Lux's Farewell

Chapter 113 [0110] The emergency device has been activated

Chapter 113 [0110] The emergency device has been activated
Lacus put down the document she had just picked up, stood up and hurriedly came to Ino's side, clinging to her tightly, looking at the "Special Safety Regulations" in Ino's hand.

This is a small volume in a pile of laboratory manuals.

Opening the security regulations, following the directory, Lacus and Ino quickly found the part they wanted.

"About the escape plan in an emergency." Lux narrowed his eyes slightly, "And this, the emergency activation mechanism of the special guard in the laboratory!"

According to the instruction of the page number, Lacus quickly found the records of these two parts.

"The special escape really is the passage under the water, but luckily we didn't go there!"

"What do you mean?" Van der and Silko who came over wanted to know what was going on, but they couldn't understand the complicated ancient Shurima language. "Why didn't they go through the underwater passage?"

"Because there is a special brake valve at the exit of the underwater channel, if you want to leave underwater, you need to open the valve, and the valve is connected to a self-destruct device, once opened, the entire laboratory will be put into a self-destruct state .”

"That's not the case, is it?" Hearing what Lacus said, Silko frowned and said, "If something happens to the underwater valve, wouldn't this laboratory be automatically destroyed?"

"The underwater valve is not prone to accidents. It is very difficult to activate the valve..." Lux shook her head. "In short, we cannot leave the water, it will destroy the entire laboratory."

"So, what should we do?" Fander took back his pipe, "Is there any other plan?"

"There are." Lux nodded, "Let me, this is it, the special guard is activated in an emergency, as long as this mechanism is activated, we can dig out a passage to leave!"

"No matter how clean and tidy it is, I'm afraid it won't be completed in a short time, right?" Fandre also used to be a miner, and he is familiar with such things as digging, "Even if you use magic—I've seen you and Ino's magic— —Even if you can keep working, I’m afraid we won’t be able to get out for a while.”

"That's hard to say." After scanning the emergency mechanism at a glance, and then turning a page to look at the appendix, Lacus finally let out a long breath, and then let out a bright smile, "If everything goes well, we can even see tonight's moon!"

Fandre blinked, and huddled together with Silko, looking at the pages of "Special Instructions" in Lux's hand.

It's a pity that neither of them has studied magic, and they couldn't understand what the complicated magic circuit above represented.

Here Van der and Silko are still holding the documents and staring at each other.

Lacus and Ino had already led Karya all the way to the experimental forest.

"Karikan is such a genius." Hastily passing through several test areas, Lux searched for the tree in the document, and said to Kalya, "Although I don't fully understand the magic circuit in the appendix. Part of it, but I have roughly seen his train of thought... It is unbelievable that the golem is driven by plants, which is simply an amazing idea."

"It seems that Karikan once wanted to give me a surprise?" Kalya was also a little surprised, "In addition to cultivating magic plants, he is also very good at making golems and constructs, but to be honest, I always thought that It comes from his love for figures..."

"A figure? What is that?" Lux asked a little puzzled, "Some kind of new magical creation?"

"You can understand it as a miniature model." Carya explained, "It's somewhat similar to a sculpture, but it can also perform simple movements through magic circuits. It can be regarded as a golem that weakens its combat effectiveness and improves its appearance."

"Does Kalikan like this kind of thing very much?" Lux blinked, "I saw that his experimental materials are very rigorous, and I thought he was a serious and strict person!"

"That guy has nothing to do with seriousness at all." Kalya snorted, "However, this is a good thing. Now that the Noxians are making such an open move, relying only on you and Ino, I'm afraid they can't fully control it." The situation, but with the plant constructs left by Karikan, those Noxians are probably going to be in bad luck!"

"However, neither I nor Ino have practiced construct control." Lux said a little nervously, "I don't know if this special construct is easy to use..."

"It's absolutely easy to use." Kalya's tone was full of confidence, "You know, the ones you just read were prepared for the temporary apprentices Kalikan recruited in Zaun. They can use them, so what do you have to worry about? ?”

"I hope so... Ah, it's this way!" Lacus and Ino finally came to a relatively remote area. After stopping, they raised their heads and looked ahead, "It should be this tree, right? Just now What is the first step in the mechanism?"

"Ah, that." Carya suppressed a smile and explained solemnly, "The first step is [I will form the head]."




In the underground laboratory, Lacus and Ino began to assemble the emergency plant construct.

On the ground, outside the blockade of the mine accident area, three figures approached quietly.

"I said, Victor." Ike twisted his neck uneasily, "When you designed this cutting machine, didn't you think about the problem of body fit?"

Since he has not yet grown up, it is difficult for him to carry the hex cutter firmly behind his back. In this case, Ike had to find a blanket and wrap his chest and abdomen many times. Kankan fixed it behind his back.

After solving the misunderstanding with Victor, this kid quickly recovered his optimistic and lively appearance. He was always chattering in places where no one was around, and this was the fifth time he complained about the inappropriateness of the cutting machine. .

"My device is not designed for child labor." Victor emphasized again, "Besides, this is a prototype - Jess and I originally planned to design some practical tools. It is just a laboratory product and does not involve To the problem of model matching!"

"At least there must be an adjustable module." Ike tightened the strap again, "Otherwise your follow-up rework will drive you crazy. When I was working in the workshop, this kind of thing was more visible. .”

"Handcraft workshops are not the same as laboratory inventions." His friend's invention was criticized, and Jess couldn't help explaining to Victor, "We want to show the best results to the parliament and show our advantages—not in this stage to match someone.”

"But it will eventually match someone." Ike curled his lips, "And, to be honest, it's kind of ugly and not cool at all..."

