Lux's Farewell

Chapter 120 [0117] Return of the king

Chapter 120 [0117] Return of the king

Unlike everything in the mine that went step by step, things are more chaotic at Fulgan's Tavern.

At the beginning, Ike found some reliable people who could be found to sit in the town, and some private workshops nearby also came to form a group, so the situation seemed to be fairly stable.

However, as the news of the mine explosion spread, it is unknown who spread the news that "Vandel and Silko are finished".

The number of people peeping at Fulgan's Tavern suddenly increased.

In Zaun, Fulgan's Tavern can also be regarded as a "landmark building", because Vandel is the most reliable middleman in Zaun, and the tavern itself also represents the basic order established by Vandel.

The order that is better than nothing is also order, and the insignificant power is also power.

Now, when they heard that Van der was finished, some people naturally had different thoughts.

To be on the safe side, these dissidents didn't send people into the tavern carelessly as soon as they came up, and directly tested them.

Without knowing whether the news was true or not, they just dispatched reliable personnel to stare at the tavern.

In less than an hour, almost all the alchemy barons sent out their men to linger around Fulgen's Tavern and watch, trying to find out whether the rumor was true or not.

And while staring at Fulgen's Tavern, the flexible-minded people also sent someone to find Silko—if Silko disappeared, then the truth of this rumor would be much higher.

Naturally, Shirko couldn't find it.

However, considering that Silko has always been mysterious and difficult to find, the alchemy barons still ordered to focus on surveillance, and no one dared to take risks.

Except Finn.

Finn was more or less a participant in this affair.

After all, when Hill contacted Marcos, the law enforcement officer in Piltover, he passed his relationship.

Although it is impossible to know Silko's overall plan, Finn can at least be sure that today's explosion is really inseparable from Silko.

So, after getting the news, Finn immediately sent his men, not to stare at Fulgan's Tavern, but to try to contact Marcos—then, he got a shocking news.

Marcos was seriously injured and is now lying in the hospital in Piltover!
Finn was so excited when he heard the news that he almost threw his lighter away.

It's a fight, it's definitely a fight!
With Finn's status, he obviously wouldn't know that the council had received a letter from the Noxus, and he wouldn't know that Cassiopeia was behind the whole bombing. From his point of view, ,That's what happened:

Silko contacted Marcos through his own relationship, and wanted to make trouble for Van der.

The specific actions are not known, but what is certain is that Marcos was seriously injured in this trouble, and the other law enforcement officers probably felt very uncomfortable.

Then came the news that Vandel and Silko were dead.

From Finn's point of view, this news is very likely to be true, especially when he traced the source and found that the first person to spread the news was a scumbag who used to work under Silko.

very good!

Combined with the fact that Shirko "borrowed" the rune steel armor he had bought at a huge price, he also poached the Sevica that could be played at No. [-] Fulgan Tavern...

Ultimately, Finn came to a "solid conclusion":
Van der and Shirko are both hurt!

At this time, Zu'an is in a vacuum of power - if you don't take action at this time, when will you wait? !

As long as he acts fast enough, he can take advantage of this short period of vacuum to directly replace Van der and become the most powerful person in Zaun just like when he became the Alchemy Baron!
Of course, just like when he became the Alchemy Baron, he needs a little help from Piltover.

With this in mind, he tried to contact the law enforcement officer under Marcos.


The effect of this risky contact was astonishingly good-before the Noxus ambassador jumped out, Piltover actually didn't know the situation.

Now that the people of Zaun have taken the initiative to contact them, they are naturally happy to learn about the situation from Finn.

In this way, Finn met the members of Piltover Council for the first time.

The MP he met was named Levi Cantera. He was elected after spending a lot of money lobbying. He had no support from a powerful family behind him, and he was the most soft-spoken member of the council.

Generally speaking, this kind of congressman is here to make money-he needs to double, triple or even ten times the money he invested in the campaign during his tenure as a congressman.

