Lux's Farewell

Chapter 109 [0106] Receiving the inheritance

Chapter 109 [0106] Receiving the inheritance
The communication between Lacus and Kalya didn't last too long.

In the eyes of others, Lax is just like a general in a military parade, walking around with her sword hilt in her hand, looking in front of every bush, and then returning to the crowd, it seems that she is just taking a look .

Seeing that Lacus had finally finished reading, Silko couldn't wait to be the first to speak.

"What the hell is going on here, you say there will be a future for Zaun here - but all I see is a big clump of trees, and there are as many of these things as there are in Kumangra to the southeast!"

"Don't be impatient." Lux waved his hand at him, "That's because you don't know the value of these trees."

"Those tall and straight ones are good materials for making masts." Silko was obviously not satisfied with Lux's answer, "But making a few masts can't change Zaun's current situation!"

"You should know about rune steel, right?" Lacus didn't care about Silko's attitude, but pointed at Sevica, who had just woken up and was learning about what happened from Benso, "The armor on her body You should know the price."

"Probably a few." Silko nodded, "That idiot Finn was tricked by a Bilgewater water rat in the black market, but I know the fair price—why, are these trees still alive? Is it related to the famous rune steel?"

"They are the main materials of rune steel." Lacus nodded, affirming Shirko's speculation, "The other is steel, steel that can be seen everywhere."


Hearing what Lacus said, not only Shirco—everyone who had any idea about the price of rune steel products in the black market couldn't help but widen their eyes!
Although there is a big difference in the quality of rune steel, and even if it is a high-quality product, the price will not be comparable to that of gold of the same quality... But everyone knows that it is definitely a good thing!
As long as one wears rune steel armor, it is difficult for ordinary spells to take effect, and it is strong, tough, and lighter than ordinary steel. Apart from being expensive, it has no disadvantages.

But now, Lux said, these ordinary-looking trees are the main material of the rune steel armor!
All of a sudden, even Van der included, everyone's breathing became a little heavy.

But... they quickly regained their composure.

"I think these trees are not uncommon." Sevika finally figured out what happened, "I don't know anything else, but I can see those bushes clearly, they are the kind that can be seen everywhere in Shurima Sha Luo, if the material of rune steel is so simple, the process of manufacturing it may be far more troublesome than we imagined."

"No, that's not a simple salamander." Lux simply gathered a beam of light in her palm, and then casually stabbed a salamander beside her, "Look, ordinary salamanders are not so strong."

As the beam of light pierced the trunk of a plant of salamander, the pillar of salamander began to repair itself at an alarming speed after the trunk was broken—and at the same time, the beam of light in Lux's hand became Extremely unstable, quickly fragmented, turned into streamers of light, and disappeared.

When the stream of light dissipated, the bushes returned to a quiet but peaceful appearance again, as if it was just an ordinary salamander.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened in disbelief.

These are... magic plants!
They can absorb magic!

And these magical plants, as long as they undergo special processing, can be made into rune steel!

Even if they don't know what "high added value" is, but comparing the prices of steel and rune steel, everyone present can understand the amazing benefits of these plants.

It is no exaggeration to say that this will be Zaun's "Another Gate of the Sun"!
"It must not be allowed to fall into Mrs. Piltover's hands!" Fandre said first, "We and our ancestors have suffered a lot on the Sun Gate, and these plants must be held in our own hands !"

"That's right!" Silko also echoed, "We must join forces to guard this secret laboratory and cut off the claws that the Piltovers stretched out—"

"Before then, the most important thing is that we need to find the cultivation plan for these trees. Everyone scattered around to find experimental records and notes." Compared with the excited Van der and Silko, Lacus looked He looked quite calm, "Finding out how to cultivate these trees and keep their seeds or branches well, that is the future of Zaun... Believe me, Mrs. Piltover is not our biggest obstacle."

"Not Piltover?" Vander and Silko asked at the same time, "Who is that?"

"It's Noxus."


Lux was not alone in worrying about Noxus.

In Piltover, MP Heimerdinger also looked worried after parliament adjourned.

The yordle, who had watched the development of Piltover with his own eyes, was full of worries about the future of the city.

Obviously, he has seen the dawn of a new era...but at this time, he has torn his face with Zaun and got kicked by the Noxus.

Heimerdinger, who returned to the academy, hugged the Poro he raised in his arms, and wanted to conduct a "speech training" for the Poro, as a preview to persuade the parliament tomorrow.

"We stand in front of a crossroads, moving forward, we can meet the truly glorious evolution, but the reality is forcing us to turn left or right... Is it too polite to say that? A little bit? Or should I be more urgent?"

Unfortunately, the Poro didn't understand Heimerdinger's words, and was more interested in the cupcakes on the table than Heimerdinger, so when Heimerdinger "consulted", he just kept wriggling body.

"Okay, okay, it's still a bit too gentle." Heimerdinger nodded in satisfaction as if he had got the answer, "Then, how about trying this part—the evolution train has started at full speed, It is about to roar past, and at this critical moment, the track in front of us finally diverges, whether to go left, right or continue to move forward with all our strength, the track switch that determines the future is in our hands..."

The poro was still pushing towards the cupcake.

And Heimerdinger still scratched his head dissatisfied.

"It's like saying that as long as you don't do anything, it's obviously not in line with the current situation. I need to change the way of metaphor-oh, who is knocking on the door?"

"It's us, Professor Heimerdinger!" There were two voices outside the door that gave Heimerdinger a headache, "Jess!"

"And Victor."

"Oh, you guys are here." Heimerdinger let go of the Poro in his arms, got up and opened the door, "I was going to find you guys!"

