Lux's Farewell

Chapter 124 [0121] Insect sea tactics

Chapter 124 [0121] Insect sea tactics
Even people who are not afraid of bugs will feel scalp tingling when faced with such a large number of spiders.

Even a person like Lux, who is used to fighting scarabs, now only feels a tingling sensation on his scalp.

Countless spiders crawled on the ground, their slender and lonely legs slid across the ground, making a salsa sound - their mandibles opened and closed, and the originally inaudible clicking sound was thus connected into one piece, making one's bones tremble. A little itchy.

Lux felt completely relieved now.

After estimating the number of spiders, she silently dropped the lightsaber in her hand.

It's not that giving up this way of fighting is too "energy-saving", she needs to use a little more mana-saving means to fight.

Well, mana saving is also a big part of the simulation training. During the simulation training, Lux is almost never in a full state, and every time she is either inconvenient to move or lacks mana.

This caused Lux ​​to always consider living within her means during the battle, and habitually save magic power on the premise of ensuring the outcome of the battle.

Now, facing the dense spiders around her, she resolutely gave up the high-consumption fighting method of using a lightsaber—she clearly remembered that she once did "" Pulling out the lightsaber three feet, one move without blue" thing.

That time, she was bitten by the scarab.

Just like that, under Elise's astonished gaze, Lacus scattered the lightsaber and quickly rushed into an abandoned house beside her.

Seeing this scene, Elise couldn't help but frowned: Is this kid scared?

What's the use of hiding in such an abandoned house when the surroundings are already covered with cobwebs?

However, just as Elise commanded the spider to come around, Lax jumped out extremely quickly—and this time, she had a stick and a pot lid in her hand.

She removed the nearly rusted door frame of this abandoned house, folded it into a stick, held it in her right hand, and then found a pot cover of just the right size, holding it as if holding a shield In the left hand.

The next moment, Lux tapped the "shield" with the "sword", causing the two almost rusted "weapons" to be lit up by magic like filaments.

After seeing this scene, Elise blinked her eight eyes in a daze, not knowing what Lacus was doing at all.

Co-author, you would rather be surrounded by me, but also go to pick up two pieces of junk?
Isn't your lightsaber pretty powerful?
But on the other hand, Lux, who got the weapon, felt a lot more at ease--as Carya taught, the consumption of "enchanting" the weapon is much lower than using elemental weapons directly, and the price is that it is not as light and smooth as the lightsaber .

Considering that her enemies were endless spiders, Lux felt that saving mana was more important.

As for whether the sword and shield will be too weak...

The light magic enchantment doesn't choose materials very much, as long as the enchantment is completed, the strength is always guaranteed before the magic power is exhausted.

Moreover, in the simulation training, what has she never used?

All of Carya's courses are desert environments, and it's not bad to have an iron bar!


Although I don't know why Lux made all these fancy things, but I secretly observed her and Tyrone's battle. Although Elise said something obscene, she didn't show any mercy.

Elise is extremely concerned about Lux's light magic traps and proficient melee combat skills. After assessing the situation between the enemy and the enemy, she resolutely does not allow Lux to get close.

Just use the spider and her to consume it!
Before coming to Tai Long, her pets had just had a full meal, and the number of spiders was astonishing!
Just like that, under Elise's neighing, densely packed little spiders rushed towards Lux like a tide, while Elise herself—oh, it's Ben Spider—hid behind, commanding and raising her voice. Stomach up and spit out cobwebs.

Some of these spider webs became "white passages" for the little spiders to attack Lax, while others tried to limit Lax's movements and bound her as completely as possible.

Facing the joint offensive of Elise and the little spider, Lacus behaved calmly.

With the cooperation of the sword and shield, coupled with a burst of magic power from time to time, with the help of Janna to remind her, even if the little spider is as rough as a sea tide, she can still maintain her safety like a boat in the waves .

Directing the spider group, Elise tried many attack directions.

But no matter from which angle the spider attacks, whether it's digging a hole or hanging on a wire, Lux can always find it and solve it quickly.

The battle seemed to be at a stalemate.

This time, Elise could see that this little girl was amazingly tough and watertight. It might be impossible to use the simplest spider sea to take it down——under such circumstances, Elise began to consciously mix in the spider swarm. Miscellaneous self-explosive poisonous spider.

Unlike the small spiders that besieged Lacus, these self-destructive poisonous spiders were not easy to cultivate, and Elise usually used them sparingly.

But this time, she intends to have a luxury.

