Lux's Farewell

Chapter 123 【0120】

Chapter 123 【0120】
Finn, who got two sets of usable armor, thought he had made a profit. With a large amount of food and supplies in hand, and the basic self-protection ability, he thought that he could become the new speaker of Zaun.

Kalya, who got a lot of food, also thought that she had earned it. Those two sets of armor were spare and suitable for Lacus and Ino, who were no longer developing. Judging from the current state of the two of them, Obviously it's useless.

Especially Ino, as her control over magic became stronger and stronger, the ice blood that originated from the Iceborn in her body began to become more prominent. In terms of figure alone, even compared with Sona, she is quite a bit behind the meaning of.

Through a reliable intermediary on Vander's side, Kalya exchanged two unused rune steel armors for a batch of food supplies, which would allow Lux to be more calm in her next actions.

After all, even though Lux and Ino had already contacted the caravan immediately after realizing the problem in Zaun, trying to open the long-closed Kumanggra trade route, it would take time after all.

This batch of food can give them the most precious time.

Unlike Finn and Kalya, who both won, Cassiopeia can be said to have lost in disgrace.

A Hedoram battle group that is not absolutely elite, but also has good combat effectiveness, has been killed and injured. This is not a big deal for the Noxus Empire.

But for Cassiopeia, this level of loss is quite fatal.

This time she was able to mobilize so many resources smoothly. In addition to Black Rose's hard work behind her back, her identity as the "heir of the Kekao family" is also very important-her sister, Katerina Kekao, because of a failure Cassiopeia's power was greatly increased by the extreme disappointment of her father's assassination.

As a result, when she was full of confidence, in front of the mine in Zaun, like her sister, she split her fork on the spot and fell a big one.

As she once said to Tyrone, as long as she doesn't experience "the same failure as her stupid sister", her authority will be unshakable-then, the FLAG she inserted was fulfilled.

After escaping from birth, although Talon was still loyal, every time Cassiopeia and him issued orders, he would always show a stiff smile.

And Tyrone's smile, to say the least, is not much different from that of the Terminator.

For an assassin like Tyrone, the untrained facial apple muscles are far more difficult to control than the well-trained biceps on the arms.

In layman's terms, it is harder to smile than to kill.

But Tyrone still smiled happily——Casiopeia also stumbled, and she and Katerina came to the same starting line!

This smile made Cassiopeia extremely irritable.

Even though she kept reminding herself that there was no need to be angry with Tai Long, an idiot with only muscles in his head, but every time she saw that stiff but heartfelt smile, she couldn't help clenching her fists!

Just now, Tyrone came in from outside the safe house and brought back the resolution of the Piltover Council.

Then as he spoke, he laughed again.

"Stop laughing, Tyrone!" Knocking on the table, Cassiopeia poured herself a cup of tea, and then handed one of the cups to the other party angrily, "What's so funny?"

"Mrs. Piltover is moving in the direction you expected." Tyrone's smile remained undiminished, plausible, "Didn't you say that you hope they will stop making trouble?"

"...Don't think I don't know what you're thinking." Cassiopeia choked for a moment—she did say this before, "Here's some snacks, finish eating and drinking before going to the mine Let's go and see what's going on there, it's hell, an army was wiped out on the spot, but we don't know who the enemy is now!"

Speaking of the task, Tai Long finally put away his smile and picked up the tea and dessert on the table.

"I hate rose tea." Stuffing a large piece of pastry into his mouth, Tai Long lowered his head to sip the dark tea in the cup, and muttered indistinctly, "Casiopeia, your taste is really incomparable with Mrs. Exactly the same..."

"Is there any problem with the daughter and the mother?" Cassiopeia snorted, "Instead, it's Katerina who doesn't have a brain. It's different? Both father and mother are very smart people."