"Professor Heimerdinger!" After entering the door, Victor looked extremely anxious, "What happened in Zaun—many people said that there was an explosion, and even some people in the college area said they felt the shock."


"They said the explosion was related to the Hex crystal." Before Heimerdinger could answer, Jess also said anxiously, "Professor, you know the progress of our experiment... Victor and I have found the control crystal, The way to make it output energy stably!"

"Don't worry, children." Heimerdinger waved his hand, signaling them to be quiet, "There are many rumors about this, but in fact, the place where the explosion happened is a remote mine, and there is usually no one there. The kind that goes to..."

"However, the Explorers' Association said that more than one-third of the explorers in the Association have disappeared!" Victor was quite anxious, obviously not satisfied with Heimerdinger's answer, "Maybe there are usually few people there, but the explosion happened. There must be something wrong!"

"About this, it's mainly due to the conflict between law enforcement officers and some drug-addicted patients in Zaun... Some people were injured because of this, and the hospital is already doing its best to deal with it—"

"What's the matter with the hex crystal?" Jess opened his hands, "Someone in the academy said it was the hex crystal that I lost...but I know very well that even if I lost it in that accident, All the hex crystals in the world are used to create explosions, and it is impossible to cause that effect!"

"That's right, Professor Heimerdinger." When it came to this topic, Victor also frowned, "Before, I had been working part-time as a warehouse manager. The procurement plan and the actual number cannot be completely matched..."

Jess and Victor are indeed good partners. The two of them talked to each other and made Heimerdinger, who was not good at lying, retreat steadily. When Heimerdinger was still arguing with the parliament, the two I personally used my astonishing power of action to find a lot of clues that people usually don't pay attention to.

Although the war stonemason was clever, but the action to cover Cassiopeia was after all a temporary idea. In addition, Piltover was often not easy to let go of his hands and feet, and it was inevitable to leave traces in the end.

In the face of these evidences, Heimerdinger's cover-up seemed extremely feeble. In the end, the restless yordle could only rely on the method of hugging the Poro who had finally climbed onto the table, temporarily interrupting the evolution of the two. The group questioned, and then slowly organized the words while appeasing the dissatisfied Poro.

"This is some complicated stuff, about the council, about the relationship between Piltover and Zaun, even about Noxus - I'm working hard on this and hope to have a good result."

"Professor, I understand the pressure you are under for Hextech." Jess lowered his head and looked at Heimerdinger who dared not meet his eyes, "But, I just want to know what happened here ——Even if I, the person who once lost the Hex crystal, is really regarded as a suspect, I should at least have the right to know, right?"

"That's right." Victor also chimed in very cooperatively, "Our experiment has successfully entered the application stage, and the storms in the city at this time can easily cause the public to be unwilling to accept the new Hex technology. You know that this technology is being used. When it is used for people's livelihood, how much significance can it bring."

"I know very well." Heimerdinger's head was almost buried in the poro's fluffy hair after being flanked by the two singing together again, "but, children, this is no longer a simple bombing case, Or simply a conflict about the relationship between Zaun and Piltover that can be mediated by you or me, this matter even involves Noxus, you have to trust the council..."

"Sorry, professor, I respect you and Ms. Mel very much." Hearing the parliament, Jess finally couldn't bear it any longer. "However, you should be very clear that most of the members of the council are short-sighted insects!"


Heimerdinger wanted to say something more.

But, it's a pity, thinking of the performance of those members of the parliament before, he really didn't have the confidence to defend them.

In fact, if Heimerdinger hadn't argued hard, I'm afraid Jess and Victor, the two core figures who have mastered Hex technology, would be banished from Piltover as scapegoats!

In the face of such a reality, Heimerdinger, who is not good at lying, really couldn't say anything to justify—finally, the respected professor let go of the Poro in his arms, and then heaved a long sigh.

"Well, children, you really should have the right to know what happened." Heimerdinger opened the office door, looked left and right for no one, and then closed it tightly, "Zuan's An explosion occurred in a mine pit. A group of Zaunites who dug and a third of the members of the Explorers' Association were buried in it. Their lives and deaths are unknown. The source of the explosives has been identified. A hex crystal of any sign."

Jess and Victor, who confirmed the news, went dark almost at the same time.

However, it's not over yet.

"Among the missing persons is the direct son of the Duron family, who is a high-status Noxus. Their ambassador has submitted a circular to the parliament, requesting that Noxus carry out all follow-up rescue activities. tomorrow."

"How could they?!" Jess' eyes widened in disbelief, "Piltover is a free city, and the Noxians have no power—"

"But there is always a price for freedom, kid." Heimerdinger shook his head and interrupted him, "Some people say that you caused the bombing, but fortunately, the parliament has agreed that this matter has nothing to do with you, as for more . . . go back to the lab, boys, and trust me, trust me once, okay?"

"Professor—" Jess and Victor looked at Heimerdinger incredulously, "You?"

"I have seen the development of this city with my own eyes, and I have seen it become what it is today." Heimerdinger turned around, opened the closed window, and did not look at the two young people behind him, his eyes were calm Looking at the sunset outside the window, "And people live long enough, there will always be some old friends, some old secrets, believe me, I still have a way..."

Jess wanted to say something more, but Victor stopped him and gave him a wink - Jess understood and finally nodded.

"We will come up with reliable results as soon as possible!" Jess patted his chest and gave his own answer, "It is enough to talk about the results of the parliament!"

"Go, go!" Heimerdinger nodded, then waved his hand, "The future of Piltover is already in your hands..."

 Carya's Small Classroom Durren Family:

  Besilico's powerful family, this seaside city joined Noxus 20 years ago, when the rulers of the Durham family chose to surrender, so the patriarch changed from the city lord to the governor—however, his son Did not succeed to the next governor.

(End of this chapter)

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