Lux's Farewell

Chapter 140 [0137] 3 years

Chapter 140 [0137] Three Years

In Bluesun Manor, Jess is learning to really enter the high society of Piltover with Mel's help.

In the college laboratory, Victor, accompanied by Skye, is looking for a way to use artificial Hex crystals to carry out Hex body transformation to save his life.

In Zaun, Cassiopeia escaped in embarrassment under the protection of Tyrone.

She had never met Lux.

But all her plans were completely thwarted by Lacus—Elise escaped with serious injuries, Singed was simply captured, and Cassiopeia, who had always boasted of her wisdom, used the strength of Noxus to drive a One chess piece after another in his own eyes, but in the end he was defeated by Lux, and finally lost all games.

The war masons still nominally obey her orders, but Tamara is only willing to provide any help except actual actions.

If it wasn't for Tai Long not giving up on her, she might have to wait for death in Zaan in despair at this time.

Lux knew that there was a Noxus spy in Zaun, and she also knew that this spy was aliased as "Opeia" in Piltover. As soon as De was caught, she left the chemical plant first, so even if the final battle was a complete victory, Lux could not catch the Noxus spy.

The workers under the foreman organization can be said to be sure to catch the Alchemy Baron and their lackeys, but it is beyond their ability to ask them to help catch this Noxus spy.

And Janna, who was able to collect information with Qingfeng, found something wrong with the wind, but when Lux arrived, she realized embarrassingly that she had been caught in a trick to lure Lacus into being fooled by Cassiope. Ya spent a lot of money and used a lot of magic props to create strong shadow magic fluctuations, which caused Janna to misjudge.

Even though Ino personally guarded the road to Kumanggra, this time it was Cassiopeia who was superior—she and Tyrone chose a more remote and dangerous road that had not been completely cleared, leading to The roads of Karduga.

After avoiding the sight of the workers guarding the intersection, they headed into the jungle.

After discovering the safe house and a bunch of magic props, Lacus and Karya had a brief discussion, and finally gave up the hunt altogether.

It's out of reach.

Moreover, there are more important things in front of Lux than looking for a Noxian spy who may change his appearance like looking for a needle in a haystack.

Production resumes in Zaun.


As Kalya once said - uniting the Zaun people and eliminating the Alchemist Baron is just the beginning of this great change.

Next, restoring production in Zaun is the top priority.

Although the amount of golden hex seized from the Alchemy Baron's warehouse is astonishing, even if the part stored in the Zodiac Vault is not counted, it is enough to exchange an astonishing amount of food from Kumanggra through the newly opened trade route , but for the entire Zaun, this is still just a stopgap measure.

The Zaun people can accept part of the fruits of their labor in the form of food.

But other than that, they still get paid.

In the past, Zaun's factory would sell products to Piltover in exchange for gold hex, and then buy other Piltover products - but now, Piltover has blocked Zaun, and Lux We do not plan to continue operating those high-polluting, high-risk factories.

Zaun is in dire need of transformation.

So, here comes the question, how should Zaan transform?
Together with Vander and others, Lux gathered a large number of foremen to summarize Zaun's strengths and weaknesses outside Fulgan's Tavern.

Let me talk about the disadvantages first.

First, Zaun produces almost no food.

After years of pollution and over-exploitation, the land in Zaun is completely unusable for the cultivation of normal food crops—there is a lack of light, the land is seriously polluted, and heavy metals and other chemical toxins are enriched. Can we grow the land in Zaun? The food is not necessarily, even if it is grown, it is almost impossible to eat.

Second, there is no market for existing industrial properties in Zaun.

The largest industries in Zaun are mining and primary processing, but the main buyers of both are Piltover. When Zaun is blocked and wants to be self-reliant, even if it continues to produce, its products cannot be sold. .

Finally, Zaun does not have a stable and qualified organizational structure.

The structure of the small group of foremen and workers has its own unique advanced nature, but it must be reorganized under the overall transformation of Zaun, but at least for the current Zaun, everyone still doesn't know how to change it.

As for other issues such as the lack of statutes, the lack of regular military forces, and serious bad habits, etc., although they are also very serious, they are not the main problems at present.

Compared with disadvantages, Zaun also has its own unique advantages.

First, Zaun has a high literacy rate.

Although simple statistics show that the average person here has not completed elementary school, and the average person can at most write their name, but considering that the average person in Runeterra has not completed prenatal education, Zaan has an advantage in terms of literacy rate.

Everyone is used to division of labor and cooperation, and naturally has a high degree of organization.

Second, Zaun has a good chemical industry foundation.

Although the alchemy industry headed by Singed was a little bit off track, human experiments and research that ignored the bottom line of ethics abound, but it is undeniable that Zaun has a very good chemical industry foundation.

There are many supporting factories and skilled workers, which is undoubtedly a major advantage.

Finally, Zaun has Karikan's lab.

The results of Karikan's laboratory, Lacus and Ino, are just glimpses, and the specific situation is hard to say, but at least from the current point of view, Karikan has mastered the cultivation method of rune trees in a dark environment, and this will also Become Zaun's advantage project.

The planting and subsequent processing of rune trees can completely complement the chemical industry!
By analyzing Zaun's strengths and weaknesses, Lux quickly established the direction of the city's development.

Internally, Zaun will shut down high-polluting industries, block the sewage outfalls in Piltover, mobilize intellectuals to study the results of the Calikan laboratory, clean up the mines for the matte cultivation of rune trees, and transform the alchemy factory into rune stone processing Plants and fertilizer processing plants...

Externally, Zaun wants to maintain the Kumanggra trade route to maintain food supply, open up the Karduga trade route to obtain a westward passage, and take the initiative to start diplomacy with the northern cities of Shurima...

In general, it is "in addition to food, produce as much as possible; shut down pollution and develop new production".

In addition, it is necessary to codify the statutory laws belonging to Zuan, organize workers to train after work, use training opportunities to build new grassroots organizations, form worker guards to maintain city safety, and carry out the transformation of Zuan city...

When the plans were listed one by one, and after a preliminary evaluation and analysis, the participants were surprised to find that the future can be so clear as long as the plans are made.

In the end, after repeated discussions, everyone finally unanimously decided to carry out a large-scale and thorough transformation of Zaun in a period of three years.


The second volume, A Tale of Two Cities, ends the first half.

The update will resume tomorrow, so stay tuned for the second half.

[The three-year period has arrived].

 Carya's Small Classroom Alchemy Factory Transformation:
  In fact, although the alchemy factories in Zaun did not produce good things in the past, they are indeed quite advanced factories in Runeterra. With skilled workers, they can become factories for processing rune tree products with a little modification.

(End of this chapter)

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