Lux's Farewell

Chapter 114 [0111] The blue god of death in the dark

Chapter 114 [0111] The blue god of death in the dark

With Brummer's concession, the blockade constructed by Mrs. Piltover at the wrecked mine was broken twice in a row within an hour - the first time by Jin Hex, the second time by the sharp ax and battle flag.

Unlike the three of Jess who needed to cover up and find an excuse for an experiment, these Noxian soldiers took over all the surrounding areas as if they were masters after the law enforcement officers retreated.

The law enforcement officers who were originally in charge of guarding were driven out of sight by them like cleaning up idlers.

Among the team of law enforcement officers, a few ignorant youths still want to argue a few words and show the dignity of the law enforcement officers in Piltover. Fortunately, Brummer is a little talkative, but he still has a clear mind ——He resolutely stopped the urge of those young people to draw their guns, and dragged them to choose to leave obediently.

Moreover, before leaving, he also kindly reminded Jess and the others in the mine, reminding them to leave quickly and not to wade into this muddy water.

The experiment is almost done, this matter is very deep, you can't grasp it!
As a result, this kind reminder caused huge troubles.

In fact, when the Noxians came, the three of Jess knew about it—Jess's gloves hadn't cooled down yet, and the three tired guys were leaning against the entrance of the mine. With the wind blowing, I also took a rest by the way.

At this time, the Noxians came, and they naturally noticed them.

When the law enforcement officers retreated, they were turning off their exploration lights, and they could see clearly from inside the mine.

Although they don't know what happened to the Noxians, they still played tricks. After simple communication and testing, they confirmed that as long as the other party didn't enter the mine, when they were digging in the innermost part, they couldn't hear it from the outside.

Therefore, they simply tiptoed back to the depths of the mine, simply piled up some of the excavated rubble to block the road, and prepared to start working again, digging a section.

After all... they all heard the commotion inside!

Just then, Brummer sent someone over.

"Mr. Jess!" Someone shouted at the entrance of the cave, "The experiment can be over, we are going to call it a day!"

The law enforcement officer left after shouting, but seeing this scene, the Noxus officer who led the team frowned.

"Is there anyone else inside?" He gestured behind him, and ordered two soldiers, "Go in and have a look."

The two heavily armed Noxus soldiers who were named, one leading the Yalong dog and the other holding a torch, came directly to the entrance of the cave. After taking photos around to confirm that it was here, they strode into the mine. among.

This time, Jess, Victor and Ike's hearts sank at the same time.


"The situation doesn't seem right." Jess had just put on his gloves. "Those people—those Noxians, I'm afraid they won't allow us to continue."

"But we are not far away from digging survivors." Victor frowned, "We all heard the sound of rocks knocking from below, and we will meet them in a short time. If we give up at this time, It's really not reconciled."

"Or this is the case." Jess thought for a while, and proposed a solution, "Victor, you leave first, anyway, those guys don't know who Jess is, Ike and I will continue to work here, you bring the experiment The data goes first..."

"But those law enforcement officers know who I am." Victor blinked, "They know very well that we have three people in."

"It's not a big problem." Jess shook his head, "Brummer is a sensible person, a reminder is already his limit, and he won't meddle in his own business."

Then, just as they were discussing countermeasures in a low voice, a cold voice appeared beside them.

"No, you continue." The other party's tone was full of confidence, "Work hard, no one will bother you."

The three of Jess raised their heads in unison.

However, there was no one in the dark mine.


The soldiers of the two Hedoram battle groups entered the mine side by side.

Hedoram is a seaside city in Noxus very close to Piltover. The battle group named after Hedoram is not considered a strong battle group in Noxus—but this time The mission is not a combat mission, so the two of them were very relaxed at first.

Get rid of idlers and so on.

However, when the two entered the cave, the Yalong dog walking in the front raised its tail and let out a whining sound.

This is not right.

The two soldiers who noticed the change in the state of the Yalong dog became nervous instantly. Although the Yalong dogs equipped by the Hedoram battle group are all third-rate goods eliminated from the Immortal Fortress, the blood belonging to the dragon has almost dried up. , but their sense of smell is still far superior to that of ordinary hounds, and they are extremely bold.

