Lux's Farewell

Chapter 131 [0128] The Alchemist and the Alchemist Baron

Chapter 131 [0128] The Alchemist and the Alchemist Baron

Fandre was quickly persuaded by Lacus, and instead pulled Sevica together, and started the internal cleaning according to Lacus' request.

Then, almost when Van der had just left, Silko also found him—he didn't yell and rush directly to the Sun Gate, but brought Lux an unexpected news.

"Boss, I got the news from Baron Alchemy." Although there was no one else in the room, Shirko lowered his voice, "They have united."

"As expected." The news didn't surprise Lacus, "Even those selfish ghosts, after today's turbulent and turbulent day, are already terrified."

"They also found Singed." Silko continued, "That guy is very difficult to deal with... I got the shimmer potion I used before, and it cost a lot of money."

"Singed? The alchemist?" The name made Lux, who was holding the sword hilt, raise his eyebrows slightly. "I remember Mr. Shadow said that he also provided arms for the Noxus?"

"It's that Singed—he's different from those alchemy barons, he really has something in his hands." Silko lowered his voice, "He sent me a message, saying that he hopes to talk to you. "

"Talk to me?" Lux was a little surprised, "Talk to me about what?"

"He didn't say specifically." Silko was not very sure, "He seems to have his own considerations... That guy has a lot of special alchemy techniques. Although he is very close to the alchemy barons, he should not have the same heart with them. ..."

Hearing what Silko said, Lacus finally narrowed his eyes slightly.


As Silko said, Singed at this time was mixing with a group of alchemy barons.

In other words, it should be the trembling alchemist barons who are hiding in Singed's factory, begging the alchemist to grant him asylum.

In just one day, these high-spirited alchemy barons have become bereaved dogs who are in constant fear, and the reason for all this is not only the anger and grievance of the workers under the blockade of Picheng, but also their own delay. pot.

At the very beginning, when they discovered that the workers began to gather in Fulgan's Tavern, the alchemy barons just sent some cannon fodder to find out.

Even if the cannon fodder was caught and locked in the basement of the tavern, these alchemy barons didn't have any sense of crisis—when they finally realized something was wrong, they bought some foremen with money and learned what Fulgan's tavern was talking about At that time, the situation was already urgent.

At this time, if they can unite quickly, with a carrot in one hand and a big stick in the other, maybe the workers may not really unite around Lux.

But after getting the news, although this group of greedy guys knew that it was not a thing to let the workers unite, they were still unwilling to cut their flesh to appease the workers.

It is not enough to appease the workers with their mouths, that is to use Jinhex!
Piltover has blocked trade, many factories have shut down, and our Alchemy Baron has no food left!

At this time, let them cut their flesh to appease the workers?

How is that possible!

As a result, these alchemy barons got together under the name of "problem solving", and started intrigue skillfully, trying to choose a hapless guy, everyone killed him, and then used his assets to appease the increasingly agitated workers.

As long as someone is finished, his liquid assets will calm the workers down, and the fixed factory and market share are not just for everyone to share the cake!
No alchemy baron would refuse to tear two pieces off a fellow corpse.

As a result, the infighting on the Alchemy Baron’s side has not yet come to fruition, and the workers’ side has taken the first step—the situation in Zaun is developing rapidly like an avalanche, and the team of workers is getting bigger and bigger. Down most of the factories.

Kill your peers and tear up two corpses?

The alchemy barons haven't found one unlucky guy who topped the vat, and they will form a group to be buried by this avalanche and become corpses together!

And even that's not the worst.

What is more troublesome than the sudden turn of events in Zaun is that even if the Alchemy Baron wants to run away with a bucket, he has no way to escape.

Zaun can leave in two directions, one is to go north to Piltover to go to sea, and the other is to go south to Kumanggra or Karduga.

Now the road north to Piltover is blocked by Piltover, even if he can escape, he will be wiped out by the Piltovers!

The southbound passage is being firmly controlled by the workers because it is related to grain transportation, and it is also blocked!
Coupled with the suddenness of the incident, it was too late for them to take advantage of the chaos when they got the news. In the end, they were pushed and shoved, and they could only flee to Zaun and to a remote place.

Fleeing and fleeing, he fled to Singed.