"Katerina is just a bit upright." Tai Long swallowed the snack along with the tea, "Second Miss, in fact, you can support each other, her strength plus your brain—"

"Then my mind was discounted by [-]%." Cassiopeia stopped Tailong's persuasion without hesitation, "Although we all regard you as an elder brother, don't really act like an elder brother. I can allow you to blindly make wrong investments before the dust settles, and based on the principle of proper use of family power, I will not hold any prejudice against you."


"But don't try to reconcile the relationship between me and my stupid sister, we are completely different, and it is impossible for the Kekao family to be handed over to that brainless guy." Cassiopeia called again "Perhaps yesterday's embarrassment caused you to have some thoughts and thoughts that you shouldn't have, and even tried to show a silly smile to get in touch with me, but I can tell you clearly that I am still far from failure."


This time, Tyrone didn't speak, and he didn't show that kind of smile again, but he looked at Cassiopeia, clearly looking at a hedgehog with fried hair - and this kind of look made Cassiopeia Even more upset.

So, the second lady simply put away the dim sum.

"Okay, you shouldn't eat too much before the action." She added the emphasis on the action, "Now, respected Mr. Blade Shadow, please go to the mine to check the situation. I really need to know. Last night, we faced What kind of enemy is it?"


Tai Long drank the remaining tea in the cup, and then stood up without hesitation.

"Be careful." He put on his hood, "The safe house may not be absolutely safe."

After speaking, he briefly checked the equipment on his body, then pushed the door out, and quickly disappeared into the morning haze of Zaun.

Watching Tai Long's figure disappear, Cassiopeia shook her head and poured herself a cup of black rose flower tea.

To be honest, she didn't hate her "brother" - especially after he dragged her to escape yesterday and kicked Jagu, who was in the way, into the stinky ditch yesterday.

But unfortunately, they are not the same kind of people after all.

Tyrone thought it was just a struggle for power among noble heirs.

However, behind the struggle for power, there is a struggle between two invisible hands, and this kind of thing, a killer can't see it.

Thinking of this, Cassiopeia shook her head, took out a new teacup, and poured herself another cup of tea.

Now, she is waiting for a new guest.

And this guest didn't make her wait too long, before Cassiopeia could choose her breakfast snacks, a charming voice appeared in the safe room.

"My little Opia, your taste is still as high as ever." The visitor gracefully twisted the handle of the teacup, and in the simple safe house, on the rough wooden stool, An Ran crossed his legs, "The black rose Scented tea... Ah, I like this taste."

Cassiopeia raised her head slightly, and glanced at the woman who sat across from her at some point.

If Cassiopeia is a typical beauty who can have many different styles, then the one opposite her can be said to be a typical representative of the "Noxus lady".

Whether it's black and red hair, blood-red eyes, or a graceful figure that is somewhat obscene, they are all the favorite styles of Noxians.

Not to mention her tingly, magnetic voice and her aristocratic posture that can be maintained at any time... In front of her, countless Noxus heroes have had the heart of the prime minister.

However, after seeing the other party, Cassiopeia became 12 vigilant.

This is not because of the same-sex repulsion among beauties, but because she knows very well that this Ms. Elise is an out-and-out ruthless character!
"As long as you like it." Cassiopeia nodded, "It's unbelievable that Zaun's little discovery would actually bother you to go there..."

"It's just on the way." Elise took a sip and put down the glass, "We have a common purpose... Besides, the spiders are also very interested in the 'Cyclops' you mentioned."

"Cyclops is just nonsense." Cassiopeia smiled and shook her head slightly, "If I have to say it, I'm more inclined to think it's a construct—Shurima are very good at making That thing, during my time hanging out at the Piltover Explorers' Guild, a lot of people have been telling stories about their adventures with Shurima constructs."

"I hope those hot-blooded boys are not just trying to please our lovely Opia." Elise also smiled, "Ah, it's nice to be young... always full of vitality and blood, even bragging It is also a serious look at times."

"The part about the structure should be true." Cassiopeia maintained her smile, "Many people are adding oil and vinegar, but the core content is highly consistent, all made of stone or metal A giant construct golem, manipulated by magic or some other unknown means - extremely destructive, exactly in line with the one I saw yesterday."

