Lux's Farewell

Chapter 117 [0114] Girls Can Drive Gundams

Chapter 117 [0114] Girls Can Drive Gundams
Realizing the problem, Camille immediately turned around and returned to the mine as quickly as possible.

The stone pile that Jess arranged to stop the Noxians did not cause substantial trouble to Camille. She easily opened the way and quickly found the three people who were about to lose consciousness.

The speed at which the poisonous gas diffused was astonishing—from this point of view, it seemed that there might be an exit deep in the mine or lead to a dark river—but this was not something Camille had to consider.

She took out a spare shackle, tied the three unlucky guys together with their equipment, picked them up, and quickly ran out of the mine.

As for the more explorers who were buried in the mines, I am afraid that they will be doomed to die from the poisonous gas in the trench.

And as they acted, the ground... moved.


As the ground is moving, so is the ground.

After finding the special safety regulations, Lacus began to assemble this huge plant construct according to the above contents.

Unlike the large-scale constructs cut from obsidian or other magical ores that are common in the ruins and tombs of Shurima, the constructs in this laboratory can be said to be adapted to local conditions and local materials. Components, are all plants in the laboratory culture area.

The main structure is six trees, which are planted in special areas in six directions in the cultivation room. The trunks have been pre-carved with magic circuits, and have been specially cultivated.

As long as these magic circuits are activated one by one according to the instructions of the safety regulations, they can be automatically "spliced" together.

Under the guidance of Karya, according to the instruction manual, Lux and Ino gave their magic power.

And with the injection of magic power, the inconspicuous vines that were originally only wrapped around these trees and shrubs grew rapidly, pierced the skin of the trees, and absorbed a large amount of energy stored in the trees at an astonishing speed. Crazy growth.

These wild vines sprawl along magical circuits, forming the construct's neural network and moving joints.

The tough and strong rune tree became its torso and limbs, and at the place of the "head", a dense bush played the role of the head very well - Lux, as the provider of magic power, was safely protected by it the center of the torso.

In this way, a giant structure was built in the underground laboratory.

Several sleeping children and miners who were about to change shifts were immediately woken up. When they saw this giant structure, almost everyone had the same thought: "I must not have woken up."

With this thought in mind, Melo immediately wanted to lie down and go back to sleep—then Fandre picked him up by his ears, and he woke up completely amidst howling ghosts and wolves.

"It's unbelievable, is that a tree?" Milo rubbed his red ears after finally fully awake, "So, we're going to sit on it and go out?"

"That's right, it will take us out." Seeing the construct standing up, Fandre finally let out a long breath, "Okay, now we have to listen to Lux's command, the good news is that at least everyone will climbing a tree..."

"No need to climb trees!" Lux's voice came from the head of this giant construct, "There is a special place for people to board here—these vines are woven into a hanging basket!"

Saying that, according to the regulations, Lux controlled the construct to slightly lower its height, and then, as it raised its "head" slightly, everyone finally saw Lux and the hanging basket made of vines .

"We don't have enough time!" Lux pressed her hands on the manipulation orb of the construct again, "Its internal energy is very limited. According to the regulations, it will die directly in two days at most, and then Become a fossil state!"

Hearing what Lacus said, everyone quickly surrounded them, and climbed up the construct swiftly in the order of children first.

More than 30 people crowded on the hanging basket, somewhat embarrassed, but at this moment, everyone only had joy and excitement in their hearts.

After all... being able to sit on such a giant construct is not an experience that ordinary people can have - according to Melo, it's pretty cool!

Just think about it, you are standing on a huge hanging basket woven of living vines, manipulating a huge, purely tree-like plant construct with magic power, its solid and reliable limbs are under the control of magic power. Under the penetration, you are acting according to the will of the most reliable thigh in your team...

Big brother take me to fly!
Although it is impossible for other adults to yell with excitement like him, the reason is the same in the end-it's not that adults are not excited, but they are more restrained.

