Lux's Farewell

Chapter 107 [0104] Carya's Magic Industrialization Prospect

Chapter 107 [0104] Carya's Magic Industrialization Prospect

Holding the hilt of the saber in her hand, under the guidance of Kalya, Lacus walked briskly through the old laboratory, as if returning to her own home with ease.

The others were not as calm as Lux, they sometimes yelled, sometimes huddled together, and everything in the laboratory could arouse their surprise.

"Is this a funnel? Why is the funnel so long?"

"Why is this box full of holes? Hey, good guy, there are more than ten floors in here?"

"What is this tightly wrapped thing? It looks quite expensive!"

"There are so many tables, but there is not even a chair. This is called a laboratory, right? It's no different from a factory!"



A group of miners who had never seen the world gathered together, muttering.

However, Bao Bao, who had always looked listless and lacking energy before, seemed to suddenly become more motivated after seeing these new gadgets. He looked around and looked around, as if he was very interested in everything—but, Ino, who was reminded by Karya, was staring at her, guarding against her doing something destructive.

In the end, a group of people safely passed through the peripheral cultivation and testing area of ​​the laboratory, and under the leadership of Lacus, entered the core area of ​​the laboratory.

Then they discovered to their astonishment that, unlike the "tall and magnificent" area outside, the core area of ​​this laboratory looked... It can only be said to be very unpretentious.

If it wasn't for the obvious location closer to the center and the voice-activated door (you know the password), everyone would even think that they went wrong and came to an underground forest.

That's right, the core area of ​​this laboratory is an astonishingly lush forest!
Although everyone couldn't understand anything in the previous laboratory, at least it felt very grand.

But this underground forest was beyond everyone's imagination. Even Lacus and Ino, who knew it was a forest, were taken aback by its size.

The area of ​​this forest is several square miles, and it is divided into many different areas by stone walls. There are signs in each area, indicating the types of trees in this area and the experimental content.

Although compared to those towering giant trees in Kumanggu, the trees in this forest are somewhat small, even if they have grown for thousands of years, they cannot be called tall.

While the others were still curiously looking at these trees that were not seen in ordinary times, Kalya had already begun to introduce them to Lux.

"This shrub is called Salamander, and it is the most common plant in the Shurima Desert. Now in the Shurima Desert, there should be a lot of Salamander, growing tenaciously on the edges of various deserts."

"The ones on that shelf are salty oaks, one of the few plants that can withstand salty water. They will analyze the salt on the leaves. Whenever a strong wind blows, the salty oak bushes will shake like snow, shaking a lot. Salt—Salt of live oak and sea-mine salt of Uzeris are two of the best commercial salts in Shurima."

"Have you seen the tallest trees? Those are Fengyu firs, which grow the fastest and have the deepest root system. They have almost no branches except the main trunk. The leaves are also needle-shaped, and they can make a whining sound when the wind blows."

"And this... Kalikan really has a free heart, and he also cultivated purple crested thorns. Apart from being beautiful, this kind of flower has no special characteristics. During the Shurima Empire, some families who didn't know anything liked to use it. It is a heraldic decoration, and it is said to be noble."



Speaking of these plants, Kalya is so rare, he will introduce whichever one Lux looks at.

"Isn't the rune tree cultivated here?" Lux was a little surprised after seeing a lot of plants of various colors, "Where is the rune tree?"

"Rune tree?" Kalya was in a good mood when he heard that, "These are all rune trees!"

"Both of them?" Lux blinked and asked in confusion, "What do you mean?"

"The rune tree is not a kind of tree." Kalya explained, "It is a general term for all plants that have been specially cultivated to absorb the power of runes. The power of runes can promote their growth and give them different characteristics."

"Different characteristics?"

"That's right." Kalya talked about this very well, "Let's just talk about that salty oak, it can now absorb the power of world runes and speed up its growth, give it some hex crystal powder, it can use A large piece grows at a speed visible to the naked eye—by the way, its vines are very suitable for making ropes, and it is difficult to cut them with a sword."

"That's it?" Lux looked at the unattractive ones, "So what can it do?"

"Desalination of sea water." Kalya gave an answer that Lacus never expected. "It can precipitate and process salty oak salt. Pieces of salty oak forest can even turn salty water oasis into living water oasis."

"Understood." Lux nodded, "Then... where are those bushes?"

"You should be familiar with the ability of Saluo - somewhat similar to Demacia's rune tree. Its wooden structure can store the power of runes and maintain its stability. After being broken, it should also be able to produce good-looking rune stones. "

"Is Feng Yushan the same?"

"No, Fengyushan will strengthen itself after absorbing the power of runes. As for the effect of strengthening, you can try cutting a sword, and then you will know."

Lux pulled out the broken sword when she heard the words, and after unfolding the lightsaber, she slashed at the Fengyushan in front of her with all her strength—the Fengyushan trembled, the bark was barely cut, and the trunk itself was unscathed .

"The rune tree was led by me at the time, and I wanted to use the world's rune cultivation project, but unfortunately due to political reasons, I could only do it secretly." Kalya sighed, "I am on the border of Shurima, Shuri Outside the borders of the Martian Empire, students I trust have opened up many laboratories, the largest of which is in Demacia - because of the subsequent war and other reasons, no one took care of it, and eventually became a desert. Semi-fossil."

"Unbelievable." Lux shook her head in astonishment, "Is this the way you imagined using magic?"

"This is just a part of the experiment." Speaking of this topic, Kalya seemed a little helpless. "Using the power of world runes to cultivate plants with special products is only the first part of the experiment."

"What about the latter?" Lux is very curious now, "Is there any other link?"

"Yes." Speaking of this, Carya's tone finally became serious, "The follow-up will also include the direct use of the world's rune energy and the harmless treatment of people."

"Direct use of energy and harmless treatment?" Lacus thought for a while, but couldn't fully understand Karya's meaning. "What is that?"

"World runes can affect the will of animals and people, making animals crazy and making people lose their minds. Plants are more resistant to this influence than animals." Carya explained, "I hope to find a way to use this power peacefully. way of energy."

"Then did you succeed?"

"It's half the success." Carya's tone was a bit complicated, "The rune stone is actually a part of the achievement. Even people who don't know magic can draw and use the magic circuit."

"In this way, the only difference between mages and non-mages is that mages can provide energy to rune stones?" Lux's eyes lit up, and she clearly understood Kalya's meaning, "This way the gap between the two will be weakened!"

"That's right, the use of rune stones and rune circuits can largely separate magic power from spellcasting, and decompose the use of magic into two processes of energy supply and release - the former is exclusive to mages, and can even be maintained by world runes , the latter is available to everyone." Speaking of this, Kalya's tone could not hide his pride, and Lacus had never heard his tone so proud, "This is the assembly line of magic civilization and the industrialization of magic use."

 Kalya's Little Classroom Magic Talent:
  Through the research on his own learning of magic, Carya found that magic power and magic control are two completely different things. Some people have strong magic power but are not good at controlling magic power; some people have weak magic power but have strong control over magic power.

(End of this chapter)

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