Lux's Farewell

Chapter 145 [0142] Zaun's Enforcers

Chapter 145 [0142] Zaun's Enforcers

It's still early.

After finding the location of the destination on the map, Victor and Skye were not in a hurry - it was still early, and under Skye's strong request, they chose a street shop and sat down to eat something.


Objectively speaking, the taste is not satisfactory, but the portion is totally worth the price.

But both of them eat very well - Victor is not picky eater, and Skye is not picky eater in front of Victor.

The two of them finished their breakfast in silence, and then went on the road again, heading all the way to the south of Zaun.

During this process, Skye tried to speak several times, but in the end he couldn't find a reliable topic.

Originally, according to the plan, she was going to chat with Victor about Zaun.

But because Zaun has changed too much, Victor now knows Zaun better than himself, which makes many topics carefully prepared by Skye aborted.

Interestingly, since the two of them never talked much in the laboratory, they walked in tandem, not only were they not awkward, but there was some subtle harmony.

However, Skye is obviously not satisfied with this kind of harmony, she still wants to chat with Victor - it's rare that he doesn't spend time in the laboratory one day, such a rare opportunity!


Before Skye could think of a topic, a figure suddenly appeared in the alley in front of the two of them.

This guy was wearing a cloak, and he didn't look like a good guy at first glance—he seemed to be being chased. After he ran out of the alley, he ran wildly while still trying to create chaos and trouble the pursuers behind him.

And in this guy's eyes, Victor on crutches seems like a good obstacle.

Without hesitation, he stretched out his hand and grabbed Victor directly, as if he wanted to tear Victor down directly so that he could escape.

Seeing this scene, Skye subconsciously stepped forward and stretched out her arms at the same time—so, she was grabbed by the opponent and almost fell down directly.

Then, just as the bastard was about to run, Skye yanked him back and staggered him instead.

Before this guy got up, another person jumped out of the alley, stepped forward, and pressed this guy to the ground.

"Resisting arrest, escaping, and being aggressive, it seems that you are going to go to prison to reflect for a while!"

He swiftly put on handcuffs for the hide-and-seek bastard, and the latecomer immediately stood up, looked at Victor and Skye, and showed a bright smile.

"Police number 777, Wei, is on arrest mission, here is my ID - wait, where is my ID?! Oh, where is my ID?! I don't want to reissue it..."

Victor and Skye were stunned. They just stared blankly at the heroic female police officer one second, and then revealed their true nature the next moment.

Wei, who searched all the pockets on her body but couldn't find any ID, took off her uniform hat and rubbed her short pink hair irritably.

"Sorry, two, my ID may have been left in the alley, I'll get it back right away..."

As she said that, she simply locked the escaped guy on the light pole beside her, and turned back to the alley.

Five minutes later, before the captured guy could figure out a way to climb up the light pole and get the handcuffs out, Wei got dressed and came out from the alley.

"Police number 777, Wei, is on an arrest mission." She showed a dusty law enforcement officer's certificate to Victor and Skye, "This is my certificate, thank you for your help in the arrest , this is a certificate of citizen assistance..."

"Uh, I don't think I need this very much." Victor waved his hand, stopping Wei who took out a pen and began to sign quickly, "No trouble..."

"Necessary workflow, understand." Wei quickly completed a list in scribbled handwriting that looked like cockroaches crawling, and handed it to Victor, "This month's salary has been deducted terribly—I don't Thinking of going to Van der's house for dinner at the end of the month."

"Wei, right?" At this moment, the guy handcuffed to the lamppost yelled loudly, "Number 777, I remember, damn it, I will absolutely sue you in the future!"

"Let's talk about it after you get out of prison." Wei Hun shrugged nonchalantly, "Fake doctor's prescriptions, buy addictive drugs in large quantities and sell them privately. Criminals, necessary violence is allowed, you can file a complaint as you please."

"You are excessively violent!"

"I know much better than you what excessive violence is." Wei Man grinned nonchalantly, "You may be complaining for the first time, but it's not the first time I've been complained..."

"Wait a minute." Just as Wei was about to take this guy away, Victor looked at the citizen assistance certificate in his hand and suddenly said, "Wei, Violet, right?"

"Hey?!" Hearing Victor call her full name, Wei turned around with some joy, "You recognized my signature! Haha!"

"Sorry, no." Victor shook his head, ruthlessly shattering Wei's illusions, "I just knew Fulgan's Tavern."

"Oh." Wei put away her smile and snorted indifferently, "May I ask you, Mr. Citizen, do you have anything else to do? If not, I will take this guy back to the police station..."

"Uh, it's like this." Victor took out the map and pointed to a place on the map, "I'm going to visit my former teacher here, but because Zaun has changed a lot in recent years, I want to ask Can you confirm, is Singed's alchemy factory still here?"

"Singed's alchemy factory?" Wei's eyes sharpened instantly, "Singed is your teacher?"

"That's right." Victor nodded, not noticing the change in Wei's expression, "I used to study with him for a while. When I was young, I went back to Zaun to meet him..."

Then, before Victor could finish speaking, Vi stuffed the whistle that was hanging on her chest into her mouth.


The piercing whistle rang through the entire street, and after a while, the law enforcement officers who were standing guard, patrolling, and even on vacation rushed over one by one.

A dozen or so people directly surrounded Victor and Skye in the center.

"It's him!" Wei grabbed the struggling drug dealer with one hand, and pointed at Victor with the other, "He said he was a student of Singed, and he came to see Singed this time——I suspect him Possibly a spy!"

At this moment, Victor and Skye were dumbfounded.

Victor thought his trip to Zaun was to meet his teacher.

Skye thought his trip to Zaun was for a date and meeting his parents.

But in fact, the first stop on their trip to Zaun was the Law Enforcement Bureau.

 Kalya's Little Classroom Zaun Law Enforcement Process:

  For the law enforcement process of law enforcement officers, Zaun has quite detailed regulations.

  Old fritters from dark alleys are very good at taking advantage of loopholes. When they become the makers of the law, it is difficult for the law to be taken advantage of. Therefore, the whole process is very strict, and any behavior that does not follow the rules needs to be reported without sufficient reasons. The light ones are fined and demoted, and the heavy ones are simply investigated for criminal responsibility.

  As for the impulsive Wei, her salary was fined in the first month—she didn't have any bad intentions, but things like forgetting to provide evidence of citizens' assistance and forgetting to show their certificates happened from time to time. occur.

  There are more changes at night.

(End of this chapter)

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