Lux's Farewell

Chapter 125 [0122] Reason

Chapter 125 [0122] Reason
Lux's situation is dangerous.

At this time, she was only relying on her rich combat experience, so that Elise did not realize that she was already at the end of her battle.

But danger is danger, Lux is still conscious and thinking is still calm.

During the simulated training, she experienced enough "deaths" that she could maintain the most basic calm even in the face of extremely dangerous situations, and look for opportunities to turn things around.

So where is the opportunity?

Silently estimating her own state, Lux's judgment is: if she wants to win, the only chance is to seriously injure Elise herself.

There are too many spiders around, and there are also self-destructing spiders among them, and Elise is still lingering behind...

The difficulty is too great.

Raising the shield again, he flew the spider that was jumping at him, and shook off the sticky liquid on it. Lux took a deep breath while swiping the sword.

There is still a chance, there must be a chance!

Regardless of physical exertion, she swept continuously on the spot, and temporarily forced back the surrounding spiders. Taking advantage of this gap, she tried hard to recall Elise's every move, every word and deed, trying to find out from the details. She inadvertently exposed flaws.

What Elise has said and done, Lux quickly went through it in her mind.

From the obscene words when she appeared on the stage, to her cautious attack method, to the self-explosive spider, and the spider silk thrown after the self-explosive spider hit her...

Wait, spider silk!
Why did she suddenly change back into a human form when she was hit by the venom splashed by the self-exploding spider for the first time, and then threw a ball of spider silk mixed with shadow energy?

Why did this vicious woman, who had been at the end from the beginning, suddenly change her tactics and take the initiative herself?
Why did she suddenly retreat behind the spider group again after taking the initiative to attack?

In the blink of an eye, an unclear clue quickly formed in Lux's mind, and she swung her sword again, sweeping away a group of spiders flocking to her—then finally made up her mind.

The next moment, two self-explosive spiders jumped out of the spider swarm again, and came straight to Lux one after the other. This time, she successfully avoided the feint attack of the one in front, but was rushed by the one behind. It's right.


With a low cry of pain, the self-explosive spider exploded on her back.

The stinky venom splashed out with astonishing shadow energy. This time, even though Lux quickly fell forward, she still couldn't avoid it.

The outer coat of the runed steel armor was eaten away, and the back of Lux's neck was a bloody mess.

Lax, who fell among the spiders, barely turned over and tried to stand up, but failed several times.

In this situation, she could only wave the weapon in her hand wildly like a madman, while wailing in pain.

Under the protection of the rune steel armor, her small body twitched from time to time, and the corners of her tightly pursed mouth finally overflowed with white foam.

In her hand, the light of the sword shield was dimming at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Seeing this scene, Elise finally breathed a sigh of relief.

This difficult little girl was finally poisoned.

This is how the spider venom behaves - convulsions, difficulty breathing, and drooling. Many people used to fall in front of Elise like this, and Elise would give them different rewards according to their value. ending.

Innocuous fellows will become the rations of ordinary spiders.

Worthy guys become hatchlings for self-destructing spiders.

And like Lacus...Elise will use spider silk to bind her into a cocoon and bring her back to the Vile Throat—the rhythmic spider silk will squeeze Lacus's heart, keeping her in the last state. The basic breathing will not suffocate to death under the action of neurotoxins.

Cautiously, Elise threw a ball of spider silk, and Lacus on the ground seemed to want to dodge, but she couldn't dodge after all—under Elise's satisfied eyes, she was firmly held back by this ball of spider silk. Wrapped up.

It became.

After waving away the pets who wanted to eat, Elise stepped on high heels and came to Lacus.

"What a cute little girl." She leaned down, creating more spider threads, "Unfortunately, you chose the wrong opponent—"

Before he finished speaking, a blinding strong light suddenly lit up from the spider silk cocoon. The astonishing brilliance pierced the tough spider thread and hit Elise herself without warning.

This beam of light seemed to be a solid spear, piercing through Elise's humanoid body, completely piercing through her entire lower left abdomen.

