Lux's Farewell

Chapter 126 [0123] United Zaun

Chapter 126 [0123] United Zaun

Borrowing a fire from Fandre's pipe, Lux ignited the spider threads in the alley.

Under the licking of the tongue of fire, the spider eggs exploded, the little spiders were burned to death, and the raging flames intensified, finally swallowing this alley on the edge of Zaun, which was usually ignored by no one.

The graffiti-painted wall eventually collapsed under the flames, revealing an abandoned factory behind the wall.

Without the cover of the factory wall, the dappled sunlight poured down from the gaps in the steel frame buildings of the factory, making this small narrow alley bathed in sunlight for the first time.

Under the sunlight that was far brighter than the flames, everyone narrowed their eyes subconsciously.

And it seemed that because the raging flames were too hot, the faces of Van der and Silko standing in the front were flushed.

Lux didn't say anything.

But those who saw all this with their own eyes understood what Lux meant.

To be honest, although Vander, Silko and others are not worth mentioning in the eyes of the councilors and big businessmen in Piltover, if they are in Zaun, they can be regarded as big men.

Therefore, their understanding of this narrow alley is not even as good as that of Lux, who has developed the habit of silently observing and recording the surrounding environment.

But... this is Zaun after all.

In normal times, these people who live in the fringes of Zaan and have almost lost the ability to work, even in the eyes of other Zaan people, are out-and-out marginal figures. In Zaan, where everyone is struggling, Zaan People have no extra sympathy for them.

However, following behind Lacus, listening to her calmly telling the life of everyone here in a completely neutral third-person tone, but watching this alley turn into a ghost in his eyes, even if he is as cold as Silko , and could no longer contain his anger.

That's right, the people living here are all inconspicuous characters. Even without this disaster, perhaps another accident would be enough to bring their already fragile lives to an end.

But they were once normal Zaunites, too.

But even in such a marginal area and such a difficult situation, they have their own lives.

They used to ignore it subconsciously.

But this neglect was quickly shattered in front of the well-watered unknown flowers, the mechanical arm being pieced together from parts, the furry ball in the corner, and the raised mouth of the graffiti sun.

The raging flames swept away everything.

But no one can forget these - that round of grinning sun graffiti, like a seal, is deeply engraved in everyone's mind.

Before Lux noticed the origin of those little spiders, she chose not to leave and fought against Elise, trying to keep the murderer.

And now, behind Lux, the people of Zaun who had witnessed all this finally bowed their heads.

Lux is not from Zaun, nor did she grow up in a trench.

But at this moment, they finally decided that she was better suited to lead the ruined city than any Zaun present.

"Boss." Silko coughed in a low voice, "What should we do next?"

"Take back the factory that the people of Zaun have worked so hard to build, open up the food supply line to Kumanggra, and protect the laboratory of Karikan." Lux's tone was weak but firm, "Unite the whole of Zaun and drive away the invasion Those who defend the fruits of blood and sweat of the people of Zaun!"


Lux finally made it back to Fulgan's Tavern safely.

After a short break, the first thing Lux did was to summarize the results of her investigations in Piltover and Zaun during this time.

Why is Zaan poor, who took away the hard work of the people of Zaun, why can't Zaun resist...

With the help of Kalya, these problems have now been thoroughly sorted out by Lacus.

With red eyes, Lacus wrote vigorously, using her not-so-fluent Zaun-style slang, to write an eloquent "Letter to the People of Zaun".

In this simple and straightforward article, Lux analyzed the current situation of Zaun in a simple way, starting from the Gate of the Sun.

Starting from the completion of the Sun Gate Sea Gate and the trade monopoly brought about by it, the exploitation and exploitation of Zaun by the Piltover plutocrats, the cruelty and internal cruelty of the Alchemy Baron as a comprador in Zaun, and the introduction of Nok Foreign countries such as SARS see Zaun as a cheap labor base.

Lux tells the story of Zaun in the way of Zaun people, telling why people always come to Zaun and join Zaun, why even Zaun people have to go to work in the factory since they were 12 years old, but they can’t fill the time. Fill your stomach.

She traced the flow of a gold hex created by the hard work of a certain child laborer, and explained in a blunt and cruel way why a piece of gold hex that worked on the Sun Gate sea gate was priced at one gold hex The parts fell into the hands of its casters, leaving only a loaf of bread.

In Zaun, this child laborer could be you, or it could be me.

After finally explaining the source of all these hardships, she finally put her brushstrokes in the future. While proposing violence to seize the fruits of labor that belonged to the people of Zaun, she also described the future development direction of Zaun.

There are the most skilled workers here, and there are well-organized assembly-line production factories here. Lux firmly believes that the concept of magic industrialization proposed by Karya will surely become a reality in Zaun that will benefit every Zaunite!

At the end of the article, Lux finally issued the most direct appeal, calling on all Zaunites to stand together, take back everything that belongs to them, and run towards their own future.

After finishing the article, Lux approached Ike and asked him to revise it a little bit for her—although Lux had tried her best to learn how the Zaun people communicated, she felt that a little polish was still needed.

Of course Ike would not refuse.

As a result, after getting the manuscript, Ike's eyes became red as he read it.

Ike, who went to a private workshop as an apprentice, life is better than child labor after all-but even so, he still empathizes with the content of the article.

And when he thought of those younger brothers who followed him, and thought that their lives were more in line with the content here than his own, Ike was full of energy for a while, he quickly took the pen and paper, and began to quickly scribble on Lacus's manuscript up.

"Exploitation and extraction... What a strange grammar, just use extraction."

"Monopoly, the word is very appropriate."

"Well, you can double-push this sentence, and it will be much smoother if you change it this way."

