Lux's Farewell

Chapter 119 [0116]

Chapter 119 [0116]
Manipulating the huge plant construct, Lux quickly completed the clearing work.

Like whack-a-mole, as long as the Noxus soldiers are discovered by Lux, they will immediately drop their fists from the sky, and if they can't hit them, they will sweep them on the spot.

However, due to the lack of avatars, the Noxus who were leading the dog outside, and the law enforcement officer who turned around and slipped away after seeing the situation was not good--with the help of Tyrone, Cassiope Ya and Jia Gu also slipped away smoothly.

Although Lux had been eyeing the man who looked like an officer from the beginning, in the end she only eliminated the commander of the Noxian army.

Cassiopeia, who actually planned the whole incident, was too far away from the mine, and she ran fast enough. Lux failed to catch her after all.

Even... the current Lux doesn't know that there is someone like Cassiopeia!
Finally, when the beam of light in Lux's hand swept across and there were no more Noxus soldiers around, the crushing battle was finally over.

After quieting down, a question posed in front of Lux—whether to rescue the buried explorers.

Originally, everyone planned to go back to Fulgen's Tavern, and the little yellow hair who didn't go back to the tavern also planned to separate from them here, but when he left, Ezreal said, "What about the explorers who are still buried below?" "Lax was taken aback for a moment.

Yeah, what about the explorers who are buried down there?
"Of course they are left to fend for themselves!" Hearing the little yellow-haired question, Milo once again showed the expression of [You are here to eat dirt], and said in a natural tone, "It's not that they ran here by themselves. We buried them, and Miss Lacus is not their mother, so why bother with them?"

Although the words were too vulgar and made Xiao Huangmao blush, but Mellow made it clear.

These mines were originally the mines of Zaun. A group of Picheng explorers ran over by themselves and were buried... Why should people from Zaun save them?

"Maybe they also have something that can save their lives." Glancing at Melo, Ezreal turned to look at Lacus, "Uh, although I'm not familiar with them, I believe you must Don’t you want this passage to be full of stinking corpses?”

This reason is more realistic.

It is better to get rid of a group of living people than to clean up a group of rotting corpses later.

Hearing what the little yellow hair said, Fandre also moved closer to Lacus, and reminded in a low voice: "I don't know if those Picheng guys died from the poisonous gas, but it can be said that this kid is right, letting the corpses in Fermentation in a mine is not a good choice..."

Lux remained calm, and did not give an answer immediately, but instead asked Ezreal a question that seemed completely irrelevant.

"You should also be a member of the Explorers' Association? Did you receive any orders when you came to Zaun this time?"

This question made Xiao Huangmao's complexion even worse.

"Not yet." He curled his lips, "That necklace was originally my application for membership, that is one of my relics in Kumanggra..."

"So you don't know why they rushed here?"

"I know." Ezreal, whose narration was interrupted, felt uncomfortable, but still answered Lacus's question honestly, "It's because of a woman named... Opia, she seems to be very powerful, It is also very prestigious in the association, and she said that this is one of her ancestral relics."

"And paid a lot of money to hire explorers?"

"No." Ezreal shook his head, "Those explorers brought their own dry food, and they don't seem to be looking for money."

"No money?"

"Picture man!" Xiao Huangmao said in a natural tone, "If you think about it at a young age, she is a very rich patron, but if you think about it at an older age, I bet many people want to be her husband..."

Lux nodded, and stood with her sword, seemingly lost in thought.

In this case, although the little yellow hair was very anxious and the others were very reluctant, they still surrounded Lax and waited quietly for her to make a decision.


Lux naturally didn't just think.

Standing by the sword, she was also discussing this matter with Kalya—and this time, Kalya did not give any suggestions or decisions, but instead asked Lux ​​what she thought: "What do you think?"

"I think I should get those explorers out." Lux thought for a moment, and finally responded, "If nothing else happens, that Opia is the planner of this explosion—or at least one of the direct executors."


"Although Ezreal said that they entered the mine for Oppeia, if they knew that Oppeia wanted to bury them all alive, they would definitely not stand by Oppeia again."

"Most of them should be like this." Carya agreed, "But what does this have to do with us?"

"Information!" Lux's thinking was extremely clear, "From the point of view of the appearance of Noxian soldiers, the Noxians played a very important role in the whole incident—but we have no idea that they did What, instead, these explorers who are trapped in the mine will know something more or less!"

"What about the follow-up?" Carya continued to ask, "After getting the information we need from them, what should these explorers do?"

"This... I haven't thought about it yet." Speaking of this question, Lux couldn't help but shook her head, "They are not good people, and it is a bit wrong to let them go like this; but they are not worthy of death."

"This mine needs to be cleaned up again." Kalya had already thought of a way, "And the passage leading to the laboratory also needs to be dug again—since they are here, wouldn't it be a shame if they didn't dig out the treasure? ?”

Hearing what Karya said, Lux couldn't help blinking.

Seems like... that's a really good idea?
In the end, under the command of Lux, all the soldiers split into two groups.

Fandre took the children, as well as the most tired miners and the wounded, to return to Fulgan's Tavern first—Fandre and Sirko were both here, and Zaun might be somewhat chaotic now.

Ino will also take Carya back to Forgan's Tavern to preside over the situation——With the Noxians intervening, the situation in the two cities has exceeded everyone's expectations. Bian also needs someone who can come up with an idea.

And Bensuo took a few of the best fighters to control the explorers who were trapped in the mine after Lacus dug them out.

In the future, these explorers will stay here and be responsible for the subsequent excavation and cleaning of the mine until the road leading to the laboratory is sorted out.