Under this astonishing blow, Elise was picked up, thrown sideways for several meters, and fell directly into the spider swarm.

At the same time, the unfinished spider silk cocoon on the ground was cracked inch by inch. Lax gritted her teeth and flapped a pair of pure light-cast wings, breaking out of the cocoon and becoming a butterfly!
After landing, Elise turned into a spider form in an emergency, with eight eyes looking viciously at Lux in front of her.

"You lied to me!" Under the spider form, her voice was sharp and piercing, "You are not poisoned at all!"

"It's true that I haven't been hit by spider poison." Lacus leaned over and picked up her "Sword Shield", waved away the surrounding spiders, and strode towards Elise, "But I can see many other poisons— —Looks like I guessed it right, these toxins behave in the same way!"

There was a piercing hiss from Elise's mouthparts, as if she was cursing Lux's cunning, but at the same time, her eight legs were retreating involuntarily.

She... Cowardly.

Being shot by Lux's light-forged spear, even for Elise, is an absolute serious injury.

Coupled with the fact that Lux spread out a pair of light wings, she didn't look tired at all. After estimating the situation of the enemy and the enemy, she thought she should retreat.

It's meaningless to fight on, I'm just here to help Cassiopeia, there's no need to go all out!
As the chosen one of the spider god, Despicable Throat, Elise has a long lifespan, she is not willing to put herself here for someone else's task!
So, as Lux pressed forward step by step, she simply retreated quickly, and quickly retreated into the spider web she had arranged before, and then hoisted up by coiling wire, her figure quickly disappeared into the shadows.

Lux, on the other hand, chased wildly. After eliminating a large number of small cannon fodder spiders who blocked her, she finally leaned against an abandoned wall.

A moment later, the blue bird hovering in the air landed back on her shoulder.

"Is she dead?"

"Let's go—she had already prepared a spider web to escape, and quickly left Zaun with the spider thread. Even if she didn't move very quickly, Yinuo didn't keep her."

"What a pity, you said she was a voter of Vile Throat?"

"That's right, it must be the voter of that big spider."

"Despicable Throat..." Lux nodded, "I've made a note of this account."

"Compared to Despicable Throat, you should think more about yourself." Janna sighed, "Ino and the others are coming soon. I heard that you were injured. Ino is about to die of anxiety."

"Ah..." Lux struggled to get up, but finally sat on the spot powerlessly, "This is a shame, and Karya should say I am ashamed again."

"No, it's not shameful at all." Janna gently summoned a gust of wind, "How did you judge that after you were poisoned, she would definitely entangle you with spider webs and approach you?"

"Because that's what she did when the poisonous spider blew itself up the first time." A pale smile appeared on Lux's face, "She seems to have made up her mind that as long as I am poisoned, she will control me——Spider Silk It is the best cover for me to hide the light-forged spear, and it can also make her approach me proactively."

"So you're not actually poisoned." Janna, who has very little combat experience, doesn't know much about this kind of intrigue between electric light and flint, "But I clearly saw a spider behind you explode..."

"That's a trick of light. There were two exploding spiders, and the venom only spilled on the armor on the back, and didn't touch my neck." Lacus twitched the corner of her mouth, "Thanks to her pinching back and forth, it gave me room to pull."

"You really act like that." Janna flapped her wings twice, "That kind of twitching look, and biting her lip but couldn't help salivating, looking like she couldn't breathe."

"Thanks to the ordinary poisonous spider as a cover. Its body fluids are also poisonous. I just exaggerated the performance." Lacus slightly twisted her neck, opened her mouth, and gasped for two breaths. Tone, "Poisoning is a thing that has been experienced for a long time, and it will become a pattern... This is also taught by Kalya."

The blue bird flapped its wings twice, and finally stopped asking.

However, she decided to ask Kalya later, what exactly did he teach Lux - obviously your previous teaching was not like this!

When Yinuo and others arrived at the scene, everything had already been settled.

The blue bird flew to Ino's shoulder and briefly told her about the fighting process just now.

