Lux's Farewell

Chapter 141 [0138] The three-year period has come

Chapter 141 [0138] The three-year period has come
Three years, for the entire Runeterra, is just a short moment.

However, for the reborn Zaun, these short three years are enough to change the world.

There are still many high-rise buildings here, and factories are still everywhere; all kinds of residential buildings in the city are still eclectic, and they are still row upon row.

But the difference is that there will no longer be sewage flowing across here, and there will be no breathless smog here.

On the one hand, this improvement is due to Zaun’s closure of Piltover’s sewage channels and the shutdown of high-polluting industries; on the other hand, it is also due to Zaun’s effective proactive governance.

When the three-year plan had just started, the rune stone industry in Zaun hadn't been on the right track, and a large number of high-pollution factories were closed, leaving workers with nothing to do for many years, Lux took them to the streets of Zaun, and launched A vigorous fight against ashes.

Start with the easiest road repairs.

In the past, most of the roads in Zaun were only connected to the elevators leading to Piltover and the Alchemy Baron's factory. Although there were streets in each block, they were often "relics" that were unknown how many years ago.

Rivers of heavy rain, light rain and mud.

On weekdays, at most, the residents of this block would chip in a little money and simply clean up—considering the poor salary level of Zaun people, the frequency of this kind of cleaning would be calculated in ten years.

But now, led by Lux and funded by the Zaun government, roads connecting various blocks and factories in Zaun have been quickly paved one after another.

A large number of workers who originally worked in the factory assembly line were transferred to construction workers on the spot, and began to contribute to the construction of the city of Zaan.

When the skeleton of the road was initially completed, the rune stone industry finally took its first step.

Due to the immature technology, the number of by-products of the rune stone industry was astonishing in the early stages of development.

Among the many by-products, rune tree scraps are the most numerous - after research, they were first used in the construction industry.

These low-purity rune tree leftovers that cannot be used in the manufacture of rune stones are crushed, mixed with the same crushed limestone powder and calcined, and the gray powdery solid obtained at the end is the beggar's version of the forbidden magic stone.

Its anti-magic performance is very different from the real magic-proof stone, but its advantage lies in its strong plasticity and stable physical properties.

Therefore, in the next stage of urban renewal, these dusty beggars' version of the forbidden magic stones were used in the construction of buildings.

And as these beggar's forbidden magic stones were used as building materials to replace the old and dilapidated houses in the past, in just over a year, the appearance of Zu'an city has undergone earth-shaking changes.

New roads have been built on the main streets, and the buildings are all brand new—however, unlike the majestic Demacian-style white enchanted stone buildings, Zaun’s beggar’s version of enchanted lime buildings are dusty and inconspicuous. It seems so low-key and unusual.

This kind of low-key is obviously not in line with the aesthetics of Zaun people.

Naturally, all kinds of graffiti art full of Zaun style came into being.

On the gray walls, the people of Zaun wantonly splashed their pursuit of art.

Graffiti was also very popular in Zaun in the past, but most of the graffiti at that time used paint as a pigment, and the style was known for its bright colors and bold shapes.

Nowadays, due to industrial transformation, many factories that produce paint have stopped production due to serious pollution. In addition, Zaan does not have extra Gold Hex to buy paint from outside. The new type of graffiti in Zaun, paint once became a problem that plagued Zuan. Ann's problem.

But soon, the people of Zaun found a way - with the start of the rune steel production line, a large amount of waste slag from iron smelting was processed into red pigment after simple treatment.

Because this kind of red pigment itself is made of iron smelting waste, its quality and color are not stable. If it is placed in other places, it can only be regarded as a substandard product, and pigs will hate it if it is used to paint pigsty.

But in Zaan, these unqualified red paints were played out by the "graffiti artists" on the street.

Crimson, scarlet, pink, reddish brown...

These different red graffiti either represent some kind of commemoration, or some kind of longing, or simply beautiful curves and graphics, and soon, together with various slogans, they quickly filled the streets of Zaun lane.