"Cold stone and metal." Elise blinked her eyes, her tone seemed a little disappointed, "My little pets have been hungry for a while, if you know that after a hard work After that, they can only face a pile of cold stones and metals, they must be very disappointed..."

"How could that be?" Cassiopeia shook her head, "The annoying Piltovers have already left... the whole of Zaun is their playground."

"Ah, all of Zaun!" Elise showed a pompous expression, as if a noble lady had heard a dirty joke, "Dear Opia, you shouldn't have said this surprise so early—you see, they Can't wait now!"

While talking, a few spiders quietly climbed onto the table, shaking their front paws in front of Elise, as if paying tribute to their queen.

This scene makes Elise very happy.

But after seeing it, Cassiopeia only felt her scalp go numb.

Fortunately, her amazing performance allowed her to maintain her superficial skills after all. Cassiopeia still smiled and looked at the spider in front of her quietly, as if it was really just a group of cute little pets such as cats and dogs. .

Elise seemed very satisfied with Cassiopeia's performance, and finally didn't say much, just raised her head and drank the tea in the cup.

Then, as she stretched out her right hand, a translucent spider thread hung down from above—Elise lazily held the spider thread, like a lady leaning on a woven tassel.

"I'll give you a little advice." She put her hands on the table and lured those fist-sized spiders to climb up the back of her hands. "Next time when you set up a safe house, you must pay more attention to the top of your head..."

The next moment, the spider silk shrank, and Elise disappeared in front of Cassiopeia together with her little pet.

There was silence again in the safe house.

Cassiopeia leaned back on the chair quietly as if she had drunk too much tea—after experiencing everything yesterday and today, this cunning mastermind now has a new understanding of the conspiracy.

Perhaps... To truly control everything, it is not enough to rely on wisdom, cunning and cruelty.

I also need a little bit of strength myself.

The feeling of helplessness last night, Cassiopeia doesn't want to have it again!

Maybe after this action, I should try to apply to the organization to see if I can get a little magical power—even if it is not as good as this Elise, at least I have the power to protect myself, right?

Thinking of this, Cassiopeia's heart that was beating wildly just now after seeing those spiders finally calmed down. She let out a long breath, and then picked up the teacup in front of her again.

After hesitating for a moment, she decided to add an extra piece of sugar to the cup of tea in front of her.


Tyrone obviously didn't know who was behind Cassiopeia, let alone that he was about to usher in a very terrifying colleague.

He was walking through the shadows of the streets of Zaun in good spirits.

Although wearing a filter made him somewhat uncomfortable, the haze around him made him feel like a fish in water—even though it wasn't a shadow, he could still hide his body.

For ordinary people, Zaun's intricate three-dimensional structure will undoubtedly cause many problems such as getting lost and losing direction.

But in the eyes of Tyrone, who was younger than Noxus and crawled in the sewer of the immortal fortress, this level of complex terrain is nothing more than mediocre.

In comparison, it was the terrain near the mine that gave him more headaches.

Tai Long is an assassin, at most a part-time scout—so, he has a clear self-awareness of his abilities.

Yesterday, he was already in a state of embarrassment if he didn't fight the modified man one-on-one, and the huge Cyclops that appeared later gave him a feeling that he had nowhere to attack.

Runeterra is not Summoner's Rift, and killing and destroying is not as simple as killing the health bar.

As the saying goes, there is a specialization in the art industry, so Tai Long is really not good at dealing with giant creatures.

Therefore, Tyrone's mission is just to investigate.

But the problem is that the surrounding area of ​​the mine is completely smooth, and now it is broad daylight, how can it be so simple to secretly rely on the past for investigation?
Under such circumstances, Tai Long could only hope that the warning range of the Cyclops would not be too large—at least it must be outside the detection range of his special telescope!
Then, when Tai Long cautiously approached the mine under the cover of the early morning haze, he was dumbfounded.

