Lux's Farewell

Chapter 115 [0112] Collision in the dark

Chapter 115 [0112] Collision in the dark
Under Camille's threat, this group of Noxus soldiers did not enter the mine.

In the depths of the mine, Jess, Victor, and Ike were sweating profusely, digging with all their might.

Deeper in the depths, the trapped and still alive Piltover explorers noticed the movement, knocking on everything around them as much as possible, making various noises, hoping to attract the attention of rescuers strength to escape from the ruins.

However, in addition to saving lives, this time-consuming excavation has also become an arena where Noxus and Piltover are wrestling——Jess and the three of them are not aware of this.

After all, Piltover is a "free city-state". Noxus can protect its citizens when Piltover's rescue is unfavorable, but after all, it cannot directly send troops to attack with great fanfare.

The Noxian nobles explored Piltover and were buried underground for a whole day. Even if the Noxians took over the mine, they would at best have a "tough attitude".

But if the nobles just disappeared, and the Noxians immediately dispatched, that would not be called toughness, but provocation.

Piltover can't do anything to Noxus, but considering that Noxus' battle in Ionia is still in full swing, provocation is not the result they hoped for.

Tomorrow morning, Piltover will be unable to prevent the Noxian takeover.

Well, the problem is coming.

Why did a group of Noxus soldiers from Hedoram announce to take over the mine tonight?
This is Cassiopeia's carefully prepared sausage-slicing tactic.

She is not satisfied with mastering everything tomorrow, but tries to gain greater influence through continuous testing, and at the same time, she can figure out Piltover's bottom line.

In fact, the delay in making a decision on the part of the parliament and the unclear responsibilities of the rescue team were due to the fact that several congressmen were making trouble—the sausage-cutting tactic was not a mindless temptation, but a corresponding supporting action.

The ghosts in the parliament delayed to ensure that no one could be rescued before tomorrow morning.

And when everyone thought that no one would be rescued tomorrow and that Noxus would inevitably take over the mine, Noxus sent people ahead of time to take over at night.

Anyway, the mine will be handed over to the Noxus sooner or later.

In this way, Cassiopeia has essentially exceeded the bottom line, and Piltover will become weaker and weaker in front of Noxus.

This method has been staged more than once in Uzeris and Belguen, and anyone who is familiar with the international situation of Runeterra knows that the flag of Noxus has been hoisted in those two cities.

Step by step, cannibalize and annex, nothing more.

However, Cassiopeia ultimately underestimated Piltover.

Camille, who had been watching coldly, waited until she found the partner she wanted, and after getting Heimerdinger's support, she shot without hesitation and cut off the Noxian's claw in the dark night.

Tonight's actions are ultimately shady.

Before tomorrow morning, no matter how many Noxus people Camille killed, Noxus could not retaliate, nor could it be used as an excuse!

This is her revenge for Noxus!

As for the three volunteers who ran over to dig...

This is the surprise.

Although in Camille's eyes, both Jess's gloves and Victor's cutting machine are still a bit too rough, but this brand-new Hex technology equipment is just as Heimerdinger said. - represents the future.

In this case, Camille simply sheltered these three people and cut them off from outside interference.

If you can really dig up that trapped Noxian...

That would be Piltover's anti-general!
Then, Camille saw the fireworks exploding in mid-air.

"Oh, there is support." Seeing the Noxus soldiers withdraw from the mine, the Gray Lady moved her shoulders, "It seems that the person who presided over the plan this time is a cunning little guy... There are still many hands."

Although she was a little surprised in her heart, Camille didn't have the slightest worry. She had absolute confidence in her own strength. She was completely confident that Noxus would not send out a large-scale team or a group of mages. Guard the entrance to the mine.

After all, she is the Gray Lady who was born as a secret agent and controls the order of Piltover!

Sliding lightly down the rope of the elevator, Talon quickly came to the location of the mine.

Looking at the Noxus soldiers waiting in battle from a distance, the shadow of the blade curled his lips indistinctly.

Mrs. Piltover, far more daring than imagined. doesn't matter.

Although I don't know what gave Mrs. Piltover such courage, but Tyrone is also full of confidence in himself.

No one can stop an assassin in the shadows—and inside the mine, there are shadows everywhere.

However, as a cautious assassin, Talon needs to know what happened in the mine first.

So, he quietly entered the Noxian team and found the leading officer.

"What's going on inside?" His indifferent voice appeared behind the other party without warning, "It smells like blood, is there a dead person inside?"

