Lux's Farewell

Chapter 128 [0125] Arms dealer

Chapter 128 [0125] Arms dealer
Cassiopeia, who regained her confidence, found Amistan's "partner" accompanied by Tyrone.
According to the address provided by Tamara, they went back and forth several times, and finally came to a place that was extremely remote even by Zaun's standards.

"Is this place really a military factory?" Looking at the hidden door in front of her like the entrance of a bunker, Cassiopeia recalled the information Tamara gave her, her tone was more difficult and hesitant, "I I don’t know much about Zaun, but no matter how you look at it, it doesn’t look like a military factory, does it?”

"There's a lot of movement down there." Tai Long reminded in a low voice, "I'm afraid there's something hidden inside."

"It's better not to have a hole in the sky." Cassiopeia blinked, showing a hopeful expression, "Now, let's visit this partner who only recognizes Jinhex... Singed , It's really a mouthful name!"

Tai Long, who received the order, disappeared into the shadows without a sound - a moment later, the factory door was opened from the inside, and Tai Long gestured a gesture to complete the task, and soon disappeared into the shadows again.

Cassiopeia nodded, then quickly assumed the posture of the second lady of the Kekao family, raised her head slightly, and walked into the factory.

On both sides of her, there were many guys who looked like thugs.

Apparently, just now Tai Long successfully sneaked in, and silently dealt with them - this time finally did not overturn, Tai Long lightly stunned them.

If it weren't for the fact that these people could barely be regarded as "men of allies", after Tai Long made a move, none of them would have survived.

In this way, Cassiopeia came to the core area of ​​the factory, a laboratory with an unattractive appearance but a hidden cave.

The few guys protecting the laboratory have obviously undergone special transformation, and seem to have used some kind of forbidden drug, no matter in terms of reaction speed or flexibility, they are obviously much stronger than those outside.

However, in front of Tai Long, they were at best "a little bit troublesome".

The bad fighting habits developed by gangsters and fights, the perception that cannot be matched after the physical fitness is greatly strengthened, the brain that cannot think normally under impulse...

In Tai Long's eyes, they were full of flaws!
Dodging the menacing, heavy blades of the two guys, Talon briefly slipped into the shadows, clenched his hands into a fist, and gave each of them an easy slap on the jaw—and then, the two The big man over three meters tall who had taken special drugs was simply knocked down to the ground.

After finishing all this, Tai Long didn't hide in the shadows again, but dusted off the dust on his cloak, and let out a long breath.

To put it bluntly, these factory guards fit Talon's perception of the Zaun people.

As for the Camille, Cyclops, and Lux ​​that I saw before...

What monsters are those!
Sure enough, it's not me who has the problem!


After confirming that there were no messy mechanisms or magic traps on the door of the laboratory, Cassiopeia pushed the door open without hesitation.

Unlike the heavily guarded perimeter, in the huge laboratory here, only one person is fiddling with the test tubes.

Looking at his vigorous shaking of the test tube and his frenzied oscillations, he completely looked like he was treating himself as a centrifuge for human flesh.

"I knew that those Kumanggra people were also dissatisfied with the competition from Piltover..." The other party obviously didn't realize that it was an intruder who entered the laboratory at the first time, and didn't even look up at this time, "Planting Shimmer is beneficial to everyone Everyone benefits—wait, who are you?"

"Amistanto, I greet you." Cassiopeia looked at the person in front of her with a smile, "Dear Mr. Singed."

"Did you get any news from Noxus?" Singed couldn't see any expression on his bandage-wrapped face, "I knew those Noxians were unreliable..."

"It's a pity for you to say that." Cassiopeia showed a distressed expression, "After all, I am also a Noxian."

"Then, explain why you're here, Noxus." Singed blinked, "I'm a businessman, and I can do business with anyone."

"Amistan's poisonous gas came from you?" Cassiopeia stepped forward, her eyes seemed to be inadvertent, and she scanned the various experimental equipment and various reagents listed around her, "Your support is really extraordinary. , that crazy woman Amistan just used your product to make a big move in Ionia."

