Lux's Farewell

Chapter 105 [0102] Why isn't sesame opening the door

Chapter 105 [0102] Why isn't sesame opening the door

Half of Ezreal's body was buried in the soil, only his legs and neck were outside - now, he could only feel his lower body was cold, but he didn't know exactly what was going on.

Perhaps there is a problem with blood circulation?

Or maybe there is a dark river in the cavity below, and now the water is going to rise, so the temperature is cooling down?

After being buried in the mud for a long time, Ezreal's body perception also had some problems. He couldn't be sure of his physical condition, and he didn't know what happened. Soil" speed, try to dig yourself out of this not-so-compact soil layer as soon as possible.

Then, he felt his lower body became even colder, not only cold but also a little wet...

ice? !

Ezreal was completely confused. He couldn't figure it out. Why did he feel as if there was ice around him? Could it be that his nerves were dead and he was starting to hallucinate?


Fiercely spitting the dirt in his mouth far away, Ezreal gritted his teeth: I'm still young, I can't give up!

I have not yet become Piltover's greatest explorer!

I haven't found Ne'Zuk's tomb yet, and I haven't found my parents!

I also—wait a minute, can my hands move?

Blinking his eyes, Ezreal moved his fingers and clenched his fists, and then he found that his hands were also freed and he could move freely!
The water below is not rising, but someone is helping to rescue him!
After discovering this, Xiao Huangmao almost cried with joy, and with the appearance of rescue, he finally couldn't hold on to the tone he insisted on before—his legs stopped struggling hard, and after moving his fingers for a round also stopped.

However, in the eyes of Yinuo who rescued him below, this was clearly a sign that he was about to die.

"He can't hold on any longer!" Yinuo said anxiously, "We have to speed up!"

Hearing what Ino said, Lux gritted her teeth, pulled out her sword neatly, and stabbed not far from Ezreal's legs.

This sword completely pierced through the soil layer, shattering the compact quicksand-like soil layer that was stuck on Izreal, and then Ino controlled the attached ice crystals to squeeze the soil layer vigorously, and finally broke through it forcefully. This broken passage.

The next moment, Xiao Huang Mao lost his restraint, and his body fell from a height of more than ten meters.

Ben Suo, who had been prepared for a long time, strode forward and caught him directly—after being trapped for more than two hours, Ezreal was finally solved and escaped successfully!

"My name is Ezreal, and as you can see, I am a great explorer from Piltover!" Although he was in a state of distress, and there was still a mouthful of dirt in his mouth, the little yellow hair still made a pose that he had prepared for a long time. "Please give me more advice!"

Unfortunately, the well-designed appearance did not achieve the desired effect. After the others looked him up and down, the one with a higher emotional intelligence (such as Yinuo) silently handed him a few pieces of ice, indicating that he could rinse his mouth .

And those with lower EQ (such as Mellow) simply asked a question that made Ezreal wish to go back now.

"Are you eating dirt?"

Ezreal really wanted to find an excuse or something, but compared to making an excuse, the situation in front of him was obviously faster to change the subject.

Just right, there is a gate not far away, which looks like a relic!
The group of people who rescued themselves seemed to be the Zaunites who entered the mine before. If they didn’t have their own, it would be difficult for them to open the door... This is simply a fateful encounter and a perfect combination. After entering the passage, he opened the door by himself, and everyone worked together to obtain the secret treasure hidden in the ground!
Ezreal, who puffed out his chest again, had already imagined an astonishing drama. He ignored Miro's question, put on a professional posture, and strode towards the golden gate.

"As a great explorer, although I am better at exploring the Kumanggu jungle, I also have a good understanding of this Shurima-style architecture." Ezreal stared at the pattern on the gate, and at the same time I lit up the adventure light above my head, "The lines on this may represent some kind of magic or curse, as long as you don't touch it directly, it's fine, I need a little time to crack it—ahh!!!"

Ezreal walked towards the gate confidently, but he didn't realize that this seemingly harmless gate itself was a complex defense mechanism. When it was closed, anyone who approached it would receive a strong electric shock.

The unsuspecting little yellow hair thought he had found the key to the door, so he approached the door unsuspectingly, intending to study it carefully, but the trap was triggered perfectly. Under the strong electric shock, his little yellow hair stood upside down, The whole person became terrified - fortunately, Bensuo saw that the situation was not good, he threw out the rope at the first time and dragged him back, otherwise this "great explorer" would probably be in the second time. During the expedition, he died before he could finish his mission.

"Is he really an explorer?" To be honest, Ezreal's initial demeanor almost frightened Lacus, so that after seeing him throwing himself to the street due to the electric shock, she couldn't help but ask Kalya Said, "So ostentatiously approaching a door that might be a trap?"

