Lux's Farewell

Chapter 111 [0108] The old man's tea meeting

Chapter 111 [0108] The tea party of the old man
Heimerdinger, who knocked on the gate of the manor, was not taken by the servants to wait in the living room of the manor like other visitors—the heavy gate remained motionless as a whole, but the decorative patterns on it flowed like water, and finally , in the lower right corner of the gate, a small door that seemed to match Heimerdinger's height opened.

Heimerdinger glanced at the gears exposed at the port when the small door opened, then tidied up his appearance, and stepped into the door.

Inside the door, a tall figure also wearing a hood and cape seemed to have been waiting for a long time.

"Professor Heimerdinger, I thought this door would never be used."

"I hope so too, but things in the world are often not as precise as the operation of gears."

"Metaphor as always... Come on, Professor Heimerdinger, we can have a good chat."


Two figures, one tall and one short, passed through the carefully trimmed flowers in the dark, and soon came to an inconspicuous small house - its appearance was unremarkable, and most people entered this manor After that, it will only be used as a tool room in the corner of the garden to store sundries.

The guide gently pushed open the door, waited for Heimerdinger to come in, then carefully locked the door, then stepped to sit on the owner's seat, and gently took off the hood.

"Professor Heimerdinger, what would you like to drink? Coffee, or black tea?"

Under the hood, the gray-white hair bun is meticulously arranged, and on the tough face, the marks left by several body reconstruction operations are not obtrusive, but give people a capable feeling.

The corners of her mouth turned up slightly, but she didn't smile at all, only giving off a kind of politeness with obvious guard.

"No need, Camille—just water." Heimerdinger looked a little tired, and jumped onto the chair after entering the room, "I need to stay calm, absolutely calm, anything that can cause excitement, It's best not to touch at all."

"That's a pity." Camille said it was a pity, but her tone was extremely calm, without the slightest pity, "I just got a batch of black tea from Ionia. After the war started, I Haven't had it in years."

"Ionia's black tea..." Heimerdinger's eyes widened subconsciously, but then he shook his head, "Forget it, I'm not here to drink tea."

"Of course not. Dear Professor Heimerdinger is a scientist whose mission is to bring progress to everyone." Camille took out a tea set from the side cabinet very smoothly, and skillfully cooked a cup of tea for herself. Pot of tea, of course, did not forget to pour a glass of water directly to Heimerdinger, "Come to a place he hates, must have his own great purpose."

Camille's words made Heimerdinger seem a little restless. He took the water glass and wanted to say something several times, but he didn't know how to speak. He could only drink water frequently to cover up his embarrassment.

"Ms. Camille, I need your help." Finally, Heimerdinger made up his mind and drank the clear water in the quilt, and then placed the empty glass on the small table beside him, "Noxxa Sri Lankan-"

"The Noxians didn't break the rules." Camille reached out and picked up the cup, and refilled Heimerdinger's glass of water, "No matter how far-fetched the reason is, it is still within the scope of 'reasonable'. "

"This is a letter from the Noxus." Heimerdinger did not take the water glass, but took out a folded and crumpled piece of paper from his pocket, and handed it to Camille. "There's not even an iota of truth in the whole story."

"But it can't be judged as a lie." Camille, who received the notice, didn't even glance at it, and then fiddled with her tea making tools, "Even if there are subjective speculations about the description of objective facts, But no one can accuse it of being a lie, of a brilliant strategy."

"It can be blamed." Heimerdinger said, "The lost Hex crystal has nothing to do with Jess. As long as the academy follows the clues, they can always find traces of spy operations."

"And before the external spy is found, half of the members of the parliament need to be replaced." For the first time, Camille's calm face showed a substantive sneering expression, "And, this will at most make you protest when you protest." A little more urgent tone, a little more confidence - what's the point?"


Heimerdinger was silent.

In the small room, the only sound was the gurgling sound of water boiling.

Camille's words were like real harm, and Heimerdinger felt suffocated. He knew very well that what the other party said was right.

Among the members of the parliament, except for himself and Mrs. Gilaman, everyone else was more or less involved with Noxus. Before they tried to lock the source of the explosives as "Jace's loss", they also It's not like there is no intention to cover up his behavior.

"Professor Heimerdinger, you have always advocated democracy and believed that power should be limited." Camille turned off the fire, poured herself a cup of black tea, and the refreshing aroma of tea instantly filled the small room, "And Isn't the current parliament exactly what you want to see?"

"They don't represent the real Piltover." Heimerdinger whispered in an almost inaudible voice, "They don't have Piltover in their eyes either."

"Look, that's the problem." Camille didn't care about the hotness of the tea, and took a sip of it while it was still hot, "Which congressman can make the economy more prosperous, everyone will support that one. And the huge Noxus is the best partner for those who want to make quick money."


"Especially after the war between the Noxus and the Ionians, a lot of trade has been affected." Camille continued her real injury, "At this time, in order to maintain the prosperity of this city, hold Tightening Noxus' thighs and opening a few doors for some Noxus nobles, isn't that logical?"

Camille's words made Heimerdinger restless. He really wanted to jump off the chair, which was obviously a bit high for him, but he felt that it was too abrupt. In the end, he could only awkwardly pick up the water glass and start talking again. water yourself.

"Piltover is a port city after all." Seeing that Heimerdinger began to drink water, Camille showed a faint smile, "Trade is the lifeblood of this city, and the Gate of the Sun is the lifeblood of this city." The heart of the city, but sadly, it looks like the heart of Piltover may not be Piltover anytime soon."

"Ms. Cinderella." Heimerdinger finally put down the water glass and changed the address. "That's exactly what I'm worried about—we must stop this erosion."

