Lux's Farewell

Chapter 130 [0127] Point 1 foot brake

Chapter 130 [0127] Tap the brake

Karya didn't just talk about it.

Although the form is very good, no matter how good the current situation looks, it is just a perfect start.

That's right, judging from the results alone, in just one afternoon, Zaun can be regarded as a world-changing place.

The thugs of the Alchemy Baron are not worth mentioning in front of the angry workers, and a few drugged lunatics will be easily dealt with by Lux—even sometimes without Lux, Sevica and Vander will teach them be human.

By evening, [-]% of Zaun's factories had returned to the workers, at least in name, because Lux hadn't made a full circle in Zaun.

It seems that a bright future has appeared in everyone's eyes, and Zaun will soon become a paradise on earth.

However, under Karya's reminder, Lux, who has a full understanding of Zaun's society and economy, knows very well that this scene of vigorous vitality and all things competing is just a superficial phenomenon brought about by everything going smoothly at the beginning.

Under the results, there are many problems that Zaun needs to face.

First of all, Zaun does not yet have a complete administrative organization—although almost everyone is willing to obey Lux's orders, and to a certain extent, they are also willing to listen to Fandre's words, but that's it.

In a huge city with a population of several hundred thousand, there are only two speakers... After this shock is over, it will inevitably fall into chaos!

Fortunately, the workers in Zaun are united in blocks and factories, and they hug each other—their foremen are very prestigious and often literate, so they can serve as temporary grassroots organizers.

With the foremen restraining the workers, and Vandel and Sirko's subordinates guarding the black market and dark alleys where fish and dragons mingled, order in Zaun could be maintained in a short period of time.

Although it is not a long-term solution, at least Lux does not need to worry about this before completely defeating all the alchemy barons and taking down the entire Zaun—she still has time to slowly build an organization.

More urgent than building an organization is to resume production.

Of the recaptured factories, except for a few that had to be shut down due to their poor production capacity and serious pollution, all others had to resume production.

The Zaun had to eat, and the grain bought from Finn and brought back from Kumanggra would not last long.

Lux has no conditions, and it is impossible to feed all the people of Zaun unconditionally. Although the food in the granary of Fulgan's Tavern is being distributed rapidly in units of foremen, this is not a long-term solution after all.

Workers in Zaun will eventually go to work and get paid for their labor.

But the problem is, with Piltover locked down, Zaun's products can't be sold now!

Why was it that after Van der attacked the Sun Gate, he had obviously eliminated many angry alchemy barons, but in the end it was someone like Finn who took the position?

Because the Zaunites are good at making products that only Lady Piltover needs.

It is no exaggeration to say that Piltover is the only market in Zaun!
The people of Zaun are indeed hardworking and capable.

But the fruits of the labor they are good at can only be sold to Piltover. In this case, in order to survive, even if they change a group of alchemy barons, they will eventually be able to exchange for dogs like Finn.

Now, a similar problem is in front of Lux.

Will the factory start working?
If so, who will the product be sold to?
If you don't start work, what will everyone rely on to eat after cleaning up the Alchemy Baron?
Lux can inspire the usually honest workers to smash the rule of the alchemy baron, but in the long life ahead, relying on courage alone will not be able to change the food!

But on this issue, Van der, who had always followed orders, was reliable and capable, rarely put forward his own ideas.


"What are you doing to open up a new market? If you want me to say, we should go directly to Piltover!" The continuous victories made Vander flush, "There is Miss Lacus and Eno, drive on that large construct , rushed directly to the Sun Gate, cleaned up the parliament, and took down the entire Piltover!"

"How to take Piltover?" Lux asked back, "At the cost of destroying the entire Piltover?"

"It's enough to show your strength, boss!" Vander seemed to have his own way, "Piltover MPs look glamorous, but in the end they are just a bunch of cowards, Grayson and I As I said, there is no essential difference between a councilor and a baron of alchemy—as long as you lead the team, we can easily occupy the academy area and cross the gate of the sun, and then they will only obey your orders..."

"And then?" Lux raised her head and looked straight at Fandre, "Wharfs, factories, laboratories... Who will receive these things? Who will manage them? Who will work?"

"Everyone is very happy to get back what the Piltovers stole." Fandre opened his arms, as if there were thousands of troops behind him, "just like today in Zaun during the day."

"The workers who have taken it back to the factory can start working directly under the organization of the foreman." Lacus pursed the corners of her lips, "But this method is not feasible in Piltover, and if we attack the Gate of the Sun now, we must let Pierre go." It’s business as usual in Twerf, or a whole new executive team needs to be established - unfortunately, we don’t have the ability now.”

