Lux's Farewell

Chapter 143 [0140] Walking in the night

Chapter 143 [0140] Walking in the night
Lux is working overtime.

Yinuo was waiting for her to finish working overtime.

Camille left the manor on a rare occasion and walked in the night.

In the past, Camille loved to walk in the haze of Zaun - it was full of inhalable particles that made it impossible to breathe, and ordinary people could not walk in it, but Camille's modified breathing system could Breathe freely.

This kind of time alone, walking in the haze, always gives Camille a strong feeling of "I'm still alive".

After all, she is already an old man over a hundred years old.

Even after undergoing Heike's body transformation, her body will not become weak due to aging, but the aging of her mentality is as inevitable as the rust and fatigue of parts.

In order to avoid this kind of trouble, Camille has made a lot of efforts. She has strengthened many of her daily behaviors (such as drinking tea) and made them her own habits, embellishing her every day with these habits.

And it was her habit to walk in the haze.

It's a pity that she had to give up this habit in the past two years - because of Zaun's vigorous governance, the haze disappeared.

It was quite sudden.

Thinking of this, Camille shook her head, activated the hook rope on her leg, and the hook claw at the end caught on the eaves, and she rushed out quickly.

In the moonlight, a lone figure crossed the Sun Gate Strait like a dragonfly on water, and came to the edge of the academy area.

Here, Camille saw the familiar haze again—although the scale and concentration were not as good as Zaun, it still created a haze under the night.

Here are several newly built hex crystal primary processing factories in Piltover.

Before everything happened, Camille never thought that Piltover would lose Zaun one day—she let go of Zaun and handed it over to the Noxians, hoping that Zaun would be severely injured by the toss , Then realize your own weakness, eliminate that undue rebellious heart.

After all, everything in Zaun depends on Piltover.

But when she cleaned up the bastards on the council side, the situation in Zaun completely exceeded her expectations.

In fact, after hearing the news from Finn, Camille had already realized that Zaun was out of control, but when she freed her hand and wanted to teach the arrogant Zaun a lesson, she was stunned. It was discovered that Zaun did not know when, there was a young asylum.

That's right, Camille couldn't understand the thoughts brought by Lux. She was more willing to believe that Lux was the protector and ruler of Zaun than "believing that Lux would bring justice to everyone in Zaun".

Three years ago, Camille and Lux ​​had a little conflict. In the end, Camille did not teach the Zaun people a lesson as she wanted. Instead, the hook on her left leg needed a major repair.

Since then, Piltover has lost Zaun.

Later, as Zaun closed the sewage channel and no longer sold the raw materials needed to make Hex crystals, several members of the council once expressed that they wanted to teach Zaun a lesson.

Camille said nothing about these proposals.

Then, these discerning members of parliament died down and shut their mouths one by one.

Losing Zaun brought a lot of trouble to Piltover, but fortunately, Jess did not live up to Camille's expectations—with the launch of the Hex Accelerator, Piltover ushered in a new point of economic growth.

The problem of losing Zaun was quickly overshadowed by the prosperity of Hextech. Coupled with the fact that the Sun Gate still opened and closed on time every day, a steady stream of wealth still flowed into Piltover on time.

In Piltover, there is money to be made, and any contradiction is not a contradiction, and any problem is not a problem.

And... look at all these new hex crystal factories - Piltover, lost to Zaun, needs a place to take the extra manpower.

Walking through the thin haze, Camille first inspected the Ferros family's factory for a week, then reached out the hook and sent herself to the tallest clock tower in the academy district.

There has been news from Bilgewater that the Noxus suffered a big defeat in Ionia. It is said that their commander even lost an arm by the Ionia.

It was also said that it was two, but this is not important anymore.

Considering that in the past two months, the number of Noxian military supplies passing through the Sun Gate Strait has become less and less... I am afraid that in Ionia, the situation of the Noxians has become irreversible.