"The bad economy will make the people very dissatisfied." Camille asked knowingly, "If you insist on going your own way, you may lose your seat in the parliament. The people will not care about a mine in Zaun, nor will you Wouldn't care about a nobleman in Besilico, they just want the economy to last forever."

"But we all know that's impossible."

"So, whoever lets the economy down, is out of luck."


"You see, the problems of the Piltover Council are so prominent." Camille looked at Heimerdinger who fell silent again, her tone was calm and full of strength, "Hello my good times, they can They consume the excess enthusiasm of the people in different ways, but when something goes wrong, they are just a group of dogs without a wolf."

"That's why I need your help." Heimerdinger finally sighed, "At this time, the parliament and even the parliamentary system need to make changes—the eve of the evolution day has come, as long as the darkness is pierced , is the brightest dawn."

"What is Dawn?" Camille raised her teacup again, with a look of great interest, "Professor Heimerdinger, do you mean that the two little guys, Jess and Victor, have really Have you mastered how to use the Hex crystal?"

"That's right." Heimerdinger nodded without hesitation, "They have found a way to use the huge energy in the artificial Hex crystal, and through high-frequency vibrations, it can replace almost all of the current known The way of energy..."

"You are very optimistic about them." Camille commented calmly. "This is not in line with your style. I remember that when Hakim first proposed Hex's body modification, you strongly opposed it."

"Hakim... Oh, another talented child." Heimerdinger blinked, "But the theory he put forward is too dangerous, the energy in the natural Hex crystal is too huge, which is different from man-made Hex crystals are not the same thing at all, once this technology really spreads, no one can guarantee that all those who carry out the transformation will be as clear and calm as Hakim."

Heimerdinger's words made Camille's movement of drinking tea delayed for a moment - even though her heart had been replaced with a complete natural hex crystal, at this moment, Camille still felt an indescribable Distressed.

Maybe—just maybe—had Heimerdinger agreed to develop the technology, Hakim might have stayed in Piltover.

He likes crystallography very much, and has top-notch attainments in human body modification. After losing his love, maybe his career can keep him in Piltover?
In that case, he might have more students and disciples, and someone might perform surgery on him in his later years. Up to now, there are only two people drinking tea in this small room.

Lowering her head slightly, Camille drank the last drop of black tea in the cup, blinked her eyes, and raised her head again.

"But that's in the past tense after all, Professor Heimerdinger." Her tone was as cold as ice, as if she had completely abandoned the influence of her past feelings, "Please explain your reason for coming, you will be going to rest soon It's time."

"I hope you can help eliminate this excuse of the Noxus." Heimerdinger sat up, "and, as much as possible, eliminate those factors of instability—maintain the peaceful transition of the parliament."

"So, what can Ferros get?" Camille's response this time was very direct, "One seat? Or more?"

"The patent of the artificial hex crystal is already in your hands." Heimerdinger said helplessly, "You hold the door to real evolution, at most we have found a key, as long as you keep it In front of the gate, then this gate will be like the gate of the sun, bringing everything to the Philos family."

"Interesting metaphor." Camille blinked, and finally showed an expression of interest, "Another Gate of the Sun...that's really good, Professor Heimerdinger, you almost convinced me—if I didn't realize that if I didn't do anything today, it would have the same result."


Heimerdinger blinked his eyes twice in embarrassment. The metaphor he had carefully prepared for a long time was dismantled by the speed of light just after he said it, which undoubtedly made him lose his last weight.

He wanted to say that it was different, but he couldn't tell what was different for a while.

But to his surprise, Camille made up the second half for him.

"The plight of Piltover has proved that having a sun gate alone is not enough-the economy depends on Noxus, and the result is that order is also highly dependent. Although I disagree with some of your naive ideas, this time , I am on the same side as you when it comes to Hex technology issues."

Hearing this, Heimerdinger's eyes widened delicately.

"Your choice will not give Ferros more benefits, but it can provide an order that Ferros needs." Camille picked up the teapot again, but poured two cups of tea this time, "The Philos family has no population. To become the firewood of the Noxus Empire, and I have no ambition to conquer and rule a continent, so I am happy to maintain the independence and stability of Piltover."

"Yeah! That's right!" Heimerdinger nodded frequently, "That's the truth!"

"Then, I wish us a happy cooperation." Camille handed a cup of black tea to Heimerdinger, "Dear Professor Heimerdinger."

Heimerdinger hesitated for a moment, finally took the cup of tea, and drank the still warm tea without hesitation.

"A member of the parliament, and a sheriff's seat for a law enforcement officer." Camille also drank her own cup, "The bathroom is on the right hand side of the door."

Putting down the teacup, Camille stood up and pulled off her cloak.

Under the cloak is a slim and elegant dress, and a pair of blade-like legs after Hex's body transformation.

As the door of the room was pushed open, the Hex crystal at the back of Camille's heart began to charge, the switches on the outside of her legs were turned on, and two triangular hooks with long special ropes rushed out, grabbing After passing the garden wall, it suddenly tightened.

The next moment, the rope was retracted, Camille suddenly started, and the whole person quickly disappeared into the night.

And Heimerdinger also hurriedly got up, went out and turned right.

Philos Manor seems to have regained its tranquility.

 Carya's Little Classroom: Mrs. Gray:
  For Camille's story, please refer to the League of Legends Universe Camille Chapter and his short story "The Most Departed Heart".

  To put it simply, Camille gave up her love for her family and had her lover Hakeem undergo surgery to replace her heart—but in the end she discovered that the attack that prompted her to make this decision was a The younger brother's self-directed and acted.

  As for the Philos family and the Hex crystal, I will mention it later.

(End of this chapter)

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