Lux's Farewell

Chapter 121 [0118] Red Alert

Chapter 121 [0118] Red Alert
Unlike Lacus, who has been with Karya day and night since she was a child, Ino is not very good at acting. She can't be like Lacus at all, talking and laughing with Karya in her heart, while coping with people on the surface.

However, Karya always has a way.

Because he worked as a maid in a noble castle since he was a child, Ino is at least quite talented in "maintaining a deadpan face".

Just like Lacus needs to pay attention to her appearance when participating in banquets, the maids also have professional requirements when serving nobles and participating in various banquets. During almost the entire banquet, she must remain motionless like a statue, even in private. Whispering words, at most, the face does not move, the lips slightly open.

When standing like a minion at the banquet, no one would notice or care about Yinuo's words.

But when she becomes the focus of the audience, she still speaks in this manner, which is quite impressive—especially on Yinuo's side, as nutrition keeps up and magic power increases, there is already a faint hint of secondary development Trend, and the light blonde hair has gradually turned into a silvery white case.

With the lines that Carya prepared for her, even though she is only 14 years old this year, she looks so imposing that people subconsciously lower their breath.

Ino's expression was stiff.

But the gangsters who were frozen in place had even stiffer expressions than hers.

They subconsciously looked at Van der, as if they wanted to find out what kind of medicine was sold in the other party's bottle-the test failed, we admit our failure, don't we plan to let us go?
Why, do you still want to start a full-scale war with the alchemy baron behind you?

What they never expected was that Van der didn't respond.

Not right.

Isn't this person one of Van der's subordinates?
That's right, there are many capable, capable, and loyal people under Vander, but he has never heard of a mage working for him.

Thinking of this, the purple-haired gangster thought he had found the key.

"My dear lady, we have no intention of offending you." The purple-haired gangster spread his hands and put on a harmless look, "This is just a small interaction between us and Fandre..."

"It has nothing to do with Van der." Still maintaining a deadpan state, Ino calmly and unquestionably repeated Kalya's words, "It has nothing to do with who you are."

"What do you mean?" The purple-haired gangster was completely confused, "What are you going to do?"

"Zuan will be on alert from now on." Ino didn't seem to care about the other party's reaction at all, but said to himself, "Everyone needs to unite together to overcome the difficulties."

Zimao finally couldn't stand this master-like attitude.

He didn't know Yinuo's identity, and the previous silence was just because of his identity as a sorcerer. Now seeing that Yinuo's words became more and more outrageous, he finally gave his own response after several attempts to get rid of the freeze.

"Who the hell are you? Are you talking here?!" Leaning a sideways glance at the expressionless Eno, the purple-haired gangster finally showed his weapon, "Fandre, it's not that I won't show you— —”

Before he could finish speaking, Ino stretched out his left hand forward, and then clenched it into a fist.

A piece of solid ice froze Zimao in place, and the second half of the words were blocked in his throat.

"Martial law means that no one can carry out any social activities before obtaining permission." After finishing all this lightly, Ino explained calmly, "The wind of change has blown—"

Then, before Ino could finish speaking, the door of Forgan's Tavern was pushed open again.

A black kid with white hair rushed in hastily: "Something has happened, the Noxians are here, and the Piltovers are going to abandon us this time, we need to take up arms... Hey, Van der, are you back? !"

Ino, who was interrupted, blinked in surprise.

Isn't that Ike?


Ike returned in a hurry and brought back a piece of news from Piltover that everyone never expected: Piltover's council might make a decision to abandon the management of Zaun.

"They said they would take back all the law enforcement officers and block the elevator!" Ike's tone was full of disbelief, "At least for the next week, completely cut off relations with Zaun, and the Noxians will do everything Do not hear or ask!"

After hearing the news, everyone in Fulgen's Tavern was dumbfounded.

In this sentence, the amount of information is a bit too large, no matter from which direction it is interpreted, there can be different understandings.

