Lux's Farewell

Chapter 122 [0119]

Chapter 122 [0119]
After talking about everything he knew, Ike finally seemed to have exhausted all his energy, and collapsed beside the bar—today, he ran for dozens of miles at least, and carrying Victor's cutting machine After working in the mine for a long time, for a child, he has now reached his limit.

Almost at the same time as lying down, a slight snoring sounded.

All eyes were on Ino, even Van der and Silko were no exception.

They were waiting for Ino to make up his mind.

After all, starting from the explosion of the mine, the subsequent development has completely exceeded the ability and even the imagination of everyone here—whether it is the underground laboratory, or the Noxus with ulterior motives, and Peel who abandoned Zaun. Trevor...

Thousands of thoughts are mixed together, and it makes one's scalp tingle just thinking about it.

However, Ino was not in a hurry.

Because Karya has almost figured out everything after combining Ike's news.

Heimerdinger and Camille had obviously reached a political alliance, intending to shrink their forces, clean up the corpses in the parliament, and seek refuge in Noxus.

In order to achieve this goal, they chose to give up the mines of Zaun, and even the entire Zaun as an exchange-you can do whatever you want in Zaun.

As for whether this will prevent the Noxians from leaving altogether, or that Piltover will no longer be able to control Zaun... Sorry, Piltover is not worried at all.

The city of Zaun is really too special. Most of the entire city is located underground, and there are very few direct connections with the outside world. The supply of supplies is highly dependent on Piltover.

It is no exaggeration to say that without the port of Picheng, the people of Zaun would have nothing to eat!

Once Zaun also had trade routes to Kumanggra or Karduga.

However, with the opening of the Piltover Canal, the advantages of seaborne trade were revealed, and land trade quickly declined.

There is no way, the road from Zaan to Kumanggra needs to go through a jungle and an uneven hilly area, even if it goes well, it will take at least three to five days-but the sea road only needs to go along the coast , there is no hidden reef vortex along the way, and it can be reached in one day with smooth wind and water.

There is a huge cost difference between eating horse chews for three to five days and sailing to sea for one day, so businessmen naturally vote with their eyes closed.

In addition, the Piltover Council "kindly" reduced or exempted the tax on imported food and other necessities in Zaun, and even allowed the smuggling of these basic materials. Zaun's foreign trade fell entirely in Piltover's hands.

Spread out the map, the urban area of ​​Zu'an is very large, and hundreds of miles to the south is the famous granary city Kumanggra.

But in fact, the grain of Kumanggra is transited through Piltover before it flows to Zaun!
This means that once Piltover cuts off the supply, Zaun will run out of food quickly!
The blockade was both a gesture of non-participation and a preparation for tightening control over Zaun and preventing the Noxians from going too far

Not only food, but many other basic materials in Zaun are facing a similar situation.

Why can Piltover lie on Zaun's body to suck blood?

Why can Piltover wantonly squeeze Zaun's human resources and talent resources?
It's not just because of Piltover's big fists—big fists are only a necessary condition, and what's even more frightening is the series of systems that go with it.

Import and export are controlled, leaders are bought, and smart people are absorbed...

Piltover is the true master of Zaun!

Ordinary Zaunites saw the Piltrower cocky.

It was further seen that Piltover transferred highly polluting industries to Zaun.

Someone thought about it and found that Piltover was consciously absorbing Zaun's elite.

After the Piltover socioeconomic survey and the Zaun historical, economic and social research, what Lux and Eno saw was far more shocking than these.

It is precisely because of this all-round grasp and control that the people of Piltover have the confidence to carry out strategic contraction at this time-the Noxus personnel are willing to do whatever they want, and on the premise that you cannot directly send troops to occupy, toss That's enough. Zaun is Piltover's Zaun.

After Karya thought about all this clearly, she laughed silently.

If Piltover completely colludes with Noxus, I'm afraid even he will have to work hard.

Now that Piltover let himself go, they thought it would scare and overwhelm the Zaunites; it would make Noxus scruples.

In fact, Kalya didn't know whether the Noxians would be scruples.

What Carya knew was that what the people of Zaun lost was only the shackles, but what they got was the entire independent Zaun!


The next day, Heimerdinger's opinion was formally passed through the discussion in the parliament—except for Levi, the unlucky guy who colluded with Finn, everyone tacitly agreed with Heimerdinger's opinion.

Take back the law enforcement officer, block the entry and exit of personnel, and restrict the circulation of materials.

Gilaman and several neutral factions did not want the turmoil in Zaun to be too large, so they agreed to leave Zaun alone, let the law enforcement officers shrink their defenses, and maintain order in Piltover.

