Lux's Farewell

Chapter 110 [0107] Let's unite!

Chapter 110 [0107] Let's unite!

Jess and Victor leave Heimerdinger's office with their goodbyes.

"Why did you prevent me from talking about the current staged results?" Coming to the corridor, Jess whispered, "Perhaps, our mining machinery and cutting machine can also add a little bit to his speech in the parliament." Divide the chips—"

"This is not a matter of the council." Victor, who is usually not very good at communication, now sees it more clearly than Jess, who is all-round. "It's the Noxus, they are the key..."

"Damn Noxians!" Jess couldn't help clenching his fists, "They're trampling on Piltover's freedom!"

While talking, the two returned to their laboratory.

"Freedom always has a price..." Victor shook his head, and after a moment of silence, he said in a low voice, somewhat hypocritically, "Jess, I have an idea."


"Professor Heimerdinger just said that the Noxians will take over the mine tomorrow." Victor said an idea that was enough to make Jess feel terrified in a tone that didn't match his weak voice, "use Your miner's gloves and my laser cutter... maybe we can get those explorers out tonight, before the Noxians officially step in!"

"You!" Jess' eyes widened in disbelief, as if seeing this confidant for the first time, "Noxians will definitely stare there—"

"So, it's just the two of us." Victor was a little emotional, and couldn't help coughing, "Ahem—two people, and they're still researchers from Piltover, we're flexible enough."

"But..." Jess still hesitated, "Do you know which mine exploded? There are thousands of mines in Zaun, and we don't have time to find them one by one."

"Of course I know." Victor lowered his head and wiped the corners of his mouth, then raised his head and looked at Jess firmly, "After all, I am also a Zaunite."

Jess blinked.

At this moment, he thought a lot.

Although he didn't know Victor for a long time, Jess really regarded him as his confidant and his soul friend. They came from different backgrounds, but they had the same attitude towards science and Hextech. ideal.

When Jess had nowhere to go, Victor chose to steal experimental equipment with him regardless of his identity.

When the two were discovered by Mel and Jess chose to change jobs, Victor was finally willing to stay in Piltover for the sake of the scientific research environment and results.

Now, Victor wants to help Zaun—and this time, helping Zaun keep Piltover free.

"I'll just go by myself." Jess thought for a while, then shook his head, "Your body doesn't support you to go to the mine pit, go to Zaun and help me find a good-talking guide, and then give me a copy of the cutting machine. Instructions—be more detailed."

"I can too--"

"You know the location of my experiment notes, Victor, if it will be published in the future, delete those words that cause misunderstanding, I don't want the statue I set up in the academy in the future to look like a narcissist." Jess didn't let The other party continued to talk, but began to chatter endlessly, "Don't worry, I told you, I have been swinging a hammer with my father since I was a child, and mining and forging are not far behind. "

"I'm from Zaun, Jess." After closing the laboratory door, Victor said firmly, "And you're not—if I could, I'd rather go by myself, but I know, I Your health is bad, and you can't do things alone, so I hope to beg you as a friend... But, no matter what, I can't let you go all out alone."

"That's not desperate, as you said, the security at the mine may not be so strict..."

"But it's still very strict." Victor coughed again, "No matter what, I can't let you act alone."



"I can go for you, Victor." Just as the two were discussing in low voices, a voice appeared from under the experiment table, "Sorry, I'm an asshole, but... I am more familiar with the situation there, and I will leave this matter to I'm better."

"Who's there?" Jess and Victor's eyes widened at the same time, "Come out!"

"It's me." Under the experiment table, a boy with white hair came out, "Do you still remember me, Victor, I'm Ike."

"I was going to find you, kid." Victor looked at the little guy who had sent himself to the lift before, and couldn't help but shook his head, "I wanted to confirm Miss Lacus's situation with you, but Now it seems that they are indeed in the mine, don't they?"

"It's not just Lux." Ike shook his head. "There's also Vander, Benso, and even Silko...everyone is buried below—the whole of Zaun is about to explode."


Ike's words sound exaggerated, but in fact they are not exaggerated at all.

With Fandre and Silko both trapped in the mine, Zaun's already fragile order is now even more messy.

Without the biggest defender of order and the guy who can unite the hearts of the people, there are all kinds of voices in Zaun.

Some people think that this is a conspiracy by the Picheng guys to kill the last few people who attacked the Sun's Gate incident, so they are now connecting with each other and preparing to riot.

Some people see this as an opportunity for dragons and snakes to rise to the ground, hoping to take advantage of the chaos to replace Silko or Fandre as the controller of Zaun.

Someone spotted a faction that looked more like a thigh of solid gold than a Piltover, trying to offer his allegiance to the Noxians with a stern face.

Some people didn't think too much, just took advantage of the chaos to make trouble, and even boldly entered Fulgen's Tavern to try a zero-dollar purchase.

In short, the whole of Zaun is now a mess.

After Ike sent Victor away, he quickly returned to the tavern, took a little "equipment" of his own, and hurried to the mine.

Ike is different from the other four children. He usually works as an apprentice in a workshop and is not a direct participant in mining—but he also knows the location of the mine and knows a lot about their mining. Every time he prepares the booster for Wei, Ike provides a lot of parts support and technical support.

However, Ike was one step too late after all.

When he arrived at the mine, the explosion just happened—Ike, who had just turned over a ditch, just watched the mine collapse in an astonishing explosion.

At that moment, Ike only felt that the sky was collapsing, and when he thought that everyone was buried below, his world was dark.

However, Ike doesn't grieve -- and he doesn't have time to grieve.

Although he was still young, Ike showed a calmness beyond ordinary people.

He didn't cry like a helpless child, but simply went back to Fulgan's Tavern, called the rest of the trustworthy uncles, and explained everything to them clearly.

