Lux's Farewell

Chapter 112 [0109] The Influence of Noxus

Chapter 112 [0109] The Influence of Noxus
Lux and her party who were underground obviously didn't know what kind of situation Piltover and Zaun were in at this time following the collapse of the mine.

At this time, everyone, including Lux, was racing against time to collect data materials in the laboratory.

Although except for Lacus and Ino, no one else could understand the words on these documents, but it didn't matter, as long as they were found on paper with words, there would be absolutely no problem.

In this way, after a lot of busy work, everyone sorted out a pile of experimental materials and experimental records—others turned on the miner's lamp or the exploration lamp to find them, handed them to Lacus for preliminary screening, and then put them in the book one by one. around.

During this process, an alternate exit location for the laboratory has also been identified.

The plants that Janna said "jumped out of the wall" actually came out from the vent, and that vent was impossible for people to get out of, and it was also severely collapsed. Currently, the only way to leave the laboratory is a water channel.

Considering the complex 3D three-dimensional spider web structure of Zaan's underground river, it is obviously not a good choice to leave underwater-if it goes directly into the sea along the water, wouldn't it be troublesome?

In this case, everyone turned their attention to Lux in unison.

"There are not only backup exits here." Lacus repeated Carya's words, "Besides, there should be a backup security system. The underground laboratory must have an emergency response plan. As long as we find the emergency response plan, we may even You can go out through the front door."

"How many years has this laboratory been?" Sevica looked at Lacus suspiciously, "Is that plan you mentioned still effective?"

"Don't look down on magic, Ms. Sevica." A confident smile appeared on Lux's face, "Just don't worry!"

In this way, Lacus handed the sword to Ino, and then the two quickly searched for the emergency response plan in the huge pile of documents.

The other people who were idle found a relatively empty place and started to start a fire.

Taking advantage of this time, at least get something to eat and fill your stomach!

Lacus and Ino soon had their first harvest.

On a document for the daily maintenance of the laboratory, she found the way to activate the lighting device - after injecting magic power into a translucent ore switch, several areas in front of the laboratory were lit up.

Well, this is clearly a good start.

When the soft magical radiance appeared above their heads, the people who were extremely nervous now relaxed a little bit. In such a large laboratory, the torches and adventure lights had limited vision, which was not enough. Bringing them a sense of security, Lux can quickly become the center of the team, and it has nothing to do with her ability to bring light.

Now that the entire laboratory area was lit up, everyone naturally felt a sense of relief.

Considering that it might be late at night, under the soft magic light, the children couldn't help but yawned one after another.

"Go to sleep, let's all rest." After realizing this, Fandre took off his coat and spread it on the ground, "Wei, there's also Bang Bang - Craig and Melo, come and rest, you guys The amount of exercise today has seriously exceeded the standard!"

Hearing what Van der said, several children gathered together one after another, and Benso and the others also took off their miners' coats one after another, and laid a floor for them, although it was not very comfortable, but at least they could sleep on it.

Lux, who was sorting out the documents not far away, got up and wanted to "turn off the lights" in the room where they were resting, but Fandre waved her hand at her.

Lux blinked, then lowered her head knowingly.

In this way, after mumbling for a while, the four children finally fell into a deep sleep—Craig snored evenly and calmly, and Milo made whistle-like noises from time to time, and Bobo huddled tightly in Wei's arms. Li, and Wei couldn't help grinning because her arms were a little numb.

Seeing that the children finally fell asleep, Vandel and the others let out a long sigh of relief. They gathered together to briefly discuss a few sentences in it, and soon divided into two groups, led by Vander and Bensuo, taking turns rest.

After the grouping was over, Benso's group went to the next room to sleep first, while Fandre came to Lux's side.

"You should rest earlier." The tall Vander lowered his voice and said to Lacus, "Even if we find a way to leave now, everyone has no energy left."

"The sooner the better." Lux threw a copy of the "Health Management Regulations" into the pile of "useless documents" next to her, and replied quickly, "Thinking about the explosion later, I'm afraid Far more serious than you think, maybe you don't know the Noxians, but I know them very well."

"Noxus..." Van der shook his head, "I only know that many businesses in the black market are related to them, but I have never heard of other information about them—the trouble they have caused me is far less than that of Birji. Walter has a lot of water rats."

"Now we don't have a lot of information, so we are not sure about Noxus' intention." Lux picked up a new document, "But at least I can be sure that they are definitely not good people—"

"About Noxus, I do have some right to speak." Just as Lux was flipping through the documents, Mr. Shadow, who was tied up in the corner, took the initiative to say, "The influence of Noxus on Piltover and Zaun , is far deeper than you think!"

"Oh? It seems that you know something?" Lux blinked, "Wait, I remembered, when you mentioned the shimmer potion, you seemed very excited, and you mentioned the Noxians? "

"Of course I am excited." Mr. Shadow finally said after hesitating for a moment, "I am an Ionian—my homeland is being trampled by Noxus invaders, how can I not be excited?"

"Then why didn't you stay in Ionia to fight against the invaders?" Lux subconsciously raised her eyebrows, "Instead, you ran to Zaun to avoid the limelight?"

"I was originally a member of the Shadow Stream, a member of the Brotherhood!" Speaking of this topic, Mr. Shadow puffed up his chest proudly, "My Shadow Blade once drank the blood of the invaders!"

"You haven't answered my question, why did you leave Ionia?"

"Because we found that the Noxians have found some means to pollute the first soil." Mister Shadow said in a heavy tone, "They used some dangerous potions, even if the users die, their souls will be restless. Destroying the balance of the spirit world of the first soil—I came to Zaun after following the clues of these potions."