Naturally, everyone present has no objection to the matter of taking back the law enforcement officer - take it back, take it back, those notes don't come to Dicheng, so as not to look at each other and hate each other, everyone is good.

But blocking the elevators and completely severing ties with Zaun is pretty deadly!
The first reaction of many people is "what if the factory shuts down".

But for Ino, who, together with Lux, participated in the socio-economic surveys of Piltover and Zaun, and learned a lot about the way of life of the Zaun people from Janna, the biggest problem that the blockade may bring comes from food!

Zaun's food is highly dependent on imports, and the survey data shows that it exceeds [-]%.

Although Zaun people can also fish and eat some Zaun specialties (such as the magic marsh frog), the bulk of food still depends on elevator transportation-if Piltover completely blocks the elevator, Zaun will soon be destroyed. There is a great famine!

Thinking of this, Eno couldn't help but feel terrified—fortunately, he and Lacus conducted the preliminary social and economic surveys and had a plan for the food problem, otherwise, if Zaan had no food, the consequences would be disastrous.

As for the Noxians...

For most people, Noxus is a neutral word, and there are even many people whose jobs are related to Noxus—compared to working for Picheng, giving Noxus For work, the salary is often 5% to 10% higher, so most people don't have any direct feelings about this one.

However, for Vander and most of the people who just came back from the mine, because of those gas tanks, their impression of Noxus can be said to be extremely bad.

Such things as trench poisonous gas have really exceeded the bottom line of war that ordinary people can accept.

Those Noxians didn't care about this at all, and directly used it to cause large-scale damage!
On the contrary, Shirko didn't care much about this.

However, he also cared about something, and what he cared about was the purpose of the Noxus.

Judging from the current situation, the goal of these Noxians is very clear. They are for the laboratory underground in the mine—and the plants in that laboratory are the biggest support for the rise of Zaun. It is not an exaggeration. It is said that this kind of behavior of the Noxus is digging the roots of Zaun!
Zaun had nothing at all, and now seeing that he is about to have his own way of making money, about to have his own future, the Noxus came to intervene...

It’s tolerable, it’s unbearable!

After thinking about this point clearly, everyone finally felt a little excited.

However, while they were angry, they also had some doubts—why did the Picheng guys do this?

How could Piltover, who was lying on Zaun sucking blood, suddenly give up control of Zaun?

Is it just because of the pressure from Noxus?
Carya, who was puzzled, realized that the problem was not simple, so Ino put his hand on the hilt of his sword and looked at Ike who was sweating profusely: "Where did you hear this news?"

"In the Ferros family's manor!" Ike gulped down half a glass of water, "A woman told Heimerdinger when she rescued me..."

"Don't worry." Ino shook his head, "Speak slowly and explain the whole matter clearly."

"Yeah!" Ike looked at Vander aside, and finally put down his glass after the other party nodded, "It starts when I send Victor away..."


Ike is undoubtedly a articulate guy—regardless of those habitual particle particles and fast speech speed, he clearly told the whole story, from asking for help to seeing him in Piltover Jess and Victor ran to the mine to dig, and then the Noxians appeared. The three were rescued from the poisonous gas by Camille.

"That woman is very powerful. She took the three of us and flew back to the north side of the Piltover Canal. I was a little confused along the way - when I woke up, I had already arrived at Philos Manor."

"Feros Manor... I haven't heard of it!" Fandre blinked, "Silk, you are well informed, have you heard of it?"

"I've only heard of the Philos family." Shirko shook his head, "That family seems to be a very high-end manufacturing family."

"Go on." Vander nodded without getting an answer, then looked at Ike again, "And then?"

"Then the woman named Camille told Heimerdinger what happened in the mine." Ike spoke very fast, as if talking about a rap, "they were muttering indistinctly there , What about tea, what about smog, I don’t understand at all.”

"Then how did you know to block Zaun?"