The appearance of such a vertical tail and low whimpering proves that it smells danger, which can make an Yalong dog feel danger...

Something is probably not quite right.

The two soldiers put down the visors of their helmets at the same time, and held the hilts of their sabers with their hands. They held up the torches in their hands, concentrating on guarding against possible crises.

The next moment, in the darkness in front of them, two hook locks appeared without warning—then, just as the two soldiers drew out their swords and prepared to fight side by side, a cyan figure emerged from the darkness Jumped out of it.

In the beating light of the torch, this figure was at an astonishing speed, and it came to them in the blink of an eye.

The two subconsciously lowered their heads, facing the possible attack with the thickest, spiked top of the helmet, and at the same time raised their swords and stabbed, one left and one right cooperated extremely tacitly.

In the other hand of the two soldiers, one waved a torch, which caused a burst of flames, and the other let go of the rope, allowing the Yalong dog to rush forward. In the narrow mine, such a response can be called A textbook example.

Unfortunately, this is of no use.

Because for them, that cyan figure—or the Gray Lady of Piltover, Ms. Qinggangying Camille, is itself an outsider.

After the hook lock was close to the wall, Camille touched the wall of the mine with one foot, and the whole person changed direction lightly, swinging directly towards the two soldiers from below.

As for the Yalong dog that rushed over, it bumped straight into the sharp edge of her protruding left leg as if it was seeking its own death.

The sub-dragon scale armor and tight muscles couldn't stop the sharp blade, and as the figures of a man and a dog staggered past, this loyal dog with the blood of an elemental dragon was cleanly split in half.

Camille's castration remained undiminished, and she even accelerated in the second stage. She stretched out her legs again from bottom to top, and kicked the two Noxus soldiers in the face one after the other with incomparable precision.

The sharp blades on the legs seemed to be the most precise scalpels, piercing into the gaps of their helmet visors with ease - and after completing all this, Camille easily stuck out the hook lock again, Before the whole person landed, he pulled up again like a swallow scooping water, and left here twice, heading straight for the entrance of the mine.

And it wasn't until she rushed out of the mine and disappeared into the night that the bodies of the two unlucky bastards fell to the ground with two plops, and finally they were silent again.

In the cave, the three of Jess didn't know what happened, but after looking at each other, they decided to go all out and continue digging—whatever!


After sending two soldiers to call for someone in the cave, the other Noxus soldiers didn't pay much attention to the situation here.

They are driving the law enforcement officers man-to-man, keeping them away from the mine as much as possible.

However, as the soldiers who entered the mine did not return, the leading officer finally realized that something was wrong.

what happened?

In this case, he simply shook his head, called his deputy, and asked him to lead a small team in to have a look—to see if the two bastards got stuck while drilling.

Then, just as the ten-member team approached the mine, they encountered a death from heaven.

Camille, who was ambushing at the entrance of the cave, shot decisively without hesitation, and four of the unsuspecting Noxus soldiers were quickly knocked down by Camille who was hanging upside down.

The rest of the people were alert at the first moment, but Camille's shackle had stretched out again, dragging her into the darkness deep in the mine.

The situation is not right!

The captain of this team put all his strength on the alert and signaled everyone to let go of the Yalong dog, and at the same time picked up the whistle on his waist—the next moment, the sharp whistle sounded, and then stopped abruptly without warning.

When the officer heard the whistle, finally found out the problem, and led a large number of soldiers into the mine cautiously, he only saw corpses all over the ground.

All the soldiers were wearing helmets and armor, each of them was well-equipped, but they couldn't die any more. No matter how you look at this situation, it makes people feel creepy.

The officer lowered his head, looked carefully with the torch, and finally saw the cause of their death.

Almost everyone's wounds appeared in the gaps of armor or helmets. The shapeless sharp blade pierced through the defense in this way, pointed directly at the vital points, and dealt amazing real damage, allowing the team to fully recover in just a few breaths. The army was wiped out.

This is a pretty formidable opponent.