"And this paragraph, isn't it great to bet all single?"



In the sound of Lux's even breathing, Ike quickly completed the revision, then left the room lightly, and closed the door carefully.


When Lux finally woke up, it was already dark.

With a light on, Lacus removed the gauze wrapped around her neck, got up with a terrible headache, and pushed open the door of the room.

Ino hasn't come back yet, so she plans to go to the front of the tavern to find some water to drink—maybe because of the overdraft of magic power, she is very thirsty.

However, what Lux didn't know was that when she finally woke up, most of the people in the Fulgan Tavern were already talking about her article.

After briefly modifying a part, Ike excitedly took the revised part and read it to the people in the tavern in full - because of the recent chaos in Zaun, the work was much less. After the news came back, there were a lot of people who came to Fulgen's Tavern to order a glass of water and wait for job introductions.

And following Ike's narration, the workers who were just listening to relieve boredom at first gradually became serious one by one.

There are more and more people around Ike, and everyone wants to be closer and hear more clearly.

In this case, Ike simply stacked the tables together to form a podium, and then started loudly from the beginning with his voice changing.

The workers who had listened to part of it did not urge them to start over cheerfully; others who hadn't heard the beginning pricked up their ears for fear of missing even a word.

The article edited by Ike is mixed with a lot of Zaun slang, the text is easy to understand, and it is extremely smooth-cooperating with Akeley's smooth lips, everyone can clearly understand the meaning of Lux.

After reading it, many people slapped the table excitedly, or simply hugged each other. For these Zaunites, no one has ever told them so clearly why their lives are so different. difficult.

Everyone grabbed Ike excitedly and almost threw him into the sky.

And in this case, Ike can only say in a hurry, "This is written by Miss Lacus, and she can only explain it clearly after a lot of time."

The excited workers were about to get up and go to Lux in no time - they couldn't hear enough, they still had a lot of questions to ask.

Under such circumstances, several miners who escorted Lacus back briefly described what happened this morning.

Originally, people in Zaun would not believe this kind of "spider as big as a dog" story.

However, when the protagonist of the story was Lux, they finally stopped, chose not to disturb her rest, and continued to wait in the tavern.

However, you can't wait.

Under the strong request of everyone, Ike stepped onto the stage again and began to read aloud.

After two times, Ike's voice was hoarse.

But it doesn't matter, Craig and Bobo can also read!
Wei and Mai Luo didn't know enough words, but after listening to it twice, they could almost follow it.

The five children who were left in the tavern by Van der began to take turns to take the stage, and read the "Letter to Zuan People" with the loudest voice.

Until late at night, the workers were still waiting for Lux to wake up, still unwilling to leave.

Now, Lux finally woke up.

Just when she pushed open the door of the tavern, everyone in the tavern crowded around, and some even rushed into the bar courteously, squeezed the bartender away, and dug out the banyan milk powder, which was full of Made a whole cup for her.

"Miss Lacus, can we really?"

"Those alchemy barons have a lot of thugs..."

"Is magic available to everyone?"

"Can the wealth of Sun Gate also flow into Zaun?"

"The customs of the blue bird are related to the gods?"



Among the crowd, Ike, Wei, Bobo, Mellow, and Craig, whose voices were already hoarse, were waving their arms towards Lux excitedly, and then they were pushed out of the crowd abruptly, and they could only talk to each other. They looked at each other, then shrugged helplessly.

Surrounded by everyone, Lux's eyes widened in disbelief.

She never thought that she would be so popular.

In other words, she couldn't imagine that so many people would be willing to ask her opinion just because of that article.

Lux just sorted out and recorded what she saw and heard, and straightened out the logic with the help of Kalya, but she never thought that she would be regarded as an evil spirit by these Zaun people who could not see tomorrow and the future. The golden rule.

Although the exhaustion of magic power still gave her a headache, and although the wound on the back of her neck was still pulling her nerves, Lux still fell into extreme excitement.

She is recognized!

Even though these Zaunites might not fully understand everything she said, even if many people simply assumed the perspective of the child laborer who worked hard for twelve hours but couldn't get enough to eat, Lux was still extremely excited.

She seemed to have returned to the second afternoon when Kalya began to teach her magic, to the corner of the garden of the Crownguard family.

That time, she saw the mystery of magic with her own eyes, and magic theory and magic practice were combined for the first time.

This time, she saw a wider world. She combined what she saw and heard with the theory that Kalya had spoken, and was recognized by the people of Zaun.

"Don't worry, don't worry, I will answer!"

"If you have any questions, ask them one by one..."

"Excuse me, thank you!"



Surrounded by the tavern workers, she came to the podium made of wine tables, and raised her right hand high amidst the cheers.

When he let go of his fist, the light in Lux's palm blossomed, completely lighting up the originally dark tavern.

Suspending the fist-sized ball of light above her head, Lacus began to patiently answer these questions.

This time, what she has to face is no longer the nobles who uphold red tape, but the Zaun people who are eager to see the future direction-and after investigation, with the help of Janna, Lacus can not rely on Karya , to answer most of the doubts smoothly.

The night was dark.

But in Fulgen's Tavern, the light was as bright as day.

Lux stood on the stage, telling in detail the results of her investigation, her plan for Zaun, and the great prospect of magic becoming a tool of production.

Among the crowd, Lux's complexion was reddish, and she was in high spirits. The rune steel armor she had just replaced was a little unfit, but she brought a subtle sense of intimacy—the clothes of Zaun people are often unfit.

Under the light, her pure pupils reflected the enthusiastic workers, and her silky blond hair shone brightly.

 Carya's Small Classroom·Double Monthly Pass:
  Double monthly ticket at the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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