Different reds interweave on the dusty walls to form a common and energetic dream of Zaan people, completely changing the spiritual outlook of the entire Zaan.


When the refurbishment and construction of the entire city of Zuan began to bear fruit, the Kalikan laboratory finally gained some results in the translation and sorting of data related to the cultivation of the forbidden magic tree.

In the past, the people of Zaun could only cultivate rune trees in the small experimental field behind the laboratory to support the fledgling rune stone industry.

But with the proficiency of training and the maturity of technology, Zaun finally took the next step.

According to the data and requirements left by Kalikan, the people of Zaun began planting the first batch of rune trees outside the laboratory in the Shenhook mining area, the oldest mining area in the city.

The rune trees cultivated by Karikan almost completely abandon the need for light in their growth, but as a price, their magical demand for the cultivation soil is quite amazing.

In order to meet this demand, the magic crystals that were excavated and processed in Zaan before and sold to the Picheng factory are now sent in batches to the chemical fertilizer factory transformed from the alchemy factory. After being crushed and screened, it will be mixed with inorganic salt ores that are prepared according to Kalikan data and associated with various mines in Zaun to become a magical compound fertilizer for rune trees.

This step-by-step planting method has been proved to be feasible in the experimental field in the laboratory, but when it comes to outside the laboratory, everyone is still somewhat uncertain.

Therefore, just to be on the safe side, the first batch of rune trees outside the test field were selected as the species of sand radish that does not pick the environment.

The process went smoothly and the results are gratifying.

With a sufficient supply of magic power, the first phase of the Rune Tree Cultivation Project in the Shenhook Mine, which took nine months, was declared a complete success.

These roots took root in the semi-sandy soil, and quickly covered the entire depth of the mine, growing into a continuous bush in the darkness.

Even though the whole process was almost "copying homework according to Kalikan's steps", the Zaun people who personally participated in the cultivation and planting were still rejoicing-the success of this planting meant that Zaun's runestone industry was finally no longer affected by raw materials. Production restrictions and constraints!
In the past, because there were too few rune trees (only those in the laboratory test field), of the large number of rune stone factories planned, only two were actually built and put into production—and the products were not rune stones.

Of the two factories, one produces high-quality runic steel for export and sells it via the Karduga-Kennesse trade route to the warlords of Shurima in exchange for gold to import grain from Kumangra; It was the factory of the former gray magic stone, responsible for turning the part of the rune tree that could not be used to produce high-quality rune steel into gray magic stone.

Now, with the successful promotion and planting of Shengou Mine, as the core of Zaun's first three-year plan, the rune stone industry can finally be fully launched!
More rune stone factories began to invest in transformation, and after the transformation was completed, they took the initiative to absorb those construction workers who could not find work because of the construction industry.

Also starting to recruit people is Zaan's Rune Stone Research Institute and Zaan Security Office-the former is responsible for leading the development of the rune tree planting work, and the latter is to increase the intensity of anti-smuggling and prevent some greedy guys from sneaking the seeds of the rune tree Send Zaun.

Although in Karya and Lux's plan, the planting of the rune tree will benefit the entire Runeterra in the future, but it is not now.

Time flies.

In the enthusiasm of all Zaun people, the city seems to have returned to the era when Piltover was not born-at that time, Zaun had just emerged from the haze of the Rune Wars, and was full of changes in the future. Courage, they seem to be whimsical, planning to rely on human power to break through the barrier between the Sea of ​​Watch and the Sea of ​​Conquest, and communicate the two oceans.

But this time, after the Alchemy Baron was dealt with, the people of Zaun once again held their fate in their own hands. Just like they planned to open the canal, they made a complete plan for their three years.

In three years, the earth was turned upside down.


Time changed not only Zaun, but also Lux.

Compared with three years ago, although Lacus has not grown much taller now, her whole body has completely faded away - her long golden hair has unknowingly grown to her waist and abdomen, and her curves have gradually faded. Concave and convex.

Lux has really grown into a big girl.

Despite her growing popularity and love among the people of Zaun, Lux never held her own.

Even though Fandre has learned to maintain a serious face every day, Lux still has a smile from the bottom of her heart every day.