"Who—Master Tai Long!" Hearing this sudden voice, the officer was startled, "The situation inside is unclear, twelve people died in full armor..."

Recognizing Tyrone's identity, he whispered about what he saw not long ago.

After listening to his narration, Tai Long narrowed his eyes slightly.

Looks like a formidable opponent.

Noxus' black iron armor was thick and hard, making it difficult to break through from the front, and the enemy could easily cause a lot of damage through the gaps in the armor in a short period of time, so it didn't look like a spellcaster.

Tai Long is better at dealing with spellcasters, and he is somewhat uncomfortable with this kind of enemy.

But okay.

After all, the mine and the dark shadows are the assassin's home field—although the enemy may be a tough agile type or even a fellow assassin, Talon only frowned slightly in the end.

Mr. Blade Shadow also has absolute confidence in himself.

After all, he is the Master Assassin personally handed down by General Du Cucao!

A shadow quietly entered the mine.

Talon's coat and hood look a little drawn out and seem to serve no purpose other than being handsome.

But in fact, this set of equipment is not only exquisitely designed, but also professionally enchanted, and has a strong affinity for shadows.

Even if he is not a spellcaster himself, Tai Long can still hide in the shadows, moving in the dark and quiet environment like a fish in water.

Tyrone was looking for traces of the enemy.

At the same time, Camille, who was hanging upside down on the roof of the mine, was also waiting for Tyrone.

Unlike an assassin like Tyrone who stealthily assassinates, Camille takes the route of a speedy light warrior—although she moves quickly, she is actually not good at camouflage and lurking. The reason why those Noxus soldiers don't even know She is who she is because she can dash in quickly, resolve battles quickly, and leave quickly.

If no one sees it, then there is no exposure.

In terms of lurking, Camille can't even compare to normal people, at least the eyes of normal people don't shine.

It is for this reason that Camille chose to "kill around the corner", waiting for the enemy to throw himself into the trap at the turn of the mine.

After being transformed by Hex technology, her hearing is far superior to that of ordinary people. This kind of ambush can take advantage of her advantages to the greatest extent, crouching quietly in the blind area of ​​vision, and then killing with one blow!

Tyrone, however, is clearly no ordinary character.

Even though the mine was full of gravel and rubble, he could still walk silently—by the time Camille realized it, Talon had already come around the corner.

In this case, Camille simply flipped over and landed on the ground, while throwing out the hook locks on her legs.

The sound of the falling body also made Tai Long aware of the enemy's position. He threw his throwing knife with a rope forward without hesitation. Three sharp blades flew out in front of him, opened like petals, and cut quickly everything on the path.

Two people shot at the same time!
The hook lock of the flying claw on Camille's right leg got entangled with the rope of Tyrone's sharp blade. After realizing this, Tai Long resolutely let go, and Camille quickly retracted the hook lock. The shapes did not collide, and they quickly separated.

The hook lock on one side of Camille's left leg temporarily failed, and Tai Long lost his most convenient three-handed throwing knife.

Although the wave of confrontation at the meeting was somewhat oolong, it made both of them realize that their opponents were unusual.

Camille recovered the hook lock on the left.

Tai Long showed his Hidden Blade and Dagger.

This time, they didn't use any fancy moves, but stepped forward at the same time in the most direct way, one stretched out his hand and the other raised his leg.


Camille jumped up, and her condescending kick was blocked by Talon's dagger.

Camille, who didn't use the hook lock, couldn't hit with all her strength, and Talon, who was out of the shadows, was also very difficult to block.

In general... it is still evenly divided.

After a failed blow, Camille stepped forward without hesitation, and the other leg swept across, as if to chop Tai Long into two pieces.

And Tai Long dodged backwards, his figure seemed to melt into the darkness of the mine.

Camille untied the entangled rope on the leg hook while looking for the figure in the darkness with her red eyes.

And Tai Long took this opportunity to take out spare ropes and throwing knives from his waist—soon, after Camille's eyes turned dangerous red and locked him again, the two started the first battle. Two rounds.

This time, Camille hung herself high, and then with the force of gravity on her legs, she slashed her head and slashed straight at Tyrone.

Tai Long didn't resist stupidly this time, but rolled and threw out his throwing knife.

Camille missed a blow, and the rope on her leg was thrown out again. While pulling her whole body up, she also took advantage of the trend to kick the throwing knife thrown by Tai Long, and kicked the second kick with incomparable precision.

