Lux's Farewell

Chapter 139 [0136]

Chapter 139 [0136]
The situation in Zaun has been turned upside down, and the form of Picheng is turbulent.

However, under such a big environment in Shuangcheng, the college with Heimerdinger in charge is in a rare peace and tranquility.

Here, everyone is doing Hextech research step by step.

With the blockade of Zaun, the economy of the entire Piltover is in a downward trend, but the college district seems to be a paradise, a peaceful paradise-many laboratories have even begun to recruit additional experimental assistants and teaching assistants.

The reason for this situation is also very simple. Although Heimerdinger has reached a political alliance with Camille and wants to carry out some necessary reforms in Piltover, but for this "undemocratic and free" Heimerdinger is still somewhat unwilling to accept the reform method.

So, he simply returned to the academy that made him more comfortable, and put all his attention on the follow-up development of Hex Technology.

Although Heimerdinger's choice means out of sight and out of mind, it is not an escape, because he is well aware of the damage that magic can cause, so he needs to keep an eye on Jess and Victor, two creative people. The little ones, to prevent them from going astray and making something unacceptable.

After all... the last time these two guys followed Ike to Zaun, it can be said that Heimerdinger was scared to death. He never expected that Jess and Victor could be so impulsive. One step, ran to the collapsed mine to dig.

It wasn't just Heimerdinger who was staring at Jace and Victor.

In addition to the dean who comes to their laboratory from time to time to learn about their latest progress, the former member of Parliament, Ms. Mel Midarda, also often comes here.

However, even as a sponsor of Hextech, Mel's main goal every time he came was not to understand the progress of the experiment.

After letting go of the responsibilities of the council, she ran to the college's laboratory every day, but the actual goal was to date.

No——as soon as dinner time came, she took Jess's arm, and the two left together, talking and laughing.

"Victor, would you like me to bring you something back?" Before closing the door of the laboratory, Jess glanced at his friend who was still staring at the console, "To be honest, you don't need to work overtime like this anymore... Research It's on track, maybe we can relax a little bit."

"There are still a few sets of data that haven't been collected." Victor didn't raise his head. "The sooner the data is collected, the sooner the blockade of Piltover will end. I'm fine now."


Jace wanted to say something more - but Mel tugged his arm lightly and finally shut him up, just nodded and closed the lab door.

"He's always like this, putting too much pressure on himself." In the corridor, Jess muttered to Mel in a low voice with some helplessness, "Speaking of which, dear, do you know that there are restaurants that specialize in food delivery? It would be best to provide a reminder to eat on time by the way..."

"Even if there is, it can't be sent to the laboratory." Mel smiled and shook his head, "The current college is a pure land, and Professor Heimerdinger is keeping a close eye on it!"

"The professor is also for the smooth progress of the research."

Jess, who talked about this topic, was somewhat embarrassed—every time Mel came to see Jess, Professor Heimerdinger would "appear nearby by accident".

Although she has left the parliament and is no longer a member of parliament, certain labels on Mel have not faded because of this. Even Professor Heimerdinger is still a little wary of her.

Of course, this is also related to the relationship between her and Jess.

In the beginning, Jess was able to continue researching Hex crystals because Mel opened the back door. After a breakthrough in the research of Hex crystals, she naturally became Jess's new sponsor—in this case, she The status is obviously higher than that of Jess.

However, with the union of Heimerdinger and Camille, Mel was abandoned by Noxus and lost his seat in the council, and the relationship between the two parties quickly fell apart.

Jess's future is bright for the naked eye, but there is only darkness in front of Mel.

This wonderful transfer of identities gave Jess and Mel a lot of interesting common language outside of Hex technology, which brought their relationship closer quickly, then heated up, and finally ignited the spark of love.

Just like after Jess got funding from Mel, some bad rumors appeared in the college. After the two parties officially became a couple, new rumors also appeared, but this time the person who betrayed his lust changed from Jess to Mel.

A subtle reversal.

However, neither Jess nor Mel cares about such rumors at all—although it is not a "shared adversity", after experiencing some changes in the status of each other, the relationship between the two parties is at least for now. Said... It's still stable and good.

Because Mel is indeed relatively free now, and the two of them are tired of being together after work, the relationship is still heating up.