This place seemed to have been cleaned up overnight, and there was nothing except the soil on the ground that had been turned over.

Uh, it can’t be said that there is nothing——a large grave was piled up not far from the mine, and a huge stone tablet stood on it, with the words "burial place of the despicable invaders" written in the common language. ".

There is no doubt that the soldiers buried there should be the soldiers who were killed by the Cyclops yesterday.

Seeing this scene, Tyrone realized two things.

First, at least that Cyclops doesn't eat people.

Second, the Cyclops may have associates.

The former point was subconsciously thought of by Tai Long, and the latter point was the crux of the problem.

Could it be that the Cyclops last night was actually controlled by those excavators from Zaun?

If this is the case, there is no doubt that it is terrible.

A Cyclops is not the same concept as the "step-tank coordination" between the Cyclops and the Zaun people. Talon, who has been on the battlefield, knows this better than anyone else - the earth dragon that the Noxus Empire often drives The destructive force of a lizard acting alone is huge, but as long as you find a way to deal with it, it is not difficult to subdue; but when the Noxian army leads the lizard to move together, those terrible beasts are simply irresistible!
Realizing this, Tyrone felt that he needed to observe here for a while.

If the Cyclops does have accomplices, he may be able to catch his tongue and try it himself!
This time, Tyrone's luck seems to be good.

Not long after, he saw a little girl walking out of the mine with brisk steps, as if relieved of a heavy burden.

After seeing her, Tai Long, who was thinking of taking a prisoner, didn't do it immediately.

This is not because he respects the old and loves the young or recognizes the identity of the other party, and it is not because a dirty little blonde girl appeared in the mine after a big war made him feel abnormal—Zuan used child labor Custom, this is not surprising - Tai Long is worried about scaring the snake, if she doesn't know anything, I'm afraid it will cause fear in vain.

However, after hesitating for a moment, he decided to act.

After all, the opportunity is rare.


Finally finishing the night's work, Lux yawned long.

She hadn't closed her eyes for nearly 24 hours.

Last night, she could almost be said to have driven a Gundam all night.

When she first dug underground to survive, Lux was cautious and excited.

Then, when she manipulated the construct to wipe out the Noxians, she was extraordinarily excited.

Later, she cooperated with the miners to save people, digging out one person after another from the ruins, and she felt a sense of accomplishment.

When she finished saving people and cleaned up the battlefield for the Noxus soldiers, she finally couldn't bear it anymore.

But it's not over yet—after completing the above work, when the sky was about to light up, she dug back to the laboratory and stopped the construct.

This time, she excavated at a much slower speed, and generally followed the direction of the original mine. Although it was digging and collapsing as before, she succeeded in the end and left a gap that could barely be regarded as a passage.

After a lot of tossing, Lux only felt that her eyes could hardly be opened.

After casually changing the password of "Long Live Demacia" to the laboratory, she finally climbed out quickly along the excavated passage that had not been reinforced or repaired.

The rescued explorers have been disarmed and are currently clearing the dug back and forth tunnel under the supervision of the miners. When Lux came out, many people greeted her with smiles.

And Lux ​​could barely hold back the gift, she desperately needed to sleep now.

Go back to Fulgan's Tavern quickly!

Ino should have rested over there, let her take over as soon as possible...

On her shoulder, a blue bird was flapping its wings, while dispelling the haze around Lacus, while singing a melodious and melodious song.

Then, just as Lux was walking forward in a daze, the song suddenly changed its tone - the blue bird suddenly straightened its neck and made a sound similar to a wind-up alarm clock.

This voice made Lux couldn't help but startled, she raised her head suddenly, and finally found that she had come to the edge of Zaun City, and there was a shanty town in front of her.

Is there anyone?

"Be careful." The breeze carried Janna's voice to Lux's ears, "There are traces of magic in the shadows ahead..."

"A Noxian?"