"Then they seemed to have reached some kind of agreement, saying that they would raise new issues in parliament, and Heimerdinger also wrote a parliamentary report-but he seemed to have drunk too much tea and went out to the toilet halfway, I Take the opportunity to dig through his report and read about taking back the law enforcement officers, blocking the elevators, and allowing the Noxians to do any kind of rescue in the mine!"


"He hasn't written the reason for the latter, so I can't wait, so I came back directly." After saying this, Ike finally let out a long breath, "But I can't read these things wrong!"

"It's not like he's cheating on you, is it?" Ino cautiously confirmed, "It's impossible for Piltover to lose Zaun."

"I asked Jess and Victor." Ike shook his head. "They said it was probably true... The part about Ionian tea that I didn't understand proved it."

Apparently, although Ike is a smart kid, he still can't comprehend a lot of codewords, sharp edges, and twists and turns—however, judging from the information he has given so far, this information is likely to be true and effective .


The news Ike brought back was true.

Even when he brought the news back, Heimerdinger acquiesced - he wrote these down without specifying the reason, just out of basic sympathy, hoping that Ike could bring the news back to Zaun and let the people of Zaun do it. get ready.

As for the part about "Ionian black tea" that he didn't understand, it was Heimerdinger and Camille's attempt to seek common ground while reserving differences before reaching a consensus.

As for why such a decision was made, it starts with the attitudes and positions of Heimerdinger and Camille.

First of all, from the very beginning, what Heimerdinger cared about was the artificial hex crystal development technology mastered by Jess and Victor—this kind of technology has unlimited potential, as long as it is polished, it will surely bloom the true light of evolution.

Therefore, when the explosion occurred, the Noxus ambassador submitted the circular, and the parliament began to argue, Heimerdinger's goal was very clear. He wanted to save Jess, Victor, and this new school. Keep the technology out of the hands of the Noxians.

Hextech has great potential, but it shouldn't be used in warfare.

At this point, Camille is highly consistent with his goals.

Don't forget, the man-made Hex crystal manufacturing technology is in the hands of the Pheros family - protecting the future of this technology is protecting the cash cow of the Pheros family and protecting the future of the Pheros family.

Also, Camille didn't want the family tied to a Noxian chariot.

She didn't lie to Heimerdinger, the talented Philos family was not qualified to participate in the military expansion of Noxus.

The consensus on the attitudes of [protecting the development of Hex technology] and [preventing the Noxus from encroaching on Hex technology] is the basis of their cooperation.

Under the constant wrangling in the parliament, they finally abandoned many contradictions and reached a consensus by seeking common ground while reserving differences.

Camille came to the mine and taught the Noxus a lesson of "don't push too hard".

Heimerdinger is working hard on the parliament side to reduce the influence of Noxus on the parliamentarians.

So how did this have anything to do with blocking Zaun?
This involves Camille's choice after the battle in the mine - although Cassiopeia's boldness shocked her in the end, Camille clearly saw Cassiopeia's own attitude .

Compared with Hex body modification and Hex technology, Cassiopeia obviously cares more about the things under the mine.

That being the case, Camille and Heimerdinger simply joined forces and planned to give the Noxians a chance to do multiple-choice questions: Go to Zaun, dig a hole with peace of mind, find your ruins, let us go directly to Piltover Parliament, reduce the influence of Noxus; still argue with us on the parliament side, then I will go to the mine to harass every day!
Even though Camille was a little embarrassed when she left with the three of Jess, she has already achieved her desired purpose of demonstration and warning—unless the Noxus army suppresses the situation, without my consent, you don’t want to be here This is safe and secure digging!

As for what impact this will have on Zaun...

Heimerdinger's hint to Ike is the greatest compassion.

 Carya's Little Classroom Fame of the Phiros Family:

  Although the Philos family holds the technical patent of artificial hex crystals, the name of this family is actually not very famous-at least in Zaun.

(End of this chapter)

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