Lux's Farewell

Chapter 129 [0126] Zaun's new life

Chapter 129 [0126] Zaun's new life

The lingering Noxians finally found a chance to make a comeback in an extremely embarrassing way.

Lux knew nothing about it.

She is very busy right now.

In the past two days, due to the blockade of Piltover and the shutdown of many alchemy factories, more and more Zaun workers came to Fulgan Tavern, hoping to find some work.

And in Fulgen's Tavern, it has become a daily routine to tell the "Book to Zuan People".

More and more workers heard the story of the little boy and a gold hex.

There are many workers listening to the story, not everyone is willing to believe an outsider for the first time, and not everyone knows who Lacus is and what she has done.

But fortunately, there are enough people in the tavern—even if they just buy a glass of water, there are still some people who are willing to introduce new ones.

And those who can come to the tavern to find work are more or less considered foremen in Zaun. Although they can't find any jobs for the time being, they will at least bring back Lux's name, stories and theories, and bring them to those who work with them , Mining people.

Although it was the same as in Mithral City, the story would always get out of shape when it was passed on, but the question about where the money earned by these real workers went was always good.

In just three days.

More than a third of Zaun's workers, miners, and craftsmen had heard of Lux when the Piltover council was still wrangling, and Singed hadn't prepared his own secret weapon against constructs. name.

From the perspective of popularity, she has even faintly caught up with Vander!
Three days is not a long time.

Enough to stop production in Zaun alchemy factories and mines that are highly dependent on exports.

It is also enough to bring the people of Zaun who have no savings to the brink of food shortage.

Enough to make a fortune for Zaun's food suppliers who rely on Madam Piltover.

It is also enough for the caravan sent to Kumanggra to return to Za'an with the first batch of food.

During this period, all the gangsters who watched Fulgen's tavern were left in the tavern—either tied up or frozen, and all were stuffed into the basement.

At the very beginning, the alchemy barons only thought it was Fandel's revenge for spreading rumors and spying on the tavern.

However, the news cannot be concealed after all.

Gold Hex let the alchemy barons finally figure out the situation - after buying a few people, they finally knew what the workers in Fulgan's Tavern were spreading.

Then, an indescribable panic filled their hearts.

When Fandre led the team to rush to the Sun Gate, the workers hadn't realized the role of the Alchemy Baron in Zaun, and only a few of the most demanding guys were really unlucky.

But this time, Lux calmly and truly exposed the essence of the alchemy barons, even though these alchemy barons have never met Lax, they still feel like a pain in the back.

No, the news cannot be allowed to go on!

At least...the Forgan Tavern cannot continue to be an intermediate distribution center for workers to pick up jobs!
The alchemy barons, who realized that the problem was not good, turned their attention to Finn, because among all the people, only Finn was trying to form a new middleman base.

It's a pity that their response was too slow.

Before these alchemy barons came up with an effective plan, the next step was started at Fulgen's Tavern, which was ready.


Fulgan's Tavern, morning.

Workers today still have little to do.

While they were waiting for work, they were also chatting with each other, hoping to borrow some money and so on-everyone's family was a little bit troubled.

However, unlike the previous two days, no one came to read the "Letter to the Zuan People" aloud today. Instead, Lux, who only showed up at night to answer questions before, appeared in the tavern early this time.

Everyone still has a lot of questions, but at this time, all the questions have to give way to "what do we eat" - under the influence of hunger, many people began to doubt the correctness of Lux's theory, because there is no Alchemy Baron , they will have no work to do, and they will not be able to support themselves and their families.

Before, faced with this problem, Lux needed to explain the reasons for all this from the beginning.

But today, things are different.

The first group of people who went to Kumanggra came back today, and what they brought back, apart from the news of "finding a businessman who can provide a large amount of food", was the first batch of food.

The gold that Sona kindly supported was exchanged for more than [-] tons of food, as well as the necessary vehicles and pack horses that could transport the food.

After three days of trekking, the team finally returned to Zaun.

Because the passage from Kumanggra to Zaan has been almost completely abandoned, the transportation of this batch of food is extremely difficult. Among the twenty people led by Ben So, two will remain between Kumanggra and Zaun forever— —They lost their footing in an accident over the mountains, and even the body was never found.

But it's worth it in the end.

These grains, together with the part bought from Finn, are enough to support Zaun through the most difficult time!

