Lux's Farewell

Chapter 116 [0113]

Chapter 116 [0113]
The battle between Camille and Tyrone ended in Camille's victory.

However, unlike those Noxus soldiers who were easily eliminated before, Camille could not directly kill the killer after all.

It's not that she recognized Tyrone's identity, or that she had any scruples.

Instead, the Noxians sent "Negotiators."

Camille knew this negotiator—Camille had listened to him for decades because of the other party's ancestral drake voice.

"Stop, Camille." The hoarse voice said, "Stop now, everything can be brought to an end."

"Mice will only look for mice." Camille's voice was still cold and calm, but she did not kill Tai Long after all. "What did they say to move you, Jagu?"

"A promise, a promise that the Piltover patent will also be protected in Noxus." Facing Camille, the elderly gentleman showed unexpected frankness, "This is the end of the matter." , the Noxians have learned their lesson—”

"Behaviors that cross the bottom line must be taught a lesson. This is what it should be." Camille interrupted the other party's words. "If it's a negotiation, I need to see sincerity."

"Patent protection is a promise." Jagu pushed the glasses on the bridge of his nose, "This includes not only Midarda's piston patent, but also Philos' artificial hex crystal patent."

"But, it looks like I don't need your protection." Camille glanced sideways at the embarrassed Tyrone, and untied the restraint of the energy field, "In Piltover, skilled workers over the age of five can make Pistons, but except for the core members of the Philos family, no one knows how to make artificial hex crystals."

Obviously, Camille made no secret of her disdain for Jagu—unlike the Ferros family, which relies on unique technology to survive, the Myrdalda family, which took root in Piltover, relies more on Barriers constructed by rogue patents.

This slick family, backed by the family connections of Noxus, bought up patents in Piltover, and then, as if they had nothing to do with it, they carried out frantic patent applications and control, even basic patents such as pistons. Apply for a patent in the name of "standardization".

It's ridiculous to say that the artificial hex crystal technology patent and the piston patent are both patents that are enough to make a family prosperous, but the former is coveted by countless people, and everyone wants to understand this technology; the latter is known to everyone What kind of thing is it, everyone just hopes not to be targeted by the Midalmi family...

The taunt from Camille and Talon who escaped from the mine in embarrassment made Jagu Midarda stagnate, and then, before he could think of anything to say, Camille spoke again.

"I heard that your seat in the council was given to a little girl, right?" Camille's words were a little bit personal this time, "Her name is Mel Midarda, and I heard that she is from Noxus. The Midarda family of Si - it seems that our Mr. Jagu is ready to recognize his ancestors and return to his family, and the fallen leaves return to his roots..."

Jagu's breath almost didn't come up.

Although he was happy to hide behind the scenes and manipulate the situation, the fact that he was forced to give up the parliamentary seat to Mel was still extremely painful.

If possible, he would prefer his own son—even that ineffective nephew—become a councilor, rather than submit to some distant Noxus relative who didn't know where!

But... he still couldn't have an attack after all.

Because at the moment of anger, his power to negotiate was also deprived.

"Ah, this is the famous Mrs. Gray of Piltover, right?" Behind Jagu, a slender figure stepped out and came to the entrance of the mine. Tai Long followed her with his head down. Behind him, "It's really as cold and realistic as the rumors say."

"you are?"

"Let me introduce myself, my name is Cassiopeia." A bright smile leaked from Cassiopeia's face, "Of course, my friends in Piltover prefer to call me Opia."

"You are the one who attracted countless explorers?" Hearing this name, Camille instantly realized many problems. "It seems that the Lord has come."

"I've heard many legends about Cinderella in Piltover." Cassiopeia didn't care about Camille's undisguised murderous intent, "I've admired her for a long time, and it's rare to see her today."

"Is this the way Noxians admire?" Camille was not impressed by this low-end politeness. "My time is precious, and today's extra exercise has already delayed my sleep time."