Even Silko, who had always had a serious expression, and Mr. Shadow, who had suffered a lot and had a deep hatred, eased a lot.

After seeing the giant structure with his own eyes, Silko couldn't help thinking about the possibility of building a giant alchemy structure in Zaun. Mr. Shadow thought of the Lingliu in Ionia. If it can be controlled in this way, wouldn't it be possible to easily defeat the Noxus invaders?
Among the crowd, only Sevica felt something was wrong—this thing looked cool, but why did it seem to be walking with the same hands and feet?


Sevica read it right, this construct was indeed successful.

As for the reason for the straight turn, it is also very simple - as the driver, Lux is not proficient enough for the time being.

Don't look at Lux's appearance of "everything is under control" on the surface, but that is just to stabilize the morale of the army. At this moment, she only feels that she is under great pressure and panicked to death.

The pressure doesn't come from a lack of mana.

After activating the construct, the mana consumption to maintain its action is not large. She only needs to activate a specific magic circuit and control the movement of the vines that are the "nervous system" of the construct.

What really made Lux extremely nervous was her unfamiliarity with controlling this thing.

This is the first time Lux uses magic to control a construct and act as a driver.

Lax never expected that just as she yelled that there was a hanging basket here, everyone rushed to climb up the construct as if grabbing a seat—she originally planned to try to take two steps by herself.

You know, according to the regulations, every apprentice operating in the laboratory has to go through more than [-] hours of simulated patrol training before taking up the job-it's a pity that the content of the simulated training training can't be found, and Lak Si and Yinuo don't have [-] hours to train here. In order to leave as soon as possible, she can only drive without a license now!

Then, even if you are driving without a license, there are still a bunch of passengers yelling behind you during the test drive...

At this moment, facing the emotional feedback from the passengers, Lux only felt that her will was indestructible if she didn't shake her hands.

However, the situation was urgent, and Lux ​​often said that she was a rookie, a novice on the road.

Passengers should be excited, as long as they don't jump up and down, it's fine; but if the passengers are trembling and fearful, Lux will probably be even more nervous.

Fortunately, the operation of this construct is not complicated.

After manipulating this huge construct, Lacus walked around the periphery of the cultivation area, and finally managed her hands and feet smoothly, at least walking smoothly.

With a little confidence, Lacus controlled the construct to stand still, released the control orb, and rubbed her hands together.

Lacus, you can do it!

Think of those magical circuits that Kalya once taught you!
Think about the theoretical knowledge you have memorized in the past!

It is enough to use them in the following practice-this is the simplest content, a fool's operation!
Come on!

The next moment, Lux's magic power surged out, entered the manipulation orb, and controlled the tough vines to shrink and move regularly.

The huge plant construct also took another step and strode through the corridor of the laboratory and came to the gate.

"Kalya is a sand sculpture!"

The door remained motionless.

"I changed the password right away!" Carya, who was held in Ino's hand, snorted, "Now its password is 'I will attack in Gundam form'!"

Although he didn't understand the meaning of this sentence, Ino still nodded, and then shouted it out loudly.

"I will attack in Gundam form!"

This time the door was finally opened.

Lux went all out, manipulating this special plant construct, attacking in Gundam form.


Ezreal, who was left alone in the entrance passage of the laboratory, was trembling and dripping with snot.

Ino's freezing wasn't fatal, but at least it made him sick—he only felt that he was suffering from severe hypothermia and hypothermia.

The shivering little yellow hair didn't know where he was wrong.

Obviously those Zaun miners didn't look evil, and they took the initiative to rescue themselves... Why did that beautiful silver-haired girl suddenly cast a spell and freeze herself?
The little yellow-haired boy who finally got frozen was puzzled. He stuffed energy bars into his mouth, and looked for a place where he could dig a hole to bury himself—don’t get me wrong, he didn’t want to commit suicide. It is hoped that the body temperature can be restored as soon as possible.