The lively, beautiful and kind-hearted Lux ​​has naturally become the dream lover of many young men in Zaun. A considerable part of the graffiti in Zaun is related to her.

It's a pity that Lacus has never accepted any confession, so that in some shady messages, the relationship between her and Ino has the fragrance of citrus.

Having said that, this situation is not entirely due to her appearance and status-it is no exaggeration to say that in the hearts of Zaun people, Lux is their muse.

Although when Lux was in Demacia, the so-called art was just a tool for her to cover up, but in Zaun, these "extremely useful art forms" are surprisingly popular.

Perhaps the Demacians would care more about the symbolic meaning of music, paintings, and sculptures, but in Zaun, most Zaun people prefer "portraits and sculptures that are as good as the real thing" and "good music".

Even if it is a very pioneering Zaun graffiti, what the author pursues is often just "cool lines".

With the implementation of the eight-hour work system and the workers in Zaan having more free time, there has been an astonishing gap in the entertainment industry in Zaun—the flesh and blood business in the dark alleys has been banned, the gaming industry has been severely restricted, The addictive drugs led by Twilight Pharmacy have turned into small-scale production and prescription drugs that are used strictly according to the pharmacist's doctor's orders... In this situation, the people of Zaun who have spare time feel a little confused for a while.

Although Zaun itself has a lot of entertainment industries, and there are also many entertainment facilities such as amusement parks and billiards, but with the blockade of Piltover, many things gradually began to be unsustainable.

The people of Zaun are indeed full, but this is because they have concentrated a large amount of resources in the processing of export commodities, and more than half of the former entertainment industry has been abandoned.

Realizing this, Lux, who had just escaped from the ashes hunting business, immediately set off again non-stop, and devoted herself to the cultural industry.

Basic theory of painting, basic theory of sculpture, basic music theory...

These art theories, together with basic cultural courses such as Chinese, mathematics, and alchemy, have become the newly built Zaun night school courses.

Unknowingly, Lux—or Lux and Karya—became the founders of the city's new culture!

In the classroom, Lux's name often appears in the teaching materials.

Outside the classroom, Zaun translated and printed a large number of ancient Shurima novels according to the book list provided by Kalya.

When the members of the evening school graduate, they have the first batch of "extracurricular reading materials".

"Darkness Below the Horizon", "Pulse of the Yellow Sand", "Watching the Dawn", "Song of the Elements", etc., the novels written by Kalya and Kalya's students have been translated into a language that people in Zaun can understand The language is widely circulated in this city, unknowingly enhancing their cohesion and vigilance.

Although the proportion of spellcasters in Zaun is pitifully low, words such as primordial axiom and elemental law are familiar to Zaun people.

And stories such as "tragedies and ethical sorrows caused by out-of-control magic power" and "walkers watching the dawn on the horizon" have quietly become the common memory of a generation.

In the last year of the three-year plan, for the first time, a Zaun person took the initiative to pick up a pen and began to write a story belonging to Zaun with immature but full of affectionate words——Since then, Zaun’s newspapers The Internet no longer only publishes recruitment information and policy changes, and more and more literary works are known to people in the form of short stories or serials.

Zaun even had a reminder update for the first time.

In these stories, the protagonists are always full of boundless fighting spirit and pride for changing the world. Most of them come from hard backgrounds, but they are not willing to live in the existing system, but choose to use their own efforts to break into a new world...

The story has joys and sorrows.

But without exception, the core is full of hope, reflecting this hopeful era.

Three years passed quickly.

In the astonishing transformation, everything is changing.

In the whole of Zu'an, it seems that only the singing of the blue bird still echoes in the sky of Zu'an as before.

The goddess should be unharmed, and should be shocked by the world.

 Karya's Little Classroom Karya's novel:

  During the Shurima period, Kalya once had the idea that "teaching magic can't save Shurima", so he worked very hard to write a batch of works-but unfortunately, these works were not very popular, Shurima People tend to be more interested in the story of the Ascendant.

(End of this chapter)

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