And Ino looked at Lux who was in such a state of embarrassment, with white and black armor in front of her, that Ino almost ran away on the spot - the surrounding temperature began to drop rapidly, and if it wasn't for Karya's reminder, she even faintly had a tendency to lose control of her magic power .

"It's my fault, it's all my fault." Ino held Lacus in his arms, and stuffed the saber into her hand, "If it wasn't for me not being able to figure it out and needing Kalya's help to look at it, you would Don't face such dangers..."

"What are you talking about." Lacus shook her head feebly, "It's the same for Kalya here—and it's my choice to stay here and fight."

"My task is to protect you." Eno obviously disagreed with this statement, and shook his head stubbornly, "Promise me, the next time you encounter this situation, leave as soon as possible, okay?"

"That's right." Shirko, whose face obviously improved a lot, also nodded, "You are very important..."

Behind Silko, Van der also nodded.

"No, I won't leave." Lux said weakly but firmly, "Even if I do it again, I won't leave."

"Don't be brave!" Ino was a little anxious, "You were almost in danger!"

"I'm indeed a little scared, but it's not because of the danger." Lux seemed to have regained some strength, and struggled to stand up, "Come on, come with me, and you will understand."

Ino very much hoped that Lax would go back to the tavern to recuperate immediately, but Lax insisted on her own opinion. In this case, she could only follow Lax back to the place where she met Tyrone.

Here, Lux didn't care about the piled-up spider corpses, but followed the traces of the spider silk and entered a remote alley.

This is a residential area.

Or rather, a slum—a slum, by Zaun's standards.

However, although dilapidated and barren, each household at least looks like a home, and the doors and windows like fences are firmly closed.

Calculating the time, it should be the time for everyone to wake up, but this alley is completely silent, as silent as a ghost.

Even though she had been mentally prepared, Lux's face was still sinking when she saw this scene.

And behind her, no matter whether it was Yinuo or the others, their hearts were also silent, sinking to the bottom of the valley little by little.

"Remember this place?" Lux whispered, "Since we started cleaning the mine, we passed by the alley every day."

Ino didn't speak.

No one else spoke either.

"It's close to the mining area, and it's also the most marginal place in Zaun." Walking in the deserted, narrow alley, Lux continued, "Let's not talk about the people of Picheng, even the people of Zaun are actually not Understand, don't care here."

"Actually, I don't know much. All I know is that every day when I pass by here from Fulgen's Tavern to the mine, I greet them, and they greet me." In the open space, Lacus pointed to the target painted with an unknown paint on the wall next to it, "Mello loves to brag with them, and they will believe whatever Mello says."


"The head of the family is a bachelor uncle. He lost an eye and said that the tools I used to carry water were unreasonable."

"The guy said he had a better way, but he wanted me a gold hex—but then he changed his mind and said it doesn't take that much."


"The owner of this small house works in a dark alley at night. She just went out when we finished work every day. I don't like the heavy makeup."

"But to be honest, she's the most enthusiastic one here, and she made those balls for the kids."


"A few days ago, the lame aunt of this family here asked me if I could help to leave some clean water under the bucket when I came back every day. She said that she wanted to grow flowers--as a reward, she could teach me a few things. trick."

"She said that her man is a great magician, but I have never met him. I only know that she lives with his silly son."


"And this one, the man is a drunk, and he used to be an apprentice in a workshop in a dark alley..."

"This family..."

"This family..."



In the silence of the others, Lux opened one humble door after another, telling one humble story after another.

But behind one door after another, there are no people struggling to live - instead, there are sticky spider webs, cracked spider eggs, and spiders that haven't fully grown up.

Lux stopped in front of a graffiti wall at the end of the alley.

"That's why I didn't go."

In the team, finally no one spoke.

Only on the graffiti wall behind Lux, the sun painted on the top, which has never been bathed in real sunlight, is grinning heartlessly.

 Carya's Small Classroom God's Choice:
  As the name suggests, it is the choice of the gods, and to some extent it can be regarded as the spokesperson of the gods.

  PS The writing is a bit heavy, and the update is a bit late, sorry.

(End of this chapter)

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