Such a precise enemy will only be more difficult in a relatively narrow mine.

However, the officer was not in a hurry.

He didn't order the soldiers to move on, nor did he rush to avenge the dead. Instead, he took a firework from his waist, lit it on the torch of a soldier beside him, and pointed straight out of the cave.

Then, without hesitation, he gave the order to retreat as a rose exploded in mid-air.

"Get out of here—professional matters, leave them to professional people!"

The Noxian soldiers retreated in an orderly manner without the slightest hesitation.


And just as the fireworks exploded, in a private teahouse in the Piltover College District, a guy who was staring out the window all the time finally pushed away the teacup in front of him and suddenly got up.

"I'm so anxious, Tyrone." Opposite him, Cassiopeia was twisting the handle of her teacup, revealing a resentful expression, "Is it so hard for you to be with me? I was in Piltover. During this period of time, those men from the Explorers' Association are very willing to drink tea and chat with me here."

"Second Miss, there is indeed a problem with your plan." Tai Long said in a low voice, "Mrs. Piltover doesn't seem to be as weak as she seems."

While speaking, the corners of Tai Long's mouth couldn't help twitching—you still have the nerve to mention the man from the Explorers' Association?
They were all buried under that mine by you!

"This is not a problem, my loyal Lord Tyrone, the strong Mr. Blade Shadow." Cassiopeia said in an extremely relaxed tone, "They are weak, so I will save some effort; if they are bold, then hand over to them." Give you."

"I am only loyal to the general." Tai Long quickly checked his equipment, "And you are not the general yet."

"Well said, but don't forget, the general's surname is Kekao." Cassiopeia let out a beautiful smile indifferently, "I am his only heir—after my stupid sister After screwing everything up, before I screwed up like she did."

Tai Long took a deep breath, but did not refute after all.

To be honest, he really doesn't like Second Miss.

But it is a pity that since the eldest lady failed in the last assassination attempt, the future of the Kekao family may only be in the hands of this cunning woman.

As an assassin, an assassin who walks on the tip of a knife, it is somewhat strange to say that others are cunning, but in Tailong's view, Cassiopeia is an extremely cunning person, not only cunning, but also ruthless.

She is beautiful and glamorous, but she is the most dangerous rose. Unlike General Du Kecao, who can solve problems by force, she is better at using her own resources to achieve her goals, hiding behind the scenes and weaving conspiracy...

Even if he can be regarded as a "childhood sweetheart", Tai Long still doesn't like the woman in front of him, and getting close to her will not make Tai Long feel close, but will make him feel restrained, stiff, and icy cold.

It was as if a knife had been pressed against his waist and eyes.

Therefore, even though Cassiopeia has expressed veiled wooing several times, he is still closer to the almost lost eldest lady Katerina.

But this time, he must accept Cassiopeia's command.

This is the order of the Grand Commander - not only Tyrone, but for Cassiopeia's action, Hedoram's garrison regiment, Piltover's latent war mason and even many Noxus " "Red Top Merchant" has been given orders to accept Cassiopeia's command when necessary.

There is no doubt that this is an amazing move.

Although Tyrone himself has some complaints about the behavior of the imperial army being trapped in the quagmire of Ionia, but still making troubles in the most important shipping port in the south, but the command of the grand commander is the will of the empire, and he can only obey the order .

Putting on the hood, Tai Long didn't continue to entangle with Cassiopeia, but pushed the door out without a sound, and quickly disappeared into the dark night.

Watching his back disappear completely, Cassiopeia gracefully poured out the tea in her cup, pressed the clockwork bell on the table, and called the waiter.

"For a pot of tea." Cassiopeia ordered, "for a pot of rose tea."

 Carya's Small Classroom Yalong Dog:
  Drurns are wingless, wolf-sized carnivores that inhabit the northern part of the Noxian capital.Vicious pack hunters, they are highly prized by Noxians for military operations, as watchdogs, or simply as expensive (but dangerous) pets.Owning one or more Yalong dogs is a symbol of wealth and power.

  It is said that it has dragon blood, but it is not easy to say whether it is true or not.

(End of this chapter)

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