"I don't know." Janna said flatly, "I'm just a bird that can sing now..."

I believe in you.

The corner of Lux's mouth twitched, but she didn't say much—she always felt that Kalya and Janna had something to hide from her, but unfortunately she couldn't figure it out.

"Anyway, be careful." Janna reminded again, "It's very likely that it's coming towards you."

"I wish for it." Lux yawned again, "It would be better if it was a big fish."


In the shadows, Tai Long, who followed from a distance, looked at the yawning little girl in front of him, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Trapped like this... the people of Zaun are really ruthless in employing child labor!

Even in the Immortal Bastion of Noxus, the criminal gangs that train children to be pickpockets are not so ruthless.

Forget it, do it yourself quickly—after taking her down, just ask about the situation, and then hand it over to Tamara so that she can sleep well.

With this in mind, Talon launched the Shadow Raid without hesitation.

Although he didn't set up a throwing knife trap in advance, Tai Long didn't intend to silence him this time. When he made the move, he could be said to be full of confidence.

You see, this dirty little girl is still stretching long!
However, the next development of things seems to have exceeded Tyrone's expectations.

First, Tai Long's outstretched arm seemed to hit a barrier before it touched the target.

Then, just as he was looking at the target, trying to figure out what was going on, Tyrone's eyes suddenly lit up—a physical one.

That layer of barrier turned into a bright light, which suddenly bloomed without warning.

And Tai Long, who was completely focused on the other party, just like this abruptly caught a flash bomb trap with his face.

Under the stimulation of the strong light, Tai Long burst into tears, but even so, his hand was still steady—the Hidden Blade popped out and stabbed sharply, and finally he couldn't care less about catching alive.

Tai Long has sufficient experience in fighting spellcasters. He knows better than anyone else that the key to fighting spellcasters or opponents with magic props is not to fall into the opponent's rhythm.

Although I don't know what kind of girl this girl is, but as long as I catch her, I will definitely be the winner in the close combat!
But... is it really so?

Facing Tyrone's deadly surprise attack, the opponent calmly grabbed the "tail" of the light that had just burst out, molded it into a lightsaber, and blocked Tyrone's Hidden Blade with incomparable precision.

Not only that, but she also changed from blocking to slashing, brushing past Tai Long's Hidden Blade, pointing directly at Tai Long's arm, as if she wanted to cut it off with one blow.

Tai Long retreated quickly while withdrawing his hands, trying to avoid the blow.

But the other party obviously does not intend to give up the rhythm of the battle.

Tai Long retreated, but she simply stepped forward - the lightsaber swept across, and was about to cut Tai Long twice.

Tai Long, who still couldn't open his eyes, was extremely embarrassed at this moment.


Lux managed to control the rhythm of the battle.

Seeing Tai Long fleeing in embarrassment in front of her, she was very grateful to Kalya for her simulated training at this time - the hidden light barrier combined with the burst of strong light just now was a special skill she practiced in the simulated training.

As long as the hidden light barrier is broken, strong light will burst out. Although these lights have no lethality, they are enough to temporarily destroy the attacker's vision.

During the simulation training, Lux used this hand to deal with many nocturnal or underground creatures.

Judging from the current situation, this trick is also quite useful against assassins who like to act in the dark.

Lux decided to quickly resolve the battle with the suddenly elongated lightsaber just like she did with Mr. Shadow last night.

But it's a pity that after tossing all night, her current magic power is really not enough, and her magic control has dropped a lot. In this state, she can't show a 40-meter lightsaber at all.


Even so, a quick decision must be made!

Suppressing the urge to yawn again, Lux took a deep breath, then held the sword in both hands, and slashed at Tyrone fiercely.

Without a hard catch, Tai Long rolled and dodged again.

However, the situation this time was very wrong - when Lux slashed down with his sword, the entire lightsaber shattered as he slashed, turning into a shower of light and attacking Talon.

Tyrone dodges again.