"It's the... shimmer potion you mentioned before?"

"That's right." Mr. Shadow said frankly, "Silk is one of the biggest intelligence chiefs in Zaun, and Finn is also from Ionia, so I'll just work under them and find Shimmer by the way. Traces of the potion."

"The results have not been found?"

"Finn is an out-and-out trash, and Silko..." Mr. Shadow snorted dissatisfiedly, "He has been wary of me, and now it seems that he has not been aware of the part about the shimmer potion." Tell me."

"We are not honest." Speaking of this, Silko, who had been silently looking around before, finally spoke up, "You claim to be exiled from the Kinkou sect because of your personal style, which is obviously a lie... Well, it seems that your money has not really been sent to the hands of those flesh and blood in the dark alley?"

"The dark alley has a special channel to exchange them for what Shadow Stream needs." Mr. Shadow showed a proud look, "This kind of poor cover-up just fits your dirty guesses, so my identity has been well hidden , if it weren't for you, a cunning fellow, no one would trust—”

"It's not distrust, but a wise choice." Silko, who was repeatedly ridiculed, finally couldn't help raising his tone, "I spent a lot of money on you, but you showed an insatiable attitude , it seems that one day I might die on a woman's belly, if I tell you the news of Shimmer, who knows if you will regard it as a gadget to enhance your interest—"

"Be quiet." Vander interrupted them, and then pointed to Wei who was chattering, "The children are still sleeping!"

"...Okay." Mr. Shadow glared at Silko, "In short, when it comes to understanding Noxus, I am afraid that no one in Zaun can surpass me."

"May the breeze of the land of birth clear away the mist, and may the Yelan ballad sing in your dream forever." Lux said two sentences in Ionian with a brisk tone, "Speaking of it, I One of the best friends, also an Ionian."

"Did you learn this sentence from her?" Mr. Ying was a little surprised, "Well, there is a little accent from Zhiyun and Jialin."

"She was an orphan evacuated from Galen." Lux explained, "Demacia took a few batches of children from Ionia while the Noxus navy hadn't completely blocked the coastline—unfortunately, we can do it There's only so much left."

"...I am very grateful for your country's help, although I don't even know about Demacia." After hesitating for a moment, Mr. Shadow struggled to stand up, as if he wanted to salute Lacus, "Sorry, Lacus Miss, I-"

"Let's talk about the apology later." Lux waved her hand, motioning for Vander to stop Mr. Shadow from jumping up, "If possible, I hope to get some news about Noxus from you—especially What happened between Noxus and Zaun, Noxus and Piltover, it will help to understand the situation we are facing today."

"Of course." Mr. Shadow sat back in the corner, "Let's start with what I discovered... the arms trade of the Noxus—the reason why I came to Zaun was because we discovered that Noks The Sass have added a large number of special equipment and equipment, as well as some dangerous potions and explosives..."

"I received orders from Yingliu to leave the land of birth in Weili. I pretended to be an ordinary refugee and was sold to the mines in Zaun..."

"Here, I met Finn. He and I are from the same town, but he doesn't seem to have much attachment and love for the land of the first birth, but at least he gave me some relationships..."

"Later, through Finn's relationship, I got to know Silko. He seemed to want to curry favor with Silko, so he introduced me to work for Silko, to collect intelligence..."

"There is very little information about Shimmer in the dark alley. Even if I was doing intelligence under Finn and Silko, I almost never came into contact with the desired content..."

"But the tentacles of the Noxus have already extended to Piltover and Zaun. I have seen war stonemasons more than once. Those disgusting guys, I can smell their stench even with my eyes closed..."

"In the dark alley, a lot of business has been taken over by the Noxus. Although the Zaun people are doing the work, the sweat is all for Noxus—I once told Silko intentionally or unintentionally. Having said that, having said that many records are murky and profits are gone, but that idiot took aim at the people of Piltover..."

Shirko took the pipe from Van der's hand with some embarrassment.

"Besides Zaun, Piltover also has a close relationship with Noxians. I can see clear Noxus imprints on many high-ranking people, including that... Mydarda."


Hearing this name, Van der and Shirko's eyes widened almost at the same time.

"That's right, Mydarda, their battle flag once appeared in Tivasser, I will not admit it..."

Van der and Silko looked at each other.

"I always thought that the war stonemasons were looking for the source of the shimmer potion just like me. I thought they were just mere shopkeepers, but now it seems that their goal should be this laboratory."

"Why do you say that?" Hilko put down his pipe, "A group of masons will be interested in the plant laboratory?"

"The war stonemason is not a stonemason, but a spy." Mr. Shadow glanced at Silko disdainfully, "The Noxians are like this in Ionia. They go crazy looking for all the magic relics, magic-related Artifacts, even though they have provoked a lot of things they can't afford, and even affected military operations, they have no intention of giving up—we have even caught big fish in this way several times."

Speaking of this, Mr. Shadow's tone was full of pride again.

And Xierke was obviously being ridiculed by him, but there was a hint of envy in his eyes when he looked at him.

"The Noxians seem to be researching something great. They don't care about the balance between the spiritual world and the real world. Even though they have suffered a lot, they still search for land." Mr. Shadow organized his words and continued, "The vastaya are now on our side, the bastards of the Noxians can be seen..."

Then, just when Van der was about to ask the vastayas, Ino who had been working silently by the side suddenly raised his hand.

"found it!"

In her hand, she held a copy of "Special Safety Regulations".

 Karya's Small Classroom Noxus Military Industry:
  The inclusiveness of Noxus is also reflected in the military industry. As long as it is useful, no matter where it is produced, they are willing to accept and use it.

(End of this chapter)

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