Lux's Farewell

Chapter 142 [0139] Several preparations for diplomatic issues

Chapter 142 [0139] Several preparations for diplomatic issues

After a long stretch, Lux put down a newspaper in her hand.

"This story looks familiar no matter how you look at it." Holding the hilt of her sword in her hand, she complained to Kalya, "Although it is set in the background of the Shurima era, this kind of story of liberating slaves and fighting against slave owners always makes me I feel full of sight, especially this part of 'the sun shines on the gravel together with the light in her hands', hey -- I have goosebumps."

"It's as true as it is." Carya teased, "Unfortunately, I can only hear from your tone that you seem to hope that he can share half of the manuscript fee with you."

"Ah, did I make it so obvious?" Lacus blinked, "But to be honest, Kalya, it's also about telling a story. This guy named Night Owl is much better than you at telling it."

"Really?" Kalya turned over the old account without hesitation, "Let me think about it, who came here at the beginning, and didn't want to sleep obediently until I told another story about Setaka..."

"Shut up!" Suddenly being mentioned something about her childhood, even if no one heard it, Lux still couldn't help but blushed, "You never know how to think about it, why are your students not so good? Do you like you—Kalya, has anyone ever told you not to casually tell about other people's childhood?"

"Is there anything else to say?" Kalya decisively changed the subject, "Speaking of which, how are you preparing for tomorrow's ceremony?"

"Mr. Shadow's farewell ceremony?" Lux asked in surprise, "You're actually worried about this?"

"This is not a worry, but a necessary reminder." Kalya explained, "Be nervous, Lacus, this is the first diplomatic work you have been involved in!"

"It's not the first time." Lacus shook her head when she heard the words. "The first time should be the meeting between me and Ms. Camille three years ago."

"That kind of fist-to-hand exchange is not diplomacy, and you have not reached any consensus." Kalya sighed. "The stalemate between Zaun and Piltover has continued since then."

"There's nothing we can do about it." Lux shrugged, leaned back, and lay on the bed, "And, judging from the results, I'm afraid they should be the ones who suffered."

"So, what about tomorrow's ceremony?" Carya said back to the original topic, "Although it has been confirmed that Singed will be handed over to Mister Shadow as a war criminal and given to Ionia, you should be clear that Io Nia is not a place where Yingliu decides."

"But what does that matter?" Lux, who was lying on the bed, adjusted a comfortable posture, "No matter who is the future leader of the Ionian people, they must accept my favor——Zuan is in Io He made an indelible contribution to the cause of Nia's rebellion against Noxus."

"That's a good rhetoric." Kalya praised, "However, we need something more practical than the Ionian's gratitude."

"You mean trade in Ionia?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux raised her brows, "But we have already calculated that it is impossible to open a separate port in Zaun. While the blockade is maintained, although Ionia is rich in products, it is difficult to have direct contact with us."

"So, what if Piltover is no longer blocked?"

"Are you a little too anxious?" Hearing what Kalya said, Lux finally straightened her posture, "Zuan hasn't really suppressed Piltover yet, and wants to normalize relations with Piltover. Even taking back the Gate of the Sun, I am afraid it is not the time yet."

"That's a long-term goal." Carya corrected, "Although Zaun's performance has been good in the past three years, it's still too early for the Gate of the Sun—now is a good time to break the barrier between the two sides."

"That Gray Lady doesn't seem like a person who is easy to talk about." Lux said with a somewhat uncertain tone, "She has her own ideas, and she doesn't have the superficial hypocrisy of Piltover.

"But she has no choice now." Kalya said in a cheerful tone, "In the past three years, she has indeed brought a lot of new things to Piltover, and the Hex technology she supports has indeed injected a lot of energy into Piltover. It’s a new look, but we know it all boils down to her giving away some of Sun Gate’s proceeds to do it.”

"Yeah, the income of the Sun Gate." As if thinking of the changes in Piltover in the past three years, Lux couldn't help but nodded, "Use the income of the Sun Gate to stimulate the market, plus AI The prosperity of shipping brought about by the Irnia War...wait, that is to say, now the good times of Piltover are coming to an end?"

"That's right, that's what it means." Kalya affirmed, "Although it is estimated that there is still some time before the Noxus fully retreat, after the Battle of Presidium, it is already a matter of time before the Noxus retreat. , this Gray Lady may need to think carefully next, where is the future of Piltover."

"So, now she is very eager to normalize the relationship with Zaun?" Lux understood Kalya's meaning, "Only in this way can the stability of Piltover's economy continue to be maintained."


"But, why do we help her with this?" Lux was a little puzzled, "Speaking of...if there is a wave of depression in Piltover, wouldn't that be something we want to see more? The people of Zaun are likely to choose to return to Zaun, wouldn’t that be more beneficial to Zaun?”

"Yeah, that's right." Unexpectedly, Kalya affirmed her statement, "I'm talking about making diplomatic preparations, and I'm not asking you to visit Piltover—I mean, You have to be prepared for a visit from the Gray Lady."

"Wait a minute, are you saying that Camille will take the initiative to come to me?" Lux blinked her eyes in surprise, "How is this possible... I thought what you said earlier was that you wanted me to take the initiative to find her."

"How is it impossible?" Carya asked back, "The Ionian War is coming to an end, if I were Camille, I would definitely consider whether I could find a new economic growth point for Piltover—now , you take her role and think about it, is it the best choice to ease the conflict with Zaun at this time?"

Lacus blinked her eyes, and then, according to Kalya, put herself into the role of Camille.

After the war stops, Sun Gate's income will drop sharply.

Although Hextech has made some breakthroughs, the price of raw materials remains high. Originally, the magic crystals in Piltover were purchased from Zaun, and the price was extremely low. After the "Exchange", the trade between the two sides was completely cut off, and Piltover needed to purchase crystal ore from Belgun at a high price.

Considering that Belgun is currently the territory of Noxus, the price of crystal mines there may increase at any time...

At this time, if you want to maintain Piltover's economy, I am afraid that restoring trade exchanges with Zaun is indeed the best way!

Blinking her eyes, Lacus was surprised to find that with the style of that Gray Lady, it is really possible to visit her unexpectedly during this period!
"Kalya, why didn't you say it earlier!" Thinking of this, Lacus hurriedly put on her clothes, "Ahhh, I need to prepare a basic draft to discuss with Camille right away... Since she is willing to take the initiative to come over Being slaughtered, I will definitely beat her hard—"

"Because you were reading novels before." Carya's tone became more and more cheerful, "Didn't you say that he wrote better than me?"


This time, Lux finally said nothing.

However, the little girl who was forced to work overtime had already scolded her narrow-minded teacher countless times in her heart.

(* ̄3 ̄)
"Kalya, you are so old, can't you be a little more open-minded?!"

In this way, the time came to eleven o'clock, and Ino, who returned from patrol, was surprised to find that Lax, who had vowed to "go to bed early today", was burning the night light and writing hard.

This 17-year-old girl is suffering the burden of overtime that she shouldn't have to bear at her age.

 There is an update tonight!

  The three-year period has come, √
(End of this chapter)

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