The alchemy barons have no friendship with Singed.

In the past, Singed was an out-and-out marginal person in Zaun. He conducted his own research, and everything was self-contained-it's hard to say whether he was rejected by others, or he simply looked down on others, It seems that from his point of view, only his own alchemy experiment is meaningful. As for more...he doesn't care at all.

Therefore, these alchemy barons could not confirm Singed's attitude at all.

But now they have no choice—except for a few who left halfway, the Alchemy Baron who ran all the way to Singed Factory is now a pauper.

In the past, what they relied on was just a group of thugs and a few factories. Now the thugs fled to death, and the factories were completely occupied by Zaun workers. After falling into the dust, they suddenly found that after the avalanche, they had nothing .

In this case, Singed, who had done business with them, became the only hope for these alchemy barons.

In a state of desperation, the alchemy barons finally managed a rare efficiency.

They found Singed, exaggerated the destructiveness of those workers, and promised various benefits, hoping that Singed could stand on their side.

According to these alchemy barons, "We only need to ensure the safety of our own lives. We can be assistants in your laboratory. Believe us, our level is definitely better than the group outside who only know how to operate machines mechanically." Workers are much taller."

Singed was noncommittal about these alchemy baron's statements.

He doesn't care about what happens in Zaun. For him, it doesn't matter who rules Zaun - he doesn't have the ambition or need to rule Zaun himself.

If he had to say it, the only thing that interests him in Zaun now is the construct mentioned by Cassiopeia.

Well, add Lux ​​at most.

Singed is obsessed with alchemy technology—but that doesn't mean it's all about alchemy technology.

If possible, he also hopes to study the construction technology of ancient Shurima.

As the saying goes, stones from other mountains can be used to attack jade, and constructs also have their unique advantages. Xin Jide is not narrow-minded.

This time, Singed acquiesced to keep Baron Alchemy, mainly because the same person was mentioned in their mouths and Cassiopeia's mouth - Lacus.

According to Cassiopeia, Lux is a difficult and cunning spellcaster.

In the mouth of the Alchemist Baron, Lux is a seditious conspirator.

Combining the two together, it is not difficult for Singed to find that this little girl named Lux, whom he has never seen before, is likely to become the de facto ruler of the entire Zaun in a short period of time.

And unlike those alchemy barons who rule Zaun in name, she is full of confidence, has fists, and skills.

This made Singed somewhat interested in Lacus.

Although he had already verbally agreed to Cassiopeia and allowed her to be his sponsor, Singed knew very well that at least for now, this sponsor was also a laggard, except that he didn't know from which channel There is nothing to offer other than the news received.

As a qualified alchemist, he does not have any psychological burden to change sponsors.

Especially this kind of patron who is actually useless, when he agreed to Cassiopeia, he was interested in the golden hex and market she could provide, and Lux ​​could definitely provide more of these.

If it's possible... Wouldn't it be infinitely better to let Lux rule Zaun and become her patron than this naughty Noxus bitch?
With this thought in mind, he found Silko and directly conveyed to him that he wanted to talk to Lacus.

Singed did not disclose the target of his conversation, but simply said that "those alchemy barons are on his side" - the implication is that if everyone can talk, I will hand over those unlucky ones to you.


Facing this invitation, Lux thought for a while.

However, whether it is considering the Shimmer potion mentioned by Silko, the poisonous gas in the trench that Mr. Shadow mentioned, or to clean up all the alchemy barons cleanly, Lux must make such a trip.

What's more, Carya seems to care about Singed very much.

So, before Silko finished talking about all the pros and cons she thought, Lacus nodded decisively and agreed.

"Then contact him, let's meet." While speaking, Lux's finger slid across the map that was spread out before, and finally clicked on a relatively remote location, "It's right here, Glass Alley, that glass building The factory was abandoned due to toxic pollution - tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, I will have a good talk with this Mr. Singed."

"Tomorrow at two o'clock in the afternoon, Glass Alley Glass Factory." Silko repeated in a low voice, "Boss, guards, what do you say?"

"Just me and Singed." Lux held the hilt of the sword and smiled, "It's just a simple conversation, it's not a big problem."

 Carya's Small Classroom Gagen:

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(End of this chapter)

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