shadow did not go to the Liu Ying in the dark alley to vent his anger. Instead, he stayed up all night, trying to use the skills he had learned in the Balance Sect to watch the stars and predict his future destiny.

However, the thick haze of Zaun blurred the sky, and Mr. Shadow finally tried his best, almost blinded, and finally came to some vague conclusions.

It was normal in Zaun, but it made him even more uneasy.

Fortunately... today's operation went well.

Shirko persuaded the stupid law enforcement officer, took the newly defected Sevica, and managed to capture the children before the Picheng people entered the mine.

Even better, next to Mr. Shadow's quest objective, there's no that dangerous mage guard.

After keeping up with Lux and leaving the narrow area, Mr. Shadow finally felt relieved. He let out a long breath, and then he only needs to kill Lux in the dark, and then disguise everything as the law enforcement of Piltover who entered the cave. What the officials do... just do it.

This behavior hurts innocents without a doubt.

But... so what?

Mr. Shadow is no longer an apprentice of the Kinkou Sect, he is now a member of Shadow Stream, who allows this harm for the greater good.

Mr. Shadow, lurking in the shadows, has been quietly observing Lacus, watching her leave in a panic, watching her leaning against the cold wall with a look of lingering fear—at the same time, a Shadow Blade It gradually took shape in the hands of Mr. Shadow.

"It's okay." Mr. Shadow held the Shadow Blade with his right hand, put the index finger and middle finger of his left hand together, brushed the sharpness of the Shadow Blade, and comforted him in a low voice that only he could hear, "Soon, I promise, no any pain."

The next moment, Mr. Shadow stretched out the Shadow Blade and headed straight for Lux's temple.

This is the fastest, most effective, and painless way to kill. When the sharp shadow blade reaches the target's temple, the power of shadow will destroy the opponent's brain along the way, and the opponent will lose consciousness in just a moment.

Letting Lux die without knowing it is Mr. Shadow's last mercy.

However... the development of things has exceeded Mr. Shadow's expectations.

Just as the Shadow Blade passed through the darkness silently and arrived in front of Lux, Mr. Shadow's face suddenly lit up.

The sudden strong light caught Mr. Shadow by surprise, but he maintained his impact posture very well. Although his body wanted to dodge subconsciously, the Shadow Blade in his hand was still inserted straight into Lux's temple.

Then, Mr. Shadow, who had adapted to the light, was shocked to find that his shadow blade was held by a lightsaber, and he was not allowed to advance half a foot in front of Lux.


Realizing that something was wrong, Mr. Shadow retreated—he tried to hide in the darkness, waiting for an opportunity to fight again.

But the lightsaber in Lux's hand moved with the shadow, always following Mr. Shadow's side.

With just one move, the situation was reversed in two levels, and Mr. Shadow fell into an absolute disadvantage.

Just now, with the heart of grace and relief, Mr. Shadow attacked Lacus at full speed, but now he was attacked by a sudden counterattack, and he could only retreat in embarrassment.

But Lux, who had been prepared for a long time, pretended to be tired and scared, panting like a helpless prey, but in fact she was secretly accumulating strength and mobilizing magic power. Once Mister Shadow retreated, she followed like an arrow leaving the string , pointing at the vital point of Mr. Shadow!

Mr. Shadow broke out in a cold sweat from the fright.

The lightsaber in Lux's hand can be said to look panicky and aboveboard-but when she actually does it, her moves are surprisingly fierce, which is completely inconsistent with her image!
The lightsaber turned into a trail of light in the darkness, and easily swept across many vital points on Mr. Shadow's body, forcing him to finally summon a shadow clone and exchange positions with the clone, which was unavoidable. After the follow-up pursuit.

After attacking and defending, Mr. Shadow realized that something was wrong—not to mention that the shadow tattoo made his chest ache, but Lux's performance just now was enough to make him fall into an ice cave.

This little girl named she a monster?
It's okay to react quickly and strike hard.

To make matters worse, this little girl was still using light magic - in the collision between the lightsaber and the shadow blade just now, Mr. Shadow's shadow blade melted like ice and snow.

This is not only the restraint of attributes, but also means that Lux is completely ahead of him in controlling magic.

Seeing that she is only fifteen or sixteen years old at most, how can a little girl of this age have such amazing control over magic and such frenzied swordsmanship?

Even if it is Shen, even Jie, at this age, they are just apprentices who have just glimpsed the way!

Realizing this, Mr. Shadow felt a chill in his heart. He had already realized that it was absolutely impossible for him to complete this task.

Shirko messed with a guy he couldn't afford!
Therefore, Mr. Shadow turned to the direction of the exit without hesitation, and under the cover of darkness, he rushed out directly.

Harsh words?

No such thing!

As long as you leave the mine, everything will be fine.

As for Shirko...

The trouble you caused yourself, you deal with it yourself!

Mr. Shadow's speed was extremely fast, he came to the turning point almost in the blink of an eye, and then he only needed to walk more than a hundred meters, and he would be able to reach the outside of the mine smoothly!

Naturally, Lux would not let him go easily. She followed closely with a lightsaber in her hand—and then found out embarrassingly that she didn't seem to have the advantage in speed.

How to do it?

If it were another person, Mr. Shadow might have slipped away, but Lux, who has undergone a lot of theoretical study and simulation training, is obviously not an ordinary person.

This is not a simulation training, here, Lux can squander her amazing magic power recklessly!

The next moment, Lux raised the lightsaber horizontally, holding the hilt with both hands.

Astonishing magic power surged out and gathered on this sharp sword of light, causing this great sword made of pure light elements to swell to an astonishing length in an instant.

Mr. Shadow, who thought he had already escaped from birth, was stabbed from behind by a solid lightsaber that suddenly grew to nearly 40 meters in length, and his legs were directly pierced through as if piercing candied haws.

After Mr. Shadow staggered and fell to the ground, Lux waved away the lightsaber and walked up to him in a few steps. Without hesitation, he untied Mr. Shadow's belt and tied him tightly.

The technique was so sophisticated that Mr. Shadow couldn't even think of breaking free.

Just like that, before Sevika and the four children understood what was going on, Lux had already returned to Wei with Mr. Shadow in her arms.

 Carya's Little Classroom · Ruyi Lightsaber:

  Compared with wide-range light magic, Lux is better at using light shaping to fight, which not only saves magic power, but also the suddenly elongated lightsaber can often achieve miraculous effects without the enemy's awareness.

(End of this chapter)

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