Lux's Farewell

Chapter 118 [0115] Cyclops

Chapter 118 [0115] Cyclops

Melo's question made Ezreal fall silent.

He intends to explain that it is a pit for maintaining body temperature, but looking at the undisguised sympathy in the other party's small eyes, he finally shuts his mouth helplessly.

Forget it.

Tired, destroy it, hurry up.

After this expedition, I must go back to university, and I must get a doctorate degree before I can come out—and then definitely stay away from this group of uneducated idiots.

Weakly collapsed in the hanging basket, Ezreal really couldn't understand at this time.

Why is this kind of person who doesn't understand anything able to enter such a high-level relic with his thighs in his arms, and then mock himself with vulgar words when he goes out.

I'm just unlucky!

In Xiao Huangmao's broken thoughts, Lux once again held the manipulation orb, and as the magic power surged in the vines, the excavation of this construct finally started again.

The entangled roots grow and attach to the surrounding soil, and they actively break after crushing the soil and rocks in front-in this way, not only the front is dug through, but also a large number of roots left during the excavation are like steel bars, strengthening the Protect the passage itself so that it does not collapse.

The excavated soil and gravel will be swept to the back of the construct, and after the cleaning is completed, the digging will start again in the front, and the cycle will be repeated.

Obviously this is a huge structure made up of plants, but it seems to be the most sophisticated machine. In the dark underground, it quickly dug out a passage for itself to move.

Most of the falling gravel and soil were blocked by the bushes at the "head" of the construct, and did not fall into the hanging basket woven by vines.

However, the dusty situation still makes everyone somewhat uncomfortable - even though the miners are used to working underground, when mining, there are more poisonous gases or inhalable particles, but now the dust is flying all over the sky and it almost makes their throats sticky up!
Thanks to a gust of fresh wind blowing in time, the terrible dust was relieved in time.

At the same time, Eno simply made a large piece of ice and installed "glass windows" for the passengers' gondolas.

In this way, a digging to survive finally officially began.


In the mine, Camille took the three of Jess away.

Just as she was leaving, the ground began to tremble.

Sensing this tremor, Camille activated the kinetic energy field for the first time—Camille was really taken aback, completely unaware of what kind of madness the Noxians were going through.

If the throwing of gas canisters can still be disguised as a gas leak from the trench, then if there is a second explosion here, I am afraid that the result of the two sides can only be a war.

Piltover could ignore a Zaun mine as long as it could cover up the facts.

But if there is a secondary explosion here...

The law enforcement officer is watching not far away. No matter whether the Noxus will silence them all or let them leave and tell the truth, there will only be war.

However, Camille didn't know, and Cassiopeia was also very puzzled by the Noxus.

Isn't this different from her plan?

Cassiopeia really just hoped to control the mine. As for the Hex body transformation technology, it was the order of Grand Commander Darkville, and she didn't care much.

After all, she is serving the black rose!

So, she begged the Pale Lady to create a magical illusion for herself, and then used it to negotiate with Camille, actively broke the negotiation, and induced Camille to take action, thus causing "I tried my best to talk about Hex's body modification problem, but the people of Piltover do not accept” the result.

At the same time, he threw out the gas tank in the trench to force the other party to leave, and by the way, no one would come near here—in this way, he could slowly lead the team to dig the ruins and complete the task of the black rose.

In the whole plan, everything went smoothly except that Tyrone was a bit embarrassed that he hadn't fought in singles, which caused Cassiopeia to be forced to sell a loyal dog in front of Camille.

As a result, just when everything was about to be completed and waiting for Camille to leave, there was a sudden terrifying vibration from the ground...

This time, it was Cassiopeia's turn to be dazed.

Camille, you can't have an accident!

Noxus has no plans to go to war with Piltover, and the war in Ionia is not over yet. Now Noxus needs the main artery of the Piltover Canal to provide blood transfusion for the war in Ionia!

Cutting the sausages is cutting the sausages, and if you go to war directly, not to mention that the commander-in-chief will never allow it, even the black rose side will not spare her!
Therefore, after discovering the problem, she immediately issued an order to ask the Hedoram battle group to go to the rescue.