"Don't talk about it yet." Victor shook his head, "We're already very close to the cordon—remember my previous plan?"

"No problem." Jess nodded, "I see there are still a group of law enforcement officers around, at least for now, they are still their own people!"

With that said, the three hurriedly approached the cordon.

"Who's there?" The law enforcement officers on patrol noticed them immediately, "Don't get close, I'll shoot you if you get close!"

"It's me, Jess!" Jess turned on the expedition light above his head, "Brumer, are you on duty today?"

"Oh, it's Jess." After seeing Jess's face, the leading law enforcement officer heaved a sigh of relief, signaling his colleagues not to be nervous, "What are you doing here in the middle of the night?"

"Collect experimental data." Jess shrugged his shoulders, pretending that he had nothing to do, "This is Professor Heimerdinger's assistant and my collaborator Victor, that kid I found in Zaun The guide—you know, I’ve been researching some excavation equipment recently, and I heard that there is a newly collapsed mine here, so I took the opportunity to come over and collect the experimental data of the equipment.”

"It's under martial law here." Brummer grinned, not intending to let Jess in, "You should have heard about it at the college, it seems to be serious, many people are lying In the hospital."

"Don't worry, it's just the three of us." Jess shook his head, pretending to be a big deal, "I finally came across a collapsed cave, if I miss this opportunity, I'm afraid I'll have to conduct simulation experiments in the future. It’s a large amount of funding, who knows if it can be applied for.”

While speaking, Jess handed a bag of coins to Brummer without a trace: "We are old friends, please help!"

Blumer took the purse and weighed it silently—it wasn't too heavy, but it was enough for three people to pass through the blockade.

So, he pretended to sigh.

"Okay, okay, for the sake of the academy district." As the law enforcement officer said this, he quickly divided the money in the bag into several parts and stuffed them into the hands of the rest of the team, "But you But hurry up, I heard that someone will come over tomorrow to take over, and if it’s not done by then, they have to go if they don’t—I’m afraid they won’t be as talkative as me.”

"No problem!" Jess nodded, looking confident, "It's just a simple test experiment, it will be soon!"

After successfully convincing the law enforcement officer with dozens of golden hexes, the three of them finally passed the blockade and entered the scene of the incident——then, facing the collapsed mine, the three of them clicked their tongues.

Excessive Hex crystals were detonated by black powder, and the entire mine area was completely collapsed, and the exit was completely covered by gravel. If it weren't for the cordon around and the simple excavation and rescue in the early stage, I'm afraid they can't find the location of the mine entrance at a glance!

For these three people who entered the mine for the first time, the situation in front of them was undoubtedly somewhat beyond expectations, even if Jess was wearing hex gloves and Ike was in charge of operating the hex cutter Digging the hole may be quite difficult.'s hard to return to, but you still have to do it.

Jess activated the Hexgloves, Ike also arranged the cutting machine, and Victor pretended to take out an "experiment record" and began to record the "experiment data".

In this way, the three began to dig deeper along the traces of the rescue team.

Compared with the rescue team, who were worried about explosions or aftershocks, and did not work hard, although Jess and his team had only three people, their work efficiency was significantly higher——Jess’s hex gloves could Easily dig up gravel and remove huge rocks that are difficult for ordinary people to move.

And once he encounters stones that Jess can't easily carry with his gloves, Ike will operate the cutting machine to cut them, turning the big stones into small stones, and then let Jess handle them.

As for Victor, he is helping to observe and calculate the blockage of the passage ahead, and providing "data and technical support" for the other two.

Unlike when Lux and the others were cleaning the mine before, the goal of the three of Jess was to save people, so they only needed to dig a passage enough for people to pass through, so less than an hour after they started digging, they had already After nearly [-] meters of excavation, the outermost group of explorers has gradually approached.

Everything seems to be going great!
When the gloves were overheated and had to be stopped to cool down, the three of them even vaguely heard the cry for help and the sound of knocking in the depths of the mine!

This means... perhaps before midnight, the first group of explorers will successfully escape!
The three of Jess, who heard the voice, were very excited.

However, just when Jess's gloves were finally cooled down and Victor changed the crystal for his cutting machine, and they were about to start working again, a group of people came outside the blockade of the mine.

"Who?" Brummer held up the lantern, "Martial law here--stay away from idlers!"

"Idlers, are you talking about yourself?" The other party's voice was full of mockery, "Noxus, Hedoram battle group, take over here, you can go back to get off work now!"

Blumer's eyes widened.

When he saw the black armor on the opponent's body, the weapons and the flags in their hands, he could hardly hold the lantern in his hand!

High-necked black iron armor, a helmet with a face mask, a heavy main-hand weapon, various off-hand weapons, a double-edged ax battle flag, and a dozen or so silent Yalong dogs tied by iron chains.

In the silent silence, one torch after another was lit. They held a weapon or a dog in one hand, and held a torch in the other-inside the cordon, only the torches were left burning, grease Burst that beep beep popping sound.

Obviously they were not much more numerous than law enforcement officers, but Brummer felt as if he was facing a big mountain. He held his breath subconsciously. Although he wanted to say that it was his own responsibility, he couldn't open his mouth anyway. .

The Noxian leader lifted the visor of his helmet, revealing a fierce, scarred face.

"Now, you can get out of the way." The other party is obviously shorter than Brummer, but his aura is condescending to the extreme, "Go back and tell your council... In order to ensure the safety of the citizens of Noxus, this place is taken over by the Imperial Battlegroup gone."

 Karya's Little Classroom Hedoram:

  The southern port city of Noxus, only two days away from Piltover, is an important transit port for Noxus.

(End of this chapter)

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