Lux's Farewell

Chapter 144 [0141]

Chapter 144 [0141]
Perhaps it was because the experiment was too hard during this period, even if he was going to Zaun tomorrow, Victor, who had washed up early today and was lying on the bed, did not have any intention of insomnia, and fell asleep very smoothly.

When he regained consciousness, the time had come to the next morning - his little assistant Skye was already knocking on the door.

Then, Victor who opened the door was stunned by the person in front of him.

Hey guys, is this Skye?

The little assistant who has always been soft-spoken and holding his own experiment notebook, not only changed his clothes today, but also put on makeup. His whole temperament is completely different from usual.

As for how it is different... Victor is a little unclear on this point.

"What's the matter?" Sensing the surprise in Victor's eyes, Skye looked down at his attire with some embarrassment, "Is there anything inappropriate?"

"Appropriate." Victor blinked, "However, it's a bit too appropriate—I'm afraid it's a bit out of place in Zaun."

"Will it be like this?" Skye suddenly panicked, "I specifically asked about it before, and Zaun's recent trend is this kind of brightly colored style..."

"If the color is bright, I'm afraid it will get dirty very quickly, right?" Victor hesitated, "Isn't that embarrassing?"

"Why does it get dirty so quickly?" Skye was stunned for a moment, and then he understood Victor's meaning, "Well, wait, Victor, have you never followed Zaun's news?"

"Sorry, I didn't notice it recently." Victor shook his head. "I only know that Zaun has been blocked for a long time. At first, it was a material blockade, and later people were not allowed to enter and exit—"

"But the news has never been blocked." The little assistant looked at the bewildered Victor and shook his head helplessly, "Please change your clothes quickly, and I will briefly talk to you about the current Zaun on the way. ..."


Following Skye's unhurried footsteps, Victor walked and listened.

When he came to the elevator, Skye had already briefly introduced the changes in Zaun over the past few years.

Although a fairly strict material embargo is implemented between the two cities, there are still necessary personnel exchanges—many newspapers and magazines in Piltover will also report on the Zaun incident as a new story.

Although these reports have good intentions and malicious ones, and the angles are different, the only thing that is certain is that even the worst reports have to be sure that Zaun is developing in a better direction.

After all... the disappearance of the haze is visible, and Zaun and Piltover are closely linked after all.

However, even from the worst point of view, the Zaun in the news is far better than the one in Victor's memory—so, after listening to everything quietly, he felt a kind of difficulty in a trance. Fragmentation of words.

Is this Zaun?
Is this the Zaun he is familiar with?

Although in the past few years, as his physical condition has become worse and worse, Victor's life has almost completely become two points and one line, and he cares less and less about the outside world, but he really can't imagine that the place he once walked out of , such an astonishing change will happen unexpectedly.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that it was earth-shaking.

According to the latest news, Zaun seems to be planting trees... Maybe Mr. Singed is a participant in this research?
With this in mind, Victor and Skye came to the front of the elevator.

Without him showing Camille's approval slip, Marcos, who was in charge of protecting the elevator, greeted him proactively.

"Mr. Victor." He said with a straight face and a serious tone, "Zuan is a city with serious malice towards Mrs. Piltover, please be careful."

Victor looked at the law enforcement officer who seemed a little familiar, and finally didn't speak, just nodded.

Seeing this, Marcos seemed very satisfied with Victor's self-positioning, and after stepping out of the way, he took the initiative to open the door of the elevator.

Skye helped Victor into the elevator—the next moment, the door of the elevator closed slowly, and the cabin carrying people began to slide down bit by bit under the drag of the thick steel cable.


In the cabin, Victor seemed to be in a daze.

By his side, Skye was forcibly suppressing himself, preventing himself from showing his nervousness.

If Victor could get closer, he would have noticed that Skye was talking to himself in a voice only he could hear.

"Professor Singed... Teacher Singed? No, this seems a bit deliberate. It should be Mr. Singed."

"What about that Zaun greeting...may your attunement be beautiful forever?"

"What a terrible rhetoric, isn't it made up by those tabloid reporters? Let's give up this part."



Soon, the elevator car fell to the bottom.

The door opened again, and Victor walked out first, leaning on a cane, and set foot on the land of Zaun again after three years.

This familiar yet unfamiliar land.

On Zaun's side, there were also people guarding the elevator—after Victor came out, the other party made inquiries as a matter of routine.

Victor didn't hide it, and directly stated that he came here to visit his former teacher and ask for help.

"You were also from Zaun before?" the guard recognized Victor's accent, and asked casually, "How long have you not been back?"

"Three years." Victor replied in a low voice, "Three years."

"Then you may need to buy a map of the new city." The other party nodded, showing that it was true, "the bookstore in front has it--if you haven't been here for three years, the streets have changed a lot, so look at the map more , Open your mouth to inquire, so as not to get lost."

"Thank you for the reminder." Victor said kindly, "I will."

The guard who had finished recording made way sideways for the passage—Victor stepped forward, leaning on a cane, and walked onto the newly built streets in Zaun, and behind him, Skye followed suit.

Although the little assistant rehearsed in front of the mirror many times last night, it was a pity that after arriving in Zaun, she still habitually followed Victor.

The two of them walked one after the other like this, clearly walking on the streets of Zaan, but they still seemed to be in a laboratory.

Following the guidance of the elevator guard, Victor came to a bookstore on the corner of the street.

This is a small bookstore, the storefront is probably less than twenty square meters, and the two sides of a several-shaped passage are full of books of all kinds.

It's hard to imagine that this kind of small but fully functional bookstore will appear in Zaan - in the past in Zaun, almost no one read books.

This shop not only sells maps, but also newspapers, magazines, and novels. Victor walked along the narrow passage, and found that not only Zaun’s own newspapers are sold here, but even Piltover’s daily and evening papers. There are also for sale.

Look closely at the date, daily or even today's!
His eyes swept across the bookshelves, Victor blinked, and then confirmed one thing - he hadn't read any of the books that were placed in the most conspicuous places.

Although he is not a person who likes to read novels very much, it still surprised him.

Raising his eyebrows, Victor finally looked away, picked up a tourist map, and paid silently after asking the price.

Behind him, Skye quickly picked up a few books unique to Zaun, dropped the corresponding money, and hurriedly followed Victor's footsteps.

Skye didn't read much novels either.

But maybe Zaun's novel... is worth a read.

At least the Zaun written in it is more real than the Zaun in the newspaper, right?

"Where is our destination?" Skye asked in a low voice when he came to Victor, "Is there a mark on the map?"

"It wasn't marked on the previous map, but this version should have..." Referring to the surrounding scenery and directions, Victor quickly locked his sight on a factory, "This is right here, that's right, it's nearby or I saw it Those who are familiar with it can ask again.”

 Carya's Small Classroom Zaun's Publishing Industry:

  From the second year of the three-year plan, Zaun's publishing industry began to flourish-partly because Zaun translated many ancient Shurima novels that are still read today, and partly because Zaun is also selectively assimilating Piltover's popular culture.

(End of this chapter)

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