Lux's Farewell

Chapter 104 [0101] Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other

Chapter 104 [0101] Good fortune and misfortune depend on each other

A large number of explosions of Hex crystals are not without some benefits.

Both Lacus and Ino could clearly feel that it was much easier to mobilize the elements by themselves.

This will be of great help in the section from opening the mine to the laboratory entrance.

After Janna's confirmation, they have come directly above the entrance passage of the laboratory. As long as they continue to dig, the entrance of Karikan's laboratory is below. In this case, even after half a day of labor, fighting and running, everyone still He mustered up his energy, picked up the tools, and started the downward excavation work.

And this time, Lacus and Ino went all out and joined in the excavation.

When everyone was sweating profusely, there was a gust of breeze blowing from time to time, taking away their sweat and fatigue. Under their feet, a pothole visible to the naked eye was gradually forming!

Lux's lightsaber easily broke into the soil, loosening the soil structure, and when it encountered rocks, it was squeezed away by the attached ice made by Ino. With the continuous efforts of two powerful mages, Benso finally passed the three After an hour, I stepped on the air.

Below is the cavity!
Seeing this, everyone frantically pulled Bensuo up, and at the same time mustered up their strength again, and began to expand the hole—after a while, a passage that could accommodate one person appeared at the feet of everyone.

Without saying a word, Lux created two clusters of bright light in the palms of both hands, and jumped down immediately.

As the body descended, the light in her palm expanded rapidly, and soon turned into a long stick, the top connected to the entrance, and the bottom reached the solid "ground".

Lux held the long pole with both hands, slid down smoothly, and landed lightly on the ground.

Underfoot... is a piece of floor tiles that are obviously paved by hand!
It's here!
"Come down, follow the pole!" Lux supported the beam of light with one hand, and waved the other hand up a few times, "We're here!"

Hearing Lacus's words, the others stopped hesitating and stepped down one after another. Among them, those with limited mobility were carried by Benso and Fandre, and finally they came to this huge underground cavity smoothly.

"Is this the corridor leading to the laboratory?" After confirming that everyone had come down, Lux scattered the beam of light, held up a ball of bright light with one hand, and looked around carefully, "My God, such a spacious The place is actually just a passage!"

Lux was so surprised, the Zaun people in the team could barely speak when they saw this scene—if someone had told them before that, someone would build an underground laboratory With an aisle that is more than ten meters high and wide enough for five cars to run in parallel, they will definitely think that this person has a brain problem.

However, at this moment, they are in such a passage!

As for why everyone is so sure, this is just a passage to the laboratory...

The reason is very simple, less than a hundred steps in front of them, there is a golden door.

Considering that it is still extremely dazzling after so many years, I am afraid that the surface of this door is really made of gold.

"Hey——" Milo stared at the door dully, "Gold-plated or pure gold, how much does it cost?"

"Gold-plated." Lux glanced at the child with golden eyes, and shook her head slightly, "But... even if it is gold-plated, I'm afraid the cost is quite astonishing—and it's just a door."

"Then what are we waiting for?" Milo became excited on the spot, "Hurry up, hurry up, let's go there... Wait, there seems to be someone there?!"


Lux was startled, she projected a beam of light towards the direction of Milo's finger, and under the light of the beam, half of her body was writhing vigorously.


Wait, why is it a half person? !
"That's not half a person, that's a person stuck in the wall!" Kalya sighed helplessly, "My good fellow, I didn't expect that someone could squeeze into this corridor like this?"

Lux hurried forward when she heard the words—although she didn't know who was so unlucky and got stuck in the wall, but since she saw it, she couldn't ignore it.

Even if this guy is a tomb robber from Picheng, she can't just sit back and watch him die here.

"Ino, do me a favor!" Lux waved her hand behind her, "Try to see if you can squeeze this guy out of the hole with ice!"


Ino nodded, and came to Lux's side - she looked up at the struggling half of her body, and sighed helplessly.

"I don't know what's going on with him above. Helping him rashly may hurt him..."

"But he's going to die if he doesn't help." Lux smacked her lips, "Well...Fandre, come here and continue. Ino and I can try to break through the surrounding rock formations!"



Ezreal was heartbroken.

Originally thought that he was ahead all the way and could be first-come-first-served in this expedition, but Xiao Huangmao never dreamed that when he bypassed a bunch of magic traps and passed through an ice wall again, The mine suddenly collapsed.

Seeing the unfavorable situation, the little yellow hair turned around without hesitation, crouched with his head in his arms, hoping that the ice wall would protect him from being buried alive by the collapsed mine—and the fact was as he expected, because there was a piece of ice supporting him, He's generally safe.

However... ice melts.

As the ice melted, the ground under Ezreal's feet gradually loosened, and his body gradually began to sink. This terrible situation was enough to make most people shudder, but Ezreal was overjoyed.

Because he judged that this kind of subsidence represented that there might be a huge cavity below—maybe it was an underground river, or maybe it was a natural cave.

Obviously, he was lucky. The huge explosion shattered the structure of the mine pit and made the structure of the passage below unstable. Ezreal accidentally found a new escape route.

Realizing this, Xiao Huangmao slowly sank down with the wet soil while recalling the way to save his life in the quicksand, and soon his feet were suspended in the air.

That's right!

That's it!

According to Ezreal's calculations, before he was crushed to death, he could pass through the mud and enter the cavity below.

Everything is going well, Ezreal knows how to explore.

Unfortunately, he doesn't know magic.

Ezreal didn't realize that this ice wall was made by magic, and after it melted, it evaporated very quickly.

As a result, before Ezreal could pass through the wet semi-swamp, the soil solidified again—his feet were already empty, but most of his body was still buried in the soil.

To make matters worse, just when Xiao Huangmao started to dig the soil with his mouth, trying to stretch out his arms and dig himself out, he suddenly felt that his lower body, which could move freely... suddenly felt cold.

At this moment, Ezreal's heart finally sank to the bottom.

It’s over.

 Speed ​​of light plus one more, woo woo woo I didn't break chapters on purpose, today I wrote chapter [-] at [-]:[-] in the morning, trying to make it all up, I definitely didn't mean to break chapters on purpose.

  The speed of light is updated, readers, don’t go away—don’t persecute the author, let us persecute the little yellow hair together!
(End of this chapter)

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