Although Tai Long's throwing knives were also made of refined iron, they were far behind Camille's alloy legs. After a collision, these petal-like throwing knives really withered like petals.

Seeing this scene, Tai Long finally realized that those soldiers died unjustly.

After the two kicks, Camille's body pulled up and swung in mid-air. The hook lock was thrown to Tailong's back, then tightened with the momentum, and the whole person jumped out like lightning, and launched an attack again.

Talon managed to block the blow with his Hidden Blade, wanting to hide in the shadows again—but unfortunately, Camille's gaze had already locked him firmly.

Out of battle...failed!
Locking on the target, Camille's follow-up attacks were like a tidal wave.

Tai Long, who had no advantage in frontal combat power, was like a boat in the sea, and quickly fell into a disadvantage.

However, no matter how fierce Camille's offensive was, Tai Long could always avoid it at critical moments, and the battlefield was pulled apart unconsciously.

During this pursuit and escape, the two gradually moved away from the relatively narrow corner of the mine, getting closer and closer to the entrance of the cave.

From Camille's point of view, this is a sign that Tyrone is trying to escape.

The assassin in the shadows was locked by his eyes, so he could only run away.

However, the closer you get to the entrance of the crazy cave, the more open the space is, and Camille also has more hook lock positions and action space. She wants to see if the mouse slips out of the mine first, or is the mouse caught first. Catch the flaw yourself!

The hook lock protruded in two directions, and Camille charged up again for a blow.

In response, Tai Long threw a large throwing knife, but the whole person disappeared without warning.

Unlike before, this time he completely disappeared. Even though Camille's eyes had turned red to monitor the heat, she couldn't see the figure in the darkness.

In the mine, there were only a few icy ropes connected to the throwing knives.

Wait, rope? !

not good!

Camille looked along the direction of the ropes, but found that those ropes all pointed to the depths of the mine.

The mouse clearly returned to the cave again!
Realizing this, Camille turned around without hesitation—that cunning assassin, his target was the three people in the mine!
With Camille's hook and lock protruding out, under the shelter of the shadows, a smile finally leaked from the corner of Tai Long's mouth.

This strange reformed person... still fell into his own trap after all!
Tyrone's goal has never changed, he doesn't know who the three guys inside are - his task is just to kill this difficult guy.

Seeing that Camille turned back and the empty door was wide open, Tai Long stepped forward without hesitation.

It seemed to be a throwing knife that was dropped after being blocked and kicked, but now the ropes at the end were all in Talon's hands—the ends of the ropes made of special materials were completely integrated with the shadows, and Camille didn't notice it at all. .

When approaching Camille, Tai Long used his greatest strength without hesitation, and yanked the shadow chains fiercely!
The flying knife rolled backwards, and the light of the knife was like a dark lightning in the darkness.

It's now!

Come on - it's a deadly raid from the shadows!

Kami was caught off guard, as if she could only watch the flying knife come straight to her vitals.

At the same time, Talon also showed the dagger in his sleeve, ready to cut the hook lock and prevent Camille from leaving the hook wall to avoid this deadly attack.

Kill game!

The blade is about to be added.

The frozen horror on Camille's face disappeared at the last moment.

The next moment, a translucent barrier appeared around her.

The seemingly intangible barrier easily blocked this deadly attack. The flying knives that rolled backwards seemed to be pierced into a huge and tough invisible sphere, unable to penetrate an inch.

At the same time, the dagger stabbed out of Tai Long's hand was easily pushed aside by Camille's leg.

Realizing that something was wrong, Tai Long escaped into the shadows again without hesitation, turned around and left!

However... it was too late.

"I never said you could leave, little mouse."

Before the words fell, Camille's hex heart suddenly overloaded, and the original hex crystal from the Kalamanda underground oscillated at a high frequency, pouring its amazing power into the shield - originally it could only be used for defense The shield suddenly expanded until it became an invisible cage.

"I heard that you have submitted a notice to the council?" The invisible energy chains bound Tailong tightly in place. Even though he was struggling, he could only helplessly listen to Camille's cold sentence, "Now, Let you be responsible for receiving... Hex's ultimatum!"

 Carya's Little Classroom Sausage Cutting Tactics:
  Its purpose is to use the strong advantages of material forces to quickly reach some intermediate goal within the limit of the freedom of action provided by external factors, create a fait accompli attitude, and then take the next action.

  Such a course of action consists of a series of operations to capture relatively limited objectives, with diplomatic negotiations interspersed.

(End of this chapter)

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