Now that Noxus' failure is a foregone conclusion, Camille needs to think about how to deal with the reduction in Sun Gate's income.

Without the military resources of the Noxians, the port affairs side will start to cry poor again.

Originally, in order to prevent this situation, Camille also took the initiative to contact the Bilgewater people, hoping that those guys with boats could do more transportation after the Noxians were finished.

As a result, those water rats in Bilgewater can only be described as unambitious, especially that bastard named Plank, even if the council is willing to provide him with tax incentives, he is still unwilling to set foot in the business field.

Sitting with the Hook Gang, a giant pirate group that controls the entire Bilgewater, his mind is only as big as the tip of a needle, and he only thinks about plundering, collecting boat tickets, and attacking any pirates that show up...

Dealing with that guy is definitely the worst investment Camille has made in the past three years.

He deserves to be poor all his life.

In the absence of the pirates' actions and the loss of Noxus military resources, the Sun Gate's cargo throughput will definitely drop sharply, and the wealth flowing into Piltover will also decrease.

As Piltover's greatest source of wealth, the turmoil at the Sun Gate is likely to cause turmoil in the entire Piltover.

What a hassle.

Piltover in the moonlight is not peaceful.

Camille's eyes lit up red, and her sight passed through the rather thin haze, and she quickly looked at the factory in the night.

The rapid development of Hex technology has prompted the factory to work overtime. The workers hope to increase overtime pay, but the factory owner obviously does not think so-and this kind of contradiction that used to be everywhere in Zaan is now appearing in the Piltover.

And it's getting worse.

This made Camille a little worried.

Although reason told her that almost everything that happened in Zaun was unrepeatable, there was no other Lux as a protector for these Piltover workers, and they were at best small.

But having said that, even if it just caused these workers to have unreasonable and unrealistic ideas, it still caused a lot of trouble for Piltover.

The experience of those reckless Zaunites rushing to the Sun's Gate and failing in the end will make people dispel the idea of ​​doing it again.

But the success of Zaun under Lux will only make people want to do the same and try again.

Camille's head hurts when she thought of this question.

The increasingly high crystal raw ore prices and transportation costs have led to growing dissatisfaction among the owners of the Hex Crystal and Hex Technology factories, and have repeatedly asked the Sun Gate Strait and Piltover Port to lower the charges for their "own people".

But how could the port staff allow this to happen?

The two sides have been arguing in the parliament for several days - Hex Technology and Sun Gate Port are the two legs of Piltover, and they are the root of the city. This kind of quarrel is meaningless. But it is enough to explain the problem.

In Camille's eyes, this thriving city is facing a huge crisis.

Camille, who has been transformed by Hex, believes that Hex technology is the future of Piltover; but as a member of the Philos family, she knows better than anyone else that the Sun Gate is the present of Piltover.

As for Piltover's past...

In theory, Piltover's past is Zaun.

So, when the future conflicts with the present, can we also look back at the past?
Want to speak to that Sanctuary of Zaun?

Raising her head slightly, at this moment, Camille's eyes flashed red again.

After calculating the chips in her hands, Madam Gray gave up the idea of ​​meeting that Miss Lux in person—it is obviously not a good choice to come to the door. Piltover needs Zaun, but not to that extent. .

Before formal contact, maybe I need a little preliminary testing... maybe?
As for the manpower used to test...

Hasn't that little guy named Victor been submitting applications to go to Zaun recently?
Just let him go back and have a look - after all, he is a person who was born in Zaun, and it is largely for Zaun that he made himself like this.

It would be perfect to send such a person to Zaun to test you.

Well, it was decided.

Thinking of this, Camille flung out the hook and jumped down from the clock tower, then hovered steadily outside the window of an office that was still lit, reached out and knocked on the glass window. .

A moment later, the glass window was opened, revealing a very surprised face.