"It has nothing to do with me." Singed said indifferently, "The sponsor provided the funds, and I was responsible for the production of the product. As for the use, guidance and follow-up maintenance of the product, Amistan did not pay for this part."

"Believe me, Mr. Singed." Cassiopeia approached the test bench, "That was a major change that could change a war. In the words of you Zaunites, Amistan has changed the whole world." live."

"So what?" Singed still looked indifferent, "The transaction of money and goods is beyond reproach."

"It seems that Mr. Singed doesn't seem to understand the rules of Noxus." Cassiopeia shook her head, showing a look of pity on her face, "You are Ms. Amistan's arms supply Merchant, for the empire, you are all in one group, and no one cares whether your cooperation is for money or ideals."

"So?" Singed finally put down the test tube in his hand, looked at the obviously blue liquid inside, and finally expressed a little disappointment in his tone, "If you are here to inform me that Noxus wants to trouble me , then I thank you for your kindness—then, when you leave the laboratory, close the door for me."

"You lost a collaborator." Cassiopeia, who thought she had figured out the other party's habits, changed her words without hesitation, "A crazy and generous collaborator, and at the same time, Zaun was also Piltover is locked down."

"That's really a bit troublesome." Singed nodded, "Fortunately, the pre-tests of the shimmering light and the poison gas in the trench are over, so I can afford to wait."

Obviously, Singed had already guessed what Cassiopeia meant.

"That's it—" Cassiopeia dragged her tone, "I'm afraid I have some sad news to tell you, just last night, the Gray Lady of Piltover personally visited Zaun, and today Peel While Trevor is blocking Zaun, the council is also making internal adjustments, and in the next period of time, I am afraid that your experiment will not be able to continue."

Singed finally didn't speak anymore. He stood up straight and looked down at Cassiopeia, as if waiting for her to continue.

"And now, there is a generous lady who is very interested in your invention and wants to replace that lunatic Amistan." Cassiopeia showed a standard smile on her face, "She brought a large sum of money Golden Hex, Imperial Goodwill, and Self-Proof."

"I want to see Jinhex." Singed said very directly, "By the way, tell me, what do you want to cooperate with—poison gas? Stimulant? Painkiller? Or some other alchemy product? Different……"

"The goal of my cooperation is Zaun." Cassiopeia opened her arms, posing as if embracing the world, "The whole of Zaun!"

Cassiopeia's words made Singed finally frown.

"The way you look now is far crazier than Amistan." He looked at the frenzied Cassiopeia, and finally shook his head in disappointment, "And you can't understand human language—isn't Zaun What alchemy product."

"The difference is not big." Cassiopeia wrote lightly, "Mr. Singed, if you want to continue your research, cooperating with me is the only choice."

"You can leave now, madam lady." Singed waved his hand in great disappointment, "It's a pity that there is a crazy soul in such a beautiful skin."

"I said, this is the only choice." Cassiopeia winked at Tyrone, "Serving the Empire is your only choice!"

"I don't believe that Noxus will go to war with Piltover at this time." Singed shook his head and picked up a test tube again, "I can see liars and lobbyists much more—it's a pity that I only Interested in gold hex and alchemy experiments..."

Before he could finish speaking, Tai Long's figure jumped out of the shadows and directly attacked Singed.

Considering the opponent's identity, Tai Long didn't make a killer move right away, but planned to slap the opponent's throat, telling him to shut up and listen quietly for a while.

However, what Tai Long never expected was that although his blow accurately hit Singed's throat, it did not produce the effect he expected - Singed twisted his neck and stretched out He stretched his arm and grasped Tyrone's right hand.

"Rude fellow, you are interrupting the great experiment!"

Meanwhile, Singed flung an empty syringe away with his free hand.

As the syringe was thrown on the ground, his old and shriveled body swelled rapidly visible to the naked eye, and Tai Long's arm was tightly held by him, unable to break free no matter what.