"Precious time? I like this description." The smile on Cassiopeia's face became even stronger, "But as far as I know, the legend of the Cinderella has been circulating in Piltover for more than 50 years—for you Is time really precious?"


Camille was a little confused by Cassiopeia's words.

How did it get here?

She originally thought that the guy who planned the whole plan would be difficult in the next negotiation, maybe it was a threat, maybe it was a temptation.

But what she didn't expect was that Cassiopeia was talking nonsense about "precious time" and so on, and she seemed to care about her age both openly and secretly.

"Little girl, when you reach my age, you will understand that no matter how long time is, it is still precious."

"But if possible, the more time the better." Cassiopeia finally stopped going around in circles, "Noxus is very interested in Hex's body transformation, Your Excellency Gray Lady."


"Time is always fair, and your technology may be able to avoid the erosion of time to a certain extent." Cassiopeia made the request for the first time, "You are right. Main Street's patents, perhaps the truly meaningful technologies such as the manufacture of Hex crystals and Hex body modification are truly worthy of protection."

Hearing this, Camille hadn't reacted yet, but Jagu Midarda, who was beside Cassiopeia, widened her eyes and almost twitched.

It's not as good as it was said to be!
He is willing to stand here and risk fighting with Philos to speak for Noxus, isn't it because his patent can suck blood under the order of Noxus?
Although Jagu is currently unable to go to Noxus to collect patent fees, but don't forget that Belgün and Uzeris in the north of Shurima now belong to Noxus in name!
As long as it is recognized by the laws of Noxus, Jagu will grab a lot of patent fees in these two prosperous trading port cities!

However, looking at Cassiopeia's posture now...

She seems to be planning to cross the river and tear down the bridge? !
At this moment, Jagu really wanted to shout, "I shed blood for Noxus, I want to see the Grand Commander"—unfortunately, before he opened his mouth, Talon's Hidden Blade was on his waist .

Jagu closed his mouth.

The surrounding quiet down.

Camille was thinking about the other party's purpose.

And Cassiopeia was waiting for an answer.


Cassiopeia is full of lies, but she tells the truth about Hex's body modification.

Noxus really needs this technology.

To be exact, Your Excellency, the Grand Commander of Noxus, needs this technology very much.

Because of the unfavorable situation in the Ionian war, the rule of Grand Commander Brown Darkville is actually not as stable as it seems-for the military empire of Noxus, the Grand Commander is not a one-size-fits-all emperor, but The military leader who led everyone to fight together.

If you can lead everyone to win, then you are a good commander; if you can't lead everyone to win, then you are not a qualified commander.

An unqualified commander... It is very likely that a certain powerful army leader will come to Shangluo with a knife.

As the battle situation in Ionia fell into a stalemate, Noxus' casualties increased and the results of the battle became less and less, Darkwell also began to slide from a qualified commander to an unqualified commander.

In this case, Darkwell needs some bargaining chips to win over other military leaders.

The main purpose of Cassiopeia's coming to Piltover is to find the Hex body modification technology that can prolong life.

Why can Cassiopeia's activities receive the full support of Noxus, including the war stonemason and the Hedoram battle group, and can also produce a circular letter from the general?
Because this itself is the request of the Grand Commander.

As for finding an underground laboratory, that was not the "official reason" for the trip.

However, the vigorous explosion and the exploration of the laboratory are just "hands-on".

It is also interesting to say that although Cassiopeia's father, Du Kecao, has a close relationship with Darkville, Cassiopeia herself is not a diehard loyalist to the Grand Commander. Darkville's Noxus mysterious group - the Black Rose.

This group dedicated to finding magic and the mysteries of immortality used its power to win over many Noxus military aristocrats, formed a political alliance, and manipulated the situation in Noxus to a certain extent.

The Black Rose shares Noxian interests in many ways, such as their shared desire for greater territory.

But in more respects, there are huge differences between Black Rose and Noxus.

Just like in the battle situation in Ionia.