"Who are you?!" The other party never expected that someone would knock on the window in the middle of the night, and he was obviously startled when he opened the window, "I'm going to call the security—"

"Don't be nervous, Skye." In front of the console, Victor, who was already thin and almost out of shape, looked up, "This is Ms. Camille, one of my...friends, if she wants to."

"It's an honor to be Mr. Victor's friend." Camille's body quickly "slid" into the laboratory through the window, "It's so late, are you still continuing your experiment?"

"Time waits for no one." Victor shook his head, "I still haven't got the data I want..."

"Artificial Hex crystals are difficult to support Hex's body transformation. I told you this before." Camille frowned slightly, "Your experiment is futile."

Victor turned a deaf ear, but Skye subconsciously wanted to refute - but after seeing Camille's body, she finally closed her mouth embarrassingly.

After all, according to her and Victor's calculations, the use of artificial Hex crystals for body modification is only a "theoretical possibility", but the woman in front of her is obviously a real Hex body modifyer.

However, after hesitating for a moment, she still spoke in a low voice.

"Ms. Camille, if you are really Victor's friend, can you please persuade him to work less overtime..."

"I heard that Jess can't persuade me about this matter, so I can't either." Unfortunately, Camille immediately gave a negative answer, and then she looked past Skye and looked at Victor again. "Or, you can refer to something else, such as alchemy technology?"

"I don't have a pass to Zaun, the Council thinks I'm a danger in Zaun—"

"Now, you have it." Camille gracefully tore off a piece of white paper recording data, and fluently signed a name on it, "Bring it, no one will stop you."


Victor was stunned. He blinked, looked at Camille, and then at the signed note.

"Why, Heimerdinger didn't tell you about my identity?"

"He only told me to stay away from you." Victor replied subconsciously, and then quickly realized that he seemed to have said something wrong, and quickly started to make amends, "Uh, I don't think the professor meant that."

"That's what he meant." Camille smiled nonchalantly, "Rest early today, tidy yourself up a bit, and go to Zaun tomorrow to see the mentor you mentioned who might help you."

"Thank you very much, Ms. Camille." Victor quickly collected the signature, and took the initiative to shut down the experimental equipment, "I promise to go back soon!"

"Don't be so anxious." Camille blinked, "Besides, the idea of ​​the council is still good. It is indeed a bit dangerous to be alone, so this assistant lady—"

"My name is Skye!"

"Very well, Miss Skye, would you like to follow Mr. Victor to take a tour of Zaun tomorrow?"

"Extremely happy!" Skye tried his best to suppress the excitement in his tone, "I guarantee that nothing will happen to him!"

"That's good."

Camille nodded in satisfaction when she heard this, and the next moment, she pushed open the window again, and quickly rushed out, disappearing into the night of Piltover in between leaps and bounds.

Seeing Camille leave, Victor subconsciously reached for the experimental apparatus—and then, Skye stopped him forcefully.

"Tomorrow we're going to Zaun." She pushed her glasses, "You need to take a good rest today, and you'd better shave and change your clothes along the way."

"I'm fine..."

"This is Ms. Camille's request." Skye finally found a way to check and balance Victor, "Be decent—go, I'll take you home!"

Victor still wanted to say something, but Skye had packed his belongings extremely quickly, pulled him to the door, and turned off the light by the way.

"Let's go!" The little assistant repeated happily, "This is Ms. Camille's request!"

Victor blinked, and in the end he could only tuck his file bag under his arm, followed Skye, and left the laboratory temporarily.

 Carya's small classroom Piltover's Hex crystal primary processing factory:

  In the past, the highly polluting work of the primary processing of magic crystal mines was done by Zaun. When the people of Piltover started to take over this task, in order to be able to recruit workers willing to work in harsh environments, they had to Don’t pay high salaries, and provide special insurance—fortunately, Hex Technology brings these crystal clear crystals with extremely high added value, otherwise they may even give up this industry.

  PS. Plus update 3/30, a genuine [-]-word plus update, hahaha!
(End of this chapter)

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