But Levy is different from other guys who only know how to make money. He has greater ambitions.

As long as it is done properly, it is not necessarily impossible for members of parliament who make money to become members of parliament with real power!

Levi and Finn are similar in many ways, they are both out-and-out speculators, so hit it off.

Levy needs to build his base, and Finn needs help from Piltover.

After a short meeting, they split into two groups, one in the council to collect information, the other in Zaun to investigate the situation, and the two sides exchanged information.

If everything goes well, Finn will be able to get a large number of orders from Piltover through Levy; and Levy will get the cheapest processing price, which is a win-win situation!

As for the relationship between Zaun and Piltover in this incident, the purpose of the Noxus, Hextech...

Neither Levi nor Finn cared about these things at all.

Finn felt no pressure to sell Zaun.

If Levi was not unqualified, he would definitely be the first to sell Piltover to Noxus.

In this way, the news on the parliament side was quickly learned by Finn, including that the mine was blown up by the Hex crystal, including Van der and Silko, etc.——As for the Noxus part, Levi Not at all.

In the face of Noxus' circular, no one in the Piltover Council cared about Van der and Silko.

Heimerdinger is protecting Jess and Victor, and hopes to prevent the Noxus from advancing; Mrs. Gilamann hopes that everything will pass quickly; Mel is trying to balance the relationship between the family and her own career; In Heximu, I don't want to delay my money because of this matter.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Finn took action.

He didn't foolishly storm Fulgan's Tavern with great fanfare, because that was to inform the other alchemy barons that he had received the definite news that Van der was finished.

The situation where the heroes competed for the throne was not what he wished to see!

In order to deceive others, Finn dispatched his subordinates to watch Fulgan's Tavern and other Alchemy Baron's subordinates, while he planned his own middleman base intensively.

Finn could see clearly that Fulgan's Tavern had more symbolic meaning, but in terms of function, it was just Zaun's most reliable middleman.

As long as I am ready to become an intermediary here, and firmly control the work channels of Piltover, then I will completely replace Van der—no, not replace, but have far more authority than Van der!
At this moment, Finn was full of confidence.

He has already thought about it, and when he has set up the framework of the middleman, he will directly disclose the news of Van der's death, just like throwing the bones to a group of vicious dogs, and let other alchemy barons fight for the tavern. Got bloody.

At that time, I will be able to launch my own intermediary agency when Fulgen's Tavern can't act as a middleman!
After completing all the arrangements, Finn returned to his factory with satisfaction, sat on his large boss chair, and played with his shiny lighter again.

Now, only those workers in the factories are the fuel.

When the plan is successful, the whole of Zaun will be his fuel!


Unlike Finn, who is "someone above", the other alchemy barons' backgrounds are obviously much worse.

But these greedy fellows were not willing to give up this opportunity easily, so they dispatched their most reliable staff one after another to keep a close eye on Fulgen's Tavern.

At the very beginning, everyone was very restrained.

However, after nightfall, maybe some people became impatient, maybe it was the night that gave people the confidence to be presumptuous, and the gangsters who were performing surveillance tasks outside the tavern finally couldn't hold back.

No one wants to be the first bird.

No one chooses to find trouble in the tavern.

But that doesn't stop them from finding fault with each other.

Fighting outside Fulgan's Tavern is obviously a good way to test - not only to test Fulgan's Tavern's reaction, but also to test the opponent's level.

In Fulgan's Tavern, there are quite a few people guarding the tavern, but those who are the most elite, reliable, and capable of fighting have followed Vander to the mine, and the rest are either not enough to fight, or they are panicked.

If the gangsters outside really came in to make trouble, they would naturally raise their fists without hesitation.

But if they fight outside...

Then let them go!
In this way, these gangsters who belonged to the various alchemy barons and were responsible for stalking and inquiring about news, physically became one on the street outside Fulgan's Tavern.

In the beginning, they just insulted and spat at each other.

Cursing and cursing, someone became anxious and simply raised their fists.