But this time, Tai Long got halfway there, but was caught.

what's the situation?
Tai Long squinted his eyes and looked at the place where he was being dragged - there was nothing, but he was being dragged.

"Little mouse in the shadows." Lux scattered the hilt in her hand, and then condensed a lightsaber again, "I'll catch you this time."

The familiar words made Tai Long's gloomy face even darker.

Then, before Lux could catch him, a sexy voice sounded from above Tyrone's head.

"This is what I want to tell you." While speaking, a graceful figure descended from the sky, stretched out his hand and cast a shadow, eliminating the light spot that nailed Tai Long's shadow, "I didn't expect that in Zaan, there is still There is this kind of little girl who plays with light magic—didn't your teacher tell you that she can wet the bed when she plays with light..."

Seeing this scene, Lacus' complexion sank.

The guy in front of her gave her a bad feeling.

"Don't be so nervous, cute little girl." The other party didn't care about Lux's stiff expression at all. After Tyrone turned around and escaped into the shadows, he walked on catwalks and high heels with an extremely relaxed attitude. , came in front of Lacus, "I like to play light so much, sister can play with you - sister is not afraid of bedwetting..."

Lux swung his lightsaber without hesitation, and slashed at the obscene woman in front of her—the Noxus accent of the other party made Lux extinguish the idea of ​​catching alive.

However, in the face of Lux's slashing, the other party did not panic at all. A spider jumped out from her finger that had been carefully painted with red nail polish, and expanded rapidly in mid-air at a speed visible to the naked eye, actively facing Lax. lightsaber.

Sensing that there might be a problem, Lux withdrew and retreated while maintaining the slashing posture.

The next moment, the huge spider exploded violently when it touched the tip of the lightsaber.

The stinky venom splashed, and after dripping on the ground, there was a toothache hissing sound.

"Don't be so ruthless." The opponent was not disappointed when the blow was missed, "My little cuties are very enthusiastic... You child, being so ruthless will make them sad."

Lux didn't answer.

At this moment, she only felt that the hairs all over her body were about to explode.

Although she had faced many snakes and reptiles during the simulation training, none of them could give the guy in front of her a sense of danger.

Obviously the other party only had a pair of scarlet eyes, but when she looked at Lux, Lax felt as if she was locked on by countless eyes.

At the same time, Janna's reminder also appeared in Lux's ears.

"Be careful, she has the power of a god...she is dangerous!"

Hearing what Janna said, Lak changed his mind without hesitation.

Perhaps... Temporary retreat is not unacceptable—during the simulation training, she also experienced a lot of subjects that "need to retreat temporarily".

In other words, self-preservation has always been Karya's training focus.

However, just when Lux looked away, the other party smiled again.

"Oh? Is our cute little girl unwilling to continue playing?" Her smile was elegant at first, but she gradually became presumptuous as she smiled, "But it's a's not something you can decide! "

The small cherry mouth that was originally ruddy and shiny, making people want to taste it, was getting bigger and bigger amidst the wanton laughter, and finally turned over completely, turning into two halves of incomparably ferocious, spider-like mandibles. At the same time, her back was also split open, and six slender spider legs popped out, turning over a layer of furry spider skin.

In the blink of an eye, this seductive woman turned into a terrifying big spider with eight legs on the ground!

Seeing this scene, Lux's eyes widened - and on her shoulder, Janna finally figured out the identity of the other party.

"Be careful, Lux!" Stormfury's tone was more serious than ever, "She is the choice of Vile Maw!"

It's a pity that at this time, Lux is in no mood to think about what is Vile Maw and what is God's Chosen—because when the big spider transformed, countless small spiders rushed out around her .

At this moment, Lux seemed to have returned to the first time she participated in the simulated training and faced the scarab swarm.

 Karya's Little Classroom Vile Throat:

  This is a fearsome spider - or nature demigod - that lives on the Shadow Isles.

  PS Today is a two-in-one chapter, and the number of chapters is rounded up.

(End of this chapter)

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