The trade route has been opened again, and the follow-up food will continue to flow!
So, this time Lux didn't need to answer with words.

Watching the food being delivered to the back of the tavern and the three stacks of granaries being set up, everyone present cheered. They all looked at Lux, waiting for her to announce the order to distribute the food.

However, Lacus did not immediately announce the release of food, but put her hand on the hilt of her sword, stood on the temporary platform, and asked a question.

"Is food all Zaun needs?"

Of course not - or rather, never was.

Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. At first, they just shook their heads silently, or said no.

So, Lux raised her tone and asked again:
"Is food all Zaun needs?"

The voices of the crowd became much more orderly.



Lux took a deep breath, and then spoke for the third time with her loudest voice:
"Is food all Zaun needs?"

This time, what responded to her was the tsunami-like voices of everyone present.


If it was before, everyone only knew it wasn't, but they didn't know why it wasn't.

But now, everyone present, even if there are many and some are few, they still understand what else Zaun needs.

"Now, I have found food, enough food to temporarily fill the stomachs of all Zaun people." Lux grabbed a handful of green wheat, showing the grains in his hand, "But it is not enough! Zaun needs more, The people of Zaun have the right and the right to take back the fruits of their hard work!"

The crowd fell silent, everyone raised their heads and looked at Lacus.

"Now, I'm going to the alchemy factory!" Qingfeng transmitted Lux's voice clearly to everyone's ears, "Go and take back the factories that the Zaun people worked so hard to build, and hand them over to the construction It, in the hands of those who use it!"

Although he was faintly prepared psychologically, everyone present couldn't help but widen their eyes when they heard Lacus say this.

"The Alchemist Baron thought that he could exploit for a long time by relying on villains and thugs, and thought that as long as the proceeds were distributed to Piltover, no one would dare to resist." Lux drew her sword out of its sheath, and above the broken sword, there was an extremely bright light and the midday sun, "but they were wrong!"

Everyone's breathing began to quicken.

"Zuan belongs to the people of Zaun, to those who created this city, and to those who sweated for this city!" Lux held up the Broken Blade, "And today, those who try to steal this achievement will eventually Completely crushed!"

The next moment, above the Broken Sword, a beam of light suddenly shot up and shot straight into the sky!

"Whoever wants to be with me, show your right arm, let's go together!"

With that said, Lux quickly removed the armor on her right arm, jumped off the podium, and rushed straight to Lower Zaun, her first target.

It was an ore refinery.

And everyone in Fulgen's Tavern quickly followed her, and some of them hesitated for a moment, then hurried home while showing their right arms—they didn't want to run away, but to call more people. people come here!

The team behind Lux ​​was just like when they were behind Vandel and rushed towards the Sun Gate...

No, it should be said that this team is far superior to the team that Van der rushed to the Gate of the Sun!
Perhaps the one who rushed to the Sun Gate was more capable and stronger.

But at this moment, the team behind Lux ​​was far more determined than the team that only acted with blood!
Their purpose wasn't to "teach the Piltovers a lesson" or "make them dare not look down on Zaun".

Their purpose is to get back what belongs to them.

There is nothing more natural and righteous than this.

Walking in the streets of Zaun, every time Lux, who was baring her right arm, passed a block and crossed an intersection, the team behind her would become longer and stronger.

When she finally arrived at the destination, behind her, the Zaun people with their right arms bare had merged into an astonishing long dragon—they might only be carrying hammers and wrenches, most of them might be malnourished, and some even Never had a fight before this.

But at this moment, they all chose to follow Lacus, followed her to surround the factory, and followed her to face the thugs they had never dared to face.

While everyone was watching, Lux raised the broken sword in her hand.

A flash of light flashed, and the tightly closed, heavy black door collapsed.

People wearing boots, cloth shoes, straw sandals, no shoes, prosthetics and crutches... Countless pairs of "feet" stepped on it.

In the next battle, there is no need for Lux to make a move.

Looking at the cheering crowd and the terrified thugs, Lax, who had sheathed her sword, leaned against the wall of the factory, and finally showed a smile on her tense face.

"Kalya, I did it." Lux clenched the hilt of her sword tightly, "I really did it——I changed this city. I didn't use the authority of the nobility, nor did I threaten violence!"

"But this is just the beginning." Kalya's tone was as calm as ever, "However, as far as the beginning is concerned, you have done...very good."

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(End of this chapter)

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