After fists come clubs and bricks.

By midnight, sharp objects were already being used.

Under such circumstances, the surrounding Zaun people all avoided this tavern far away—in the night, Fulgan's Tavern seemed to become an isolated island surrounded by garbage.

And as the fighting outside gradually escalated, the people in the tavern also began to feel a little restless.

They also don't know if Vander is still alive.

According to Ike, there is a mage on Vander's side, and there is a high probability that nothing will happen-but the kid later said that he had a way to save Vander, and he didn't know where he went.

Ike's disappearance undoubtedly greatly affected the morale of the tavern. Although the place was brightly lit, the atmosphere was so heavy that it seemed suffocating.

After midnight, the battle outside was finally decided.

The winners picked up the fallen losers as if they were throwing rubbish, and threw them into the ditch not far away. After patrolling the tavern twice with satisfaction, they finally made up their minds.
Without a change of clothes, they knocked on the door of the tavern with blood all over their bodies.

tuk tuk-

Every knock on the door seemed to knock on the hearts of everyone in the tavern.

Everyone in the tavern looked at me and I looked at you, and finally chose to open the door.

"Fulgan's Tavern... never closes." The young man who opened the door pinched his thigh and read out the welcome line set by Vander, "It's so late at night, why don't you have a drink?"

"Changing whatever you want." The purple-haired victor in the lead made a pun, "Anyway, the bartender isn't there."

"It's bartending, not exchange." The young man clearly understood the meaning of the other party's words, and corrected him, "Fulgan's Tavern does not offer exchange."

"It's just mixing wine, don't be so sensitive." The other party shrugged as if he didn't care at all, and sat down casually in a place in front of the bar, "Have some strong wine, I like to be active."

"There are plenty of exciting things." The young man picked up the glass and chose the spirit with the highest alcohol content as the base, "I'm afraid you won't be able to drink it."

"Ha, why can't I drink this?" The other party took out a bag indifferently and smashed it on the bar counter, "Besides, I can't drink it alone, so everyone can drink it together, right?"

The mouth of the bag was not fastened. At this moment, everyone in the tavern saw the yellow light that belonged to Jinhex in the bag.

Clear attitude.

The young man who was bartending didn't take over, just quietly bartending - but judging from the fact that the shaker was not tightly closed when he shook the shaker for the first time, it seemed that his heart was not at peace at all.

Seeing his state, Zimao let out a satisfied smile.


It seems that Fandel is really finished.

And it wasn't just Vandel who was screwed.

Ben Suo, there are still many stubborn people who are not here...

Thinking of this, he stretched out his hand in satisfaction and grabbed the glass of wine.

When the wine glass was in his hand, the biting coldness almost made him unable to grasp it - he blinked his eyes in some doubts, but didn't react for a while.

When that kid mixed the wine just now, he didn't add ice, did he? !
Just when he was wondering, a familiar voice came from behind him.

"Tavern rules, pay first and drink later—this glass of strong wine, isn't your money enough?"

The green-haired gangster finally widened his eyes at this moment. He stood up and turned his head to look at the door.

And then...he saw Vander.

And a lot of hard stubbles that he was thankful for "it's all over" just now.

"you you you--"

"You can't eat the overlord's meal even if you are stumped." Fandre came to his side, as if an eagle was catching a chicken, and picked him up by his collar, "Do you think so?"

"Yes, yes, yes, yes!" The other party nodded, put down the cup simply, and didn't want the money, "I'll leave right now—"

Vander let go.

Then, just as he was about to go out, a sheet of frost spread throughout the tavern, and the shoes of these bastards were frozen to the ground without exception.

"Fandre told you to leave." Ino put his hand on the hilt of his sword, his expression calm, "but I didn't say you can leave."

 Karya's Small Class · Pay Before You Drink:

  Vander's tavern is theoretically selling alcohol, but in fact it is a middleman. The alcohol itself is dispensable, so pay first and drink later.

(End of this chapter)

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