Lux's Farewell

Chapter 127 [0124] Noxus Military Channel

Chapter 127 [0124] Noxus Military Channel

When midnight approached, the reluctant workers finally got up and left the tavern.

After they left, Vander and Silko, who had been busy leading the team outside for a day, finally returned to the tavern.

According to the previously prepared plan, Van der mainly focused on solving the food problem.

He organized the most reliable manpower, led by Bensuo, to go to the Kumanggra direction to join the caravan contacted by Lux to discuss the issue of food imports. In addition, he also sent two sets of rune steel armor to Finn. I brought back a batch of emergency food.

These grains are being hoarded in several nearby warehouses in pieces, and are being kept by reliable personnel.

As for Silko, this guy who is used to walking in the dark, sent his own staff to inquire about the situation of the alchemy factories under the alchemy barons.

Know thyself, ever-victorious.

With Lux here, it is not difficult to take down these alchemy factories.

But in order to take the factory down without destroying it, intelligence is still necessary - Zaun already sucks, so anything useful is precious.

This kind of thing is most suitable for Silko. He has always been good at weaving conspiracy and collecting intelligence.

In addition, each alchemy baron has more or less "business dealings" with him, even if it's just in the name of "figuring out what the Picheng guy is doing", he can easily walk around the base camps of each alchemy baron.

The only pity is that Ino didn't come back.

At this time, she was taking Kalya, staying at the mine to guard against possible Noxus comebacks—although the chances are not high, it must be ensured.

Just like that, the bustling Forgan Tavern finally quieted down as the guests left.

Several people got together and exchanged the latest news with each other.

Lacus got the latest information and confirmed the progress of the food, while Silko and Van der finally saw the "Letter to Zuan People".

Even in the eyes of these two, the above words are still full of power.

In the whispered communication, time passed bit by bit.

Before you know it, the long night is coming to an end, and the sky is getting brighter.


Things are going great for Lux.

But for Cassiopeia, who was hiding in the safe house, the situation seemed irreversible.

When Talon reported to her that Elise had been wounded and hurriedly fled Zaun, it was no exaggeration to say that Cassiopeia felt that the sky was falling.

Although Tyrone did not abandon her, and the war stonemason would still obey her arrangements, the panic of failure still hung over Cassiopeia's head.

What she was afraid of was not failing to obtain Hex's body modification technology and being questioned by Darkville, but the punishment from the black rose!

Cassiopeia is well aware of what it means to displease the Pale Lady—the Pale Lady is generous to those who are useful, but she never shows mercy to the incompetent.

Cassiopeia doesn't want to be reduced to incompetent.

"Damn it, who is that girl? Which old monster pretends to be tender?!" Without her previous elegance and calmness, Cassiopeia violently overturned the table in the safe house, and the splashed tea wet her Sharp pieces of porcelain flew past Talon's face, "Why, why did such a powerful spellcaster appear in Zaun?!"


Tyrone was silent - he obviously couldn't answer the question.

Or rather, he was also puzzled by this.

"I want all her information!" Cassiopeia raised her tone, "From the moment she appeared, all the information!"

"War Mason's side, the only information is a name." Tai Long said blankly, "Her name is Lacus, uh, it may be a pseudonym."

"Are war stonemasons all useless?" Cassiopeia was completely hysterical, "or is it that Tamara, the country bumpkin from Besilico, can't even do the most basic investigation?"

"War masons have their own tasks." Tai Long shook his head helplessly, "They are in a latent state..."

"But I am now the leader of the Piltover Special Operations Team, and I have the authority to mobilize all Piltover-related resources." Cassiopeia obviously did not understand at all, "Even if they are all exposed and then driven out Out of Piltover, as long as we get information from that person, as long as we master the mine, everything will be worth it!"

"Even if we know her identity information, I'm afraid we won't be able to grasp that mine." Talon said a heavy fact that Cassiopeia couldn't accept, "Without the assistance of the Hedoram Legion, Just relying on the two of us, even if the mage doesn't do it, he can't control the mine."

"...then go recruit people!" Cassiopeia gritted her teeth, "The alchemy baron of Zaun, and other characters of all kinds, they can all offer their loyalty to the empire!"

"I'm not very clear about this part." Tai Long was a little embarrassed when he heard the words, "It's not what I'm good at."

Cassiopeia really wanted to say "You're trash too", but she swallowed it in the end.

"Go to Tamara." Cassiopeia closed her eyes, "Tell her to bring her Zaun connections to meet me—Elise's bitch is not trustworthy, we need to reorganize a group of loyal hounds .”

"But, with all due respect." Tai Long was also very helpless, "The alchemy baron of Zaun is a bunch of waste."

"Then use the waste!" Cassiopeia sat back to her seat tiredly, "In short, go and call Tamara over, we can promise a lot, the attitude of the Empire on this matter is to go all out. Support, understand?"

"Understood." Tyrone nodded, "I'll inform Tamara now."

Saying that, Tai Long put on the hood again, then pushed the door to leave, and quickly disappeared at the corner of the street.

In the safe house, Cassiopeia lowered her head deeply, and pressed the joints of her thumbs on her temples.

With the gentle pressing of her hands, this woman who was used to hiding behind her back and weaving plots finally felt a terrible headache for the first time.

"Tamara..." Cassiopeia whispered, "I hope you can still be useful."


Tamara met Tyrone at noon and got the news that Cassiopeia was looking for her.

But it wasn't until night that she found a chance to break through the law enforcement officer's blockade, slipped quietly to Zaun, and met Cassiopeia who was eager to escape in the safe house.

After adjusting for most of the day, Cassiopeia's mentality has improved a lot.