"I don't mind facing a yordle's curious gaze." As if aware of Jess's embarrassment, Mel lowered his voice and whispered in his ear, "Yordles have rich imaginations, but when it comes to emotions It's always like a child who hasn't grown's perfectly normal to have doubts about love."

This kind of joking excuse made Jess grin his lips—Meier's description of Heimerdinger really spoke to his heart. In Jess's opinion, the professor is undoubtedly a very good person. Solid guy, but surprisingly stubborn and naive in many ways.

"Well, now that we've left the academy, you don't have to face curious eyes anymore." Jess barely stopped his smile and pursed his lips, "Honey, where are we going to eat, I remember you In the morning, he said that he would introduce a special restaurant to me."

"Go to Lanxun Manor." Mel whispered, "attend a private banquet."

"...The banquet at Lanxun Manor?" Jess blinked in surprise, "Maybe I should change into a dress?"

"It's just a private banquet." Mel smiled and shook his head, "Don't worry, it's not a public social occasion—I won't make it difficult for you."

Jess frowned.

"If you want to change the world, it's not enough just to stay in the laboratory." Mel continued, "You should know that sometimes convincing others to support and accept new technologies is not as simple as researching them..."


Jace and Mel left the Academy, arm in arm.

Victor, on the other hand, stayed in the laboratory, his eyes fixed on the console.

Although the high-frequency oscillation excitation technology of the Hex crystal has made some breakthroughs, neither Jess nor Victor's goal stops there.

Compared with the methodical Jess, Victor is undoubtedly more anxious - he was born with a disability, and his heart and lung function is very poor. After that night of digging, his cough has become much worse recently because of the poisonous gas in the trench.

It was also on that night that Victor, who was rescued by Camille, saw another direction from the Cinderella.

He once summoned up the courage, full of joy, to ask Camille about Hex's body modification.

But the result made him feel like falling into an ice cave.

"This technology has been lost now, and there are no scholars in Piltover who have specialized in crystallographic research." Camille's voice was calm and unwavering, "Also, there are natural Hex crystals that can withstand transformation on the market. It has been a long time since I saw it in the world—the stability of artificial hex crystals does not support body modification."

As the only Hex body reformer that Victor has seen, Camille's words undoubtedly carry a lot of weight.

Cruelty carries weight.

However, Victor, who was used to the cruelty of life, did not give up at this time.

In the past, artificial hex crystals were considered to be energy bodies that could only be used as explosives!
But now, through the improvement of Jess and Victor, they have become a reliable source of energy just like natural Hex crystals, driving machinery to produce amazing effects like magic.

Then, using artificial Hex crystals to transform Hex's body may not be an impossible path!
With this idea in mind, Victor devoted himself to the experiment on artificial Hex crystals, and even faintly divided into two research directions with Jess.

Always stay with me.

Victor, whose physical condition is deteriorating, must seize all his time, not wasting a second!

"The idea of ​​high-frequency oscillation is effective, but the instability of the Hex crystal energy has limited the volume of the oscillator." Victor whispered to himself while recording a set of data in his experimental notes. "Its critical value and stability are affected by the purity and output power of the crystal, and the fitting results of the experimental data..."

Blinking his eyes, Victor suddenly raised his voice.

"Skye, has the fitting result of the experimental data come out this afternoon?"

"It came out, and it has been fitted to a confidence function within the available power range." Behind him, Skye, a little assistant who sorted out the files for him, quickly said, "The specific fitting results are here--after this Let’s stop for a set of experiments, Victor, you need to rest and eat something, I still have sandwiches for lunch..."

"Sorry, Skye, I don't have a good appetite recently." Victor didn't turn his head, just took over the data record, and after scanning his eyes, he sketched in his notes and responded softly, " If there's a sandwich... just put it on the shelf at the entrance to the lab, maybe as a late-night snack."

Skye blinked, opened his mouth, and finally just quietly took back his data records, filed them for preservation, then stood up, opened his package, took out half of the hot sandwich, and followed the Victor's request was placed on the storage table at the entrance of the laboratory.

After doing all this, she stood behind Victor again.

"Okay, promise me to eat..." Skye muttered in a voice that only he could hear, "Also, I hope you like the taste of herring."

 Carya's Small Classroom · Crystallography:
  This is a subject of studying natural hex crystals, which once flourished in Piltover—but because of the limited number of natural hex crystals, it eventually became a dragon-slaying technique, and finally withered as quickly as a flash in the pan.

(End of this chapter)

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