The way that suits the interests of Noxus should be a quick solution. While the Ionians do not have a complete and unified government, they can directly occupy them in name—as long as they respect the customs of Ionia and maintain their In such an environment, even if the Ionians resist, their resistance will be very limited.

But... Black Rose is eager to explore the magical mysteries of this land of birth. In order to achieve this goal, the Noxus expeditionary force raided a large number of temples and trampled on the balance, which eventually led to the tendency of the whole of Ionia to unite .

In this case, Darkville's situation is naturally a bit bad.

He complied with the request of the black rose and carried out a series of "unnecessary operations" in Ionia, which directly led to the deterioration of the war situation and the alienation from the real power.

In order to maintain his position as the Grand Commander, Darkville could only grasp the thorny thorn of the black rose like a drowning man.

Black Rose wants to find out what secrets are hidden in the ancient Shurima Empire Vazuan, and the Grand Commander needs Hex's body transformation, a method that can prolong life, to gain the support of the dissident military leaders.


In the eyes of Camille, who has undergone Hex's body modification, the price of Hex's body modification is cruel. She lost her love and almost lost her family. Since then, she has shouldered the heaviest mission of her family.

But in the eyes of the Noxians, the most important significance of this technology lies in the extension of lifespan.

Cassiopeia emphasized several times that after Camille realized the crux of the problem, although she couldn't figure out the political strife behind the high-level Noxus, she still felt an inexplicable irony.

Watching Tailong escorting Jagu away, watching the surrounding Noxus soldiers spread far away, and watching Cassiopeia smiling not far from the entrance of the cave, Camille finally sighed.

"If you have really investigated this, you should know that the original crystals suitable for Hex's body modification are on the verge of exhaustion." Camille said calmly, "Moreover, the master of this technology has long since passed away. .”

"Ah, that's a pity." Contrary to Camille's expectations, Cassiopeia said regret when she got this answer, but her tone was as expected, "If this is the case... ...Then I can only declare that negotiations have broken down."

Camille finally felt something was wrong with such an understatement in declaring that the negotiations had broken down.

"Oh, the commander is obviously full of expectations for this technology." Cassiopeia was still talking to herself, but the content made Camille's Hex heart oscillate again, " It’s not okay to do this empty-handed, otherwise, how about this, respected Mrs. Gray, how about you come with me to the Immortal Fortress?”


"I believe that the commander-in-chief, who is so open-minded to accept advice, will definitely understand your difficulties."

Hearing what Cassiopeia said, Camille fired the shackle without hesitation, and headed straight for her.

If the negotiation breaks down, then use force to resolve it—she has already prepared the second Hex ultimatum.

However, when Camille came to the opponent's side, the high-frequency oscillating Hex heart was fully charged, and the Hex force field was fully activated, "Casiopeia" in front of her disappeared like a cloud of mist not see.

Camille had never seen such a situation before, so she couldn't help being stunned.

At the same time, the Noxus soldiers who had withdrawn not far away received an order, and under the command of the officer, they threw a large number of gas tanks in the direction of Camille and the mine.

The valves of the gas tanks were all open, and a large amount of deadly poisonous gutter gas gushed out with hissing sounds, quickly forming a poisonous cloud!
Camille's respiratory system has been changed long ago, and she has a strong resistance to this poisonous gas.

But the explorers who were trapped in the mine, as well as the three of Jess who were still digging hard, couldn't deal with the deadly high concentration of poisonous gas!

The Noxians are so vicious!
At this moment, Camille had no time to hesitate, she popped the hook lock, and went straight to the depths of the mine—those buried explorers were hopeless, and now the most important thing is to get Jess , Victor and Ike are rescued.

Their lives... must not be in danger!
 Carya's Small Classroom: Poison Gas in the Trench:

  The natural poisonous gas underground in Zaun will leak out when mining or when cracks appear in the ground. It is the main irritating component of Zaun's fog. Other constituents of large amounts of respirable particulate matter.

  Ask for a monthly pass! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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