The division of labor between the two teams was soon completed, and Lux ​​manipulated the construct again to start digging, while Van der and Ino led the tired miners and sleepy children and went straight to Fulgan's Tavern.

Tonight is destined to be a sleepless night.


Unlike the previous digging all the way up, Lux needs more subtle construct manipulation techniques to get through the collapsed mine and rescue the trapped explorers.

Fortunately, she dug all the way up from the ground and smashed a group of Noxians. Lacus was already familiar with this construct a lot.

With Janna here to help, and Lux ​​is already familiar with the mine, so if it's just saving people, it's not a big problem.

Anyway, they are all gundams, digging holes or embroidering, the difference is not big!

It seems that there is still some time before those explorers are dug out. The people of Zaun who are staying here to be "overseers" look at me and I look at you. They simply decided to help and clean up around the mine first— —The weather in Zaun is not too hot, but they can't let them slowly attract flies here.

However, when they turned on the miner's lamp and wanted to start working, they found in a daze that the work was more difficult than they expected.

Can't do that at all.

The destructive power of the construct was too strong, and it didn't feel like watching from a distance behind Lux ​​before, but now they approached and wanted to clean up the mess, but they found that Noxians were almost everywhere.

Really everywhere.

This scene was so exciting that even though they once rushed to the Sun Gate with Van der, they still couldn't help but started to retch—in the underground laboratory, everyone just drank some water , After eating some dry food, there was nothing to vomit.

It is no exaggeration to say that compared with the scene in front of him, Mrs. Piltover's bullets on the Gate of the Sun seem gentle.

Finally, after vomiting enough, these people finally returned to the entrance of the mine helplessly.

If they followed Lux ​​before because "Lax knows the underground situation better" and more out of respect, then now they look at Lux with a little fear in their eyes.

At this moment, the only thing that makes them feel lucky is that Lacus is one of their own,

At least for now, it seems that it is on my side.

In the darkness, someone lit a cigarette.

As if contagious, one after another the red dots also lit up, and a group of Zaunites leaned against the entrance of the mine, as if they had just come out of the mine, and began to breathe.

The tobacco mixed with the smell of the gutter and the smell of blood passed through their lungs, and then, whoever spit out a puff of smoke, said with emotion:
"If only we had this thing when we were at the Gate of the Sun - I can rush from one side of the dam to the other!"

"Then we still need a Miss Lacus." Someone also took a deep breath and continued with a smile, "Otherwise, no one would drive."

"You can learn it. I haven't seen anyone who can mine at birth."

"That's magic, master mage's stuff, you can learn it too?"

"Why can't I learn it? I have been digging here with Miss Lacus for a while, and she often said that magic should benefit the public... If you can't learn it, how can you benefit the public?"

"Come on, that's what those councilors from Piltover said when they were campaigning."

"Being a member of parliament is to make money, can this be the same?" A little red light suddenly lit up, "Didn't you hear what she told Vander earlier, she wants to plant trees in Zaun and make rune steel..."

"It sounds like it's no different from those alchemy barons." Another red light also flickered, "Mining and doing things that the Piltovers don't want to do - they are all big men, different from Vander , the great man has the consideration of the great man."

"But at least you don't have to work overtime for Miss Lacus, and the pay is reasonable." One red light went out, and then a new one quickly lit up, "If she wants to build a mine, I will definitely go first .”

"High remuneration? Daily settlement?"

"Daily settlement, we cleared out this mine together before - one gold hex per day, and the settlement is made on the same day."

Among the dots of red light around, half of them burst into flames.

Some people even smoked so hard that they couldn't help coughing.

Good guy, a gold hex every day!
"You didn't say anything about it? You eat alone, right?"

"Fandre forbids it to be revealed—this is a secret excavation. It's a pity that the Picheng guy's dog nose is too good. I don't know how they got here."

"The grave diggers in Piltover always know some weird secrets. What's the matter? It's Shirko, that guy brought a group of law enforcement officers here and wanted to make trouble..."

"Shirko... I really don't know what that bastard is doing mysteriously."

"That kind of bastard, it's better to stay away."

"However, I heard that following him pays a lot of money. It's not as good as following Miss Lacus, but it's not bad."

"Money is good money, but it has to be traded for your life-I was with Vandel before, before I rushed into the mine, I saw a group of crazy guys fighting with the police in Piltover, many of them were Silko Your rotten stuff."

"He has a lot of scumbags under his command. They are good at fighting each of them, but few of them are willing to work hard."

"Those scumbags don't know what kind of drugs they took, and they don't look like human beings!"

"I heard him mention this drug in the mine. It seems to be called Shimmer... Shimmer? Speech—a thing that makes bad people addicted, so it deserves to be called Light?"

"Hehe, you bastard who can't read a single word, you still look down on other people's names?"

"Why can't you look down on her? Look at Miss Lacus, that's the light! Silko knows how to hide behind and make people work hard, and even make some fancy things."

"That's right, a golden hex a day, she's the brightest light..."

"Okay, stop smoking, go to the mine to have a look, I guess those Picheng guys will be dug out soon."

"Immediately, immediately... Good guy, a golden hex a day is quite rich, even the butt of a cigarette is despised!"

"Shut up and no one will think you're dumb - hurry up you!"



The red dots went out one after another, and the miner's lamps lit up one after another.

The construct shattered piece after piece of dirt and stone, and finally dug out the first survivor.

The Zaun miners who were ready behind quickly took it out and sent it to the outside of the mine for unified custody—then, they turned back and took the next one out.

In this way, before you know it, the long night is coming to an end.

 Karya's Little Classroom Zaun's working hours:
  In order to reduce the cost as much as possible, most alchemy barons adopt a [-]-hour working system, with people and machines working in two shifts non-stop.

(End of this chapter)

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