The severe pain from his wrist made Tai Long's face under the hood slightly distorted. Under such circumstances, he simply and neatly slipped into the shadows and disappeared completely.

Singed's hand was empty.

"It's another assassin's trick." Singed curled his lips with some disdain, "Fortunately, I was prepared."

Losing the target in his hand, Singed simply pressed a hidden button hidden under the table.

The next moment, the ventilation fan in the laboratory suddenly stopped and restarted, and this time it rotated in the opposite direction.

A large amount of poisonous gas began to pour into the laboratory.

Cassiopeia immediately put on a filter for herself.

However... that doesn't make any sense.

The filtered air still had a strong pungent smell, and Cassiopeia was still dripping with tears.

It's not just the respiratory system that's at fault.

Cassiopeia's exposed skin also began to turn red and itchy rapidly, and it was about to fester!
"Since you know that Amistan's poisonous gas has made a big deal in Ionia." Singed shook his head, staring at Cassiopeia in front of him as if he was watching a dead person, "then why do you still think so foolishly?" You can threaten me with an unknown assassin—I've got you!"

Tai Long, who saw Cassiopeia's danger, rushed out of the shadows again, but he couldn't move any more before he got close to Singed.

While the poisonous gas was filling the air, a lot of strong adhesive also spewed out from the ground. When Tai Long appeared, he just stepped on it and couldn't move immediately.

"Noxus, what a great name!" Singed, who had controlled the situation, shook his head lightly. "Unfortunately, you seem to have found the wrong opponent!"

"Are you crazy? Use your hands on Noxus—"

"It seems that the concentration of poisonous gas is not enough, you still have the strength to talk nonsense."

"The empire will not let you go—"

"Don't try to use the name of Noxus to overwhelm me, your empire can't get out now."

"We can cooperate!" In this situation, Cassiopeia finally couldn't care less about being reserved, "I'm only interested in a ruin in Zaun..."

"Are there any relics in Zaun?" Singed said slowly, "What are you going to do, you have to tell me quickly, the erosion of poisonous gas is irreversible, if you can't finish talking within 3 minutes, I'm afraid you will have to burn it here Jade died."

"It's just a ruin!" Cassiopeia yelled, "There is a Cyclops guarding there, and I don't have enough manpower!"

"Cyclops?" Singed showed an interested expression for the first time, "I've only heard of them in ancient Shurima folklore myths—and, most of the time, ignorant people know about the construction Literally spreading falsehoods."

"Maybe that Cyclops is also a construct!" Cassiopeia's last little trick was seen through, so she could only admit in embarrassment, "But no one can open that ruin except us!"


After thinking for a moment, Singed pressed the button under the table again.

The poisonous gas was quickly evacuated, and Cassiopeia, who was flushed as if she had been cooked, collapsed in a corner of the laboratory, breathing in fresh air.

She will never experience this poisonous taste again!


Singed, poisonous...

I have written down today's revenge!

In the future, I will definitely throw you into an even more terrifying poison, so that you can taste it too!

I swear!
Although she was gnashing her teeth in her heart and vowed to take revenge, on the surface Cassiopeia still put on a look of being surviving after the catastrophe and still in shock.

"I don't need a construct—if you're interested in the knowledge in the laboratory, you can make a copy...I just want the magic items in it!"

"Then what is your judgment on magic items?" Singed finally showed the posture of negotiating between scientists and sponsors, "Anything is a magic item?"

"Only those that are full of magic!" Cassiopeia waved her hand in a panic, "And, I bought it—I will pay gold hex for every magic item!"

"Look, wouldn't it be nice to say that earlier?" Singed smiled for the first time, "Well, my generous new patron lady, I don't know your name yet..."

 Carya's Small Classroom: Poison Gas in the Trench:

  This poisonous gas has amazing destructive power to the environment, and has caused very bad effects in Ionia.

(End of this chapter)

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