Lux's Farewell

Chapter 106 [0103] Grandpa Card

Chapter 106 [0103] Grandpa Card

The layout of Shurima's laboratory is different from other places: there is a curved ruler-shaped registration desk at the entrance, and paper and pens are prepared in the registration desk, and visitors can be registered at any time.

People who enter the laboratory often pick up a pen and paper to leave their names, and even affix their personal seal to obtain some permissions. This is something that happened when Shurima was still there. Now the registration office is deserted, and the pen and paper are all rotten. Under the guidance of the assistant, visit the laboratory.

If you are willing to register the trace of magic power, you can gain greater authority and directly visit the experiment.If you are willing to provide funds, you can become a collaborator and conduct experiments in person, but most of these registrants are visitors and probably do not have this qualification.

Karikan has been working as a researcher at Shurima University in the east of Shurima City since he was 22 years old. The bachelor said that his mouth is too smelly, and he is afraid of being beaten to death when registering at the door, so he should just work as an assistant in the laboratory.

The students who study magic together are easy to talk, but they are seriously involuntary, and many of them are eager to ascend. They often have to be cultivated from an early age, reciting the original axiom at the age of three, learning magic control at the age of ten, and joining the army at the age of 15. Gilded, then enrolled.

Under this serious competition, it is also very difficult for ordinary people to stand out.

So after two years, the grand maester said that Calikan could not be a laboratory assistant.

Fortunately, Karikan was fine, talented, and good at logic, so he couldn't drop out of school, so he changed to the unpopular direction of plant cultivation.

Kalya was the only one who came in and out of all the labs at will and regularly visited the Kalikan lab.

He is not too tall, even a little thin, with a yellowish complexion, often with vicissitudes in his expression, and neat black hair.

Although he can enter and leave all laboratories at will, his magic power is not very good, and it seems that he has not improved or changed for thousands of years.

When he talks to people, he always grasps the real pain points and tells them that there is nothing to do. Because he has a seniority, others have arranged a place for him from the messy seniority of the Ascended, called Grandpa Ka.

As soon as Grandpa Ka entered the laboratory, all the experimenters looked at him and smiled, and some shouted, "Grandpa Ka, I have conquered another city-state."

He didn't answer, but just said to the registration office, "Go to the experimental field and see the oasis saltwater wheat", and left his mark.

They shouted loudly again on purpose: "We will take Icacia immediately, it is full of irrigated fields, no saltwater wheat is used."

Karya opened her eyes wide and said, "War can't solve the problem, and now the land carrying capacity is limited..."

"The carrying capacity is limited, but the land is unlimited!"

Kalya became anxious, and the blue veins on his forehead burst out, arguing: "If you don't improve your level, the territory will collapse if it is too big! Infinity, you can go to the stars to be truly infinite!"

A series of jarring words, such as "studying magic theory" and "increasing productivity", caused everyone to sigh, and the atmosphere inside and outside the laboratory was full of helplessness.

I heard people talking behind their backs that Kalya was the true founding father of the country and had built up great strength for Shurima, but in the end his talent was limited and his body was weak; so becoming an Ascended was just to continue his life, and finally he devoted himself to education.

Fortunately, he is good at education and full of peaches and plums. Under his leadership, Shurima University is thriving.

It's a pity that he has a bad habit, that is, he is unwilling to start a war and has never been welcomed by the hawks; he has no faith and is not welcomed by the priests. As a result, he gradually left the political center and devoted himself to research.

But in the laboratory, his status is higher than others, and he is proficient in theory, often has unique insights, and can always solve problems.

At this time, Karikan could speak freely, even if he had some nasty nicknames, Karya usually didn't care much.

Several times, children from ordinary families came to visit the laboratory, and Kalya was also invited to give a speech—he asked them to tell about their ideals, and everyone spoke.

Children either yearn for nobility or become priests, and all eyes are on Karya, hoping to be recognized by him.Karya was very helpless, just shook his head and returned in awe.

Once Kalya saw Karikan's experiment and said to him, "Have you ever presided over the cultivation of magic plants?"

Karikan nodded slightly.

"I've presided over it—let me ask, is the long-term magic plant training able to withstand loneliness?"

Karikan thought of the cold reception he had received for many years after his ascension, and lowered his head for a moment, without answering quickly.

Kalya waited for a long time, and said earnestly, "Haven't figured it out yet? It's okay, there's still time... There's still some time for Xianshuimai, give me an answer later."

Karikan thought to himself that although the headmaster led himself into the unpopular direction of plant cultivation, after all he had paid the tuition fees for many years, he gritted his teeth, helpless, and said decisively: "Lonely, how many people are there who don't lead the ascension?" One is not lonely."

"Yes, yes." Kalya showed a very helpless expression, "I always think that ascension is everything, and everything will be fine if you sacrifice to the giant god, but you don't know that everything depends on yourself... I have a special training plan, you can read more stop."


Since then, there have been rumors in Shurima that Kalikan was pissed off by Karya, and was exiled to Vazuan, and would not return for a hundred years.

When Kalikan came back, he was no longer the same as before, ridiculing everyone when he met, and the direction of research was no longer the extremely unpopular economic plants, but the wild growth of plants.

It seems Karya has lost yet another fellow traveler.

One day, about two or three days after Icacia's rebellion.

The Grand Maester was summoning the school's Ascenders, and Karikan rarely left the laboratory.

"Icacia's battle situation is unfavorable." The principal is not there, only the Grand Master looks worried, "The front line has changed, the Empress Wu has died, and the empire is in dire straits."

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, chattering.

Karikan had just returned from Vazuan, and when he heard this, he asked loudly, "What about the headmaster?"

"He went to Ne'Zuk."

"and then?"

"Then they said they wanted to bridge the gap and make a monolith—what, you want to go too?"

"The strangulation of the vines has been completed, and I can also lead my own army."

In the battle of Dushi, the sky is dark and the earth is dark.

The rift was finally healed, and the flying monolith fell to the ground and was destroyed, and everyone in it disappeared.

Since then, no one in Shurima has seen Kalikan, and no one has heard of Kalya.

At the end of the war, the new emperor swore an oath in front of the Wall of Thousand Gods, saying that he would maintain the unity of the empire, and those who did not follow would be reduced to slaves.

When the sect was revived, the priests also swore an oath in front of the Wall of Thousand Gods, saying that they would bathe in the glory of the giant gods in order to obtain the protection of the gods.

When Azir ascended the throne, he did not go to the Wall of Gods.

When Azir ascended, he did not go to the Wall of Thousand Gods.

On that day, the empire was destroyed, the oasis dried up, and the yellow sand buried everything.

This time there was no dead Ascendant, and the gods were silent again—after that, probably Shurima did lose its glory.

 Carya's Small Classroom About Ascenders:
  The source of the Ascension's power is the sun, and because they are so much stronger than mortals, the Ascension Order has amazing power in Shurima.

(End of this chapter)

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