The Noxian faction is very uncomfortable. Many of their interests are in Zaun, and blocking Zaun will damage their strength.

It's a pity that they have already received a death order, and they must not let Camille interfere with Noxus' operations. Originally, Cassiopeia was thinking about whether she could win over Jagu, but after the "Cyclops" incident, She felt that she needed to devote herself fully to the excavation of the ruins.

Under such circumstances, it would be great to be able to reach a tacit understanding with Picheng.

Only Levy, who hoped to unite with Finn and expand his scope of real power, was stunned by this stick. Unfortunately, he is not a member of parliament with real power. When other people reached a consensus, he seemed extraordinarily soft-spoken.

Fortunately, however, he and Finn colluded early enough - before the complete blockade, Levi can at least send some supplies to support.

By the way, remind Finn to let go, as long as he doesn't mess with the Noxians.

So, getting up early in the morning, Finn was overjoyed to receive a batch of secretly sent supplies, as well as a reminder from Levi—leave the Noxians alone, make good use of these things, and take advantage of the blockade Expand your influence.

Finn, who didn't know the truth behind it, was overjoyed.

This is the inside information of the parliament!

This time I really caught up with the parliament!
Finn, who originally planned to set up a new middleman base, now has unprecedented confidence—Zuan will soon face a blockade. Although every alchemy baron has material reserves, his own material reserves are extraordinarily large!
With these supplies as confidence, his own middleman base will soon be able to replace Forgan's Tavern!
Not to mention that Van der and Silko are finished—at this moment, even if they know that these two guys survived the catastrophe, Finn is very confident!

Van der is loyal and fair.

But loyalty cannot be changed into food!
Silko has brains and is well-informed.

But he has no news from the Council of Piltover!
People are like iron, and food is like steel. If you don't eat a meal, you will be hungry.

When the blockade is strict and the food supply is insufficient, you will be dumbfounded if one of you counts as one!

However, after calming down, Finn also quickly realized a serious problem - if he hoarded food and others hoarded guns, wouldn't he become someone else's granary?

In Zaan, big fists are the last word!
No, I have to prepare the means to deal with powerful enemies—especially the means to deal with powerful mages.

To this day, Finn still has lingering fears when he thinks of Yinuo's performance that day. Recently, he doesn't drink with ice.

However, the few sets of rune steel armor that I managed to collect before have been borrowed, and it seems that there is no repayment...

The anxious Finn began to throw coins around, using gold hex to buy gangsters, expanding the scale of his thugs, and at the same time began to inquire about more news about rune steel armor in the black market.

Ordinary thugs are too weak when facing mages, and they must have the means to deal with mages!
Judging from the results, Finn's luck seems to be good.

Just this morning, the black market received news that two sets of armor really flowed into the black market.

Moreover, these two sets have been appraised by professionals, and they are not the decommissioned items from last time, but "Authentic Demacia items that have been erased from the engraving".

"With it on, you can move freely among the mages of Noxus, and those stupid staff-wielding idiots can only stare at you."

Fenn was overjoyed when he got the news, and immediately contacted the black market to meet with the seller.

The seller was a guy he hadn't seen, with a mask on and no face showing.

Looking at the figure, Finn didn't feel familiar. After thinking for a while, he gave up guessing about the identity of the seller.

Rune steel armor is the key!
In his rush to buy, Finn was willing to compromise on the price.

However, because of the large-scale recruitment, his money is a bit tight now, and he can't take out a large amount of Gold Hex for a while.

However, as if he was favored by the goddess of luck, when Finn tried to negotiate the price, the other party said very humanely, "We can also accept other payment methods in kind, and the price is fair."

Overjoyed, Finn immediately asked, "Do you want food?"

This question stunned the masked trader for a long time, before finally nodding his head.


In this way, Finn paid one-fifth of the food he got from Levi, and exchanged for two sets of extremely exquisite, extremely delicate and reliable rune steel armor at a glance.

Compared with these two sets of armor, the one lent to Shirko before is nothing but rubbish!
Worse than trash!

After getting the armor, Finn directly puts on one for himself, and one for his most trusted personal bodyguard.

Then, after spending a lot of effort and happily putting it on, Finn was a little surprised to find that the armor fit well everywhere else, but only the chest was not right.

Why do I feel empty in the front of my heart after I put it on.

Didn't the seller say that this is the aristocratic style of Demacia?

Could it be that the chest muscles of the Demacian nobles are all this big?
 Carya's Small Classroom·The Benefits of MPs:
  In the Piltover Council, the more members who are inclined to the position of Noxus, the more and more direct their interests in Zaun will be. The Lamanen family and Heimerdinger focus more on trade and low-end manufacturing, both of which are closely related to Zaun's human resources.

(End of this chapter)

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