"You don't have to be so polite with the Picheng guys at all, boss." Fandre still didn't think this was a problem, "Just send out reliable people and watch them work..."

"Think about the state when the Law Enforcement Officer entered Zaun, Vander." Looking at Vander, who seemed to have returned to his youth and obviously fell into a state of radical fanaticism, Lacus shook his head helplessly, "We haven't done a good job yet. Prepare for that step!"

"We are not those useless law enforcement officers!" Fander raised his arms, showing off his strong biceps, "The Pilters are a bunch of soft bones..."

Lux sighed.

Vander's state can be said to represent the state of most Zaun people.

They saw the victory, the alchemy barons and their minions fleeing in a panic, the factories being recaptured, and the ancient trade routes that were about to be opened up.

Violence allowed them to see the dawn of victory, and also made them more or less path dependent.

Rushing to the Gate of Sun, occupying the parliament, seizing the bird seat of the member, and electing Lux as the leader, it seems that everything will be fine in this way. can it be so easy?

According to Janna’s news, there are already many small groups in Zaun, trying to fish in troubled waters for zero-dollar purchases—when the Baron Alchemy escaped, he went to their homes familiarly and took away the most valuable Then come back and continue to share other "trophies" with everyone.

If now, with the power of a great victory, they rush directly to the Gate of the Sun, let alone whether they can win Piltover, what is certain is that the civilians of Piltover will definitely suffer.

Although in the eyes of most Zaun people, as long as they are Piltover, they should suffer, but Lux, who also conducted an investigation on Piltover, knows very well that most of the civilians in Piltover cannot be regarded as oppressed. Those whose labor income is within a roughly reasonable range.

They may not be able to be friends, but at least they should not be enemies.

These Piltover civilians are not the source of disaster for Zaun, but if they send troops to Piltover now, the fanatical Zaun people will directly become their source of disaster.

In addition, according to the news brought back by Ike, Mrs. Piltover is not completely helpless.

When the defense is determined, as long as Piltover is willing to use the Hex Crystal, even if Lux drives the construct, it may not be able to break through their defense.

According to Carya's judgment, the greatest possibility of sending troops to Picheng now is to barely advance to the canal, and then the two sides will fall into a stalemate.

Don't forget, before Zaan cultivated the rune tree, the energy of that construct was very limited!
And in the situation where the grassroots organization in Zuan has not yet been established, and everyone's thinking is still completely different, the only result of this kind of confrontation across the bank is that the canal will be blocked, and the most innocent college district and civilian area on the south bank of Picheng will suffer. lead to external interference.

This is obviously not what Lux wants to see.

Seeing the enthusiastic Fandre, Lux simply spread out the map of Piltover and Zaun, and told him in detail about her thoughts.

"Compared to directly attacking the Sun Gate, I think it is more important to restore Zaun to its full function as a city..."

"Moreover, it's not only the people of Piltover who are watching Piltover themselves. If we want to really take Piltover, we must be fully prepared and work hard..."

"Our food supply is not sufficient. Once we get into a stalemate, the situation will not be good for us..."

"As for the theory of quick victory, this is completely unacceptable..."



Comparing the map and data, Lux refuted Van der's ideas one by one, and finally made him speechless.

After all, after experiencing a failure to attack the Sun Gate, Van der still has a relatively clear understanding of the follow-up of the violent action.

Therefore, after calming down, he could completely listen to what Lacus said.

Especially when Lux told about the behavior of some bad foremen who took advantage of the fire, Fandre broke out in a cold sweat.

At this moment, he thought of Finn, the "partners" who didn't follow him to the Gate of the Past last time, and the series of robberies that these traitors took advantage of after they failed to attack the Gate of the Sun.

Yes, now is not the time.

Compared with directly attacking the Sun Gate, it is more important to clean up the "scabs" inside!
Realizing this, Van der finally temporarily extinguished the thought of rushing to the Sun Gate, and instead called Sevica together, and rushed out of Fulgan's Tavern furiously.

Rabbits who take advantage of the fire, Vandel's Iron Fist is here!

 Carya's Small Classroom Zaun Zero Yuan Purchase:
  In fact, the people of Zaun have always had distinct dualities. They are industrious and creative, but they are also often impulsive and short-sighted. When Vander led the team to storm the Gate of Sun, there was a large-scale zero incident in Zaun. Yuan purchase.

(End of this chapter)

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