Lux's Farewell

Chapter 108 [0105] Carya's past

Chapter 108 [0105] Carya's past
Karya's words opened Lux's horizons.

Before that, she never thought that magic could be used in this way!

Lax's magic theory is undoubtedly extremely solid. Following Karya's train of thought, Lax immediately imagined countless possibilities!

In Demacia, she understood that magic may not only be used to cause damage. An "ice maker" like Ino's has a unique advantage in making cold drinks.

And now, she even discovered that as long as it is applied properly, magic can be used in a wider range of fields!

"Assembly line, industrialization..."

Lux thought of the factories she visited in Piltover and Zaun. Everyone performed their duties and carried out a part of their own. Naturally, if this kind of efficiency was taken care of by a single person, it would be better anyway. No way!
As long as Carya's idea is promoted, it will be a completely new possibility, a brand new world!

"But, Karya, why didn't you succeed then?"

"Well... that's a long story." Speaking of this topic, Kalya's tone finally became a bit bitter, "In Shurima, magic is not a disaster, but a kind of power—— Therefore, people with mage talent do not hope that everyone can use this power, just like in Demacia, nobles will not easily allow civilians to make military achievements and become nobles."

"But you said that you are an Ascendant." Lux frowned, "Many Ascendants are your students, should they support you?"

"The Ascendant is another reason." Speaking of this topic, Kalya's tone became a little more helpless, "The birth of the Ascendant is related to the gods on Mount Targon. When Shurima was established, in order to gain power, Seta Ka dedicated his faith to the giant god, performed the ascension ceremony, and became the first ascendant."

"It's those god warriors from Shurima legends, right?"

"That's right, those god warriors." Carya continued, "As long as you go through a ceremony, you can gain power comparable to that of a god. Ordinary swords will no longer be able to harm you, and ordinary spells will not be effective against you. Time won't age you anymore... Doesn't that sound wonderful?"

"It's very good." Lacus blinked her eyes, somewhat moved, but after thinking about it, she recalled the sentence that Kalya often said that power always has a price, and suddenly her heart sank, "So ...what's the price?"

"The price is that those who gain power will drift away from mortals." Kalya said something creepy in a calm tone, "In the beginning, the ascended will become proud - pride is the ascended It's a common problem, and it's even more common to look down on ordinary people, so I didn't realize the problem at the time."


"After pride, there is indifference." Kalya continued, "Ascendents will also be extremely indifferent, and they will only remain fanatical in certain aspects. At that time, I just thought that I was too old and different from ordinary people. .”


"The extreme of indifference is the loss of humanity." Kalya seemed a little sad, "When I discovered this, it was too late. Ordinary people are gradually losing patience and empathy.”


"The power of the Ascendant does not belong to the Ascendant itself. This is what I discovered later." Kara paused, "After that, I tried to change my strategy, but unfortunately, the resistance was too great. No one is willing to stand on my side, even the Ascended, at most they can study magic theories and cultivate magic plants with me, but they can't promote the civilianization of magic together."


"In addition, the Ascension Order does not want anyone to tarnish the glorious research—after all, if given enough magic power supply, mortals can also manipulate god-like power."

"Then... did you fight?" Lux asked cautiously, "You never told me about the later period of the Shurima Empire. Could it be that Shurima was finally destroyed in a civil war?"

"Later, it was indeed a war that wiped out everything, but it was not a civil war." Carya sighed, "At that time, the empire occupied Icacia, and we hoped to assimilate Icacia to become one of us, but things were very different. smoothly."

"You told me before that the Shurima Empire is willing to tolerate latecomers? Absorb latecomers to become ascenders?"

"There are already enough people in the Ascension Order, and when Icacia was occupied at that time, the civilization of Icacia was already highly independent. Their mage king was unwilling to become an Ascendant, so they gathered manpower to resist and finally broke the city. When I was martyred and died, when Icacia was annexed, there were no Ascenders."


"There are no Ascenders, and the civilizations are different. Icacia and the Shurima Empire have always been conflicted and difficult to reconcile. The two sides are almost like Zaun and Picheng now."


"I really hope that Icacia and the Shurima Empire can heal their differences, but Icacia is a typical magical country, and mages occupy high positions-so my ideas are very unpopular, even if I am helping Icacia People strive for status, but those mages who represent Icacia are still not the same as me."

Lacus fell silent.

"In the end, the war broke out." Karya talked about the war for the first time, "The descendants of the Icathian mage king communicated with the dangerous void. When the imperial army went to suppress the rebellion, they summoned the void rift. The ground was cracked, and the incomparable Ascendant was quickly distorted in front of the power of the void, and in order to cover the retreat of the Ascendant Legion, Setaka fought with all his strength, but in the end he was angry on the spot."

Lux's eyes widened in astonishment—she had heard countless stories about Setaka, but she never dreamed that Setaka would end like this.

"I don't seem to have talked to you about the void... In short, it is a terrifying existence that you can't yet touch, and it's best not to come into contact with it. It is another world, a world that is eager to devour it. In order to be able to seal that void Rift, Ne'zuk and Ari—do you remember them?"

Lux nodded heavily.

"A Zhi created a very large fortress, and Nezuk suspended it in the air forever. We fought desperately and finally sealed the crack, but as a price, many ascenders were completely annihilated. In the void, there are many people who, like me, are infected and corrupted by the power of the void, these are... the darkborn."


"Then it was a long sleep, and then, it is now." Speaking of this, Kalya's tone was unexpectedly relieved, "Actually, I have wanted to tell you this for a long time, but I have never had the chance--Okay Well, shut your mouth and keep your manners, you have a heavy burden on your shoulders now!"

 Carya's Small Classroom · Changed Fate:

  Kalya hoped to resolve many of Shurima's conflicts, but his "one week" was not so successful that he failed.

  Regarding the details of the first week, it will be mentioned later that Kalya has done a lot, but in order to maintain Shurima, he failed in the end.

  PS Today is another day for [-]D updates, please subscribe, don’t keep books!

(End of this chapter)

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