Although she still doesn't know the identity of Lacus, Elise believes that as long as she takes her down and dedicates her to the Spider God, she will definitely be rewarded by Despicable Throat!
He will definitely like this kind of young girl with potential!
The addition of self-explosive spiders to the siege made Lux finally feel a little troublesome—these spiders did not look much different from other spiders before self-explosion, but as soon as they got close to themselves, they would expand rapidly and explode, and the splashed body fluids were corrosive. Amazing, even other spiders can't afford it.

Caught off guard, two self-explosive poisonous spiders exploded not far in front of Lacus. Even though Lacus raised her shield immediately, the strong light from the pot lid blocked her face and blocked most of the venom. But her coat was quickly destroyed by astonishing corrosion.

With the hissing sound of the highly poisonous and corrosive coat, Elise immediately recovered her human form.

However, just when she raised her hand and shot out a wave of shadow energy, wanting to wrap Lacus in the spider silk and store it away, Lacus brandished the weapon in her right hand and hit the mass of shadow energy with precision. wrapped in spider silk.

With a flash of light, this ball of spider silk was cut in two by a sword.

Elise's eyes widened in disbelief—the poisonous spider's venom had already touched her body, so she should have lost her resistance now!
You know, Elise's venom is not just a neurotoxin.

This venom is a talent given to her by Vile Maw. It is a mixture of shadow poison and neurotoxin. Even if it only comes into contact with the target, it is enough to kill!
Elise turns back into a human form and throws the spider silk to control the target, but also to catch alive-if the toxin is allowed to erode, Elise will not get a living prey!

And Lux ​​was obviously touched by the venom, but not only was she not poisoned, but she still had the strength to fight back, which undoubtedly greatly exceeded Elise's expectations.

The next moment, as the light shield in Lux's hand burst into a burst of strong light again, clearing away the little spiders who tried to take the opportunity to approach her, Elise finally discovered the problem.

She saw that under Lux's torn coat, there was a layer of metallic matte unique to rune steel.

Rune Steel? !

Why is there a rune steel armor in a place like Zaun? !

Moreover, judging from the fit of this is a tailor-made special style at all-if it is a standard armor, even if it is worn under the jacket, Elise will not fail to notice it at the first time!

Something seems a little off.

Could it be that this little girl is from Demacia?

No, it's impossible.

How can there be a mage in Demacia? Moreover, judging from the swordsmanship she just attacked, it is obviously not a Demacia routine.

Elise is also an old monster. Although she doesn't use a sword herself, she is at least sensible. Lux's sword skills are obviously more similar to those of Shurima.

Coupled with her adept use of magic...

Definitely not a Demacian!
But if it's not a Demacian, then what's going on with this rune steel armor?
There are not many rune steel armors smuggled from Demacia, let alone this kind of completely close-fitting armor!

At this moment, Elise's head was full of question marks.

However, although she was puzzled in her heart, she didn't hesitate in the movements of her hands - the offensive of the self-destructing poisonous spider mixed with ordinary spiders is effective, since it is effective, let's continue!

It doesn't matter whether you are a Demacian or a Shurima, as long as you win, I have plenty of time to slowly figure out your background!

Lux appears to be orderly, but the actual situation is not optimistic.

This spider woman was far more difficult than she had imagined—after seeing Elise's transformation, she was still waiting for her to come closer.

As long as Elise dared to approach, Lux would be sure to use the trick she used to deal with Mr. Shadow, and let the long sword in her hand suddenly increase in length to hit her hard.

But... Elise has turned into a spider, and is still directing the OB behind!

After several estimates, Lux couldn't guarantee whether she could hit directly with her full blow. In this case, she could only do a good job of defending first.

As a result, he kept guarding, and the other party began to mix explosive spiders with ordinary spiders without paying attention to martial arts...

How to fight this!

During the simulated training, Lux has dealt with scarabs, snakes, and even wyverns—but there are too many of these spiders, including a few self-destructive poisonous spiders, so it can only be described as hard to defend against. .

Moreover, her concentration level is also declining at a speed visible to the naked eye. Although she can still fight without getting a good rest for a long time, her reaction and magic power control are not as good as before.

The rune steel armor began to become heavy and soft after absorbing the power of shadow magic a few times...

It is no exaggeration to say that Lux's agility, defense, and attack are all declining!

It won't be long before this goes on, and she will be completely overwhelmed by spiders!
At this moment, Janna, who had left this place before and passed on the news, returned to Lux, circling to remind her to leave.

However, facing the still turbulent sea of ​​spiders, Lux shook her head lightly.

 Carya's Little Classroom · A Different Venom:

  Normal spider venom is mainly necrotoxin, but Elise's toxin is neurotoxin - which is very unspider.

(End of this chapter)

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