After that, he also found the studio where he was an apprentice, and asked the owner of the studio for help to contact as many independent studios as possible, and together with Fulgen's Tavern, he tried to maintain the order in the vicinity as much as possible.

After doing all this, he finally had time to think about ways to rescue Van der and others.

Ike has seen the spells of Lux and Ino.

Although it hurts to be pulled by Lux's ear, but he believes that as long as these two people don't die in the explosion immediately, they will never be trapped to death later - so, as long as they can be dug out, then everything will be fine .

But... how can a collapsed mine be dug through?
You know, when the building was abandoned but not collapsed, Lux and the mining team had been working continuously for several days in order to clean up the accumulated stones inside.

Now that the mine has collapsed, how easy is it to dig it up again?

Moreover, when leaving the mine, Ike could clearly see that it was surrounded by a group of people in black armor that he had never seen before, and it was obviously impossible to carry out large-scale excavation!

In this case, Ike remembered Victor's words.

It is known that it was the Hex crystal that blew up the mine, and its power far surpassed that of black powder.

Known, Victor said that he has mastered part of the Hex technology used to improve people's livelihood, and his partner also designed a mining machine.

Connecting the two clues together, Ike quickly came up with an amazing idea - the energy of the Hex crystal is so amazing, using it to excavate the collapsed mines must be very efficient!

And the more efficient the digging, the easier it is to rescue those people trapped in the mine!
Thinking of this, Ike set off without hesitation, and slipped directly into Piltover on the elevator—he knew where Jess's laboratory was!
(After all, it was Ike who revealed the information that the explosive four stole Jess's laboratory.)
However, there was a small twist in the matter. When Ike came to Jess's laboratory, he saw only ruins.

Fortunately, at this time, Hex Technology has already achieved results. On the "relic" of Jess's laboratory, there is already a note announcing his new laboratory in the college. Following this clue, Ike pried open The door to Jace and Victor's lab.

Then, before he could figure out how the glove-like thing was used for mining, Victor and Jace came back—Ike hurriedly hid under the table, only to overhear Victor's plan.

And his determination that is almost a testament.

Ike was shocked by what the two said.

Originally, he really didn't think much of Victor - in his opinion, if the people of Zaun have the ability, they should help Zaun. Going to Piltover and doing research for Piltover is a betrayal.

You can say that you want to live a better life, then I have the right to look down on you!
However, when he learned that Victor planned to use immature tools to save people and persuaded his fellow Piltover...Piltover, Ike finally couldn't hold back his face.

He thought of Jace's former laboratory in ruins, and realized how much trouble the previous explosion had caused Jace. He thought it was just an "ordinary explosion", after all, there were no casualties.

However, after personally seeing the ruins, after his relatives also encountered the explosion of the Hex crystal, and after hearing that Jess was willing to enter Zaun for these people, Ike finally realized his problem.

Maybe... Piltovers aren't all jerks.

Maybe, sometimes my choice is also a jerk.

Knowing this, when Victor insisted on moving, Ike showed up cleanly and punched himself on the nose without hesitation.

"This is considered interest." Ike, who was bleeding from his nose, dyed the white hair on his head red with his own blood, "Mr. Jess from Piltover, thank you for your help, I owe you, follow-up I will pay it back in my own way!"


It is not only these three scientists of different ages, backgrounds and identities who are preparing a rescue plan.

After dismissing Jace and Victor, Heimerdinger also put on his cape and hood, and left the academy.

He's going to visit an... old friend with whom he doesn't talk much.

The little yordle walked through the long Sungate Dam and came to the high-end manor in the north of the city, stepping on the glow of the setting sun like a red carpet.

Heimerdinger didn't really like this place very much. It smelled of money and power, but it didn't smell much of evolution—so, at his insistence, the college has always been located on the south bank of the canal, near the slums. place.

In the view of Heimerdinger, a yordle who has personally experienced the Rune Wars, evolution is the future, and excessive pursuit of power and money will make evolution impure.

Although the council in Piltover was able to maintain the stability of the city, judging from the current situation, in the face of tremendous pressure, the result of the council meeting can only be endless wrangling and prevarication.

Members of Parliament representing the interests of all parties can usually check and compromise with each other to maintain the stability of Piltover as a whole. Unfortunately, once an emergency occurs, the parliament will only cause trouble.

What's more, some people in the council and Piltover are not of the same mind...

Originally, if it was just the Noxians showing off their power, that would be fine. For the peaceful development of Piltover, Heimerdinger didn't mind being wronged a little bit.

But now things have involved the Hex Crystal, and judging by the posture of the Noxus, they are likely to push forward and make demands on the Hex Crystal and Hex Technology!
And after the Noxus got it, Heimerdinger knew what they would use it for with their knees!
Back then, the Noxian Empire, the predecessor of the Noxus Empire, used the terrifying power of world runes to forcibly collapse a continental shelf. Now if the Noxus Empire has mastered the Hex Crystal, I am afraid that Runeterra will repeat itself. The tragedy of a thousand years ago!

Knowing the nature of this empire, even if Heimerdinger didn't advocate dictatorship and hated darkness and violence, he still chose to put on a cloak and a hood.

The sun sets and the new moon rises.

Heimerdinger finally arrived outside a relatively secluded manor.

Raising his head, the little yordle looked at the gate of the manor, where the nameplate with [Firos] was written in graceful cursive, and finally sighed.

The next moment, Heimerdinger stretched out his hand and finally knocked on the door.

 Carya's Small Questionnaire · Update:

  Genuine readers, do you prefer many small chapters of 2k-3k, or one or two chapters of about 5k?
  PS Although there are two chapters today, it is [-] words.

(End of this chapter)

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