"Well...he's probably really." Although Kalya was naturally upset with this little yellow-haired man, he still wouldn't make up nonsense about him. Learning, I'm afraid he really won't swagger and lean over."

"Uh, why is that?" Lux asked a little puzzled, "Obviously this door looks very abnormal."

"He saw the lines on the door." Kalya laughed loudly, "The lines on the door do represent some curses, and they are of the type that takes effect upon contact."

"But actually, that's not the case?" Lux blinked, and quickly realized, "The actual threat from this door comes from other aspects?"

"That's right, that's it." Carya agreed, "These lines are a trick to deceive people. You think it's a curse that will take effect when you touch it. In fact, as long as you get close, it's an electrotherapy."

"It's an insidious trap." Lux couldn't help grinning when she heard that, "Then how do you get rid of this trap?"

"Look at the magic pattern circuit above, it should be related to the sound, you come a little closer, don't be too tight, let me take a closer look... That's right, the password-style door opening device is very in line with Kalikan's style—"

"Password? Where is the password?"

"I know that." Janna landed lightly on Lux's shoulder, "But, are you sure you want to read it? Do you speak Shurima?"

"Of course, Kalya taught me both ancient Shurima and modern Shurima!" Lux said proudly and puzzled, "Aren't passwords just for reading?"

"This password is not very polite to Kalya." Janna reminded in a low voice, "Karikan had to leave Shurima because of this sentence. This password is..."

Hearing what Janna said, Lux still didn't understand why, but Kalya had already realized the problem: "Wait—"

"The password is: Carya is a sand sculpture."


Lux never expected that Karikan would leave such a password for his laboratory door.

Isn't he an Ascendant?

Are Ascenders so dishonest?
Or are all Ascenders so dishonest?
But no matter what, the door was about to open—although it felt a little weird, she stood in front of the door and cleared her throat.

"Ka! Er! Ya! Yes! Sand! Eagle!"

Kalya never dreamed that his good student Lacus would one day yell out "Kalya is a sand sculpture" in front of everyone, and he couldn't help being furious.

But it's still the kind that doesn't shout.

If it was Lux who opened the door, all of this was mainly because of Kalikan, then Kalya would be a little upset at best.

However, on the side, a certain little yellow hair who had just recovered from the state of electric anesthesia without any beeps in his heart obviously brightened after seeing these words that easily opened the golden door.

"Is this the password to open the ancient secrets of Shurima?" Ezreal got up and began to imitate Lux's pronunciation, "Kalya is a sand sculpture, Kalya is a sand sculpture, Kalya is a sand sculpture..."

Lacus and Ino, who can speak Shurima, had strange expressions on their faces when they heard Xiao Huangmao's chanting.

Janna, who was standing on Lux's shoulder, spread her wings and buried her head—but judging from her trembling body, this guy was clearly laughing, and she didn't intend to stop at all.

If you consider Ezreal's occupation, once he memorizes this sentence, I am afraid that in many places in Shurima, before excavating the ruins, he will say this sentence...

In case it spreads again——

Gee tut.

Karya, this is too miserable, right?
"Lax." Kalya said in an unprecedentedly cold tone, "Now, you go back and kill that little yellow hair, and I will take you to Ixtar right away, and we will change jobs to Great Elementalist on the spot!"

Lux's expression froze instantly, she handed the sword to Ino without hesitation, then turned and entered the laboratory.

"Ino." Kalya continued, "Now, go back and kill that little yellow hair, you are my most outstanding student, let's go directly to the Freljord next stop!"

The kind Ino blinked, and finally chose to freeze Ezreal on the spot, and then followed Lux, and quickly entered the laboratory.

Others were wondering why the little yellow fur was frozen, but they thought... it must be because he was from Piltover, right?
Moreover, you can see that his eyes are still rolling, Yinuo is still quite measured, obviously he won't die from the cold.

Therefore, the others simply followed Ino and Lux ​​into the laboratory—when Melo and Baobao passed by Xiao Huangmao, they even knocked on the ice cubes on his body.

The next moment, the door of the laboratory finally slammed shut.

In the bright passage hall, there is only a little yellow fur that has been frozen, and the mouth still maintains the shape of a "sand sculpture".


After it is put on the shelves, the update time will be restored to six in the evening!Another update tonight!
 Carya's small classroom about the gate of the laboratory:

  This golden gate looks stunning visually, but it's not actually pure gold, it's gilded.

  The choice of gold-plated is not because of the Kali Kansao bag. In fact, many properties of gold are compatible with magic-of course, choosing such a password is purely due to Kali Kan.

(End of this chapter)

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