The officer of Hedoram was somewhat dissatisfied with the order to rescue the woman who killed several comrades in arms, but as an officer of the empire, he still chose to obey the order.

As a result, before they put on the filter, Camille led someone out—thankfully, Mrs. Gray looked extremely embarrassed at this time, but at least her life was safe.

Not caring too much, after Camille left the mine, she hooked the lock and left, leaving only one sentence, "Noxians are very brave", and disappeared into the night.

"Miss Kekao." The officer who distributed half of the filters asked in a low voice, "Should we continue... to dig?"

"No need." Cassiopeia suppressed her anger and shook her head, "Stay alert to prevent possible aftershocks."

From Camille's attitude, Cassiopeia has already understood her thoughts, and I'm afraid Mrs. Piltover will not be honest next time!
"As ordered."

The officer nodded, and still distributed the filters, and a group of Noxus soldiers carefully approached the mine with the filters.

"Mr. Jagu." After giving the order, Cassiopeia turned her head and looked at the sluggish Jagu Midarda, "Please bear with me about the resolution in the parliament tomorrow."


Jagu did not reply immediately.

Even a dog needs to be coaxed after being kicked by its owner.

Fortunately, Cassiopeia is not a stingy person.

"Piltover is very important to the empire, Mr. Myrdalmy." She knew very well what the people in front of her wanted. "Facts have proved that the current parliament does not react well when faced with some emergencies. It's timely, in order to be able to communicate effectively with Piltover, the Empire needs a more reliable communication channel."

Cassiopeia's words made Jagu couldn't help squinting his eyes.

Translating this passage into adult language, it is implying that if Jagu can safeguard the interests of Noxus, Cassiopeia can help her regain her position as a member of the Midarda family and kick Mel out.

For Jagu, this is a very tempting condition.

Even this position was originally lost because of Noxus.

During this period of time, he clearly felt the feeling of being restrained everywhere. No wonder the little girl named Mel was driven to Piltover by the clan. Neither was passed within the family.

Now it seems that Noxus is not very satisfied with her...

Although during the negotiation just now, Cassiopeia made no secret of her intention to give up Jagu for Camille's support, but Jagu actually didn't have much opinion on it.

Or, he didn't dare to have any opinions.

Can give up, but did not give up.

Jagu is confident that apart from the Philos family, there is no one in Piltover who is more useful to the empire than Bimydarda!
Thinking of this, Jagu kept his face on the surface, but he was already thinking about a plan to bargain with Cassiopeia in his heart - it is okay to fully support Noxus in the Piltover Council, but it must be rushed Take Mel, and push for patent laws in at least the northern cities of Shurima!
If possible... it would be best if the patent term could be counted from scratch!
Then, before Jagu could speak, the entrance of the mine exploded without warning.

Amidst the flying earth and rocks, a huge black figure poked its head out from the ground, and then stood oppressively in front of everyone.


Controlling the construct, digging all the way to survive, and now finally returning to the earth, at this moment, Lux is extremely excited!
Then, just as she was about to take a deep breath of the fresh air on the ground, an indescribable acridity and stimulation made her cough uncontrollably.

"It's trench gas!" Van der and Shirko, who were miners, said in unison immediately, "Put on the filter!"

It's a pity that among all the passengers, only those who cleaned the mine with Lacus before brought filters, and the rest of them were not used by the filters. Suddenly, in the hanging basket of the construct, everyone coughed. It became one with the panting sound.

Fortunately, there is Janna.

As the blue bird on Lux's shoulder flapped its wings, a gust of wind blew away the poisonous gas around it, making everyone's breathing gradually calm down.

After getting rid of the poisonous gas, these aged miners quickly realized the problem.

This is a place where there is no poisonous trench gas—the poisonous gas from trenches is all associated with minerals and buried deep in the ground. Everyone dug it up from the ground. There is no reason why there is no ground underground!
Realizing this, everyone turned on the miner's lamp and adventure lamp one after another, and illuminated them around.