Although there may be a heating place behind that door, the attitude of those Zaun people is really hard to say, and the little yellow hair thinks that it is best not to take risks.


As soon as the pit on Ezreal's side was dug, the golden door opened again.

Under the sluggish eyes of the little yellow hair, a huge construct "crawled" out of the door, and then quickly adjusted its posture.

"Plant constructs?!" The little yellow hair who knew the goods jumped out of the pit, raised his hands high and started waving, "Here, here! Take me!"

Ino really wanted to help him by the way, but it was a pity that Karya was still obsessed with what he had said before. Ino, who helped hold the sword, really didn't want to disobey his teacher.

As for the other passengers...

It's a pity that one counts as one, and everyone doesn't have any good feelings for Piltover, not to mention that this is a Piltover explorer, a tomb robber bastard.

Seeing that the huge construct ignored him and was about to move forward along the collapsed passage, Xiao Huangmao finally became anxious-he couldn't ask for help, so he came to the door of the laboratory and shouted "Kalya is a sand sculpture" .

Unfortunately, the password is wrong.

Seeing that the door was not open, Xiao Huangmao was finally dumbfounded.

On the other side, the construct has come to the collapsed part of the passage, and is ready to start the soil work - the limbs of the construct are in the form of plants, and all the roots are outward, as long as the digging posture is activated, the roots can be quickly Grow, which in turn digs dirt, crushes ore, and opens a passage.

Seeing this huge structure, a passage several meters long and sloping upwards was opened in just a few breaths. How could Xiao Huangmao not know its function?

Considering its "parabolic in place" digging method, I'm afraid this passage will be filled soon, and then I will really be trapped here!
No, it must not be like this!
Hell, I have to find a way... I have it!
Xiao Huangmao, who had found a way, ignored the large amount of earth and rock thrown out by the construct, and started to shout while running over quickly.

"I found a necklace in Kumanggra! It's... blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah.

Because of the bastard's parroting, Karya wanted him to stay here and fend for himself.

But after hearing this sentence... he still hesitated.

If Xiaohuangmao really had such a magic item in his hand... It would not be impossible to change his life.

Karya is just a darkin, not a devil.

Sensing what Kalya meant, Ino also heaved a sigh of relief—although the kind little girl doesn't like this little yellow-haired girl, she still doesn't want to see him waiting to die here.

After getting Karya's permission, she immediately notified Lacus to stop the structure at this stage.

But the little yellow hair who seized the opportunity climbed up without hesitation, and after flipping into the hanging basket, he finally collapsed on the ground, motionless.

"Where's the necklace?" Ino put his hand on the hilt of the sword and came to Ezreal, "Bring it to me."

"Here, here." Ezreal took it out of the bag in a hurry, "This is it, I found it in the ruins of a local in Kumanggra, they said it was the will of the jungle... ..."

It's a pity that no one here is willing to listen to his adventures.

After Carya confirmed that it was useful, Ino turned and left without hesitation, while Lacus put the necklace on her wrist, rubbed her hands again, and controlled the construct to start digging again.

As for the other passengers, they were either drowsy or dispirited, and only Melo showed an expression of interest after hearing Ezreal's story.

"Isn't this cool?" After discovering this, Xiao Huangmao simply regarded Melo as his only audience, "I can tell you about the decryption of that ruin..."

"If you must tell." Milo blinked, reached out and pinched his nose, "I'd rather hear some other stories."

"what story?"

"The story of eating dirt." Milo flicked his fingers, and then pointed at the pit dug by the little yellow hair, "Aren't you overwhelmed by eating so much?"

 Carya's Small Classroom·Voice-activated Lab Change password:

  This involves the highest authority of the laboratory. Although Kalikan has never known how to respect his teacher, at least he still left a secret door for Kalya according to the tradition—thank God, even if Kalya became a dark descendant , this permission is still available.

(End of this chapter)

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