What Tamara saw was still the elegant Second Miss Kekao.

"It seems that Mrs. Piltover has indeed given up on Zaun." Seeing Tamara deliberately changed her appearance, Cassiopeia said with a smile, "Their blockade is very tight."

"At least that's the case for civilians." Tamara nodded, "The resolution passed by the Piltover Council, according to gossip, is a rare unanimous pass recently."

"The gossip should be the real news." Cassiopeia snorted disdainfully, "The decision of the Piltover Council is not known to the administrative staff below, but the newspaper will know about it first."


Tamara didn't disagree - but judging from her expression, she seemed to agree with the statement.

"I came to you this time mainly to inquire about a person." Cassiopeia quickly put away her disdainful expression, "Tyrone should have told you, Lacus."

"There is no information on the war mason's side." Tamara replied stiffly, "Just a name is not easy."

"That sounds more like evasion."

"It's not an excuse." Tamara shook her head, "You should know that there are rules within the war masons. If there is one war mason out of 10 people, then they can carry out positive activities; if there is only one war mason out of [-] people War stonemasons, the lurking is the first target - in the densely populated Piltover, it is not easy to get a name."

"Okay, okay." Cassiopeia showed a disappointed expression, and then spread her hands helplessly, "Since there is no information about Lux, there must be something about the empire's partners in Zaun ?”


This time, Tamara didn't answer immediately.

"Why, you don't want to say it?" Cassiopeia raised her eyebrows, "I still have some scruples?"

"Miss Kekao, this is beyond your authority." Tamara's tone became tougher, "Although you have a special letter of commission from His Excellency the Grand Commander, it doesn't mean that you have Full authority of Zaun."

"It's really interesting." Hearing what Tamara said, Cassiopeia shook her head in disbelief, "And there are permissions that I can't access?"

"Of course." Tamara responded without hesitation, "I can only reveal so much about the military suppliers."

This time, it was Cassiopeia's turn to be silent.

The military's suppliers... This is really not easy to mess with.

In Noxus, the military—or the entire army and its related industries—is undoubtedly a giant. This huge organization is the confidence that Noxus can continue to expand, and it also promotes Noxus to continue The main source of motivation for not stopping.

Many people say that Noxus is like a harsh imperial melting pot, treating all citizens as fuel for this melting pot, and the most direct source of this impression is the Noxus military.

In Noxus, each wargroup has its own "main base", which is the source of soldiers for the wargroup, and also the base camp for the sale of stolen goods and the manufacture and purchase of equipment after the wargroup gets the spoils.

Although these warband bases are completely different from a country within a country because the wargroup usually ignores internal affairs, it is undeniable that they still have a strong autonomy, and it is extremely difficult for others to intervene.

On the premise of guaranteeing the loyalty of the army, Noxus gave these battle groups great autonomy. As long as they don’t make troubles in local taxation and governance, the distribution of loot, equipment increase and additional subsidies of the war groups themselves are all up to the battle groups. It's up to you!

Relying on their respective bases, the supply chains of the various Noxus wargroups have gradually become their own.

And as everyone goes their own way, some "special arms" will naturally be mixed in the arms supplement trade that does not pay taxes. The use of such things by various battle groups for internal subsidies is already considered a major potential of Noxus. ruled out.

Therefore, as long as the matter involves the military's suppliers, it is easy to get a little bit of sidelines.

And whoever dares to make trouble here will be targeted by the military - the bases of each war group are different, but it is everyone's common interest to have suppliers help bring goods and provide internal subsidies. Dare to be impatient.

Now that Cassiopeia holds Darkville's special commission, she can ignore the war masons, but she can't ignore the feelings of the military.

If because of Cassiopeia, the interests of a warband are damaged, then the situation will be terrible!
But... now Cassiopeia has no choice.

She has no one to use now, if she doesn't use the Zaun channel that Tamara knows, she can only admit defeat in despair, and finally be abandoned by the black rose, which is something that Cassiopeia can't do anyway. accepted.

Thinking of this, she finally gritted her teeth: "Tell me, Tamara, which battle group it is."

"Are you sure you want to ask?" Tamara's eyes widened in astonishment, "You know what this means..."

"Don't talk nonsense!" Cassiopeia narrowed her eyes, "Tell me, right away!"

"Okay, okay." Tamara saw the madness of the other party, and spread her hands flatly, "It's the Amistan Legion—you should be very clear about the ability of that crazy woman. If you offend her, even Your father can't protect you..."

However, to Tamara's surprise, Cassiopeia's eyes lit up after hearing the name.

"Amistan?!" She finally couldn't help showing a smile, "I thought who it was, it turned out to be this guy—don't worry, she's finished, now, tell me all her channels, I'll To meet those aliens loyal to Noxus..."

"They are indeed foreigners." Tamara nodded, and then reminded in a low voice, "But I'm afraid they are not loyal to Noxus, they care more about Jinhex."

"It's all the same." Cassiopeia waved her hand indifferently, "Noxus can generously give them everything they need... It's really not easy. After a bunch of bad news, I finally met a Let me be happy for a while—Amistan, hahahaha!"

Tamara didn't know what Cassiopeia was laughing at, but she wasn't curious at all, she just left behind a bit of information that the war mason had learned, turned around and left the safe house, leaving nothing but nails again Cassiopeia tapped on the table, her smile restored.

"Twilight trade, poisonous gas in the trench, so that's it. Is that how that crazy woman Amistan played herself to death?"

"In that case, I will accept your inheritance!"

 Carya's Small Classroom·Double Monthly Pass:
  Double monthly ticket at the end of the month, ask for a monthly ticket! ! !
(End of this chapter)

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