Then, what appeared in their field of vision was a group of heavily armed Noxus soldiers and gas canisters strewn all over the floor.

Lux didn't know the gas canister, but she knew the Noxus banner.

Others don't know the Noxian battle banners, but they know the gas canisters.

At this moment, everyone was outraged.

On the other side, the soldiers of the Hedoram battle group were completely dumbfounded.

What they saw from their angle was that the mine suddenly shook violently just now, and then a puff of smoke and dust rose up - when the smoke and dust dispersed, a strange giant appeared in front of them.

In the darkness, although they had torches, the dancing flames were not enough to see the whole picture of this giant.

They could only vaguely see a large figure, but no one knew what it was.

The Hedoram battle group is a second-rate battle group after all. Under such circumstances, the soldiers of Noxus were somewhat flustered. Although the officer leading the team issued an order immediately, asking everyone to prepare for battle, the whole The team still fell into chaos involuntarily.

And amidst this chaos, Lux controlled the construct, swinging her left arm made purely of rune trees.

The giant tree fell from the sky.

Facing such a terrifying attack in the night, the soldiers fled in all directions, but even so, there were still many unlucky ones who did not escape in time, and were hit hard by the left arm of the construct.

The heavy and reliable black iron armor turned into a living coffin when faced with this kind of crushing attack—the armor was smashed, and the soldiers inside the armor were also smashed out of place.

Lux, who was born in Demacia, doesn't have any good feelings for Noxus, not to mention that in the underground laboratory not long ago, Mr. Shadow told her about the atrocities committed by the Noxus in Ionia !

Now, those Noxians are back in Zaun!

Thinking of this, Lux couldn't help but increase the output of magic power.

The next moment, the left arm of the heavy giant tree swept across the ground.

Within the range of the attack, all Noxus soldiers were either directly knocked down and crushed by this blow, or thrown away without a trace.

With one smash and one sweep, this Noxus regular army of dozens of people was directly smashed into pieces!

There are crying soldiers everywhere, and the officer who organizes the preparations for battle is everywhere!
Not far away, the few soldiers who stayed to guard and appease the Yalong dog, and the law enforcement officers who didn't know what to do after being expelled, all saw this scene clearly.

When the smell of blood and poisonous gutter gas came over, these people turned around almost at the same time.

This time it's no longer a two-legged battle, and I want to go first, but I hate my parents for not giving birth to two more legs-look at those four-legged sub-dragon dogs, these beasts run so fast!

Even Cassiopeia herself was completely blank at this moment.

This cunning lady who is proficient in calculation and layout suddenly lost her mind when faced with the sudden appearance of a giant structure. She subconsciously wanted to think about the consequences and costs of escaping, but found that at this critical moment of life and death , his clever head suddenly became extremely dull.

The person behind the layout was hastily pushed to the forefront, and she was weak and helpless just like ordinary people.

At the critical moment, Tai Long was the most sober person—although he looked down on Cassiopeia, he still gave her a hand immediately:
"Second Miss, let's go."

"Oh, yes, let's go, let's go!" Cassiopeia ran wildly without hesitation, "Go, go back to Piltover - something like this in Zaun has broken the balance, Jagu, and I'll go to the council together!"

"Yes!" At this time, Jiagu couldn't care less about negotiating conditions, "Go, go!"

This is true for people watching the battle from a distance, let alone the soldiers in the formation?
Without the organized Hedoram battle group, everyone was fleeing in embarrassment. could Lux ​​let them go so easily?

Facing the broken Noxians running around, she simply let go of one of her hands.

I saw her manipulating the construct with one hand, and raising the other hand high, summoning an astonishingly strong light, looking for the nearest Noxus soldiers around.

If you find it, lock it, and control the arm of the construct to launch a powerful fixed-point strike!
In front of Lux, no one can escape the blow from the giant tree falling from the sky!
In the dark night, the Noxians fled in disarray.

Behind them, the bipedal construct raised smoke and dust.

The shadowy figure is like a legendary Cyclops, using his deadly one-eyed gaze to lock, chase and destroy all outsiders who dare to disturb its sleep.

Not one left.

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(End of this chapter)

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